You can talk about last night’s debate, Haitian immigrants eating pets or Taylor Swift’s druthers if you want. Or maybe you want to remember what happened 23 years ago today.
On that day, my partner and I were on our way to a meeting at the FBI headquarters in DC when we saw the smoke rising over the Pentagon and traffic ground to a halt. We turned on the car radio and learned of the attacks. That day our mission focus changed. The cellular phone systems were jammed. We found a working payphone and let our loved ones know we were okay. SWMBO was not panicked because, for once, I told her where I was going that day and it was not the Pentagon.
On Sunday, 60 Minutes rebroadcasted a 2021 show on the FDNY on 9/11. It moved me to tears once again. In Scott Pelley’s final words, he said it well. ” That morning a witness watched firefighters rush to the stairwells and wondered how they found the courage and after 20 years of reflection it’s clear. They climbed to rise. To rise to the cries 1000 feet above them, to rise to the defense of the firefighter beside them, to rise beyond duty to a place of selfless devotion.”
An interesting story.
The issue is:
just who (or whom) can you trust?
Turkey is not a signatory to the Rome Statute and therefore is under no obligation to recognize an ICC arrest warrant on Putin.
But Putin has to get himself to Turkey which would (I assume, other routes seem unlikely to me) require him to fly over the Black Sea.
A RuF fighter escort would therefore seem very appropriate.
The argument that the NATO air defenses in Turkey would attempt to shoot them down is…. risible.
What is this, SkyNet?
I seem to remember when USSR (and later Russian) fighter jets were regular visitors to the Farnborough International Airshow, and I don’t recall the RAF having to shut down their air defense systems to accommodate those Mig-29 and Su-27 visits.
Storm in a teacup.
Risky. All Putin wants to do is potter along with his trade deals and sort his country out. But through no fault of his own he’s become the most important man in the world at the moment. Given that, and given that most in the Western governments would be very happy to see him dead, he takes too many chances.
I think this deserves attention…
Never heard that one before. Thanks.
The only constant may be change, but for now, the GOP has lost the culture war. Both parties had an easy time standing up mediocre candidates for decades. Now what? Endless money printer inflation, runaway spending and taxes, grants for farms and subsidies for companies, forgivable PPP loans for JobCreators™ like MTG (pay back your student loans, ya bums), medical debt, AFFORDABLE HOUSING, jobs offering good wages to raise a family on 1 or 2 incomes reduce abortion and transgender controversies to afterthoughts for most people, IMO.
I wish the GOP would wean itself off Trump and take on companies that benefit from immigration, legal and illegal, like Purdue. Companies that post ridiculous job requirements offering pathetic compensation so they can demand H-1B employees. I think Col. Lang once said you don’t have a right to make money on this blog. In the same vein, the public doesn’t have a responsibility to guarantee access to cheap labor to companies. Populations may be shrinking but congressional influencers demand profits. To hell with your cats. Corporate quarterly earnings reports to the moon!
I may write in Cthulhu.
“medical debt”
That can’t be a problem now. Obama fixed that with his program. Did you keep your doctor like he said you could?
“Companies that post ridiculous job requirements offering pathetic compensation so they can demand H-1B employees.”
Like the IT industry and the completely hidden ethnic nepotism that is immigration from India for jobs, jobs, jobs, that all our colleges and universities don’t seem to be training Americans for.
“In the same vein, the public doesn’t have a responsibility to guarantee access to cheap ….”
We can have a great exercise in rhetoric with that line:
Condos….. except for all those immigrants coming with NGO help. NGOs funded by…..
Thankfully the Democrats will stop that runaway spending – did you see Kamala’s spending plan? Did you see her plan for Ukraine aid? Democrats will stop runaway taxes too. Did you see Kamala’s tax plan? Great stuff.
“That can’t be a problem now. Obama fixed that with his program. Did you keep your doctor like he said you could?”
