The rattling of sabres between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the U.S. is becoming louder, and causing many to ponder if World War III is not far off. There are those in the international community increasingly alarmed given the COVID situation, the South China Sea imbroglio, and China's growing threat that they intend to invade and absorb Taiwan into Communist China within a year. These items have led to the belief that World War III is on the horizon.
Just recently, Dr.Leonid Roshal, a noted Moscow physician, hostage negotiator, and advisor to the WHO remarked that the COVID pandemic is a dry run for World War III, and that COVID-19 is practice for future biological warfare. Covid-19 pandemic has functioned as a “rehearsal for biological warfare,” Dr. Roshal also believes that the rapidly-spreading virus was a test for the world's healthcare systems.
In an interview with Forbes, Professor Roshal, President of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, explained that not all nations were ready for a mass influx of patients, and their lack of preparation has been exposed by the pandemic.
“When I analyze the current situation, I understand that this is a rehearsal for biological warfare,” he explained. “I am not saying that this virus was created by humans… but this is a test of the health system's strength, including the country's biological defense.”
In addition, Hong Kong-based virologist Yan Li-Meng, currently in hiding at an undisclosed location, claims that the COVID-19 coronavirus came from a People’s Liberation Army lab, and not from a Wuhan wet market as Beijing has claimed. Speaking on a live stream interview on Taiwan’s News Agency Lude Press, she said, “At that time, I clearly assessed that the virus came from a Chinese Communist Party military lab. The Wuhan wet market was just used as a decoy.” Yan has been in hiding in the U.S. after fleeing Hong Kong in April.
Chinese PLA Senior Colonel Ren Guoqiang stated recently that TAIWAN WILL be reunified with the rest of China – and any attempt by the United States to interfere is futile and dangerous. Senior Colonel Guoqiang is Deputy Director of the Ministry of Defense's Information Office, and Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesman. J
Well, this is certainly a depressing and frightening post. I can’t say, however, that I have been thinking along the same lines. However, since I am basically a nobody, I have tried to assure myself that I am being paranoid. So, it’s not helping that some people who are much more knowledgeable have expressed in print some of the fears I have been feeling over these months dealing with the pandemic.
All I can do is pray and hold fast to my faith in God. Perhaps He will lift up the people who can deter us from the predictions of this post. (But are we worthy of being saved?)
I don’t believe there will be any direct military conflict. However, we can expect some saber rattling from both sides.
Sec.Azhar is leading a US delegation to Taiwan. On another note Taiwan ain’t HK. They have an independent government. While they will eventually be overwhelmed in any military conflict with China if no other country intervenes on Taiwan’s side, they definitely have the capability to inflict a black eye.
The CCP has been emboldened precisely because the US government has actively abetted their rapaciousness for many decades under both parties. From Clinton’s MFN designation to Bush & Obama administrations actively supporting the shuttering of US manufacturing.
Trump is making the first course correction albeit in a limited manner with tariffs. He has however changed the tone in an important manner by no longer just kowtowing to whatever the CCP wants.
This story of ARM China exemplifies CCP long-term policy of requiring JVs to access the Chinese market and once technology and know-how have been successfully transferred, then expropriating it. The west in general and the US in particular have turned a blind eye. Huawei got going by stealing cisco source code and design.
It is high time for the US to make the totalitarian Chinese communists pay a price and directly take the fight to them economically and financially. The CCP must be doing their best to insure a Biden win to return to the status quo or wait another Trump term and hope an establishment Democrat or Republican wins after. They have bought and paid the establishment politicians, entire think-tanks, many in academia and the media.
Yan Li-Meng’s statement makes perfect sense. Spread a bio-weapon among your own population knowing your opponent are total idiots and will therefore make a clusterfuck of their response to the pandemic.
Uhh.. those Chinese are evil geniuses….
This is just total nonsense aka CIA talking-points.
More sinophobic drivel and propaganda. Is it coming from Bannon, Navarro,Fox News, and the other similar warmongering outfits ? This type of propaganda is irrational but certainly purposeful to whip declining exceptionals into war frenzy. They are correct in one aspect – China is outpacing the US and will eventually in 10-20 years surpass it as #1 in Economic power (already the case) and Technology.
