Eric Adams
By Robert Willmann
Activity before a federal grand jury is to be hush-hush, according to Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure [1]—
6(e)(2)(B) Unless these rules provide otherwise, the following persons must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury:
(i) a grand juror;
(ii) an interpreter;
(iii) a court reporter;
(iv) an operator of a recording device;
(v) a person who transcribes recorded testimony;
(vi) an attorney for the government; or
(vii) a person to whom disclosure is made under Rule
6(e)(3)(A)(ii) or (iii).
But since New York, New York is only a messed up shadow of its former self (and a federal organization(s) is leaking like a sieve) some newspapers and media outlets, apparently led by the New York Times, are positively stating that Mayor Eric Adams has been charged in a sealed federal criminal indictment. It might be unsealed tomorrow, Thursday, 26 September.
Nothing happens by accident in politics.
Update (11:34 p.m. central time): Eric Adams releases a video statement:
[1] Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6. The Grand Jury.
NYC politics has always been a cesspool of corruption. Do you need cement for your construction projects? If so then please dial 1-900-COSA-NOSTRA. The entire computerized trading system of the NY stock exchange was the brainchild of Bernie Madoff, who was such a profoundly criminal person that he stole fortunes from the Italian Mafia and paid no retributive price.
(A double f ending in the English of Isaac Newton’s day was used in place of the current double s ending. So “Madoff” in addition to being a homonym for “made off” becomes an anagram for “Mossad.”) And who was mayor of NYC during the thieving Madoff’s heyday? Well here’s a hint – he’s one of the planet’s wealthiest men who happens to have made his fortune on computer terminals precisely tailored for purposes of financial trading. So how could he, btw a Jewish individual, possibly know anything about Bernie Madoff’s crime spree? I can’t see how, can anyone else?
Maybe 22 Trillion years of evolution have somehow left you deprived of the ability to sense when someone is an outrageous liar by simply observing them closely. It happens. In which case maybe you actually believe anything that Mayor Adams says. The question is whether or not this man who controls the NYC police department retains the influence to reignite the racial riots of the BLM era. He says he’s going to fight this in court. In which case be prepared for the spectacles of urban depravity witnessed during the times of Rodney King and the white Ford Bronco fleeing OJ Simpson who according to the ridiculous jury trial didn’t butcher and behead his beautiful wife and mother of his children nor did he disturb in any way the poor bastard who was with her at the time he didn’t do anything.
Golly miss Molly do you think the Trump campaign is salivating hard over this? I do. But they couldn’t possibly be involved because he was recently President of the United States of America for four years and how could he or any of his equally sociopathic minions have ever thought to appoint people of their choosing to federal investigative agencies?
Quite the difference…Democratic administration and they indict a Democrat. What else do you need to know to decide which party to put into power?
Laura Wilson –
Mayor Adams is an amateur grifter compared to Trump, Jared Kushner, and Clarence Thomas.
But he’s still a grifter. The guy should resign.
You obviously didn’t understand a single word I wrote, Laura Wilson. And I’m not a supporter of the east coast red-hatted pussy-grabber bird, or the hillbilly-elegy-writing warbler of middle-America and never will be.
Did they indict him for his party affiliation, or his objection to illegal immigration? Or just for being a crook? Have you forgotten Nixon being president when Agnew was indicted?
Add in Democrate Sen Menondez and the Dem Prez’s son!
If you want to read Eric Adam’s full statement, you can do so here:
Purely coincidence that the man selected to read out the details of the charges against Mayor Adams is a shiny-headed genie Afro-american just like the diabolical villain who stayed in posh hotel rooms in Turkey?
And his name — Damian — is taken from “The Exorcist” or one of those other banal pervert-infested Hollywood excursions into “Get Thee Behind Me Satan” mysticism and intellectual quackery. So you know that Damian is on the side of truth, justice and Superboy’s God-given rights to cast aside his love Lois Lane in favor of a few cornholing rendezvous’ with cub reporter Jimmy Olsen perhaps? To my increasingly senile ears Mr Damian Williams seems to be suppressing a feminine lisp, I’m just saying.
Staying in posh hotel rooms as you all know is a much more serious crime than stealing $75 billion dollars in investor and union retirement accounts while Goth-Hammer city was under the supervision of the fellow who also made an unprecedented fortune in the stock market while mayor. In addition, as practically his first neanderthal age hoarding expedition upon being elected bought up nearly all the city Taxi medallions with the purpose of reaping huge windfall profits by means of his position’s influence. Apparently the FSB, I mean FBI, doesn’t regard that as “conflict of interest.” Maybe the Ouija boards which the legal Olympians of Tammany hall consult were similarly dysfunctional on the days they had to be drawn away from their mistresses to contemplate the transparently obvious US Constitutional violations of his policy of “stop and frisk,” which ruined countless lives. Yes you can bet your bippy on that as Rowan and Martin used to quip.
No charges on massive constitutional rights violations, ditto on taxi medallions.
