One year before Jim Comey was immersed in his plot to overthrow Donald Trump, the duly elected President of the United States, a brave Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State came forward with firsthand information of Hillary Clinton’s rampant abuse of Classified material. The man, a senior State Department diplomat who had served as the acting Ambassador (Chargé d’Affaires) in the Asia Pacific region under President Clinton, also was a veteran of the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.
The letter from this whistleblower is stunning and I am going to present it in total. It is dated 10 January 2016. You can read it for yourself here starting at page 121. I became aware of this letter thanks to the assiduous research and writings of Charles Ortel (he wrote about this recently at the American Thinker).
The letter explains in great detail how Hillary and her cabal of sychophants used an unclassified system to disseminate Top Secret and Secret intelligence. But the Senior Diplomat did not stop there. He explained carefully and specifically who the FBI needed to interview and the questions they needed to ask. You do not need to take my word for it. You can read the letter for yourself.

And what did the sanctimonious, smug buffoon heading up the FBI do? Nothing. But this senior Foreign Service Officer was dogged in making sure the FBI had the information. He called FBI Headquarters and could not get any confirmation that his letter was accepted. Not satisfied, he walked into the FBI’s Washington Field Office. The results of this meeting were reported to three FBI Agents working on the Hillary Clinton investigation. Named in the report are Peter Strzok and Jonathan Moffa (the third name is blacked out).
Here is the report in its entirety. Please note that the State Department official delivered the information on the 27th of January 2016, but the report was not written up until four weeks later–22 February 2016. (You can see the original on the FBI website here starting at page 11.)

I do not know if John Durham has seen these documents. I am posting to make sure that he does. There is no evidence that Inspector General Horowitz examined these documents or interviewed the Foreign Service Officer. With Secretary of State Pompeo’s promise that Hillary emails will be forthcoming, I think it is worthwhile to revisit what this brave whistleblower tried to bring to the attention of the FBI, who clearly was hellbent on protecting Hillary rather than pursing justice and upholding the law. Shameful.
What’s your take that the Trump administration never indicted any of the coup plotters? And there were many.
Unfortunately the formatting on this website cuts off the sides of the letter and makes it unreadable for me – anyone else having this problem? (MacAirBook- Safari)
Great find and wish I could read it. Thanks, LJ. Share your appreciation of the American Thinker website.
This story reeks of divided identities and loyalties.
Sic transit gloria mundi!
Sad but I suspect that the shear number of those in Government that have a vested interest in this will ensure that nothing continues to be the outcome.
Wonder how the whistleblower fared after this.
Ah…..more about the FEEBS – Famous But Incompetent.
The Democrat-media is the voice of the swamp and the DOJ/FBI are the protectors of the swamp.
Deap, I’m having the same problem; I’m using a Toshiba Satellite with Windows 7 and running on Internet Explorer.
Antoinetta III
Deap: use “view image in a new tab”.
Who was the United States Ambassador to Honduras the whistlebolwer is writing about (2009), Hugo Llorens?
Deap, right-click and view image.
Deap: I had the same formatting problem. But you can find the letter by clicking on the link in the post which states “here starting at p. 121.”
When you get to the FBI Vault, click on the PDF on the left side of the page, near the top, entitled “Hillary Rodham Clinton part 23 of 23.pdf.”
When the PDF opens, scroll down to page 121. The letter will be found at pp. 121 to 131. Page 132 (HRC 10114) may be the postage receipt for the letter when it was originally sent, but it is illegible.
I haven’t tried to find the American Thinker article which is referenced in this post, but it may provide context.
I found the Ortel article at American Thinker. Google “Charles Ortel American Thinker” and you can find a page with Ortel’s articles and blogs. The article is entitled “James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems.” It appears that Mr. Ortel has a significant interest in the Clinton Foundation.
Carter Page is interviewed by Sharyl Atkinsson on C-Span 2/ Book TV this weekend. Chilling, interesting perspective. Page’s book is out: Abuse and Power.
Apparently Atkinson, of Sinclair Broadcasting, has had her own troubles with illegal surveillance.
Often Book tv replays programs, sometimes late, when it can be recorded.
Thank you for posting this.
All C Span programs are archived & can be viewed on your computer.