There are few viable military options for warmongering chickenhawks advising Trump. Certainly, US Naval Intel and PACCOM (now INDOPACCOM) brass who would love a grand Coral Sea 2.0 battle to destroy PLAN vessel on the seas. However, no one, except few Marine 4 stars want any land war. The Marines think they can defeat the PLA on some islands. That kind of warfare is for hollywood movies. China is a missile-based military deploying hypersonics. This means the US Navy has to standoff 1000 km from the Chinese naval forces or missiles from mainland will decimate the carrier task forces within that range.
There won’t be any war in SE Asia or East Asia. This area now has a circuit breaker, Russia. Russia is building a naval presence, expanding it’s aerospace arm, has basing rights in the zone in Vietnam and has long range radars that cover a lot of the zones, and submarines the US is having issues tracking.
The signals from China and Russia to the US military is very clear. You can walk and talk like the Hegemon but the days of regional hegemony are over. ASEAN nations will not accepting accept a return to gunboat diplomacy and colonization. All these nations want prosperity and progress, not western hegemony and military destruction.
This is why the hybrid war of sanctions, trade war, Infowars, cyberwar, proxies in Central Asia (ISIS and AQ), color revolution attempts in Hong Kong, hysterics about Tibet and Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia (Bannon front) are on the front burner. Military action is a losing proposition for the US. They simply cannot win anything anywhere in the Asia Pacific, western Asia or even against near peer powers proxies like Venezuela.
China simply has to do what Russia does and tell the US to pound sand.
Bjorn H
We do not publish CIA talking points. If you think that don’t come here. BTW, “J” is a farmer in Oklahoma who served a long time in USAF.
We’ve been in a war with China for a few dacades now, and losing. Of course having moved much of our manufacturing base into China and then allowing their students to take up most of the hard engingeering class space and lab assistantships while diverting our students to ‘studies’ programs has been a resounding success.
“There are few viable military options for warmongering chickenhawks advising…”
Bush, Obama, Biden, a Triumverate of peacemakers. Remind me who is ordering troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.
The rattling. of sabres between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the U.S.
That line as introduction gives away the article as plain and unsofisticated propaganda. Nobody refers to the USA as the Republican Party, the red scare is a momified bogey..
I don’t know if war is inevitable, but the signs are not good. Those “Freedom of Navigation” exercises seem to me to be unnecessarily provocative, not to mention illogical (most traffic in the South China Sea is to/from China). But no less provocative is China’s threats to invade Taiwan, which should be outrageous even to those who accept the claim that Taiwan is a rebel province of China.
But I do know that the claims of the (formerly) Hong Kong-based virologist Yan Li-Meng should not be regarded as credible, precisely because they are entirely evidence-free.
She had no first-hand knowledge of events in Wuhan, her claims are speculative, and even that is bolstered by nothing more than the contradictory argument that
(a) nobody took her seriously but nonetheless
(b) if she continued she could have been “disappeared”.
As she said herself: “The China government refused to let overseas experts, including ones in Hong Kong, do research in China. So I turned to my friends to get more information.”
Leaving aside the interesting reveal that she considers Hong Kong to be “overseas” (it is not), I would point out that there is an excellent word to describe her source of information: scuttlebutt.
She is no more authoritative on this issue as, say, Steve Bannon or Lindsay Graham. Though apparently she is rather more prone to paranoia.
If the United States persists in her effort to destroy JCPOA via UNSC snap back sanctions, within 20 years there would be another World War since she would be destroying UNSC and thus signaling utter indifference to the interests of other great powers.
Quite agree.
– Shocked, I am shocked to discover China is run by the Communist Party.
– Your winnings, sir.
You have not been at war with China but with the United States.
Some of you fed and nurtured the Dragon and made a ton of money doing that, enjoying the private splendor which that money brought.
Some others, saw their livelihoods destroyed, condemned to public squalor.
“We have met the enemy and the enemy is Us.”
Yeah Right,
“Those “Freedom of Navigation” exercises seem to me to be unnecessarily provocative, not to mention illogical”
We’ve done those for decades, and claimed free passage in internation waters since the earliest period of the Republic. However, maybe we are going about it the wrong way. Perhaps we should simply follow China’s example and create artificial Islands out there and declare them our sovereign territory and then put an navigation exclusion zone around them.
