I was fortunate to participate in a forum in August sponsored by the Ron Paul Institute. Here is my presentation on the attempted coup by US Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community.
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- Munich Security Conference in the shadow of Donald Trump
- Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth Renames Fort Liberty to Fort Bragg
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I was invited to this meeting and regret now that I did not attend.
It’s even clearer having you talk about it now. But you’ve been very good about trying to get all this out for a long, long time. I’ve been annoyed that all this seems to be “new” information, when some who’ve followed your written work have known about it from the beginning.
I often get impatient with people I talk to who think I’m just listening to “conspiracy” theories.” Because of you , some of us have known this almost as it was happening, so what is conspiracy theory to others is old news for us. Very maddening.
I’m still sad that Seth Rich’s murder has not been really investigated. All of us who suspect fowl play because of his DNC connections and what he was doing in that regard got him murdered for political reasons are tagged as “right-wing conspiracy theorists.” I was not “right-wing” until after I read and understood the timelines.
I had not become “right wing” until the Obama/Clinton cabal gained power. All my family and old friends think I–a one-time Democrat–have lost my mind.
I am getting more than impatient for the time when everyone will not be able to deny the truth. It’s just too frightening to think that the truth will never be accepted.
Thanks Mr. J!
Excellent presentation, Larry. Meanwhile, I traveled to Russia and have Russian connections, in fact, drum roll, I am Russian. Oh, boy, what a field for imagination.
Great job, Larry! I hope more and more interested parties invite you to speak. I’m thinking, however, you could benefit from a full hour or more. So much ground to cover with RussiaGate/SpyGate.
Deep State could be described as a rather pejorative term for concerned civil servants as the NYT maintains.
Or you might view it as I do, as the attempt by un-elected apparatchiks to defend their perquisites in the face of democratic attempts to change policy direction.
This is a dangerous time for the American republic.
thanks very much for sharing this, mr. johnson, & for all your efforts in exposing & clarifying what’s occurring here…
& you are quite on the money: it’s all about the timelines. the timelines that the msm will go nowhere near, other than when attempting to obfuscate them…
Russian bear intercepts. And on the opposite side of the coin B52 intercepts off Kaliningrad. Both sides keep on their toes. Scramble, scramble, scramble, scramble.
Now the catch if you will, the Jamestown Foundation ‘recommended’ a NATO attack on Kaliningrad using Poland as the lily pad for such an effort. Not to be outdone on the opposite side of the fence, Russian response to such by Kaliningrad regional governor Anton Alikhanov called utter rubbish, his rebuttal here:
Meanwhile NATO continues to poke the Russian bear.
While the pretty boys like Brennan and crew and the Jamestown Foundation play their political crap, the rough men who stand watch continue their real world exercises.
We’ll be happy to see you for next summer’s event. Your readers will be welcome as well.
To the pejorative phrase “conspiracy theory”, one might well reply: Its not a theory if it happened. Or . . its not a theory if it is happening.
Thank you LJ. Keep the candle burning. The collection of facts is moving through the sieve of deeper understanding, thanks to your categorizing efforts. We owe you one. It has been a long difficult slog.
Democrats are continuously repeating anything contrary to their narrative is a “wild conspiracy theory” including their total failure to even mention the “deal” Trump asked for was about Crowdstrike, not a quid pro quo about Biden or even an arms deal.
Instead of even daring to mention Crowdstrike, the Democrats kept saying Trump was asking about some ‘wild debunked conspiracy theory”. Lying by omission is as culpable as lying by commission.
Public sector union members and their union bosses are the deep state – it is not pejorative to make this connection clear. The civil workforces are no longer benign “public servants”, but rather embedded, self-protective agents existentially committed to taking Trump down.
Why is Trump an existential threat to the public sector unions? Start with the recent AFSCME vs. Janus ruling for one – SCOTUS freed public sector workers from mandatory union membership, which has serverely eroded the Democrats main political action funding base.
$800 billion tax dollars every year are distributed under the control of the teachers unions to K-12 – and you wonder why Democrats slavishly pay homage to AFT and NEA?
Why losses of up to 30% of their previously mandatory union dues after the SCOTUS ruling is filling this solid Democrat deep state power and funding base with terror. It was the “Trump” court that made this ruling – the prior Obama court fought it do a draw until Scalia was replaced by Gorsuch.
Once you start looking for the union label in our coutries most troubling issues, it all starts making sense. Follow the money and you learn even open borders funds and encouraging “family” illegal migration fuels the K-12 teachers unions.
Health care for all – funds the nurses unions.
Free college funds the instructors unions
Open borders funds the teachers unions.
So yes, civil servants and their union bosses can be and are the “deep state”. Trump is their worst nightmare.
More Deep State:
“… an efficient, effective and programmatic strategy to disrupt individuals who are mobilizing towards violence, by all lawful means.”
