Introduction: I found this site back in 2000 or 2001. It was still online in 2010, but I decided to save it because those old internet web rings were disappearing fast. It was created by a Lithuanian who lived through the events of January 1991 when Soviet troops made their last attempt to return Lithuania to the Kremlin’s fold. Fourteen were killed and hundreds injured defending the Parliament and the TV tower from Moscow’s tanks and troops from both the KGB and VDV. His take on the Forest Brothers, as the Lithuanian resistance fighters are known, is unique. He likened them to hippies and heavy metal musicians. Unfortunately, I was still in covered status and I could not contact the creator of Heavy Metal in Lithuania. 430 mile human chain across the Baltics known as The Baltic Way.
I am posting this here on Turcopolier firstly to preserve this unique work. Secondly, I want to impress on many here the ability and, indeed, imperative, for some people to fight for their freedom against insurmountable odds even without Western assistance. For anyone interested, I also wrote a short research paper on the Lithuanian resistance back in 1983 as an assignment during the Special Forces Officers Course.
This site is tribute to the very first Hippies of the Modern world. Woods were their home. They used to recognise each other by long hair and freedom in their eyes. They never surrender. 23 000 fell… They were persecuted, tortured and killed by brutal troops of huge invader’s army. They were waiting to Free World to come with the help. But “free world” sucked…
The date of World War Two 1939-1945 is not correct! Here in Lithuania WW2 never ended in 1945! Stalin and Hitler started this war by signing a pact in 23.08.1939. All 3 Baltic States was the one of the first and the last victims of WW2. World War Two to all Lithuanians ended only in 1993, when the last soldier of Russian occupation forces has left our soil. In 1944-1953 we still have had WW2 in Lithuania – the vast armed resistance against outnumbered Red Army NKVD troops. 23.000 Lithuanian Freedom Fighters fell – they never surrender alive (this was unwritten rule). The most common way to do so was to burn all underground documents first, and to blow a grenade, as closer to the face, as possible.
Because Russian bandits used to expose publicly remains of Forest Brothers (naking their dead bodies, disgracing them) in the main squares of towns and villages of occupied Lithuania for a weeks long. Mainly in front of NKVD headquarters. They forced local people to pass by. And if someone’s mother, sister, sweetheart or wife could not stand not to show a shadow of grief, they were arrested to be sent to Siberia. Forest Brothers were forced to forget their real names and use pseudonyms for the safety of the members of their families, or what was left of them… Russians called them “bandits”, but occupied nation named them “Forest Brothers”, “Greens”, “Lithuanian Partisans”, supported them with shelter and food. Upon possibility, they were wearing Lithuanian army uniforms, acting under strict commands of their officers. Living underground in well covered underground bunkers in forests and farms. The average term of staying alive in such conditions was 2 years only. Few managed to survive longer. The last one – legendary SIAUBUNAS was shot dead only in 1965, fighting and waiting for Free Democracies to come with the help. Was it right to help them?
Was it right to stop mass suffering of 1,5 million people from Kosovo a short time ago?!… Seeing on TV this endless line of thousands refugees forced from their own homes in Kosovo reminded me something. We – approximately twice as big population, as of Kosovo, did suffer the same kind of cleansing in occupied Lithuania. But there were some differences. It was year 1941; 1945-65 but not 1999. It was not paramilitary or military Serbs, but Russian NKVD (KGB ancestors) divisions. It was not Slobodan but Stalin. There were no military, or at least, moral support for Lithuanian partisan war against Soviet Union Army, till the last one was shot dead in 1965. More than 23.000 of Lithuanian Freedom Fighters have died, fighting and hiding in the forests and desperately waiting for any sign of possible help from Democratic countries. And there was none… And there was none even humanitarian support from Stalin allies – USA, UK, France… to help our nation settle down in Siberian labour camps. We were left completely alone to stand this. And we did.
I had the echo of the same feeling in 13th of January of 1991, while standing unarmed in front of our just freely elected Parliament in Vilnius and waiting for modern NKVD troops to enter, and any support from powerful Democracies… This all history already. And Lithuania is hardly working to restore its democracy, economy to join EU and NATO. But Lithuanians would better prefer to beat Russians and Serbs in Basketball arenas but not real war… How lucky Kosovo Albanians are that they were not left alone. I think everyone from those 23.000 of Lithuanian partisans would agree with this.
There was Nuremberg trial to punish Fascism for its crimes. It’s time for Communism in the name of its more than 100.000.000 victims to do so. If you have some doubts about facts or numbers, please go to Vilnius to The International Congress on Evaluation of Crimes of Communism.