To all the apologists of the Maoists running China, please read this.
I believe that Taiwan can fight. I would prefer Taiwan to be better armed with antiship missiles and submersible mines. Do you have any suggestions on how the ROC government could obtain such weapons? Would it be better to build such weapons at home or to import them from other free republics?
“Those “Freedom of Navigation” exercises seem to me to be unnecessarily provocative..”
Yeah, right, until the Chinese communists do to East Asia and Australia what they did to Tibet, what they’re attempting to do on the Indian border and how they treat dissidents in Xinjiang, Lhasa and even in Beijing.
The United States is the only object standing between complete domination of East Asia by the jackboot of Xi. Many get it and welcome the “Freedom of Navigation” exercises!
” Yan has been in hiding in the U.S. after fleeing Hong Kong in April. ”
You should believe nothing from such a source.
Fred, your post seems to me to be the perfect illustration of the illogic of the American position.
Freedom of Navigation is a policy of the USA that insists (correctly) that all warships have a right of innocent passage through the sovereign waters of foreign countries.
China does not dispute that. It has never disputed that. It has, however, insisted that the US Navy’s constant coat-tailing in the South China Seas is a needlessly provocative exercise in rubbing their nose in it. Which, indeed, it is.
Fred: “We’ve done those for decades, and claimed free passage in internation waters since the earliest period of the Republic.”
That is not the purpose of Freedom of Navigation.
E.V.E.R.Y.B.O.D.Y. accepts the notion that all vessels enjoy the right of innocent passage (not “free passage”, which is a meaningless term) in international waters. Since, oh, forever.
Nobody would ever stop any warship from sailing however is damn-well pleases to wherever it cares to go while it is in international waters. Nobody. N.o.b.o.d.y.
The USA does, however, insist on demonstrating time and time again that all warships also enjoy the right of innocent passage in sovereign waters.
Which I agree: they do.
The Chinese also agree, which makes the entire exercise pointless.
Fred: “Perhaps we should simply follow China’s example and create artificial Islands out there and declare them our sovereign territory”
Perhaps you should, but that is another issue i.e. regardless of whether (or not) the water around the Spratly Islands are Chinese territorial waters or the territorial waters of the USA the right of innocent passage still applies.
Fred: “and then put an navigation exclusion zone around them”
Establishing an Economic Exclusion Zone does not grant the establishing party the right to deny innocent passage through that zone. Not to foreign-flagged commercial vessels. Not to foreign warships.
Be honest, Fred, the phrase “navigation exclusion zone” is something you just made up out of thin air.
The nine-dash line is a messy and, frankly, stupid exercise in Chinese machismo. But even at its most bolshi the Chinese do not deny that all vessels – including warships – have a right of innocent passage through that area.
Or haven’t you noticed that the USA Navy has never once been prevented from sailing through those waters?
Yeah, right
The South China Sea outside the 12 NM territorial littoral band is not Chinese “sovereign waters.”
Yeah, Right,
Making fake islands is the only thing allowing China claim to sovereignty. Many of the actual islets are territory of either Indonesia or the Phillipines.
Another example of the rapaciousness of the Maoists running China.
Fred. islands. US been there, done that
How many of those were artificially created by dumping concrete on top of a submerged corral reef?
Fred. Build it and the birds will come.
Taiwan has its own indigenous antiship missiles, including a Mach 2 missile. What America can do, is to buy HF3 from Taiwan, to subsidize Taiwan for the development, instead of selling more Harpoons to them. Taiwan is also capable of building mines.
Taiwan’s biggest problem is that they are not willing to spend more money on their defense industry. That 30-year submarine drama is a prime example. More than 30 years, and Taiwan still cannot build a submarine, supposedly.
That the Chinese have pulled a fast one in the South China sea is not in doubt. There are well known international rules for determining marine economic zones (this is not about twelve mile limits).
I happen to think that these freedom of the seas exercises are a good idea, in moderation.
What is counterproductive in my opinion is this “on again, off again” economic warfare with China. It is infuriating. The Chinese love to do business. American elites are happy to accommodate them. However sabre rattling at the same time as expecting them to honor a trade deal is stupid because to China it sends mixed messages. If you do business with a Chinese you are expected to behave as a friend and it is reciprocated.