I was never on it. When Obamacare rolled around I was fortunate enough to use my husband’s HC plan. It’s considered the Cadillac version of plans in the state. Even so, deductibles keep creeping. Before Obamacare it was small employer plans with insane deductibles for me, or Planned Parenthood.
U.S. colleges: Can’t argue much. We incentivized crap courses through government funding. Like housing, the education industry needs a hard reset.
As for Harris’s plan I would be in favor of raising taxes on the rich ONLY if it was commensurate with slashing spending to balance the budget, with taxes and programs phased out. We have supplemented corpos like McDonald’s by providing welfare assistance to their underpaid employees for decades. These employees can’t balance the budget. Time for the low-interest, government-funded winners to pay up. And if McDonald’s goes under because it’s business model loses access to government programs it deserves to die.
How were you going to change from your Cadlilac plan to a small employer plan if your husband didn’t change jobs? Planned Parenthood provides healthcare? What are their federal subsidies look like? Do they have maternity wards too? Always wondered how many babies a year they deliver with all the planning for parenting they do.
McDonalds franchisees get subsidies? How about the mom & pop restaurants, i.e. “small employers”, that compete with them across the Republic?
“Planned Parenthood provides healthcare?”
I paid for my own insurance but avoided doctors whenever possible before meeting him. He insisted we get married so I could have better HC.
“Always wondered how many babies a year they deliver with all the planning for parenting they do.”
Guessing by the number of very pregnant poor women I’ve seen when I used their services, quite a lot. Unless you believe Trump and PP aborts born babies. In that case, the number can be zero if it makes you feel good.
I used them for access to cheap birth control and other services. One time they referred me to an oncology practice. Fortunately, in my case, the lumps went away as soon as I started making smaller student loan payments and ate something better than ramen noodles and Coke.
“McDonalds franchisees get subsidies? How about the mom & pop restaurants, i.e. “small employers”, that compete with them across the Republic?”
They receive subsidies in the form of welfare assistance in compensation for their terrible pay. I worked at one of their franchises a lifetime ago. I’ll never forget how the first thing the overworked manager did was go over welfare assistance application forms. You and I pay for this, but we don’t treat this practice as a subsidy because “JobCreators™”.
How many live births in their maternity wards? You left that part out.
You got married for health insurance? You recieved ‘other services’ and the lumps went away when you got off the ramen noodle – coke diet (good for you) and of course “the overworked manager did was go over welfare assistance application forms.”
So overworked he spent time on welfare assistance applications. Welfare kind of negates needing to work for “terrible pay”. But sure thing. And yes, planned parenthood performs abortions. Millions of them a year.
From the 2022-2023 annual report, Planned Parenthood served 2.05 million patients, provided 9.13 million services, 2.25 million birth control services, 4.63 STI tests & treatments, and performed 392,715 abortions.
“Millions of them a year” That’s MAGA math.
Everybody seems (from my observing a bunch of sites’ comments) to be looking for this stuff:
For those keeping score at home:
Fact-checked – Trump 5
Harris – 0
Despite her asserting “During our [my? After the last debate reasonable minds inquire “Who is running the day to day affairs in the Oval?] Anyway she posed, rhetorically perhaps “During my current administration no US military personnel are under fire!”
And I suppose it’s possible nobody told her our warships off Yemen are daily subjected by the Houthi to missile fire.
*Impartial Moderator David Muir 0
His assertions [he’d?] his network contacted Springfield Ohio’s City Manager and was told “Problems with immigrants? No way no how!” opens even the moderators themselves into getting fact-checked too:
David Muir isn’t say that…were you not paying attention? He asked specifically about the immigrants eating dogs and the city administrator said no reports of that. The police chief of Springfield also has said that has NOT been reported. Facts matter and you (and Trump) are just conflating rumors with actual problems to be oh so spectacular. Of course Springfield is having issues trying to accommodate so many new people…but eating pets isn’t one of them.