I’ve started this project “Heavy Metal in Lithuania” not as amateur historian, but as an artist. Sorry to say, but there is a gap and lack of information, attention and respect for those, who remain in proud standing, when others shamelessly fell on their knees… The Younger generation is really missoriented by the well done propaganda, led mainly from Moscow. I just want to show our Freedom Fighters in a different light. I’ve put this site in Top 100 LT ranking in Music category, to point to the kids, that there were heroes in Lithuania living next door, underground… And they looked really cool, much better, than some metal music bands. Imagine the electric guitars, but not guns, in their hands, and you’ll find those images very familiar… I remember the time (10 years ago) when having such a Forest Brother picture was extremely dangerous and could led to KGB prison. So many of such photos of our heroes were simply destroyed. Some were found in KGB archives in Vilnius. Some of them with other partisan documents are still hiding somewhere underground in metal cases, waiting for some lucky coincidence to be uncovered.
Concerning first “hippie” movement this is other issue about our resistance. I was touched by philosophy of hippie movement during my younger years. The sacrifice of Romas Kalanta and events in Kaunas, following it, was our Woodstock. It gave me a lot of inspiration for my following art and political activity. I’m pretty sure, that while living on the very edge (without LSD or other drugs), they really first caught the wind of Freedom, that have came to Free World a bit later in late 60-ties. One of the main signs of it was long hair, as form of protest to the surrounding society and image of free men… So they were the very first hippies for sure! And they set us free!
East Lithuania. Jonas Bartašius – SAULIUS (fell in spring of 1950), Bronius Kazickas – SAULIUS, KRIVAITIS (poet, editor of underground papers, published in the woods), Teofilis Limba – SAKALAS (fell in April of 1951). 1949-1950. Photo from “Laisvės kovų archyvas” No.20. KRIVAITIS, as most of Lithuanian hippies, did not surrender, but shot himself, when Russian NKVD troops found and surrounded his studio (“bunkeris”) in April of 1950. (Photo from “Laisvės kovų archyvas” No.11)
Duo from Žalioji regiment: Vladas Jurgaitis-DAGILIS (1921-1994) with Heavy Metal CD-player and Povilas Kauneckas-KIRVIS (?-1983) with guitar. Photo (from “Žuvome dėl tėvynės”, Kaunas 1999) was made before 1948. Both were captured alive. Writings (Names) on the picture was made in Russian by DJ from NKVD recording studious.
From l. to r.: J.Puodžiūnas – ŠERKŠNAS (“Hoarfrost”), J.Gražys – VIESULAS (“Tornado”) (fell in13.02.49), J.Urbonas – LAKŠTUTIS (“Baby Nightingale”), A.Augulis – VĖJAS (“Wind”). LAKŠTUTIS was a teacher in the preliminary school before Russians forced him to the forest. The leader of Perkūnas detachment from October of 1946 till fell in 02.02.48. Picture from “Laisvės kovų archyvas” No.27, Kaunas 2000.
Juozas Staškevičius – ŪDRA (“Otter”) from Eglėkalnis village. Used to play heavy metal in Anykščiai distr., Jovaras company, Perkūnas, Užugiris detachment. 28.01.49 was heavily injured in his underground studio (“bunkeris”) in Kirkai village and was not able to destroy himself. Was captured alive by NKVD and sentenced to 25 years in GULAG plus 5 years exile to Siberia. Tortured by NKVD UDRA never betrayed any of his brothers in arms. He can’t stand it any more and in 1952 committed suicide in some Communist labour camp in Magadan. Picture from “Laisvės kovų archyvas” No.27, Kaunas 2000.
Jonas Staškevičius – AUŠRA (“Dawn”) from Eglėkalnis village (brother of ŪDRA, not in arms only); in 1948-49 was leader of heavy metal band Užugiris, later Perkūnas in Jovaras company, Anykščiai distr. Farther down – Užugiris band leader Povilas Grumbinas – AŽUOLAS, fell in 24.09.49 in Ažuožeriai village, Anykščiai distr. AUŠRA gently playing blues with his heavy metal lead guitar and didn’t know yet, that soon in 28.01.49 will be betrayed and surrounded by Russian soldiers when hiding underground in bunker together with his wife Genovaitė Staškevičienė – ŽIBUTĖ, brother Juozas – ŪDRA and Povilas Zubavičius – DŽEKAS (“Jack”). They all 4 were blowed up with granade, but two only were happy to be killed on place. ŽIBUTĖ and ŪDRA were captured alive, terrorised and sentenced 25 years of GULAG plus 5 years exile to Siberia. After tortures and GULAG ŽIBUTĖ was released, but died on her way to home in 1956, in Moscow. Picture from “Laisvės kovų archyvas” No.27, Kaunas 2000.