But he stayed in posh hotel rooms, a grievously injurious offence. Let’s see … mayor of the largest and wealthiest city of the most powerful country on earth … Why didn’t the put him up in a Motel 6 in Alabama and conduct their negotiations by remote Zoom casting. Didn’t they realize it would present a perfect opportunity to catch the mayor playing pocket pool with his wiener. (I’m referring to Wiener Schnitzel in case you are not one of the privelged who know about a certain reporter named Jeffrey who worked for the New Yorker and CNN for years.) Those Turks don’t keep up, do they? Imagine the nerve of the mayor of the largest city in America staying in a posh hotel room!
How about staying in a posh Whitehouse because you finance and arm atrocities all around the world when you’re not burning them to death and ruin with napalm or killing them with depleted Uranium artillery shells? No that’s entirely legal. How about staying in posh palaces and mansions and castles simply because your family name is Windsor, formerly Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, as your Anglo-Saxon slaves raped, pillaged and displaced untold millions of peasants, river dwellers, rug-weavers and aboriginals or murdered them with poison gas dropped from airplanes? No, that’s entirely proper.
Feds Charge NYC Mayor Eric Adams with bribery.
Off topic:
The Wall Street Journal reports: China’s newest and most advanced nuclear submarine sank at a shipyard in Wuhan in May, and Beijing went to great lengths to cover up the incident.
Also Seymour Hersh has a new article on his substack which says that the Gaza war is nearly over now and even Bibi’s harshest Israeli critics want him to wipe out Hezbollah.
Bibi’s support there has only grown with his assaults on Lebanon. The retards at Napolitano’s YT channel and Dialogue Works continue to headline their video titles with drivel such as: “Israel armed forces are destroyed completely in Gaza” and worse. All ex-CIA agents or high ranking US military officers. The most repellant to me is Col Lawrence Wilkerson who ran the State Department for Affirmative Action hireling Gen Colin Powell who lied us into the Iraq war with his little test tube picked up at a NYC headshop hours before. Maybe he had his special forces storm a medical testing lab, who knows. Wilkerson has admitted he composed Powell’s texts for that speech. I respect Jeffrey Sachs for his work on the origins of Covid — not too much though, far smarter people figured it out almost immediately. But his incessant lobbying for “peace,” however much I truly believe that’s desirable has been proved to be impossible in principle long ago by reputable scientific research. We are carnivorous killer apes with an inborn instinct to murder our own species. Jeffrey Sachs is unfortunately making a complete fool out of himself. Scott Ritter and Col Douglas Macgregor, career military officers, are about as peace-loving as a swarm of angry wasps.
Ray McGovern – a former CIA agent and Army intelligence officer who read the daily reports from Langley to Reagan and Bush. Surely a peace-loving guy without a doubt. He’s a marvelous raconteur but supremely nonsensical — another Irish Catholic who thinks Kennedy was going to save the world. Kennedy who nearly got everyone in America killed by unnecessarily trying to bully Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna summit. A fucking moron playboy who bedded several spies since his Navy days and girlfriends of top mafiosos. While having sex with the numerous beautiful young groupies (one at a time, he was conservative my present day standards of debauchery) in a bathtub he would dunk their heads under water as he was about to climax in order to heighten his pleasure as their choking reflex caused their vaginal muscles to go into spasm. In other words a completely degenerate and spoiled richboy. He’s McGovern’s hero. And Napolitano laps it up. Oh, don’t forget Alistair Crooke “formerly” of MI6. Definitely a peace loving guy who would never ever be deceptive.
Seymour Hersh substack on Gaza winding down etc
What I want to know is this, what did the Turks want with him? They cultivated him for 6 years before they used him to fast track a FDNY inspection of a consulate that was going to fail inspection otherwise. But, clearly, they intended something greater with him, right? So what would that be? Or was is a matter of a Turkish official being able to crow to his coworkers that he has the mayor of NYC wrapped around his little finger?
Department of possibly meaningless details.
Apparently the “Plywood Marshall” — Shoigu – was missing from the security council meeting of which is is presumably the chairman. It’s a paid subscriber article, you might be able to read a bit wo paying, idk.
The Wait is Over – Putin unveils new Nuclear doctine.
Relevant excerpt:
As a last note, some have observed the apparent absence of Shoigu from the Security Council meeting wherein Putin delivered the new doctrinal announcement. Keep in mind, Shoigu’s literal new title is the head of the Security Council itself, and as such it would be expected for him to be there. As of this moment, I know no official reason for why he would have been absent, unless the cameras simply did not catch him, although that would be strange, as he should formally be sitting toward the front near Putin. In the videos you can see Medvedev, Belousov, and Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantarov occupying those positions. That said, Mishustin appeared absent also, and he should have been one of the senior members as well, so maybe there’s good explanation for it.
Deir Yassin symbolically set the stage for what followed. Netanyahu dearest his sin, his intentions, he hides them not, calling his victims Amelikites. God will repay.