Candi C Debaca – a Communist on the Denver city council


“I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we have to move into something new, and I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources,” she continued. “And whatever that morphs into is I think what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary.”  dailycaller quoting CDebaca


We have long had an official Communist Party in the US.  This party has regularly put forward candidates for office.  I don't know of any having won office.  We should remember that John Brennan voted Communist in a presidential election before he joined the CIA. The CPUSA has always been made up of two sections 1 – The visible part and 2 – the occulted (hidden) section that was altogether the tool first of the Comintern and then later of the intelligence services of the USSR, NKVD, etc.  Members of this latter section lived under cover as non-Communists.

IMO a Communist cannot legally take the oath of office that everyone above the status of dogcatcher takes in the US on assuming office.  Such oaths always contain a phrase in which the oath taker legally swears to "defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic."  The governmental structures built by the US Constitution inherently limit the power of a "vanguard party" as it would inevitably try to move toward a "dictatorship of the proletariat."   CDebaca's red new deal would clearly require a dictatorship of the proletariat.  The Bill of Rights  (first ten amendments of the US Constitution) would stand squarely in the path of the realization of Candi's reverie.

ColoradoBrennan's false oath taking should have been challenged in court.  Candi's false oath taking should be challenged in court.  pl

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41 Responses to Candi C Debaca – a Communist on the Denver city council

  1. MP98 says:

    Brennan’s hiring and rise in the CIA certainly says something about “security” in the Fed and “counterintelligence” is actually non intelligence.

  2. divadab says:

    The reason socialists and communists are capturing minds is because the oligarchy (aka our traitorous ruling class) has sold out the native working class for the past 40 years (since St. Regan), impoverishing and immiserating them while grabbing more and more of the pie for their greedy psychopathic selves.
    As long as we have a ruling class that holds native American working class people in contempt, feels no obligation or duty towards them, this trend will continue. Apparently the Democrap party mantra is like this:
    “Brown people good, white people bad;
    Illegal immigrants good, citizens bad;
    Women and trans people good, men bad.”
    Because the whole political process is a controlled show, by people who lie habitually, and who are devoted to maintaining the status quo which maintains their and their patrons’ status. No flipping wonder people are fed up and mad.

  3. John Minnerath says:

    When Brennan voted for Gus Hall (CPUSA) in ’76 does anyone know if he was actually a member of CPUSA?
    Or was it a stupid college student “protest” vote?

  4. Fred says:

    “By Any Means Necessary” is also the name of a leftwing political group.
    “CdeBaca wrote an extensive thank you message to her supporters June 5 on Facebook.”
    “The crazy, insane idea to run against an 8 year incumbent being groomed for mayor in the most expensive district—with no plan, no team, nada—-we made it happen!”
    Capitalism is a failed system (that created companies like Facebook!), once I’m in charge (I’ll collectivize Facebook?) Free stuff for all my supporters! See ya after Juneteenth! You got all the victim groups identified. Congratulations. Capitalism failed so badly in America that millions are marching here. I wonder what system they use back home?
    I also wonder what the vote rate of “undocumented” residents was.
    “A driver’s license or identification card issued to not lawfully present and temporarily lawfully present individuals under Part 5 of Article 2 of Title 42, C.R.S.” I’m sure those driver’s licenses say “not lawfully present individual” somewhere on them.

  5. turcopolier says:

    John Minnerath – First met him when I was DATT in Saudi at Jiddah and he was a flunky analyst working for Alan Feiers who was then COS in the same embassy. He and his boss were two of the nastiest pieces of work I had seen in a long career.

  6. jon stanley says:

    because SOME of the things you note are valid, to some extent, sometimes, by some elites, it is justification for picking a dictatorial system to support? If so, then the ‘native working class’ will get what they deserve.

