"“It is widely documented in the public record that Fox News has not only cultivated and fostered sexual harassment and misconduct, but has consistently accepted and rewarded it,” says a sex trafficking, sexual harassment, gender discrimination and retaliation lawsuit from former Fox Business Network associate producer Jennifer Eckhart and former FNC guest Cathy Areu filed today against the Rupert Murdoch-owned outlet, its former reporter and some of its biggest and loudest primetime hosts." deadline.com
"“Based on the findings of a comprehensive independent investigation conducted by an outside law firm, including interviews with numerous eyewitnesses, we have determined that all of Cathy Areu’s claims against FOX News, including its management as well as its hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity & Howard Kurtz and its contributor Gianno Caldwell, are false, patently frivolous and utterly devoid of any merit,” said a Fox News spokesperson on Monday of the lawsuit, which also names MediaBuzz host Kurtz as a defendant. ”" deadline.com
This is obviously political in its motivation. It is also contemptible. This would seem to show a certain uncertainty and insecurity on the part of the Democrats. Tucker Carlson's news show is the most watched news program on cable TeeVee. pl
Keep the pressure on with worthless allegations.
The Murdoch sons are Upper West Side lefties with the backbone of a raspberry.
The hope is that this constant drumbeat will push them over and they will start getting rid of the conservative hosts.
So are we back to ‘believe all women’, the ones accusing the LT. Gov. of Virginia or former VP Biden excluded?
“Tucker Carlson’s news show is the most watched news program on cable TeeVee.” That explains everything about these current accusations.
In their minds we should all be convinced that the disgusting “Ladies” on The View are brilliant political analysts.