>mobilizing towards violence
So we can’t tell a boy from a girl any more but our un-uniformed police apparatus is now clairvoyant?
You have forgotten the SES and SIS people.
The way back machine: I visited Russia in 1976 as a US tourist while living abroad in Europe. I sent a small cassette tape describing my experiences to my parents in the US. Having sent them many other tapes preveiously about my experiences living in Europe, butcuriously this one particular tape about my 1976 visits to Moscow and Leningrad arrived only as an empty envelope, with an official sticker claiming it had been received by the USPS as an empty envelope.
I always wondered, in the height of the Cold War in the 1970’s and having obtained a Russian visa putting the US government on notice, was that tape some how confiscated once it came to the US border from Europe?
Was I being “spied on” or was it just lousy USPS service at the time that destroyed the envelope allowing the tape cassette contents to be “lost” in transit. Or was it picked up by a European power before it even reached the US. All other prior and subsequent tapes arrived with no problems.
I tell this story because if it had been confiscated by someone’s intelligence service, this has been going on a long, long time. As LJ says, there are no coincidences.
The irony is my superficial observations was USSR was a failed state, nothing worked and nothing came close to this being the super-power we were committed to defeat. I had been led to believe the USSR was a super-efficient super-power when in fact we could not even find places to sit in the airport, there was no service in the restaurant where all the chairs had been taken by waiting passengers, so we picked food off platters left behind by others and nothing ran on time. Some super power.
Yet caviar sandwiches were two cents and the spirit of the people was welcoming and bouyant, who had contact with the tourist industry. And were running black markets on the side.
I digress.
Layperson here .. who are the SES and the SIS?
Senior Executive Service (non CIA people who get paid the salary equivalent of a General officer) and Senior Intelligence Service (CIA).
Very informative as usual.
There is speculation the judge will dismiss the case against Flynn.
I put that phrase in quotation marks because that is what we read if we try to find information about Seth Rich on the Internet.
But I agree with you.
During the time period in which you sent that tape, my grandmother and great aunt (who were sisters) had received a letter from a sister who had remained in Russia when they emigrated to the U.S. Some others of our many friends and relatives who had been able to go back to visit at one time had attempted to help that remaining sister to come to join the family in the U.S. (Don’t confuse this time with the later period called Glasnost.) All they were able to do, however, is provide my Great Aunt’s address in the U.S. for her.
We were of the Volga and Black Sea German communities. I was studying German in college. My professor helped me learn to write in the old German Script which the Great Aunt in Russia had used in her letter. My Grandmother and Great Aunt then dictated a return letter for her.
I knew someone who was studying Russian who helped me address the envelope. We thus learned from that address that the Great Aunt in Russia was living in Siberia.
But, finally, to your point–parts of her letter to us were blacked out and photos she referenced as being sent with the letter were missing.
That small “window” closed quickly, as we received only that one letter and do not know if she received the one I helped My Grandmother and Great Aunt write to her.
If policy is something best left to “concerned civil servants” or whatever the NYT wants to call them now, why bother holding elections?
prawnik, in California many seats now go uncontested so they have stopped holding elections. No one dares run against the public sector union, heavily funded mean machines. This results in bye elections that do not even show up on a ballot, so one can’e even mount write in campaign in opposition.
Vote tallying itself is now farmed out to remote jurisdictions who offer to do it cheaper than in-house so there is no way for locals to monitor the vote counting process. Jungle primaries intended to pit two same party members against each other now leads to a single unopposed candidate who had been previously annointed by the Democrat central committees.
Additionally, the Calif Voting Rights Act mandated district elections and the creation of mandatory “minority-majority” districts based solely on “ethic” identification and population numbers, whether legal residents or not. This now allow very low vote “rotten buroughs” who get a full representative vote with only a very marginal number of actual votes cast.
This is what “term limits” can do to you too. Public sector unions moved into the vacuum, immediately passed leglslation consolidating their power. And now in this state there is little left to undo this public sector union (Democrat) takeover. The last hope – public ballot initiatives – can support the only means of mounting a backlash. But even those are being undermined by the Democrat super-majority tightly holding power in this once wonderful and bipartisan state.
I still care, but realistically despair how quickly things changed in this state.
“Yet caviar sandwiches were two cents and the spirit of the people was welcoming and bouyant, who had contact with the tourist industry.”
I visited last fall, caviar is still quite cheap, and the Russians remain very open hearted and welcoming.
I wanted to buy something from a pharmacy, but I speak no Russian. The pharmacist went around the store, unbidden, until she found a customer who could translate. It was very generous on both their parts. Later that evening we ate at a café on Taganskaya St. It was our second time that week, and the owner came out, and joined us at the table with a bottle of wine.
– Eliot