A Dispatch from Club Tropical Excellent

Hello, hello. I’ve been busy tending to my harem of illiterate exotic beauties in between two hour gym sessions by the beach, and lost track of what was going on in the rest of the world outside of keeping an eye on my 10 million dogecoins.

Let’s see if I missed anything: the global south is currently making a run for the border in hopes of a new amnesty, the United States seem poised for Days of Rage 2: electric boogaloo, basic commodities are in a hand over fist increase, and Americans are buying guns for the same reason your dog hides under a blanket before the thunderstorm arrives.

There’s likely stuff I’m missing about Biden being doped to the gills with adenochrome, Harris as the actual president, and the dispartate treatment between Grandma walking around the Capitol and Antifa trying to burn down a federal court house in Portland, but it’s all the same “late decline” all empires go through. Someone said there was a great deal of ruin in a nation (true), but here in the modern age everything moves faster. Oh yes, let’s not forget the FBI and CIA (and just about all of the security state) transitioning into open regime enforcers burning through their human capital to replace the James Angletons (he/him) with blobous purplehaired eunuchs loyal to the state for their hormone treatments.

Say what you will about East Germany and the USSR, but Vlad Putin or Markus Wolfe would never have tolerated what is going on in the CIA or FBI. There was too much at risk, and the stakes were far too high.

I’ve cast my eye at the enemy, the yeast-humans who hate beauty and live by bioleninism (A term for another time, but physiogomy does not lie). Though to be fair, most of the GOP falls under that heading as well, demanding their voters return to Bush II era conservatism while trying to pretend 2016 – 2020 never happened. Trump couldn’t sneeze without a Hawaii judge ruling it was unconstitutional, yet here is Biden demanding 200 days of masks while herding in the maskless Third World. Oh yeah and indefinite solitary confinement for the “insurrectionists” who strolled the Capitol. Maybe those held should call themselves Uighurs so the GOP or Trump might give a shit about their treatment.

I’d be worried, I guess, if I wasn’t in the summer of my years with a 405 lb bench press, hundreds of ounces of silver, and the ability to hit a man size target at 500 yards 5 out of 5 times with a high caliber rifle.

This is tongue and cheek of course to some degree, better to smile at the devil while your finger is on the trigger after all. That being said I have a growing sense of unease for the future. It feels like 2008 in ways but even worst without the margins we had then. America now is not the nation it was five years ago, let alone over a decade. An entire generation is going to find itself losing EVERYTHING: jobs, status, lifestyle in the middle of their life. Meanwhile they’ll be told by TPTB (through ‘influencers’) that to complain is racist and only badwhite proles are racist. Eat the bug, live in the pod.

There has been much made by liberal bigbrains about how stupid hillbillies vote GOP because the Left is the party of the Darkies, but as usual this is mere projection. The real “voting against yourself” is the way the Left will sacrifice their neighborhoods, children, and livelihoods to not be associated with Appalachians borderers. ‘Borderers’ doesn’t quite sound right. Lets call them Reavers. Appropriate.

Wild times are ahead. Best prepare.

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11 Responses to A Dispatch from Club Tropical Excellent

  1. Tess says:

    “An entire generation is going to find itself losing EVERYTHING: jobs, status, lifestyle in the middle of their life”

    Just recalled this I read some days ago…


    Those who are not going to jump are for sure Gates, Thiel, Schwab,

  2. Fred says:

    Buenas noches Señor Rojo. You left out Pizza Gate and sundry connections thereto. Don’t worry though, Mrs. Gates is reminding us all how she too helped keep that secret for years.

  3. longarch says:


    Various anonymous writers on the chans suggest that we will see a restoration of the
    Constitutional Republic much sooner than 2030. Let me just point out a few highlights:

    A: Republicans are openly willing to oppose Fauci (and if they remove him, that would save the citizens the chore of attending to him — just a chore like any other)


    B: Accusers demand Burns resign from CIA


    C: Veteran warfighters demand restoration of the Republic:

  4. longarch says:


    Various anonymous writers on the chans suggest that we will see a restoration of the
    Constitutional Republic much sooner than 2030. Let me just point out a few highlights:

    A: Republicans are openly willing to oppose Fauci (and if they remove him, that would save the citizens the chore of attending to him — just a chore like any other)


    B: Accusers demand Burns resign from CIA


    C: Veteran warfighters demand restoration of the Republic:


  5. Some Dude says:

    I wonder what some of the old school heavy hitters around here would make of Bronze Age Mindset.

    Also wonder if Secretary Austin has proscribed it yet.

    • Gallo Rojo says:

      Ah, a fellow gentleman of culture.

      I’d be curious on the good Colonel’s take as well as David Habbakuk’s.

  6. Deap says:

    Too early to throw in the towel on the good old USA.

    Two young Congresspersons are barn storming a new generation of America First supporters – Rep. Gaetz (GOP) and Rep Greene (GOP) – just the upfront shot in the arm snowflakes need to get exposed to: https://www.c-span.org/video/?511537-1/representatives-matt-gaetz-marjorie-taylor-greene-hold-rally-florida

    See them first hand – don’t believe what the media says about them. These two do not blink. How refreshing. And the media and even some their colleagues have come after them with guns blazing. Nice to see what this did to their sense of fearlessness – a quality in too short supply of late.

    • Gallo Rojo says:

      Anything short of a Sulla level event is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

      We aren’t voting our way out of this one.

    • Some Dude says:

      We’re reaching levels of denial long-considered to be impossible.

      Gaetz is the GOP in microcosm: degenerate, owned by Ziocons. Is this not obvious? Have we learned nothing from Denny Hastert, Larry Craig, Lindsey Graham, etc? It’s simple: don’t let your enemies pick your leaders.

      As we fiddle here, Republican apparatchiks are concocting new explanations for why sexual dysphoria is a true conservative value, why Jenner is the future of the party, the true successor to Lincoln and Reagan.

      I will grant that Jenner and Greene have between them more b@lls than the Federalist Society, Cato Institute and Club for Growth combined. But such a foundation still couldn’t support an outhouse, much less a viable political movement.

      Wake up: The Republican party is become a Borat movie. It has to be burned to the ground. Only then can we begin to fight the real fight.

  7. Nardami says:

    For cryin’ out loud! Can’t anyone take the trouble to establish that “Vlad” is NOT a (Russian) nickname for Vladimir; it “Wova/Vova”. Puh-leeze let’s not foist our linguistic laziness to (inadvertently?) belittle one world leader who deserves respect.

    • Ishmael Zechariah says:

      My Russian is very rusty, but I do not think you should ask anyone to call Vladimir V. Putin “Vova” . Both diminutives of Vladimir (“he who rules the world”!), “Volodya” and “Vova” are affectionate forms, normally used by close friends and relatives, with “Vova” being the most affectionate.
      It is possible that some use “Vlad” for subliminal control, to associate Putin w/ Vlad-the-Impaler. This is then repeated by others who know little and could not care less.
      Ishmael Zechariah

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