What America is risking is China deciding that they can’t make money out of a relationship with America. Then you will see real trouble.
Taiwan? It becomes part of China….one day.
Human rights concerns? Tell someone who cares.
IP theft? Cosi fan Tutti, starting with the U.S. and Israel.
Hua Wei and 5G? We want American spyware embedded in the global networks, not Chinese,!, how dare they?
China corrupting African and Pacific countries? We wrote the book.
Chinese digital dictatorship and social control? The democrats, Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft are envious.
Taking American jobs? Waiter, more champagne!
Bad Relationships with Korea and Japan? Where do you wish to start the discussion? 1000AD? 1000BC?
Draconian Chinese laws? Ask Gen. Flynn, then ask about Al Grhaib., then three strikes, then………
We have no moral platform whatsoever to lecture the Chinese about anything……unfortunately.
Where, for example, is our support for Vietnam? They are worried about Chinese expansionism to the extent that they have garrisoned their own offshore islands as far South as the Da Nang region.
“12 mile limits” and “sovereign water” are not the same thing.
Yes, and in a hundred years there’ll be enough fertiziler to make it worth going there.
“The South China Sea outside the 12 NM territorial littoral band is not Chinese “sovereign waters.” ”
I agree. I have always agreed. The Nine Dash Line has always made no sense to me.
Note that the Chinese can’t actually articulate clearly what that line is meant to characterize, which suggests to me that deep down they also realize how senseless the policy is.
But this entire thread shows how muddled the American reaction is.
Is the USA complaining about China claiming the entire South China Seas as a Chinese lake? Or is the USA’s beef because of China claiming the Paracel and Spratly Islands?
You appear to be arguing the former. Fred appears to be having apoplexy over the latter.
At this point it is probably better just to cut to the chase: the USA’s issue is that it doesn’t like China, and it sees these FoN missions as a means of pissing off those commie bastards.
Taiwan is also capable of building mines.
Taiwan’s biggest problem is that they are not willing to spend more money on their defense industry.
You are right. Thank you for the insight. I should have seen that but sometimes I need a more objective observer to point some things out before I can recognize them.
China’s been screwing us for decades and it is about time we returned to defending our own country’s interests not just the profits of the outsourcing experts. As to IP please let us all know which IP was stolen from China by the US and who did our government give it too? Vietnam is defending their own islands? Good for them. We don’t need to defend them at all.
The Trump administration deserves credit for taking a page from the CCP playbook and doing to them what they do to others.
From banning WeChat and Tiktok to requiring Chinese companies listing on US exchanges to comply with US accounting rules. Next should be requiring Chinese companies selling into US markets to do it through JVs with the US partner having majority ownership. CCP should be treated exactly how they treat others. No more free lunch!
Ben Meng is reportedly a CCP cadre. He has now resigned. The question is how did he get the job in the first place to run the largest public employee pension fund? What due diligence do public and private entities make to insure no infiltration by agents of foreign powers? Where’s US counter-intel? Oh! Chasing things like Russia Collusion hoax for political purposes.
Satellite images yesterday showed Chinese amphibious armored vehicles and mobile missile launchers gathering near the South China Sea, according to News.Com.Au. At the same time, Taiwan sent about 200 marines to its military outpost on the Pratas Islands, according to Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post. The Pratas Islands are controlled by Taiwan. Satellite images showed vehicles moving to coastal Chinese cities across from Taiwan, and their missile launchers are in range to hit any Taiwanese targets, according to News.Com.Au. The website cites an article by Kanwa Asian magazine defense editor Andrei Chang saying that the PCL191 rocket launchers deployed to the area “are able to destroy all military bases and government buildings on the island accurately.”Pratas Islands are located in the South China Sea, about 275 miles from Taiwan and about 186 miles from mainland China. There are no permanent civilian residents on the islands”.
The PCL191 rocket launcher is a MLRS system and has the capability of both rockets, and ballistic missiles.
China has also deployed the PCL191 MLRS near its border with India.
China is working to double the number of their nuclear warheads. China is rolling out their nuclear triad. This portends to radically affect how the U.S. and Russia handle their own nuclear stockpiles. This will also affect India, and given the current situation between India and China, could get ugly real fast.