"It’s bound to bring out the best, the worst and the most insincere in us. The leader of the free world has fallen ill with a disease that his government has failed to contain. He is clinically obese and aged 74, both raising his risk of complications. Even so, his odds are good: most estimates put the survival rate for his risk profile over 90 per cent. But Covid could still deliver a big knock to his health and campaigning ability in the last five weeks before Election Day.
Predictably, there were those who could not restrain their spite, like the actor Dominic West and a former Hillary Clinton aide called Zara Rahim. Mr West “jumped for joy”; Ms Rahim declared that she “hope[s] he dies”. Others, political allies and opponents alike, declared they were praying for the president. Advocates of the popular QAnon conspiracy theory, who believe that Donald Trump is waging a heroic war to defeat a secret ring of Satanic paedophiles who control the world, claimed to have decoded Mr Trump’s tweet announcing his infection and concluded it was part of a brilliant plot “TO GET HER” – that is, to arrest Ms Clinton.
His survival, by far the more likely outcome, could nonetheless have unpredictable consequences. He may brush off Covid easily, affirming his self-image as “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”. Perhaps it would help his struggling campaign and encourage him to take an even more relaxed policy approach to the pandemic, unlike our own Prime Minister’s brush with death.
On the other hand, Mr Trump might suffer weeks of debilitating symptoms, irreparably damaging his macho persona and undermining his claims to have controlled or mitigated the impact of coronavirus. A lengthy illness might generate some good wishes and sympathy (as well as schadenfreude), but publics generally do not re-elect severely ailing septuagenarians, especially when gripped by the sense of crisis affecting the US. His replacement by Vice President Mike Pence would leave the Republicans precious little time to make up any lost ground, although if Joe Biden commits some politically fatal gaffe, Mr Pence could conceivably ascend the throne by default." Juliet Samuel
"a secret ring of Satanic paedophiles who control the world,"
An intriguing image and conception. Was Juliet thinking of the Tri-lateral commission, the Bilderburgs, old Etonians, or the College of Cardinals? pl
Pence & Tulsi Gabbard
lemons to lemonade
Reports of President Trump being “morbidly obese” and his experience therefore likely to mirror that of the British PM, which was pretty rough.
Apart from the fact that two individual cases, and with that age difference, cannot be so compared, that’s nonsense. Trump’s BMI based on reported figures puts him at merely a few lbs beyond “overweight”. Boris Johnson’s at 41lbs beyond “overweight. If my calculations are correct.
But a neighbour of mine, youngish and a fit lightweight, was in hospital with pneumonia for months after getting the virus. That was from the early stage of the epidemic so I’d expect treatment methods to have improved since then.
But prognostication is foolish unless from Trump’s own doctor and that I doubt we’ll get.
My wife (no Trump fan) and I (the reverse) watched the big debate. Didn’t come across to us anything like all the commentaries and accounts I’d read.
Damn silly format – that was the main problem. The moderator, in spite of all the talk of bias, looked to be coping about as well as he could within such a format. Trump gets far too impatient but we knew all that already.
The shock was Biden. Weirdly impressive in a way. Like watching a ghost come back to earth with vatic warnings. Perhaps he’s more together in more normal circumstances but I’d not feel easy letting him direct me to the nearest bus stop, let alone do anything but ride the flow if he gets to the White House.
His big electoral plus for many, I suppose, is that he’s “not Trump”. Neither I nor my wife reckoned that was quite enough.
Nor the Telegraph, it seems. I hope Trump gets over it quickly for his own sake. But, as the Telegraph headline indicates, also for the sake of the West.
As for the Trilateral Commission, Colonel, I hope it’s not what QAnon claims. Our Leader of the Opposition is a member. A snake in the grass if ever I saw one, judging from his activities in the House of Commons over the last few years of Brexit shambles, but even his worst enemies wouldn’t say he was as bad as that.
Am I the only one who fears that Trump is in real danger at Walter Reed.