  7. Eugene Owens says:

    I never understood why Gus Hall, the son of Finn immigrants, continued to pimp for Stalin after the VVS bombed civilians in Helsinki and Vyborg during the Soviet-Finn War. He probably lost some cousins there. Didn’t he ever get a pang of conscience?

  8. Factotum says:

    JFK unionized public employees. That is your new power base; the public sector unions. It is critical to distinguish between government tax dollar paid workers and private sector workers.
    One cannot lump the “working class” together for these politically strategic reasons. Two very different power structures. Even though they are both workers. One group of workers bargain with elected public officials; the other group of workers bargains with private industry management.

  9. Sbin says:

    A cooperative run by citizens for their mutual benefit is a greater good.
    Often private interests use government coercion to prevent such activities.
    Government control requires coercion and is often evil and incompetent.
    Empty headed do gooders are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

  10. turcopolier says:

    Sbin Can something the size of GM be run that way? How about a chain of restaurants? Should chains like McDonalds be allowed to run on franchises? Do you not fear the Cheka and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Was Marxim-Leninism good for people in the Warsaw Pact?

  11. Fred says:

    No he did not. You might want to correct your facts and then read up on Janus V. AFSME.

  12. turcopolier says:

    Hallabina – You are a Communist. Admit it. Your crap about how bed things are in the States is exactly the kind of thing I used to hear from Communist propagandists all over the world. We do NOT want to live in a tyranny and this is not one. If it were I would long ago have been imprisoned.

  13. Fred says:

    Facebook is collectivized? You mean you don’t own as much as Mark Zuckerberg nor that you have just as much influence running that company as Sheryl Sandburg, thus you put a new meaning to the word collectivized. ” completely discredited”, which is why all those people keep coming here.

  14. turcopolier says:

    Hallabine – Well, “Yolande of Jerusalem.” You be a Communist and I could care less what you a think.

  15. elaine says:

    Hallabina, Please give us an idea of your current net worth so we may better access how much you’re putting at risk. I’m guessing not much.

  16. Jack says:

    The people of Hong Kong are showing immense courage in standing up to the totalitarian Chinese Communist Party. They understand what is at stake when they lose what limited liberty they have.
    Some 1.6 million protesting for days. That would be the equivalent of 50 million Americans out on our streets. We never protested the unPatriot Act, or mass surveillance or the neocon lies. Would we easily slide with limited dissent to either a fascist or communist dictatorship? It seems we’re sliding into a Deep State stranglehold with nary a peep.

  17. akaPatience says:

    Collectivists of today have a lot more history to refer to than did their predecessors. That they refuse to acknowledge the greater degree of failure and oppression of their chosen economic systems when compared to capitalism shows a want of objective and rational thinking. It’s puzzling when Sweden, with a population that’s less than 1/30th of the US, is cited as an exemplar, as if extrapolation of a tiny, more-homogeneous country is a practicable comparison.
    Bottom line (pun intended): Utopians are envious, irrational ideologues.
    Here’s a video that went viral a while back featuring conservative Ben Shapiro and a self-proclaimed socialist:

  18. Lars says:

    There are some historical remedies for excessive inequality and they are called the French and Russian revolutions. Hopefully, they will remain historical. The erosion of trust in the civic institutions is dangerous and the only remedy I know of is for the public to avoid voting for anyone who wants the job.You can rest assured that they are doing so for their own reasons and not yours.
    As long as capitalism is defined as increasing or keeping market share, rather than innovating, the support for it will deteriorate. When you spend more money on lobbying than on R&D, you are making yourself more irrelevant.
    I also know that deterioration is frequently incremental, but progress can be found taking big strides, at times even revolutionary ones, and crushing status quo.

  19. MP98 says:

    What nation are you from?
    English is obviously not your native language.

  20. J says:

    How did Brennan get past the Agency’s security screening process?
    And with some of the crap he’s been pulling lately, IMO merits his prosecution.