Laura Wilson,
There was a US born and raised woman arrested for eating a cat in Canton, Ohio. Ole JD Vance and others took this to fit their pet eating Haitians fever dream.
No plenty of videos on youtube of Springfield Ohio migrants catching ducks and geese in the local park and wringing their necks, chopping off their heads and carrying them off. Also, there are ample legit police reports of citizens stating that their pets have been taken for food by migrants. You have to be willfully ignorant to not know this, like Harris and Muir – of course the lying scumbag democrat city manager who knows nothing because paid not to.
This tracks. There is information out there showing residents are concerned with the large influx for legitimate reasons. DeWine is sending troopers and $2.5m in assistance to Springfield. Too bad East Palestine was short on migrants.
Citizens speaking out: https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1833269951899332679
Resident Diana Daniels blamed cultural clashes for the issues saying, “Countries … are defined by their culture and their language, not the color. When folks stand up here and describe what is happening to them, they are often painted with the broad brush of racism that has nothing to do with it.” She told city leadership, “Shame on you.” At another city council meeting, another resident named Noel said that she doesn’t feel safe in Springfield anymore and that illegal immigrants are camping out near her home.
She said, “I try to help them the best I can to keep them from trying to squat on my property. But it is so unsafe. I have learned they cannot speak English in my front yard, they’re screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard. Look at me, I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn’t defend myself if I had to ‘pack up and move.'” She added, “It’s killing both of us mentally. I don’t understand what you expect of us as citizens … Who’s protecting me? I want out of this town. I am sorry. Please give me a reason to stay.”
Another resident called our general failures in city leadership saying, “When am I getting my money back?” According to the Daily Mail, the influx of Haitian immigrants has revitalized the local economy, but very clearly has sparked controversy amongst its residents. Harris said, “They’re in the park, grabbing up ducks by their neck, and cutting their head off and walking off with them. They’re eating them.”
— https://lawenforcementtoday.com/residents-in-springfield-ohio-frustarted-over-havoc-influx-of-illegal-immigrants-have-caused
Eric –
Nothing weird about eating duck or goose. I use to bag a few every year and wifey would cook them up to a recipe I cadged from Field&Stream.
And poaching is an old American custom, whether hunting without a license or taking game out of season. As a teenager I used to keep a 410 in the trunk in case I saw a pheasant, and Grampa used to jacklight deer. Maybe Ohio needs better game wardens? They should cull the coyote population also. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it was coyotes taking the dogs & cats. Happens here occasionally. Used to happen years ago down in San Clemente and Oceanside area as well, probably still does.
Sure, Leith. I like wild game too. Once in a while I go down to the city zoo, in the dead of a full moon night, when I have a hankering for some wildebeest, warthog, zebra, or some other exotic meat. My grandpa used to carry a suppressed M14 in the trunk for just such outings. Guess it’s become a family tradition. I still have, and use, grandpa’s old rifle in my trunk, though I had to replace the suppressor with something more modern because the old one wore out. Once in a while I zap a monkey off his tire swing just for fun – and to gift the meat to my Chinese neighbors. I just can’t seem to adapt to the taste myself.
Yeah. I’m with you. Poaching is a great old American family bonding activity. Those Haitians are as red, white and blue to the marrow as anyone can be.
Eric Newhill,
Earlier this year, some chuckle headed redneck shot a near tame deer that lived in the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond. The buck had a magnificent 29 point rack. The whole city was up in arms. The clown was caught and he’s now in jail. I’m surprised there aren’t more stories of Canada geese disappearing. I’m sure squirrels suffer the same fate.
Eric –
Now I’m suspicioning that you and your Grandpa were the ones supplying all that mystery meat to the Camp Pendleton mess halls. Regarding the monk, I hope that wasn’t a lethal shot. If so, just wound the little guy next time, because they like to eat the monkey’s brains while they’re still wiggling using the skull as a bowl.
