"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and militant forces in northern Homs have accepted the terms for a de-escalation zone over the Al-Rastan Plain, the high command of the military reported from Damascus today.
According to the Syrian military, the Al-Rastan Plain will be under the de-escalation agreement; this will include the towns of Al-Rastan, Kafr Laha, Umm Sharshouh, and Talduh.
As long as all parties adhere to the de-escalation agreement, then the imperative Homs-Hama Highway (M-5 Highway) will be reopened for commerce in central Syria." AMN
This really sets the stage for the coming offensive to clear Idlib Province. The M5 national highway is the major access road into Idlib from the south and on to Aleppo City
You really have to give the Russians a lot of credit for their ability to broker deals like this and then to police them with their purpose built Military Police.
HTS (Al Qa'ida) is excluded from the terms of the de-escalation agreement on Idlib Province and can be fought and destroyed there without violating the agreement. pl
As a non-military person, evidently I’d like to see the Idlib offensive launched.
However, shouldn’t Deir ez-Zor be finished first? For whatever reason, the Syrians have always been keen to continue to roll on under the table Khabur oil.
IMO Idlib can be cleaned up before the oil field issue is fully resolved. pl