“Barbarism!” cries Samantha Power at the UN


I am at a loss to know what the US, the UK and France think they are going to accomplish at this special session of the Security Council.

Samantha Power seems deranged.  Her desire to impose R2P solutions on the world are now expressed in speech and behavior outside the norms of international relations unless war is a desired outcome.  Does she really think that the US should fight Russia?  Or does she think like that strange man, McCain, that the Russians and Syrians would not fight to prevent the establishment of a NFZ that obviously would become a haven for the jihadis?

Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council.  Russia will veto any resolution it sees as antithetical to its policy and interests.

What kind of charade are we seeing at the UN?  pl


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61 Responses to “Barbarism!” cries Samantha Power at the UN

  1. Pvp says:

    Next move to get Russia suspended from security council?

  2. turcopolier says:

    IMO there is no way to do that and if you could you would be asking for a US-Russia war. Do you live near a significant counter-force or counter-value target? I do. pl

  3. Peter says:

    “What kind of charade are we seeing at the UN?”
    The first stage of an attempt to put together a coalition of the willing to take on Russia in Syria is perhaps the only explanation.
    The UN show is for public consumption, not diplomacy.

  4. João Carlos says:

    I fear us government really want a war us/ russia war.

  5. mike says:

    Samantha Power is a monster. No way she should ever have been given a diplomatic position except maybe to a post across the Atlantic in The Fair City of her birth. She is disliked and hated by the Hillary supporters as much or more than by this Committee of Correspondence.

  6. irf520 says:

    Maybe the “October surprise” this time round is the start of WW3 …

  7. Fred says:

    “… a statement signed by 30 mainstream rebel groups…” I wish those reporters would start asking just who those groups represent since they seem completely unable to recruit any of the 11 million refugees to sign up to ‘liberate’ their country.
    From the Power speech to the UNSC:
    “the United States leads a 67-country coalition that has rolled back 40 percent of ISIL’s territorial holdings in Iraq and Syria, and which each week liberates more desperate civilians. That is why the United States negotiated the recent agreement with Russia, signaling that we were prepared to work with Russia to fight Jabhat Al-Nusra and ISIL in Syria.”
    What world is she living in? A coalition we’re leading has “rolled back” ISIL holdings? Ah, yes, the desert, is now mostly ISIL free? Well I’m sure the Russian Aerospace forces have more to do with that than whatever coalition of the willing Barrack and team have assembled.

  8. BabelFish says:

    Could it be she is feeling all the grand plans for R2P/NeoCon hegemony slipping away? That the game has been exposed, both in America and in Europe (Brexit) and the window for winning this stupid, sordid game they have been playing is now closed. She acts, as Lincoln said of General Rosecrans, like a stunned duck that has been hit on the head.

  9. ISL says:

    If it was just the US I would assume electoral political motivation. With UK and France joining, my hunch is to keep the Europe on the sanctions – if one or more countries broke the sanctions before the election, it would be bad for the meme that the status quo in foreign policy is totally awesome. As to why they (France) would countenance unprofessionalism on the part of Powers/the US, one might assume that the wheels are coming off that policy…

  10. wisedupearly says:

    given the closeness of Obama’s end in the WH I feel another book by the UN screecher.
    Title to be “The Problem with Hell (the UN)” & intended for the young adult section.
    But really this is more worrying than facile.
    Escalating threats of unilateral NFZ? or rather trilateral NFZ?
    That would suit Powers no end. Remember the cry of Bush admin in Iraq? “We fixed it and Obama screwed it all up.”
    If Obama does not quiet the children NATO is at risk.IMHO.
    WWII is a hell of a long time ago and Russia is now the rational one?

  11. Cortes says:

    Isn’t it notable that the UK (perhaps others?) has joined the AIIB whilst making soothing noises for the benefit of its “tired and emotional” big brother with the sawn-off shotgun in his unsteady grasp?
    Interesting times, as the Chinese say….

