De Niro wants to be cast as this guy?


"Andrew Cuomo’s coronavirus nursing home policy proves tragic"  Goodwin - 

"The letter was heartbreaking as it recounted the death of an 88-year-old woman in a New York nursing home. But it was also angry and accurate about a strange New York policy that is ­fatally wrongheaded.

“I am wondering who will hold Gov. Cuomo accountable for the deaths of so many older people due to his reckless decision to place covid19 patients in nursing and rehabilitation homes,” the letter began. “I am writing as a daughter who lost her beautiful 88 year old mother who was receiving physical therapy at one such facility.”

The writer, Arlene Mullin, went on to recount examples of the governor promising to protect the elderly because of their known vulnerability. She noted that he named his stay-at-home order after his own mother, Matilda ­Cuomo, and talked several times about protecting her.

“My mother is not expendable and your mother is not expendable and our brothers and sisters are not expendable,” Cuomo said a month ago."  Goodwin


Pilgrims – it appears that they really WERE expendable.

Roberto De Niro, he of the public "potty mouth" diatribes against Trumpy, is organizing a Horrywood ("1941" reference) production and is seeking to play Andrew Cuomo in a drama about the coronavirus plague.  Presumably Cuomo will be the heroic and effective Italian American protagonist destined to be POTUS one day.  Well, good!  Let it be!  Please God, let it be!


"Cuomo didn’t know coronavirus patients are being sent back to nursing homes"  – NY Post

"New York’s health commissioner on Monday defended a directive that requires nursing homes to readmit residents who’ve tested positive for the coronavirus — as Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed he didn’t know the policy was in place.

Cuomo was asked about the state’s policy on admitting or readmitting to nursing homes people who’d tested positive for COVID-19.

“That’s a good question, I don’t know,” the governor said.

Cuomo’s startling admission came days after the state revealed last week that at least 3,316 people in nursing homes and adult care facilities had died of coronavirus at their residences or in hospitals across the state."  NY Post


Actually, pilgrims, the body count on "non-expendables" in NY City area infection centers (nursing homes) is at 5,000 thus far.    This massacre of the "non-expendables" occurred while federally provided temporary hospital facilities were very under used.  pl

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8 Responses to De Niro wants to be cast as this guy?

  1. jonst says:

    Pudgy Bob will have to lose some weight, plus be ‘digitally enhanced’ if he wants to play the Gov. But if wants to play the Gov’s mom……

  2. Eric Newhill says:

    5,000 seems lite to me. I think the real number is significantly higher. But, yes, this is what we’ve been seeing in the data for some time now, as I precisely described on Larry Johnson’s post re; timeline/vindication of Trump.
    If not for NYC’s and NJ’s criminally negligent behavior, the US covid death toll would be meaningfully lower. There’s little need to delve into epidemiological geekery to understand why NY and NJ are outliers.
    5, 4, 3, 2, 1 here come the procommunist tools and Fauci heads to explain how it’s bad to make stuff up and that this could never really happen because policy says blah blah blah.
    And yes, please have a wet brained, has been actor play Cuomo.

  3. Fred says:

    “it appears that they really WERE expendable”
    It has certainly helped the left win the war of the narrative. The economic destruction of the health care industry and of independent business owners continues in states run by Democratic governors. That creates the crisis the left will use to impose its vision on the Republic.

  4. JerseyJeffersonian says:

    Maybe this is a bit cynical, but so be it.
    The rehabilitation hospitals/nursing homes (a not uncommon pairing of functions) only get access to money for people who are in residence at the facility, not for former residents who are in one of those federally-funded pandemic facilities, so bring ’em on back, and the cashflow is restored. The facility managers may even have believed that this was safe to do, if they thought about it at all; they’re bean counters, not epidemiologists after all. Only after the fact did the existence of a potentially risky, pecuniary incentive become clear. And boy, did it ever become clear.
    Here in New Jersey, I believe that the pervasive failure to protect some of our most vulnerable residents in such facilities is a political time bomb that is partly responsible for Governor Murphy’s intransigence about opening up ANYTHING. It is a CYA strategy to head off inconvenient questions about the signal failure of the state’s watchdog agencies to exercise vigilance and control over conditions at these facilities, in the hope that the disaster will pass largely unnoticed amid all of the fanatical virtue signaling by the Governor.
    So much for the claims of the Nanny Staters that they are competent to protect, eh?

  5. Why not De Niro? De Niro played Michael Corleone after all.
    Cuomo probably makes good theater too.

  6. TV says:

    Cuomo – another self-absorbed career politician and excessively unlikeable, whose only “accomplishment” was to be the son of another career politician with NO accomplishments.
    De Niro – a fake “tough guy” who lives in a land of makeup and make believe.
    This idiot actually thinks that he’s as “tough” as the roles he plays.

  7. Eric Newhill says:

    What you say, in re; the nursing homes/LTC facilities often having mutually beneficial financial arrangements with each other is totally accurate. In fact, as you say, they are often entities under the same cooperate umbrella. Discharging from your hospital into your nursing home/LTC facility maintains the revenue capture associated with the patient. Discharging to a more protective environment that you don’t own represents a significant loss of revenue.
    NYC and Jersey are so corrupt that I think there needs to be an investigation into who paid whom to allow the murderous discharge policy to continue. IMO, the findings would ruin someone’s presidential ambitions. Another job for Durham and Barr?

  8. Harry says:

    This how they “managed resources” in the UK too

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