Does he have anyone else who is ‘on his side, and close at hand who would caution him against taking this or that “cure.”
I wouldn’t trust Pence* as far as he could be tossed; likewise, Jared and maybe even Ivanka. Melania? How much force could she bring to bear?
*(More preferable would be a TRUMP-Gabbard ticket.)
“his struggling campaign” He pulls more of a crowd at a Minnesota Airport that Biden has pulled in all events combinted. I am sure no one wonders which candidate Harvard educated Juliet is backing with her ‘unbiased’ reporting.
I know half a dozen people in their late fifties who’ve come down with Covid. None of them have experienced symptoms beyond a mild fever and head ache for a couple days.
Physician to the President’s Letter to the White House’s Press Secretary:
Trump is experiencing shortness of breath and fever at Walter Reed. A national security event of strategic importance.
An Air Force Officer carrying the ‘football’:
Articles that pose some troubling questions:
Articles that give some reassurances:
She’s siting QANON. Whoever the heck that is, may his or hers 15 minutes pass quickly.
Nevertheless no doubt it would be best for all if Trump walked fit as a fiddle from this in a couple weeks. His passing or incapacitation could easily render this election a hell of a mess. I also distrust Pence in regards to Iran. I suspect Pence is vulnerable to being manipulated into a Crusade mentality.
This isn’t directly related, but I would like to say something about Occam’s Razor, especially since you mentioned it last week. I’m not a trained logistician (or logician), so ideally someone will come along to correct any misstatements.
Occam’s Razor is widely misused on the internet, and even here in your comment section on occasion. Occam entreats the examiner to “avoid the multiplication of entities”, which I take to mean conjecture as few elements as possible; but the colloquial form “the simplest explanation is probably correct” is commonly used to discard evidence arbitrarily. For example, the judgment that all UFO phenomena can be dismissed as weather balloons, swamp gas, or some such can only be arrived at by discarding the vast weight of evidence to the contrary. Perhaps in this age of uncritical thinking, a better rule of thumb would be “the simplest explanation which accounts for all available evidence is probably correct”.
Difficult cases defy simplistic explanations and demand conjecture, or else the TV detective show would be a dead genre.
Faced with conflicting evidence Occam’s Razor may be used to identify red herrings. Faced with mountains of conflicting evidence the examiner had best employ other tools.
To relate to the question asked the accusations of pedophilia among the so-called elites relies on a body of individual testimony, as far as I’m aware, and the accusers have a tendency to die young. The evidence that those people are covering up the highly organized pedophiliac activities (prevalent before the internet was a gleam in Al Gore’s eye) of their associates and hangers-on is greater and more diverse.
“a secret ring of Satanic paedophiles who control the world,”
Juliet is talking about QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy that maintains Mueller was working with Trump to expose the deep state, Satanic paedophiles. they also claim Kennedy is not dead and that he will run with Trump to take down the deep state. They’ve claimed on multiple occasions that all the deep state operatives would be rounded up and executed by Trump’s loyal agents. They still believe the round will begin any day now. It started on 4chan and spread from there. It’s hard to tell if this is serious or a massive joke/con job.
I don’t see Juliet Samuel as a believer in this crap. She’s just describing it. A number of Republican office holders and candidates do ascribe to the QAnon madness as do numerous cops and militia members.
All you guys hoping for Tulsi Gabbard to run on the Republican ticket ought to read more about her. She’s a progressive far to the left of Biden. I think she’s the best of the progressives out there and would love to see her in office no matter what she calls herself.
If Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano- a former Holy See ambassador to the U.S.- says the Left is all about masonry, pedophilia and satanism, that’s about it for me. Not that I was born yesterday or I had not reached to this conclusion before myself, but to hear it from such an esteemed authority as in Archbishop Vigano is the undeniable proof that the Democrats are the embodiment of corruption and Babylon no more.
Artemesia, You may be right to be concerned about Trump’s medical care but for a very different reason. It is well known that “famous and important” people often do NOT receive the best care. The reason for that is a tad counterintuitive—the medical staff fails to treat them exactly the way they would treat any other patient! They get listened to too much and overriden too little.