  12. Babak Makkinejad says:

    This just more boisterous diplomacy, like when Khrushchev started beating his desk with his shoe.
    US, Turkey, Gulfies, Europeans are powerless to protect their equities in Aleppo area; so they are throwing a diplomatic fit.
    I suspect that some sort of negotiations will resume after anti-Assad forces are annihilated in the Aleppo area. May be in a few weeks.

  13. michael brenner says:

    What aspect of US actions in the Middle East over the past 14 years has not been a charade in some sense – even if thousands died?
    What we’re seeing now is not purposeful behavior, but self-affirmation – primal scream, not diplomacy.

  14. Jack says:

    There can be no doubt that Obama -Clinton are warmongers. During Obama’s two terms we have been in an undeclared war continuously. I’m not sure there is any president who was at war for their entire two term presidency. They are now intent on baiting the Bear. Their IO has been ramped up and we see non-stop stories in the MSM that are anti-Russia. Reminiscent of Bush-Cheney’s WMD propaganda. Fascinating to see Democrats dissonance as they’re silent as the tom-toms are beating. Samantha Power is not speaking in isolation. She is following the instructions of her boss.
    I’m sure the Borg Queen will be trying to tar & feather The Donald tomorrow as the Manchurian Candidate and a traitorous apologist for the “thug” Putin. I hope Trump will continuously point to her disastrous judgment.

  15. Harry says:

    I am a member of an email group of ex employees of an advisory firm that called itself a macro intelligence consultancy. It’s where I first came across Col. Lang. Some of my ex-“colleagues” had spent time in the CIA. They consider themselves experts on russia. I spent some time in Russia and I consider them russia haters. It is their considered opinion that a) russia is weak b) russia and Putin have no will to resist. c) russia is evil.
    I do not share their views, other than russia is weak. But it is not sufficiently weak to roll over for the neoconservatives.
    This “error” is the consensus through Washington as far as I can tell. The belief that russia will fold if pushed, and that it is morally right to push the Russian regime to the point where it collapses.
    You might not like Putin, but I would bet a lot of money you won’t like what comes after him any better.

  16. Harry says:

    R2P is just another silly excuse for imperialism. Old wine dressed in new clothes.

  17. Walrus says:

    “What kind of charade are we seeing at the UN?”
    A further administration gambit leading to an attempt to paint Donald Trump into a corner as “Soft on Russia” for the benefit of HRC’s campaign.
    In my opinion such a move might succeed electorally if American lives are lost as a result of Russian retaliation for anything, justified or not.
    As Col. Lang has previously observed, such provocation could lead to nuclear war..

  18. turcopolier says:

    Are you the English “Harry?” If you are not I do not believe I know you. You “came across me?” How privileged I was. pl

  19. Pundita says:

    Money quote from FT rpt “Russia accused of supporting ‘barbarism’ over Syrian conflict”:
    “But even with Moscow’s help, Mr Assad’s forces will struggle to take [Aleppo] city. Rebels have for years dug fortifications and underground tunnels, meaning any ground invasion is likely to be long and costly.”
    RT reports China hung tough at today’s UNSC mtg called by US, UK, FR:
    “China took a neutral stance and called on the revival of the ceasefire and facilitation of humanitarian aid to Aleppo, without accusing any party for the violence. The Chinese envoy stressed that counter-terrorism effort is an essential part for resolving the Syrian conflict.”
    But China wouldn’t be able to prevent NFZ, not without severe arm twisting — but with China twisting arms one way and AL Saud twisting the other way, US-Euro envoys would start to look like pretzels.
    Of course China could twist Al Saud’s arm. That might be productive. The question is whether Xi would consider any potential gains worth it.
    In any case Axis of Scoundrels is trying like heck to gin up support for NFZ. FT features yet another heart-rending pix of blood-smeared Aleppo child awaiting medical treatment.