Accessed by typing (i.e.) “Carter Page” in the search box.
The Atkinson interview is here:
I intend to purchase a TV & subscribe to cable once I’ve exhausted all C Span Book TV programming.
Thanks all for the tips to access this link. Got it. All I can remember is Barry Soetoro stating …but Hilary didn’t mean any harm running her separate insecure server.
The beginning pages of this link re-capping the strings of false and highly hedged statements about Benghazi were bone chilling to read too. I guess we should be grateful Biden did not pick Susan Rice for VP, but then he did much worse, he picked Kamala Harris.
And oh yeah, lock her up!
PS: is there some comfort seeing my spell check still does not recognize the word “Kamala”? The gods of small favors strikes again.
am so very happy that you have been able to get the documents to prove what became so very obvious to so many who did not have access to documents but who just had working brains. They help us to understand what was going on with HRC’s computer situation and with Jim Comey’s FBI.
You mention Hillary’s “cabal of sychophants.” There was no one more eager to become a card-carrying member of that cabal than Comey himself. I do remember an interview on television–don’t have the date nor can I remember the media outlet that broadcast it–in which Comey gushed about how wonderful it would be for Hillary to win since his wife and daughters and even he himself were excited about possibly having the first female POTUS.
It seemed to me at the time that it was not an appropriate statement for the head of the FBI to make on national television–especially with all the questions about Hillary’s emails and her obliterated computer–not to mention also the tarmac meeting in AZ between Bill and Loretta Lynch (supposedly to discuss grandchildren). I thought then and still think that the old Peter Principal was really being played out in the FBI at the time.
I don’t remember the timeline of all this. But all I remember is how rotten things seemed were the District of Columbia.
OOPs!! I worked to long in public schools and dealt with too many incompetent principals.
I meant The Peter Principle.
Pelosi & husband invest up to $1 million in CrowdStrike, tech firm that launched Russiagate – report
There have been few ruling classes in human history, stewards of their civilizations, who have inherited so incredibly much from their predecessors and then squandered it so astonishingly quickly. Their legitimacy is like an old pre-fiat currency. They can only spend what they have and they are spending it hand over fist.
The 2016 letter to James Comey from the person who used to work at the State Department, and is in the FBI “Vault” of records, has seven pages that are missing which have been deleted. If you use the citation link to the FBI website, and download the “Hillary R. Clinton part 23 of 41”, it is 176 pages in the pdf computer format. The part about the letter goes from pdf pages 120-132.
If you look at the lower right hand corner of each page (except for the deleted page information sheet, pdf page 120), there is a sequential page number that is put on each page that is provided. The numbers in the right hand corner go from HRC-10096 to HRC-10114.
The pages in the posted article above have numbers HRC-10097 to 10104. Pages numbered HRC-10105 to 10109 have been removed in the released FBI file. Pages HRC-10110 to 10111 are the reproduction of an opinion editorial that is part of the letter. Pages HRC-10112 to 10113 have also been removed. The last page, HRC-10114, has part of the page covered by the U.S. Postal Service express mail form and part of a receipt for payment when it was mailed.
Along the right margin of each page in which there are blanked out redactions, there is a little notation, which they are supposed to include to show which exemption in the Freedom of Information Act they are using to black out and exclude information from being released to the public.
In this letter, the exemptions are ‘b6’ and ‘b7c’. Those are also the reasons claimed as the justification to remove the seven pages of the letter that have been deleted from the file.
Exemption b6 excludes information about individuals in personnel and medical files and similar files, when the disclosre of the information “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”.
Exemption b7c excludes law enforcement information, the disclosure of which “could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”.
The missing pages are the walk-in’s CV and fitness reports that he appended to the letter. If those had been kept in the file it would immediately reveal his identity.
Wow, after reading how the whistleblower described the proper procedures for handling and accessing classified documents, it makes the Anthony Wiener laptop incident seem like an even more egregious crime if ANY of those emails contained classified information. I seem to recall there were supposedly tens of thousands found, although I don’t think a definitive amount was ever disclosed. In fact, looking back, the entire circumstance seems to have been quickly swept under the rug.
