In truth it’s Sveinn Snorri Sighvatsson, an Icelandic tour guide, as he posed nude near the Geldingadalur. His friend and fellow Icelander, Norris Niman, took the photo as other sightseers watched in glee. No, it’s not our Turcopolier, but I bet old Sveinn could be his spirit animal.
That word – Geldingadalur – it conjures Gelding & allure. Could it exert some occult influence causing males to overexuberantly disrobe – the better to perpetrate the act of Gelding upon their exposed privates?
Supposedly the ancient Hebrew deity was originally a volcano god and Jethro who became Moses father in law after his meeting at the well with Zipporah, was the high priest of that cult in Midian. The picture also conjures Jethro Tull.
Meanwhile, back in the year one
When you belonged to no one
You didn’t stand a chance son
If your pants were undone
‘Cause you were bred for humanity
And sold to society
One day you’ll wake up in the present day
A million generations removed from expectations
Of being who you really want to be
Skating away, skating away, skating away
On the thin ice of the new day
Well Welly Well Well,
It seems that King Geldingadalurdotur went a few steps beyond. Furthermore, skating away on the thin ice of the new day is apt for most members of (civilization ….. Snark) today, but in Iceland today, Burn Baby Burn, is a more probable outcome.
Thanks, Fasteddiez.
Skating Away is arguably my favorite song from Ian Anderson/Jethro Tull. Lyrically brilliant, musically inspired, a crystalline performance to bring it all together. The link:
For comprehension, the full lyrics…
Meanwhile back in the year one
When you belonged to no one
You didn’t stand a chance, son
If your pants were undone
‘Cause you were bred for humanity and sold to society
One day you’ll wake up in the present day
A million generations removed from expectations
Of being who you really want to be
Skating away
Skating away
Skating away
On the thin ice of the new day
So as you push off from the shore
Won’t you turn your head once more
And make your peace with everyone?
For those who choose to stay
Will live just one more day
To do the things they should have done
And as you cross the wilderness
Spinning in your emptiness
You feel you have to pray
Looking for a sign
That the Universal Mind
Has written you into the Passion Play
Skating away
Skating away
Skating away
On the thin ice of the new day
And as you cross the circle line
Well, the ice-wall creaks behind
You’re a rabbit on the run
And the silver splinters fly
In the corner of your eye
Shining in the setting sun
Well, do you ever get the feeling
That the story’s too damn real
And in the present tense?
Or that everybody’s on the stage
And it seems like you’re the only person
Sitting in the audience?
Skating away
Skating away
Skating away
On the thin ice of the new day
Skating away
Skating away
Skating away
Good old Snorri! Freedom! Freedom!
It made me remember this song, performed by Joan Mauel Serrat with lyrics from a poem by Miguel Hernández…
“Para la Libertad”
Lyrics in case you would want to translate, it is like an ode to any combatant for freedom…
Para la Libertad
Para la libertad sangro, lucho, pervivo.
Para la libertad, mis ojos y mis manos,
como un árbol carnal, generoso y cautivo,
doy a los cirujanos.
Para la libertad, siento más corazones
que arenas en mi pecho dan espuma a mis venas;
y entro en los hospitales, y entro en los algodones,
como en las azucenas.
Porque donde unas cuencas vacías amanezcan,
ella pondrá dos piedras de futura mirada,
y hará que nuevos brazos y nuevas piernas crezcan
en la carne talada.
Retoñaran aladas de savia sin otoño,
reliquias de mi cuerpo que pierdo en cada herida;
porque soy como el árbol talado que retoño:
aún tengo la vida.
Elton John’s looking young for his age.
I had a friend long ago who looked like old Snorri. I can still hear his crazy-assed laugh. He would have definitely done this. I probably would have been right behind him… or maybe in front of him. Don’t forget, Iceland is also the land of Björk
Another imprescindible one…
“Yo te nombro”, performed by great Nacha Guevara, original by Gian Franco Pagliaro…
YO TE NOMBRO (Gian Franco Pagliaro)
Por el pájaro enjaulado,
por el pez en la pecera,
por mi amigo que está preso,
porque ha dicho lo que piensa.
Por la flores arrancadas,
por la hierba pisoteada,
por los árboles podados,
por los cuerpos torturados:
Por los dientes apretados,
por la rabia contenida,
por el nudo en la garganta,
por las bocas que no cantan.
Por el beso clandestino,
por el verso censurado,
por el joven exilado,
por los nombres prohibidos:
Te nombro en nombre de todos
por tu nombre verdadero.
Te nombro cuando oscurece,
cuando nadie me ve:
escribo tu nombre
en las paredes de mi ciudad.
Tu nombre verdadero,
Tu nombre y otros nombres
Que no nombro por temor.
Por la idea perseguida,
por los golpes recibidos,
por aquel que no resiste,
por aquellos que se esconden.
Por el miedo que te tienen,
por tus pasos que vigilan,
por la forma en que te atacan,
por los hijos que te matan:
Por las tierras invadidas,
por los pueblos conquistados,
por la gente sometida,
por los hombres explotados.
Por los muertos en la hoguera,
por el justo ajusticiado,
por el héroe asesinado,
por los fuegos apagados:
Te nombro en nombre de todos…
Quite a volcano they’ve had. Time lapse covering 3 days, you can see the people get backed up on the right hand side early on, later the entire valley is covered and I hope Snori bugged-out in time.
Somebody has been rolling the dice with their drones to get spectacular close in footage.