  20. Pundita says:

    Only slightly off topic, this ‘must read’:
    ‘We are thirsty’ say Tunisians as drought creates tensions
    Associated Press, Sept 24
    TUNIS, Tunisia – Struggling with extremism and economic woes, Tunisia now faces another menace: persistent drought across several regions that is creating new social tensions and threatening farming, a pillar of the economy.
    Fellow resident Samir Farhani says the government is concentrating on fighting terrorism “while forgetting that thirst could make us turn into terrorists.”

  21. Grimgrin says:

    It was quite amazing to read that the UK ambassador, Matthew Rycroft, walked out of a meeting of the UN security council. This is the man who wrote the “Downing Street Memo”. Though in fairness to him, I suppose someone who served as Tony Blair’s former Private Secretary during the run-up to the Iraq war would be unusually well equipped to recognize war crimes. It’s also an indictment of the media that this little fact, which entirely recontextualizes what happened here, is entirely absent from the media coverage. Every time I think I’m a cynic, I’m reminded of how totally naive I actually am.

  22. Jackrabbit says:

    What kind of charade?
    Turkey plans to move deeper into Syria (to the outskirts of Aleppo, it seems) and to create a safe-zone/no-fly zone as reported by France24:
    Also note: Turkish FM Cavusoglu “squarely blames Assad and his allies for the failure of the ceasefire”.
    What was that about a “pivot”?
    Perhaps, to paraphrase Shakespeare:
    The battle for Aleppo is the thing that will catch conscience of the Sultan.

  23. Babak Makkinejad says:

    This fellow; Pollack, calls himself Iran specialist in the Brookings Institution; never been to the country, does not speak or read Persian (or Azeri Turkish) and does not know any religious Iranians.
    I guess he cheer-led the US War against Iraq, I suppose he is desperately searching for a new war.

  24. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    A comment and a question:
    1-IMO your statement “But it is not sufficiently weak to roll over for the neoconservatives.” should be changed to “She (Россия-Матушкаis) has grown strong enough to tell the neo-cons to go fXXk themselves”.
    2-Could you please expand this “Russia is weak” idea a bit?
    Ishmael Zechariah

  25. Anna says:

    “As Col. Lang has previously observed, such provocation could lead to nuclear war..”
    The DC “deciders” are so much removed from reality that they approach the world as if some video game one can play with no real consequences. Looks like the DC has become swarmed with “the stupidest f*cking guys [& gals] on the planet.” The unfortunate result of multiplication/cloning of Douglas Feith. http://crooksandliars.com/2008/04/07/60-minutes-doug-feith-once-again-earns-his-nickname

  26. Jay says:

    Like I said, the Syrians can toss us (the US) out any time they want. They can then establish their own NFZ. The Russians? If they choose can backdoor us with the Turks and ask them to shut us down from using any
    Basing rights to launch attacks. If not? It’s still up to the US to violate the NFZ. This close to the elections? Even McCain would not be this stupid.

  27. Fred says:

    “NATO is at risk”
    At risk of what, the US leaving? Good. Russian’s attacking? With what?

  28. Bill Herschel says:

    Power is a human oxymoron. Excess is weakness (Talleyrand).
    I don’t see the British people demanding to go to war with Russia. France? Are you kidding? Visit Avenue Stalingrad in St. Pierre des Corps. Germany? It didn’t work the last time. So the supposed desire is for the U.S. to go it alone. It is all show.
    The opportunists are competing with each other to please the puppet-masters. Power has gotten where she is today by doing as she was told.

  29. FB Ali says:

    “I do not share their views, other than Russia is weak”.
    “Weak”, as compared to what?
    If we’re talking nuclear exchanges, it can obliterate the US just as much as the latter can obliterate it (and the rest of the world as collateral damage). There is no possibility of a “conventional” war between them that is either not quickly contained, or that quickly escalates.
    As far as other strategic conflicts go, it is doing quite well in Syria. Its military seems more modern and advanced than the US’s.
    Economically and diplomatically, it is not as strong as the US, but appears to be holding its own – it certainly hasn’t been intimidated by the US.
    I suggest that view is from the US Borg perspective; to the rest of the world Russia appears to be a Big Power.