Weird but true.
@Artemisia: “Pence & Tulsi Gabbard”
It will never happen.
Reason #1 Born-Again-Pence would never select a Hindu for his running mate.
Reason #2 Gabbard stated she did not vote to impeach Trump because Pence would have been so much worse.
Who else remember when LBJ bared his belly to show his recent abdominal surgery scare on live TV?
Gross and very unpresidential, everyone yelled. But shrewd politician that he was, LBJ knew he had to prove it was not a heart attack that put him in the hospital, bur just gall stones or an appendicitis or whatever it was.
Partisan hysteria over Presidential indispositions has a long, long history.
Was their “concern” at the WH when Trump ran a fever? Of course.
Would the next few days be critical? Yes, because the infection, like all flu infection exposures, takes a few days to play its hand. Close monitoring under optimal settings would be perfectly appropriate right now, which is why they have a “Presidential Suite” at Walter Reed.
Was any sort of oxygen support administered at the WH of “grave concern”? No more than the thousands who now depend on a CPAP machine routinely for sleep.
Oxygen saturation levels during covid played a devilish role in early covid cases leading to many intubations which unfortunately led to many of the early fatalities and injurious side effects. Unfortunately the early outcomes due to what is now called overly aggressive treatment of an untested metric did add to poor outcomes for this infection.
Should we write off a potential biological attack on GOP members and stealth deep state saboteur Angels of Death Squad within the President’s Circle of Care? I personally am not writing this off ….yet. As we face the next few “days of concern” …..just like we would be doing for Cousin Maude or Oprah Winfrey.
For one, I say lucky him since now he does not have to worry about “getting covid” like the rest of us bomb shelter dwellers as I see more and more of my own aquaintances (of a certain age) become more frightened and more paranoid as if no progress or new understandings were learned over these past 6 months.
I also remember flu that knocked me in bed for a week, zero appetite and loss of 10 pounds while the devil and an angel fought over my body between fever and chills. What I remember most about that episode is how everyone was talking about their own bouts with this same flu that managed to turn everyone’s Christmas vacation upside down.
What I don’t remember is this all consuming hysteria- was that flu worse than this flu – or is this just one more downside of our new Information Age, which had not gripped our lives during that last siege or national La Grippe.
We used to get “sick” from time to time. So now we can’t any longer? And now we have to look at every man, woman and/or child as the Secret Spreader?
Perhaps this is in fact a return to the era of restrained and polite company. Manners, distance, visiting hour rituals, chaperones, formalities, dress codes, invitations and calling cards …………… 2020 style.
If you chase the attributions, Juliette is thinking of QAnon. It’s QAnon that is thinking about “a secret ring of Satanic paedophiles who control the world”.
I do not believe POTUS is dangerously obese. Some commenters have claimed that he is more lean and fit now than he was in 2016. Dr. Atlas has assured us that there is zero need for panic and the NY Post has reported that POTUS is feeling confident.
We all recall that POTUS was taking HCQ as a preventive measure earlier this year.
It seems likely to me that POTUS and his medical team know MUCH more about the real nature of the virus than the talking heads know.
As for a cabal of Satanists who use child abuse for blackmail – I fear that is true, but I believe that good patriots will reveal the Satanists. There is reason to believe that both Republicans and Democrats have exhibited so much decadence for so many decades precisely because they were being blackmailed by Satanists. You may argue that the blackmailers are simple criminals who do not take the Satanism as seriously as (e.g.) Marina Abramovic does, but the blackmail leads to decadence nonetheless.
“..the Tri-lateral commission, the Bilderburgs, old Etonians, or the College of Cardinals”
They come and go, like shadows in the light, some with more substance than others, and nowadays it’s Q Anon’s pedophile cabal.
Far, far from the current topic, this does get me wondering who or what amorphous hidden hand will next be labelled and so given sufficient form and shape to elevate it to the ranks of it’s predecessors.