  21. joanna says:

    Well, being you a Colonel and taking into account your background, I will not admit anything if it is not in the presence of my lawyer ….
    explain. sounds a bit silly.
    Are you American? … Serious?
    my burgueoisied friends
    La Bourgeoisie could well be called “kreakliat” nowadays. The ones starting revolutions and maybe counterrevolutions too.
    OK your “bourgeoisised friends”? Means what exactly? The American “Lumpen” kreakliat starting the counterrevolution?
    Did Pat invent you? For your task here?

  22. turcopolier says:

    joanna/LeAnder/polysciprof – No, I did not invent her. I do not invent people but she/he/it/they are so outrageous that the next time it talks like that I will ban it.

  23. turcopolier says:

    J – Glad to see you are commenting again. We need a CI mind in the group. Evidently some idiot or idiots in CIA Security thought that this had been a youthful indiscretion. Surely, this then handsome, Jesuit educated young fellow could not be a secret Communist.

  24. turcopolier says:

    joanna – VPNs are deceptinve but this critter’s IP address is in northern Spain. Probably an idiot student.

  25. Morongobill says:

    Got to say this- the commies finally found a pretty face.

  26. joanna says:

    polysciprof, is that an alternative term for the idea of multiple people using the same email-address, or as I suggested alternatively, a synonym for someone suffering from a Dissociative Identity Disorder, maybe?
    Never been anything but a babbling curious nitwit. Surely no pro. Way too many self-propagating know everything or guardians of the one and only truth (polyprofessionals) around for my taste. That’s true.

  27. Chris says:

    You tell me where these ideas worked. Socialism and communism have failed consistently…and always seems to lead into a dictatorship. Air go…Venezuela. You think this policies are so great move to those countries that impose these ideals. And don’t give me Sweden or other countries that are always mentioned how Socialism has worked. Do some research and you will see they needed to in cooperate capitalism into their society because there economy was failing. Let me guess you are a millennial..the entitled generation. Everything to be handed to them. I’m sorry I am terrified of these ideals. And if need be…if a civil war is necessary I will take up arms and fight tooth and nail for the constitution of the US

  28. Barbara Ann says:

    Lars, you say:
    “As long as capitalism is defined as increasing or keeping market share, rather than innovating, the support for it will deteriorate. When you spend more money on lobbying than on R&D, you are making yourself more irrelevant.”
    OK, so who exactly should dictate the correct proportion of money spent on lobbying vs. R&D – the state? And the state also determine who stays relevant, according to its own definition of the term presumably?
    Alternatively, how about a system where the instant the market becomes aware of your irrelevance it allocates capital efficiently elsewhere. Capitalism is not defined by obsession with market share, it is the Darwinian process of allocating capital to where it is most profitable – i.e. to companies who get the balance of market share focus vs. R&D focus about right.
    You are correct that support for this imperfect system does wane from time to time. Candi’s quote above is instructive, it includes “I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources”. Well I’m sure her belief system suits her just fine, but I’d rather be guided by history when deciding how a nation should best create wealth.

  29. turcopolier says:

    What beach do you go to? Ever seen the movie, “Behold a pale horse?”

  30. turcopolier says:

    morongobill – Don’t know her heritage but she looks like one of those people of Spanish blood down in SW Colorado who have been there 400 odd years and never mixed much with people outside their community.

  31. turcopolier says:

    hallabina – Your e-mail address is “Yolande of Jerusalem.” Sounds like you submit your nonsense to your boss and they transmit it. Do they pay you by the word if you get a response? That is the usual pattern

  32. Foxbat says:

    Modern “communists” are almost entirely a product of the western New Left of the 1960s, and should not be confused with the revolutionary communists in the 20th century that overthrew nearly 2 thirds of the world who are now extinct.
    This is the “communism” of spoiled college educated bobo brats, and the proletariat is nowhere in sight.

  33. turcopolier says:

    Foxbat – Oh, bullshit! Open your eyes.