  30. turcopolier says:

    FB Ali
    we are presently under attack at SST by Clintonistas, R2Pers and various kinds of neocon. I block from view the most obnoxious. It is now clear to me that the US has in large part come to be ruled by fools who think we bestride the earth and that we can by exertion of our collective will rule the world. It is expected by such people that all that is needed is a forceful leader who will call all the earth to submission. pl

  31. turcopolier says:

    At what point does the type and weight of ordnance indicate a “war crime?” We Americans should be very careful about establishing such standards of judgment.

  32. FourthAndLong says:

    Given the collapse of oil prices the main problems of the RF are, and most likely will be economic. And many wiser Russia hands acknowledge that you are correct in that Putin, truth be known, actually keeps much darker forces in abeyance. Given the economic downturn expected in the RF, it’s not clear to me why anyone would want his job. He and Medvedev desired greatly to take Russia beyond the status of commodity exporter, but it seems the oligarchs & siloviki simpler could not be bothered. He really does not have the dictatorial powers people generaly imagine. Powerful, yes, but not an absolute dictator by a long shot.

  33. BraveNewWorld says:

    No need to get Russia suspended. If the US doesn’t get the resolution they want they will just attack any way. Besides Ban Ki Moon has always acted like a State Dept employee. The stuff coming out of the UN these days reads like it was written in Washington with as much creditability. The goal now is for the US to select who to replace Moon.
    Growing up I was always a fan and staunch defender of the UN because it gave countries like mine a voice and forced countries to compromise. Starting with Bush II the policy of the US was to destroy the UN so it couldn’t get in the way of the empire. I believe they have now fully succeeded and we might as well shut the UN down. Some thing else will follow just like the UN followed the League of Nations. But it can’t include vetos any more and needs to give a voice to every one. Not just NATO.

  34. FourthAndLong says:

    Seems ISIL is a proven military force by now. They can absorb defeat, regroup, and keep on keeping on. Could very well be in the neighborhood for another decade or more. Clearing them out wilk be a major effort, probably requiring an army of occupation. Don’t hold your breath for that. She knoweth not of what she doth speak, …

  35. Lemur says:

    Russian analysts themselves like The Saker affirm Russia is still relatively weak.
    However, Russia is not as weak as the neocons assume, and it will become stronger long term.
    Russia’s weakness is also a sort of strength. Occupying that enormous swathe of land is a constant struggle that has hardened Russians for generations.

  36. wisedupearly says:

    NATO is at risk of falling apart. Rather than America leaving, the others will politely decline the invitation to mount the ramparts to “save civilization in Syria”.
    How much pressure was applied to ensure their compliance this time?

  37. The Beaver says:

    @ BNW
    Ban Ki Moon takes orders from Jeffrey Feltman – that’s why HRC made sure that he got the USG post in Political Affairs after a stint at Foggy Bottom.

  38. MRW says:

    Which means Trump automatically wins.

  39. Dubhaltach says:

    In reply to Harry 25 September 2016 at 06:35 PM
    “I do not share their views, other than russia is weak.”
    In what way do you consider Russia to be weak?
    “You might not like Putin,”
    I do like Putin, he states very bluntly and clearly what Russia’s interests are. He also tries to avoid war. This is greatly preferable to the combination of wars of choice, warmongering, and opaque “diplomacy”, in which your country has indulged itself for the last few decades.