@ Artemesia | 03 October 2020 at 11:35 AM
wrt “lemons to lemonade”
times have changed: would more likely be lemons to Lemonade® which is made with yellow snow.
PRC90 Old Harrovians? former Boy Scout leaders? Rotary Club leadership?
“satanists?” Off your meds?
polich janitor
“no more?”
Jim S
Thanks for the lecture on epistemology. Pedos on high? Are you too off your meds or a grad of an English Public School?
Tulsi has no future in the present demo Party. She is a patriot. I helped fund her campaign for that reason. She can help fund a new, Rockefeller style wing of the GOP.
Tulsi is a patriot, a progressive patriot whose military service and Hindu nationalism places her in staunch opposition to the jihadis and wary of Islam in general. She could be characterized as a Rockefeller Republican. That would leave her far outside the current GOP which seems to be careening into the arms of QAnon. She should start talking with Maryland’s Larry Hogan. They have a lot in common, especially in their pragmatism. If those two start now, they could form a new coalition, a new national party and perhaps an unbeatable ticket for the 2024 election.
It is certain that evil people use blackmail on the rich and powerful. The disgusting slave traffic of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell is a matter of public record. These blackmailers appear to be linked to people who publicly display Satanic symbolism, such as Marina Abramovic. Perhaps I am entirely wrong when I speculate that Satanists are involved in blackmail – but somebody is doing a great deal of blackmailing, and some of that blackmail involves human trafficking. If some latter-day Eliot Ness captures the blackmailers and finds that there was not a single Satanist among them, then I will be proven wrong about the Satanic part. The important issue is that the human traffickers and the blackmailers get shut down.
Hogan nearly died of cancer. I would suggest Senator Tim Scott and she as a ticket next time around.
I think calling the Epstein girls “slaves” is hyperbole. IMO, those were 16 year olds going on 30. They volunteered for the job, by their own admission. They enjoyed the money, the jet setting, the access to the rich and famous. It is not uncommon for calculating girls to realize that men look at them a certain way and that they can leverage that to make money without working hard. That demographic is not always all sugar and spice and everything nice, you know. Now that they are older and ruined, they are seeking to cash in on Epstein’s fortune. Perhaps a few of them realize that they were still children when they volunteered and that Epstein and Maxwell, as adults, should not have tempted them and, rather, should have guided them to behave responsibly with their lives; a perspective with which I agree.
As for the satanic stuff, I think bored wealthy people play all kinds of games related to subject matter that they don’t really believe in. You’re more likely to find actual satanic cults among the “heavy metal” crowd. IMO, a real satanist would scare the crap out of the NYC jet set. When I was a federal law enforcement agent I was briefly involved in some matters involving these people and animal sacrifices. We had a pretty good briefing on what was known about them and the phenomenon generally. It was different than what the media was putting out there at the time (’91? ’92?) and different from what the conspiracy theorists are still saying today.
I know several people who are conspiracy minded and they are into the satanic pedophile ring amongst world leaders theory. I have asked to see their evidence and what they have shown me is not convincing.
Hogan beat a particularly aggressive form of cancer and was declared 100% cured this year. He appears to have a lot of life left in him. I would also suggest Will Hurd as a better fit than Tim Scott on a ticket with Tulsi. Hurd is far closer to Gabbard in temperament and policy stances.
Ah, you want a second democrat party with another name.
Hurd is a nobody.
Col, you might consider a deeper dive into Q-Anon, OathKeepers, 3%ers & Proud Boys. I’m curious about your comfort level with their beliefs, rhetoric & style.
I don’t know anything about Q-anon or satanic pedophiles but there are groups working to rid the world of the laws and stigma regarding child sex. NAMBLA is the most well known group and there are others. Eric Striker names some of these groups and individuals. He traces it back to Wilhelm Reich who thought the repression of childhood sexuality to be the cornerstone in the development of the authoritarian personality. I don’t think Reich promoted adult sex with children. Striker thinks Jewish multi-culturists see the acceptance and the legality of pedophilia as the way to destroy the authoritarian mindset, which they associate with National Socialism and Stalinism, both existential threats to the Jews.
