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- Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth Renames Fort Liberty to Fort Bragg
- Worldwide count lets backyard birders ‘be part of a great big effort’
- Baltic grid divorce will further isolate Russian exclave in the EU
- Trump’s suggestion that US ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip is rejected by allies and adversaries alike
- “Trump says he will continue funding Ukraine’s war effort — but he wants something rare in return”
- In NASA asteroid samples, scientists discover key building blocks of life
- Thoughts on the Potomac Air Crash
- Rubio, Kallas agree to exert maximum pressure on Russia
- “Apple calls Bullshit on the AI Revolution”
- Possum Point powers up for data centers
Who, what is Turcopelia?”
I am the Turcopolier of SST.
If you can’t work it out …
Ah, the Da Vinci Code.
We hear and obey……
I suspect your patience will be tested in the aftermath of the election. I hope for a clean and unequivocal Trump victory.
I am a member of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre which is part of the papal household. Like the Hospitallers, the Templars and the Teutonic Knights EOHS had local auxiliary troops during the period of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. My life’s work was among the peoples both Christian and Muslim of the Levant. Someone suggested that “turcopolier” would be an apt name for my domain.
Thanks to you, I did some research and got a little history lesson.
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre, if it is part of papal houselhold, may want considering your membership…due the way you talk about the Pope..Francis…
Col, if readers, commenters & guest authors haven’t figured out how you run things yet, they never will. A benevolent dictator’s moderated blog is about as good as it gets these days on the internet. If folk have heartburn over your mode, as the saying goes, “if you can’t stand the heat…”
The magisterium of the order is free to expel me whenever they please. Perhaps you will suggest it. BTW, history has no “curve. ” Nor does it have a pattern. History is just things that happened. Your assumption that the Left is mankind’s future is laughable. This delusion is widely held by communists. BTW your constant harassing comments about my cooking are also laughable. If you are actually a 16 year old girl and not a trolling group, you are an ill mannered and badly raised brat. A trolling group is more likely. The goal of trolls is always the same. That is to wound so as to silence. Good luck. I see that your current visible IP is in the Basque country. Perhaps that accounts for your odd Spanish.
Escarlata/Elora Danan is most certainly not 16, a year or two ago I did a little digging and found her/him’s old account on a certain internet forum from quite a few years back. The posts from the account had the same weird “forced ESL” pattern of speech as she/him uses on SST, so I knew it was a match. Can’t be bothered to find the account again now, but whoever is behind this character is nowhere near that age.
Escarlata is quite enamored of you. Could you prevail upon Escarlata to post a selfie? Please!
And I am single, okay looking, and with a modicum of wealth.
charlie wilson
sorry, but I am not your type.
charlie wilson
It would be interesting to see what picture she/it/he/they would post.
Maybe Escarlata can ask Hunter to post those screen shots of her playing Elora.
“History is just things that happened”.
Ibn Khaldûn would disagree, but he is dead some 600 years ago, so…
I discovered Ibn K. recently, through a French scholar, Gabriel Martinez Gros, an historian specialist of IK and his methodology.
His methodology to understand the rise and decay of Empires/States appears to me as fruitful, and Martinez Gros used it to analyse the current rise of jihadism.
I tried to find an english translation of Martinez Gros’ book, but unfortunately, there is none.
Unless Europe and of course America, the Ibn K. methodology is very well adapted for Roman empire, ME empires (greek, persian, arabo-muslim, ottoman) and especially Chinese empires…
Phillipe Truze
Khaldun describes the cycle of the rise and fall of states in the context of North Africa and to some extent of the rest of the ‘Umma. He does not dictate a future governed by his observations. He merely observes and describes the phenomena. Khaldun does not indicate that Allah desires the certain development of human society along a certain path.
I was amazed to read in the Muqaddimah that IK’s ideas on evolution predated Darwin’s by almost 500 years.
You are right, stricto sensu. That is why I was mentioning some actual scholars using his methodology to analyze empires in other parts of the world and in other centuries. Martinez Gros is a French one, but many english-speaking authors did the same.
And when a theory is “sticking” to historical events – like the cycles of rise/decay of China, or the Moghol in India for example – one cannot conclude that “History is determined” of course, but at least one can test this theory to some contemporain on-going mutations (like the rise of islamism with G.Martinez Gros).
But I stop here : you – especially you – and me have better to do these days…
But if I had your postal address, I would be happy to offer you, for Christmas, the GMG book on jihadism, using the tools of Ibn K. : “Fascination du djihad
Fureurs islamistes et défaite de la paix”
Best regards,
@ Leith : IK has been the “first” in many domains : sociology, scientific approach of history, and he was the very first in introducing economy in political/historical analysis : he was the first to describe “gains de productivité” (productivity’s gains ?) as the way to increase wealth at the empire level.
And, in a domain I know a little bit, how to understand the real nature of Talibans without the concept of “assabiya”?