  40. robt willmann says:

    After the UN Security Council meeting on 25 September, the UN “special envoy” for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, gave a little press conference. It is basically 14 minutes of UN-speak–
    The bizarre and often absurd statements by Samantha Power at the UN will continue because the U.S. policy about Syria is still the same: to overthrow the Syrian government. The executive branch of the British government wants the same thing, as can be seen by the position of the British ambassador to the UN. But the British parliament stopped a military invasion of Syria in the past when it voted ‘no’, and that slowed the train down because Obama did not want to do a full military invasion of Syria without “cover” from at least Britain.
    Meanwhile, also on Sunday, 25 September, Donald Trump met with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York City–
    At the meeting were Trump, Netanyahu, Israeli ambassador Dermer, and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. Apparently, Trump’s actual sons were not at the meeting.
    Trump puts a statement on a “Facebook” page after the meeting saying that, “… Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.”
    If elected president, Trump is going to learn the hard way about the Middle East.
    Previously, Netanyahu had gone to a play in New York City and then when at a restaurant had 20 bodyguards go with him when he had to go to the restroom–

  41. Dubhaltach says:

    In reply to wisedupearly 25 September 2016 at 10:26 PM
    NATO is at risk of falling apart.
    Good that way I’m less likely to be called up to fight in some wholly unecessary and disastrous war because the American government consists of a pack of out of control warmongers.
    NATO is at risk of falling apart.
    Good that way my capital city and my country’s provincial cities and towns are less likely to be bombed because your governmment couldn’t resist starting yet another one of their wars of choice.

  42. jld says:

    The Russians endured the Mongols for two centuries, may be the learnt a few things about “endurance”…

  43. Tigermoth says:

    “Barbarism!”. Is it possible that S. Powers is just pissed off at another ruined weekend due to another UNSC special meeting? (Sarc).
    IMO, the walk out by the UK, US, and France as the Syrian ambassador was about to speak is straight out of High School behavior manuals. Surely they would need to hear what he has to say in order to respond to it?
    “Matthew Rycroft, alongside the French and US ambassadors, walked out of the session when Syria’s ambassador was called to speak at an emergency meeting demanding a halt to the violence in Aleppo.”
    As a contrast; how many times has Saudi Arabia bombed Yemeni civilians this week? no complaints from SP and friends there.

  44. Tigermoth says:

    A little humor:
    SAA vs ISIS: Cooking Competition [Video][Humor][ENG Sub]

  45. LeaNder says:

    counter-force or counter-value target?
    Hmmm? Ok, admittedly had to check.

  46. LeaNder says:

    when Khrushchev started beating his desk with his shoe.
    In my juvenile dislike of etiquette, I somewhat put it into the box of dissembling, I somewhat liked that event.
    But some time ago, I missed a bit of historical archeology on TV, there seems to have been a man of the Russian military who stopped the mad confrontation between the US and Russia. Let’s hope that this type of person still exists on the diverse layers of the US admin.

  47. Barish says:

    Well, this is…something.
    Some of you may have heard of Jürgen Todenhofer, ret. German politician who regularly tours the Mid-East. He recently had a chat with a Nusra-captain in Sheik Said-district, Aleppo, which was released in a regional paper in Germany, Kölner Stadtanzeiger. b over at his blog has already translated it:
    Granted, a lot of it will not be news here, however this here coming straight from the horse’s mouth used to be fringe stuff, no?
    “-To whom did the U.S. hand those missiles before they were brought to you? Were those missiles first given to the Free Syrian Army by the U.S. and from there to you?
    No, the missiles were give directly to us. They were delivered to a certain group. When the “road” was closed and we were besieged we had officers here from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States.
    -What did those officers do?
    Experts! Experts for the use of satellites, missiles, reconnaissance work, thermal surveillance cameras …
    -Were there also American experts?
    Yes, experts from several countries.
    -Including Americans?
    Yes. The Americans are on our side, but not as it should be. For example we were told: We must capture and conquer “Battalion 47”. Saudi Arabia gave us 500 million Syrian pounds. For taking the “al-Muslimiya” infantry school years ago we received from Kuwait 1.5 million Kuwaiti dinar and from Saudi Arabia 5 million U.S. dollars.
    -From the governments or from private persons?
    From the governments.
    -The fight is difficult, the regime is strong and it has support from Russia …?
    We will fight until the downfall of the regime. We will fight Russia and the West because the West does not stand on our side. The West only sends us mujahedin, it facilitates the way of those fighters. Why doesn’t the West support us properly? We have many fighters from Germany, France, Great Britain, America, from all western countries.
    -You have many fighters from Europe in Aleppo with the “al-Nusra front”?
    Many, many, many!
    -How many?
    I recall farsnews claiming that a Russian Kalibr-missile had taken out a command-post close to Halab city along with 30 foreign officers/agents of various countries…might not have been empty agitprop after all.