Presuming that at least some of those thousands of laptop emails contained classified info (OR evidence of criminal activity, e.g., the solicitation of donations to the Clinton Foundation while she was at the DOS, etc., etc.), that the FBI DID NOTHING about the Wiener incident, that neither Clinton nor anyone else – not a single person – suffered any legal consequence for this or the email scandal that preceded it is astounding good fortune for all involved.
Yes Deap, I am having the same problem.
I am reminded of a lecture by a professor of Russian History that Patrick Armstrong linked to in one of his Russia Sitereps who explained how Tsar Alexander I’s intellegence service had penetrated the French Imperial government as early as 1807 and knew precisely what information Napoleon was getting along with his force’s structure and movements. It is no wonder the panic of all associated with this debacle of American national security have been doubling down and increasing in panic since Trump was elected in 2016 and looks to be re-elected unless the election is stolen or rigged in multiple states.
National Review – Jan 16, 2020: Did this “Russian document”, that is now claimed not to exist, play a role in dismissing charges against Clinton?
…..”Department of Justice prosecutors reportedly are investigating the possibility that former FBI director James Comey leaked a classified Russian intelligence document to the media during the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to a Thursday report from the New York Times.
Per the Times, the investigation is centered around two 2017 articles from the Times and the Washington Post describing the Russian document, which played a key role in Comey’s unilateral decision to announce in July 2016 that the FBI would not pursue charges against Clinton for using a private email server to conduct official business during her time as secretary of state.
The document, which Dutch intelligence shared with the U.S., includes an analysis of an email exchange between Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.), who was then chairing the Democratic National Committee, and Leonard Bernardo, an official with the Soros-backed non-profit Open Society Foundations. Wasserman Schultz assures Bernardo in the email that then–attorney general Loretta Lynch would make sure Clinton wasn’t charged in the email probe.
Both Bernardo and Wasserman Schultz have denied ever having the exchange, and the FBI’s assessment claimed that the document was a fake and part of a Russian disinformation campaign……….”
National Review: 1/16/2020 – right before all hell broke loose over “covid”.
A timeline – of loose ends:
MARCH 2016 – FBI gets notice from Dutch Intelligence who was sweeping Russian communications that a “Letter” was found:
Russian intelligence allegation: A letter exists from DNC Chairwoman Wasserman-Schultz to Open Society Director Bernardo claiming key Clinton campaign staffer Amanda Renteria was assured by AG Loretta Lynch …. “the investigation( into Clinton’s emails) would not go too far”. (Mar 2016)
MAY 3, 2016: Comey testifies to Senate he is worried AG Lynch is compromised about prosecuting Clinton, due to this “letter” – even if it is unknown if this is a valid claim, or just Russian disinformation, but since the claim exists and could come out later it would taint any action AG Lynch takes, …….according to Comey.( May 2016)
JUNE 28, 2016: Bill Clinton-AG Lynch 20 minute tarmac meeting
(Was this an intentional taint of Lynch so she clearly could not rule on the Clinton email server misuse?) (June 2016)
JULY 5, 2016 -Comey announces no action will be taken against Clinton for her email and private use server – unilaterally and unconventionally usurps this final decision from the proper decision maker AG Lynch (July 2016)
NOV 2016: Clinton loses – Trump win – IC Russiagate hoax well underway
MAY 9, 2017 – Trump fires Comey
FEB 17, 2020 – “Secret on the Tarmac” published – reporter who broke the story of the Bill Clinton-Lynch meeting, senses there was more to this than just an accidental meeting
MARCH 2020 – Covid- Covid – Covid – Covid – Covid – Covid
Did Comey have a “higher duty” to take this matter away from Lynch because he felt it was too tainted to in her hands due to this alleged “Letter”?
Did Comey set up Lynch, in order to take this matter out her hands because he was in on the original Trump Russia-gate distracton deal set up by Clinton?
How much did AG lynch know about the Clinton-Russiagate plot against Trump?
THE TRIGGER: “The Letter:” Wasserman-Schultz to Open Society Director Bernardo about alleged AG Lynch to Renteria assurances that Clinton would escape prosecution for email abuses.
A. Real?
B. Russian disinformation?
How does this scenario relate to the recent declassification of alleged Clinton email claiming she wanted to cook up a Trump-Russia connection as a false distraction, in order to take pressure off her own pre-election email scandals?