  34. turcopolier says:

    Lenore of Jerusalem or whatever the moniker is. Well, this response will get you a few golden grickels from your bosses, probably in Israeli Foreign Ministry hasbara affairs. IMO the film is Gregory Peck’s best role and the movie was fine but the subject was so obscure that hardly anyone in America was interested. The criticism was not political.

  35. David Solomon says:

    I had forgotten about that movie. After you mentioned it I remembered that I enjoyed it very much. Personally, I never much liked Gregory Peck (although my wife always has). However, I almost always enjoy Anthony Quinn and Omar Sharif.

  36. turcopolier says:

    Yolande of Jerusalem – I am not paid to run SST. If people send me gifts they are not fees. If they do not send me gifts they receive the same service as you do. No other individual or group pays me anything.

  37. David Solomon says:

    Hallabina, your reply to Colonel Lang seems to assume that he is paid. I am certain that is absolutely not true. I believe he uses donations to support the cost of operating this site.

  38. HawkOfMay says:

    Came across this the other day ( ):
    A: “We should become socialist like European countries.”
    B: “That’s not socialism! They’re capitalist countries with strong social welfare policies!”
    A: “Well, let’s adopt those policies then.”
    B: “No! That’s socialism!”
    Another quote from the given link:

    Socialism does not imply authoritarianism. Socialism does not necessitate communism. Socialist policies do not necessitate socialism. Social democracy exists.
    American social democracy (although in American context this seems to come out as “democratic socialism” although they rarely talk about actually replacing capitalism, which has traditionally been the defining distinction between social democrats and democratic socialists) has its problems when it comes to messaging, but even a cursory reading would reveal there are several major issues that are important for the American socialists. For example:
    Universal healthcare that is free at the point of delivery (be it through medicare for all or some other scheme)
    Unionization and worker’s rights in general (including things like increased federally mandated minimum wage and parental leave)
    Reducing the destructive effects of global climate change
    More effective regulation of the financial system

    I believe many Millennials, when talking about socialism, are just talking about the four major points above. The are supporting the AOCs and Bernies in the world so they can build a system where they can get through college without crushing debt, where a bad roll of the ‘health care’ dice doesn’t mean bankruptcy, where then can build a small business and still pay for health care.
    Many boomers assume that the world they grew up is the same one the Millennials are dealing with today. Millennials have valid complaints and I don’t see how they are being fixed or answered. When I went to University I was able to pay my own way through a combination of farm work during summer(s) and my reserve duty (no form of GI Bill for me, just the reserve pay). That route would result in student debt for today’s students. The option my nephew has taken ( full time US Army MOS 12N ) is an option but I’m not sure that he will keep his focus for getting that four year degree…

  39. Lars says:

    Your description of capitalism sounds good in theory, but the reality is different. Thus, we have ended up with the best political system money can buy. The problem is that an increasing amount of people deem it unsustainable and they are probably right. There is a wide discussion about how to fix it, if it can be fixed. Most idealized remedies typically fail when coming in contact with reality. Add political passion to the mix and you will have a real mess.
    We may very well face those “interesting times”.

  40. J says:

    Ms. DeBaca has no clue regarding the Communism she so cheerfully embraces.
    Bet she doesn’t know that her beloved Communism in just a short 100 year span murdered 100 Million people around the globe.
    65 Million in China
    30 Million in the former Soviet Union
    2 Million in Cambodia
    2 Million in North Korea
    1.7 Million in Africa
    1.5 Million in Afghanistan
    1 Million in the Eastern Bloc
    1 Million in Vietnam
    150,000 in Latin America
    She has no clue regarding the Monster known as Communism and what it has done to its victims.

  41. Terry Bell says:

    Castro? Maduro? Every Russian leader before their collapse. Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Never has worked and won’t. It’s for those who believe in ‘people will till the soil, and gain prosperity’ This is pure nonsense, those most inclined to believe in Communism, are those who depend on government to fund their lives, with welfare, food stamps, housing, and health care.

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