Second from the left standing Bronius Jakubonis – STIKLAS (“Glass”). NKVD record company issued Grammy reward (10.000 Russian roubles) only for information to get STIKLAS in their studio for rehearsals. In September of 1949 after injury he was hidden in some farmhouse. But Russian forces surrounded this studio. Stiklas shot one NKVD officer and blown up himself with grenade. Owner of the house was sentenced 25 years in Siberian prison. STIKLAS brother fell in 1950; his 3 sisters were sentenced to exile in Siberia. Picture from “Laisvės kovų archyvas” No.27, Kaunas 2000.
Guardians of Jonas Žemaitis (President of underground Lithuania). In the centre (with the hat) Vytautas Baranauskas – DANTĖ, VĖJAS (fell in 4th of July of 1952, fighting and waiting for America and the rest of free world to come with the help…). Photo from Gaškaitė-Žemaitienė “Žuvusiųjų prezidentas”, Vilnius 1998.
From l. to r. standing: Steponas Matelionis – AGRONOMAS (“Agronomist”) (1923-1951), K.Puodžiūnas – TITNAGAS (“Flint”), fell in 1950, V.Rinkūnas – VĖTRA (“Tornado”) from Želva, J.Petrauskas – LAIMUTIS fell in 30.04.1949, Stasys Mikelevičius – BIJŪNAS (“Peony”) (1930-1950). BIJŪNAS fell in spring. His eldest brother Pranas was captured, terrorised and butted to death by Russians in 13.12.1944 without any reason. His uncle Vladas fell in the same year. Another brother Vytautas PAPARTIS (“Fern”) fell in 07.05.1947. Laying from l. to r.: A.Širvinskas – ŠALMAS (“Helmet”) from Balninkai, J.Rokas – BERŽAS (“Birch”) from Želva. AGRONOMAS, VĖTRA and ŠALMAS fell in 16.03.1951. Picture from “Už mylimą tėvynę”, A.Šiukščius 1991.
Four from VAIDOTAS BAND (Kestutis region) in early 1950-ties. From l. to r: Juozas Šukaitis – GINTAUTAS, Jonas Vilčinskas – ALGIRDAS, Vladas Atgalainis – ?, Antanas Armonas – ZUBRYS, ARVYDAS. Photo from N.Gaškaitė-Žemaitienė “Žuvusiųjų prezidentas”, Vilnius 1998.
Heavy Metal group from PAPARCIAI location during lunch break between underground sessions (region “Didžioji kova”). Photo from Stanislovas Abromavičius “Didžioji kova”, Kaunas 1999.
Heavy Metal group with heavy metal instruments from ŽEMAITKIEMIS (region “Didžioji kova”). Photo from Stanislovas Abromavičius “Didžioji kova”, Kaunas 1999.
Ipolitas Pankinas – AUDRA. This photo and his reggae like image was made by MGB/NKVD (former KGB) producers during long and tuff session in Pabradė MGB studious. But “Audra” wanted to set us free and didn’t sign the contract with MGB for new re-covers, and was shot dead in 1952. Photo from “Lietuvos naikinimas ir tautos kova 1940-1998”, Vilnius 1999.
Pranciškus Prusaitis – LAPĖ (“Fox”) – in the center (1928-1963.06.13). Never surrender. Leader of headquarters guardian groups in “Kęstutis”, “Prisikėlimas” regions. Liaison officer. Was injured. In 1962 was betrayed and captured by Soviet KGB troops. In June of 1963 was killed by occupants. One of the last active hippies of Lithuania. Managed to hide from Russian occupants 3 big containers full of documents about free hippie’s movement. Photo from “Žuvome dėl tėvynės”, Kaunas 1999.
Antanas Kraujalis – SIAUBUNAS (1928-1965). One of the best known Lithuanian Heavy Metal musician. He stayed active in the Lithuanian charts till 1965 03 17, when KGB forces with the help of Russian KGB lieutenant Marijonas Misiukonis (now living in Vilnius) surrounded his private studious. He played very well and didn’t surrender. Photo from “Lietuvos naikinimas ir tautos kova 1940-1998”, Vilnius 1999.
When the Germans showed up in 1941, the Lithuanians jumped on the murder all the jews bandwagon. What was that all about?
A lot of that was due to pure antisemitism, largely shaped by the Roman Catholic faith at the time. Another factor was the behavior of many Jews during the first Soviet occupation. They collaborated with the occupiers against the Lithuanians. Some heroes of the resistance were later found to be complicit in the rounding up and killing of Lithuanian Jews.
Thank you for posting this episode about the valiant resistance against the Soviets. God Bless the eternal memory of these heroes!
Interesting weapons. They look to be mostly captured, one or two from the Germans I think but most taken from the Soviets. Those Degtyaryov machine guns with what looks like an attached Motorola for a magazine were used by the VC. The NVA regulars had a modernized belt-fed version.