  48. LeaNder says:

    To the extend I watched reports from Russia over here, the sanctions partly result in renewed economic activity on the medium size business level. … They apparently also have negative results in the Baltic States in some cases, e.g. in communities that depend on the logistic sector. …

  49. Fred says:

    “Clearing them out wilk be a major effort, probably requiring an army of occupation.”
    The army of the Syrian Arab Republic and their allies are doing a pretty good job of cutting the ISIL forces to shreds and they can feel free to occupy their own country. We (the US) should get the hell out of their way. But I doubt that’s what you meant.

  50. Fred says:

    Well in that I agree. NATO has already served it’s purpose and should be given a nice ceremony and closed down.

  51. Vic says:

    I suspect that the Diplomatic Theater we are observing has more to do with politics and the upcoming election than any attempt to workout a political solution.
    Sit back, get a bag of popcorn and watch the show. US “diplomacy” is going NOWHERE.

  52. michael brenner says:

    On this score, we should remind ourselves of the very recent Casagrande affair. That is the “supposed” American woman journalist who was extracted in extremis from rebel (al-Nusra)held area of northern Syria for medical reasons. Casagrande is considered a fraud by ‘b” – Aug 30. Clearly she is not a journalist. Even if she were, why would al-Nusra extend such hospitality to a little known American? Two, they could hardly have been so stupid as not to suspect or know that she was on an Intelligence mission of some sort or other.
    Hence, my far-out hypothesis. All this is double cover for her actual mission: a CIA organized and sponsored approach to al-Nusra to sound them out on some sort of tactical deal. Isn’t this the kind of lunacy that has become a CIA trademark in recent years, e.g. Davis in Lahore? including relying on amateurs? And isn’t this the Obama administration in which no one respects a weak, equivocating President and does pretty much what one pleases?

  53. rak says:

    russia remains a mystery. it had one of the best primary and secondary education, world class science and all the resources a country needs to grow . it seems to me that it has not lived up to its potential. will it?

  54. Matthew says:

    RW: Just about every American presidential candidate promises (1) to move the embassy to Jerusalem; and (2) recognize the Armenian genocide. Yet once elected, neither promise is fulfilled. imagine that.
    If Trump unwittingly destroys the fraudulent Oslo Process, which mainly serves to allow Europe to trade guilt-free with Europe, how will that be worse for the Palestinians?

  55. jld says:

    Who cares if you “had to check” or not?

  56. Tigermoth says:

    Matthew, FYI: The US has an Embassy in Tel Aviv, but also a “Consulate” in East Jerusalem. It is unique in that it operates independently of the US Embassy and has the same functions as an embassy. This is apparently due to the Palestinian “State” recognition issue.

  57. xtomixx says:

    Many currents at work. Much as I sympathize with international laws, boundaries and sovereignty issues, there are forces at work that clearly have no such regard. There is much that could be discussed, but consider how US and Saudi/Qatari interests appear to be dovetailing within the Syrian battle space.
    To wit, we are told that Saudi/Qatar want to sell their natural gas directly to the European market, which has perceived itself as vulnerable to Russian blackmail — turning off the taps, etc. The way to the European markets appears to be through Syria, via pipelines and so on, though how such assets could be confidently secured often eludes my pea-brain. I confess.
    Since the US has forever and a day been preoccupied with weakening Russia — a very high priority indeed to them, and impossible to underline sufficiently — such a project is a dream come true, since it would thereby, by depriving Russia of its main economic pillar, drive a stake through the heart of the evil boogie man once and for all. A boogie man who must at all costs be kept down, up to and beyond utter collapse. Recall the recent removal of the Ukraine as buffer state, preceded by steadily moving NATO through the entire bounteously ample and brutally fought and bled for Soviet era Eastern European Warsaw pact buffer. Notice the timing of the most recent fall in global oil prices as regards Maidan/Crimea/etc.
    Parenthetically — did the Libyan incursion have something to do with Europe’s desire to secure NG supplies in light of earlier Ukrainian Oligarchical gas transit diddling? I know not, but the prospect of winter or winters without NG is a miserable one, and politically destabilizing to put it mildly.
    My point? Yes, my point would be: regard yon specter of polities messing with each other’s jugular veins. And especially attempting to virtually suffocate the RF to the point of eventual nonexistence. Which is what years of little or no hydrocarbon sales very likely may accomplish if not countenanced.
    IMO this seems a potentially very unwise way to go about business and the many tasks of survival on this beautiful blue planet. Putting a vast and heavily nuclear armed RF to the wall and standing back to witness its death throes not only turns my stomach due to my love and admiration for the Russian people, but it is very risky bordering on suicidal to say the least.
    On the whole Russia has been an eminently responsible host of Nuclear weapons. Yes, they had accidents, but they had no choice — to survive — but to develop them in great haste at the very dawn of a new age. People, IMHO, should stand back and consider what a great good fortune this has actually been. For all of mankind. Not only have they encountered and mastered all the command and control problems relevant to the God awful tasks of N war fighting, they have responsibly dealt with the contingent security issues over many decades. Although nearly no one I’ve ever encountered would ever think so, this is like an infinitely precious jewel — a great resource for humankind if people would but see it, and try to see the good in things and have faith in people and the human spirit.
    That we, the Russians and Americans have made it through these difficult burdens and tasks without yet defaulting on our responsibilities is in my view something of profound and essentially religious significance. It makes me think, despite so much evidence to the contrary, that there is great hope for the human race. But people persist in seeing evil when in fact we are surrounded by an eternally perpetuating miracle. To gossip, accuse, complain and think poorly of one another is their true avocation, one might think.
    To come back down to earth. Contemplate, for the sake of argument, the endgame of these essentially genocidal maneuvers. A defeated, starved Russian continent teeming with thousands of Nuclear weapons and even more toxic WMDs. What is the sense in such a program? In such brazen risk and overweening inhumanity and disregard?
    Everyone would do well to work to better ensure each other’s security. If the global warming fears are real — and I very much think they are — then nuclear energy may be humanity’s only serious chance at survival past the next century, in order to decrease hydrocarbon usage. How can anyone reasonably contemplate excluding Russia from such a universal task given their proven experience and expertise in such matters?
    Meanwhile it would not surprise me or many other people if the CIA believes they can accomplish the above outlined program simply by bribing all sorts of important RF elites and officials, giving them citizenship, and relocating them to wherever their hearts desire.
    No wonder Putin has created a national guard. Try, reader, to imagine the burden that man is shouldering, if you can.

  58. turcopolier says:

    You and a number of others here refuse to understand that in the US, the CIA is not an originator of policy. It is an executor of policy of the elected government. Even then it is only in the legal bounds of what is called a covert action under the national Security Acts of 1947 and 1958 that the CIA executes US foreign policy. I know that you will not believe this. you have read too many cheap novels and seen to many movies to believe me. Ah, to hell with it. pl

  59. turcopolier says:

    Someone said to me today that the Russians are simply eradicating Aleppo. IMO that is not the case. They are carving East Aleppo into bite sized pieces the better to devour them and eliminate the rebel pocket. There probably not more than 50,000 civilians left in East Aleppo. The jihadi rebels regard them as valuable as IO pawns and have refused to let them leave through corridors opened for that purpose. In fact the rebels have executed some who have tried to leave. pl

  60. Alfred Giannantonio says:

    Many thanks for this post, I totally agree with you

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