I looked at their sites. Fantasists, but unseen by you are millions and millions who will say nothing, do nothing, until they see how your view of history’s curve plays out.
I wish him a swift recovery – I may be a cranky old commie but he is my President, whether I like it or not. Having heard from friends how bad COVID can be I can’t wish it on anyone. The Hypocrats who are prematurely dancing on his grave are showing everyone why the Clinton claque deserved their humiliation in 2016.
With respect to the Satanic pedophiles, I don’t know about the Trilateral commission, but the Etonians’, Bilderbergers’, and Cardinals’ reputations precede them. I am amused by QAnon because even if it is not true on a literal level, it is entirely true on a spiritual level. (Though you have to be naive to think that the Republican elites are not also part of the conspiracy.)
ok, Col… I hope your view of them as spectators is accurate. Highly emotional, heavily armed Fantasists in a reactionary mode during a period of civil instability give me little comfort. I’ve long viewed America as an experiment with high risk of implosion.
Do you consider what antifa and BLM are doing to be an “implosion?”
I was foolish to address my comment to you. I apologize for insulting your intelligence. I freely acknowledge the schoolboy-ish quality of my posts, but I don’t apologize for that.
I have considered that you may be privy to information that would overturn some of my deeply held beliefs if I knew it, but I am not in possession of such information and I do not apologize for concluding that the weight of evidence is sufficient to invoke “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Incidentally, if high level pedos exist, I doubt they would describe themselves as Satanic.
President Trump appears to be recovering quite well. The past 48 hours have inspired some really wild speculation.
No sir, I do not. They do not compare in;
– structured organization,
– how long they’ve been established,
– membership of experienced operators,
– weaponry,
– stated commitment to violent acts.
As a longtime observer of domestic radical violent movements in America, it is clear that leftist organizations (a contradiction in terms) are a joke (except to right wing extremists for whom they are a source of animus), while right wing (in the tradition of Know-nothings, nativists, KKK, vigilantes, religious cults) militias are far more likely to engage in violent acts.
Colonel, “..Old Harrovians? former Boy Scout leaders? Rotary Club..”
They too shall rise !
It’s natural for people to want to bring order to the unknown forces out there beyond their sight. Labeling entities as… what are some current good ones..? Fascist, sexist, ha, for a start. Once the label goes on then analysis can safely stop; the unknown has become the known, and order has been imposed.
Conspiracy theories allow an entire cast of real world characters to get the same treatment and be given life and movement in a way that makes sense to the constructor.
And so it was that Hillary’s Pedophile Pizza Place got the ceiling shot up by the guy who went there to conduct an investigation and rescue the kids !
Things can get out of hand when beliefs are incorporated into people’s personal identities, for example, some Q Anon disciples actually conduct swearing in ceremonies to pledge allegiance to Q. I doubt the current contest will end with relief, boredom or the sound of slowly escaping air.
“while right wing (in the tradition of Know-nothings, nativists, KKK, vigilantes, religious cults) militias are far more likely to engage in violent acts”
How many police killed by right wingers v left wingers in the past 5 or 6 years? How much property destruction via arson and looting?
You have to use the way-back machine to find the Know Nothings and night riding KKK to make your point? Deal with the current environment and you will find that right wing groups aren’t even a factor, accept, perhaps, that they are waiting in the wings to emerge and kill a lot of radicals at some point after the socialist lefties have pushed too far. IMO, that is your problem with them. They are a threat to your revolution’s success; and thank goodness that they are.
Eric, Yes, really.
The post 9/11 trend is of increases in domestic terrorism & violent acts primarily sourced in anti-gov, white supremacist beliefs. perpetrators have been more likely to be “loners” (usually animated by social networking) holding those beliefs. my concern is over the trend towards organized private militias that assert willingness to take up arms in furtherance of these same (& related) beliefs. I am surprised you are unaware of this trend, or it’s sources in US history. I also find it unfortunate that you focus on LE deaths rather than that of all citizens (including LE). Everyone pays the price of unleashed violent emotions.
I live in a region of the US where extremist violence is part of my own life’s experience – where “history isn’t past, it isn’t even over.” I understand & respect that double-edged sword.
The point of the Constitution was to provide structure & process as a means to avoid domestic violence (among other Enlightenment values). Through it there’s a great deal of capacity remaining to purse a more perfect Union before shooting at one another… in an organized fashion.
Your attempt to brand me a socialist lefty fearful of civil war over ideology is so far off the mark to be an insult – if it weren’t simply a projection of narrowness. Don’t worry about me… I can pass.
I guess it was the constitutional law professor B Obama who first twisted the meaning of “a more perfect union” in the preamble into a supposed desire on the part of the framers for an earthly utopia. In fact what it meant to them was a better functioning government and nothing more. Also what are the “sources of right wing militia violence in American history?”
OK. Name a rightwing terrorist act since McVeigh, other than the drooling moron that shot up the Black church congregation.
Why is focusing on LEO deaths “unfortunate”? I would think that the most obvious terrorism is that which directly attacks the forces that maintain law & order. IMO, it is unfortunate that you hand wave away such violence.
Thinking about it, you confirmed what I said. You/big govt/deep state fear them because they are armed and capable and have expressed intent; not because of anything they have done to date. I call them allies. It has nothing to do with race, though you’d like to say it does to discredit them. It has to do with preserving the constitution as it was intended to be.
Joe can’t help but be creepy. The second video shows the girls he wants to come back in four years to dance for him.
It’s the left that’s terrorizing the people of Portland, and other cities, for political purposes. I’m glad the Proud Boys fight Antifa because our lefty politicians allow them to destroy that which makes a city livable.
Eric, here’s a sampling of right-wing attacks just since that white supremacist idiot Roof tried to start a race war in the Charleston church in Jun 2015.
– Shooting at a “Trainwreck” showing in Lafayette, Louisiana in Jul 2015
– Car ramming attack in Charlottesville, Virginia in Aug 2015
– Planned Parenthood Shooting in Colorado Springs in Nov 2015 which included one police officer dead and two wounded.
– Pittsburgh synagogue shooting in Oct 2018 (11 killed, 7 wounded)
– Jefferson Kroger shooting also in Oct 2018 (2 killed)
– Poway, California synagogue shooting in April 2019 (1 killed, 3 wounded)
– El Paso Walmart shooting in Aug 2019 (23 killed, 23 wounded)
– The California boogaloo boy shootings in May and Jun 2020 directly targeted and killed two LE officers.
The wikipedia page lists a slew of right-wing terrorist attacks in addition to these. A good number of these attacks were directed against law enforcement. Even the jihadis can’t keep up with the right-wingers.
It all depends on how you label things. Hopefully not sounding like indulging in “no true Scotsman” here, but I don’t consider the bulk of your list to be the rightwing militias that I thought we were talking about. McVeigh? Yes. Definitely. Your list? More like a bunch of lone wackos that happen to read something or another on the internet. About the same league as school shooters. I see no evidence of militia membership, training at militia camps, militia funding, etc.
Antifa and BLM are organized movements. There is training, leadership, funding in addition to ideological adherence to a formal creed. Rightwing militias are similarly organized movements. Antifa and BLM are actively engaged, today, in terrorism and revolution (lame assed as it might be, at least by my standards and probably yours). I don’t see organized rightwing militias engaged in terrorism…..yet.
Let’s see, in 2020 there are two alleged events that killed two police officers in California, everything else you refer to is over a year old. More people were killed in Chicago last weekend that killed by alleged right-wing terrorist all this year. How did that fact escape you? How many riots in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, D.C. and elsewhere attributed to non-white supremecists? Ah, they are not a “organized”.
Regarding Wikipedia, are they joining in slandering that 17 y.o. who defended himself in Kenosha or just the anonymous page managers? The first lawyer’s report debunked this over a month ago:
Should have added that the scurrilous wiki you linked to includes Rittenhouse/Kenosha shootings. Come on man, that was clearly a good kid defending businesses and then his own life against attacks by left wing rioters. I support Rittenhouse 100%. If that’s rightwing violence, then count me as a rightwing terrorist too. You’d let them burn down your neighborhood and/or kill you? Somehow I doubt that.
Like I said, anyone who stands against the leftwing revolution gets labeled a rightwing terrorist. This is an obvious cute little game. I suppose President Harris will use it to come after people like me and many of your retired SF brethren who are all over the place with training camps helping people prepare. It’s all fun and games until…..
Col, I’m w/ you on the unutopian nature of perfection – rules-based iterative improvement. so please don’t hang the romantics version of perfection around my neck.
The primary source of right wing militia violence in our culture is that of Europeans conquering this rich & primitive continent for personal gain – with Christ’s endorsement every step of the way.
Eric, after you’ve finished listing the exceptions, please do not put even more words in my mouth.
If you want to keep the Constitution, do not share cause with armed reactionaries having no sanction under the law. That way lies insurrection.
How about armed revolutionaries?
Indeed… what about “armed revolutionaries”?
– War of Independence?
– Shay’s Rebellion?
– Whiskey Rebellion?
– (numerous) Slave Rebellions?
– (numerous) Indian Wars?
– Labor (mostly coal mining) Riots?
– Race Riots (spanning the 20th Century)?
– PR Independence Movement?
– “Modern Times“ (from SLA & Move to Waco & Bundy)?
a couple more of interest to me (Battle of Athens TN & Green Corn Rebellion) are listed on this wiki link. it’s a shallow, partial summary, but has links one can follow. I note themes over time; human & civil rights, taxes, corporate power, gov corruption, self-governance… issues may evolve W/ the times, but never seem go away.
America is a fated creation of mankind – that’s where its exceptionalism lay… & ceased. And armed insurrection is as American as apple pie – that’s just the way it is, like it or not. The United States was a close run thing from the get-go. Now, even with all the fortunate riches that has bestowed upon it an empire, it seems unhappy in its success. It chooses to turn inward & fight again against itself… a problematical habit.
The conservative in me says, “twas ever thus – have at it to your heart’s content – maybe something good will come of it, at little cost – but I doubt it”. The idealist says, “the most important & lasting lessons are those costly gained.”
At the moment I see a nation & people who can’t manage its own success. Leadership across all fronts is mediocre. Emotional angst runs amuck. I think that’s the worst possible time for a serious (that is; virtuous, promising) insurrection. If it occurs it will generate the worst kind of outcomes… lotsa collateral damage & failure to achieve good outcomes. Maybe in another time, over a greater issue… but not now. I pray we can put our present experience to peaceful effect. Disassemble our way-past-shelf-lives political parties & focus on using (& improving) our Constitution… a Constitutional Convention is a better bet than violence.
A constitutional convention? I would like to live long enough to see which states would ratify the results.
You’re acting like the current political climate just kind of organically developed. IMO, it did not. Nor is it a matter of disgruntled and disaffected people rising up demanding their fair share. Rather, it has been deliberately – even scientifically – nurtured by a class of people who have plenty and want more and who are using the “little people” to bring about a change that will forever alter the nature of the republic such that the founders’ vision is forever lost.
yeah, but think about what a teachable civic moment it might be! I used to fear how such a re-set might gain little while damaging much. now in my late ‘60s I fear more handing on a mess of a future to my grandchildren. so, what the heck… maybe it could forestall insurrection. or make clear something really worth fighting over.
Speaking of teachable moments here’s what they’re teaching kids about racism and white supremacy at a Virginia elementary school. This is cultural Maoism destroying our country.