My Aunt Rosa used to bake breaded calf brains. Looked benign once cooked but an ugly business during prep so I passed. But in the Carolinas I once had pork brains scrambled up with eggs as a hangover cure. At least I hope they were pork brains and not something weird.
Ha ha You got me. My first MOS was 3381, but I signed an NDA. You’ll never know what those tasty morsels really were.
In all seriousness, My dad told me how, during the Pacific War (he was 40 when married and I was his first at 42, by way of explaining the seeming generation gap), his unit used to get their comrades with the sea going Marines to shoot at schools of sharks with 20 mm guns on the bow and then they’d hook the dead sharks off the fan tail. Somehow the shooting was justified as “gunnery practice”. Then sailors and Marines alike would have fresh shark for dinner. Some species were better eating than others. They learned which to cook and which to toss back into the sea.
I worked with a fellow who had fond memories of he and his grandpappy fishing with dynamite. He teared up a bit when he told me.
Back in the late seventies I lived near Golden Gate Park. There were feeders nailed to the trees with feeders for the squirrels but the the squirrels began to disappeared. Turned out the Vietnamese immigrants were eating them.
Ducks in city ponds are practically domesticated. Throw some bread in the water and they’ll come right up to you and are easy to grab, like a friendly cat or dog.
Someone who ate dirt cookies back home would absolutely eat cats here:
There were a few stories of people eating cats and park geese by illegal aliens. Trump was right to bring it up because the moderators showed their cards saying it wasn’t real when it absolutely is real with real arrests. They never did this to Kamala of calling her out on bold claims, they let her say whatever without interruption.
It’s not just that the Haitians are eating pets and ducks in the park. They are also terrible drivers and that is causing insurance rates to increase in those zip codes. Then there’s all of the the public services that they are disproportionately utilizing (or causing to be utilized). There’s also how migrants are contributing to housing shortages and those driving up the cost of rent and home purchases. They are like a tax on the people who’s pets they are eating.
Laura –
Half a lifetime ago I had a bite of roast dog at a Christmas dinner with a Vietnamese Catholic family. In my defense I was only told what it was after I had eaten the first bite. Almost cost me a divorce with my wife when I mentioned it to her decades later. And my daughters wouldn’t talk to me for a week. But I’ve heard it is still legal in Canada. James might know.
I did not know about this.
“the city administrator said no reports of that”
Trust the government.
“Facts matter” Now do BLS statistics. You know, the jobs reports of the biden-Harris administration that keep getting revised downwards. Other important facts from Springfield:
non-profit Haitian Bridge Alliance had revenue go from $71,000 in 2019 to over $4 million in 2022. I wonder what impact that had on the community. Trust, but verify. Or don’t bother to ask
From what I understand, that area of Ohio has had declining population and the new immigrants have contributed by filling jobs and creating business start ups.
I’m sure the Italians and Greeks and Irish “caused problems” when they first arrived as well. (And I think we all know how the Chinese were treated a well as the Vietnamese.) Admittedly, as a nation of immigrants we should be better at ssupporting our new neighbors (at least until they start out-performing us!).
Frankly, as a sentient citizen, I am glad when my government updates and clarifies and makes for accurate the statistics on job creation, etc. that they are legally required to provide us. Seems like the right thing to do.
What was the migration rate of American citizens from Detroit, Baltimore, East St. Louis? Did any NGO go to any of those cities to aid the downtrodden and offer them free relo, free housing, EBT and education aid? Asking because ‘as a sentient citizen’ I want my government putting my people’s needs ahead of those of foreign nationals.
How many of the 20,000 do you want in your neighborhood, zero? How many of the millions that Biden-Harris have allowed in are there now, also zero?
“as a nation of immigrants”
The people here in 1776 were not immigrants.
The Vietnamese were betrayed by the Democrats in Congress and the Communists in North Vietnam who launched another war against them in 1975. Though yes, the California legislature certainly showed their contempt for people from Vietnam when they removed a state senator because she had the audacity of criticize anti-war leftist Tom Hayden:
The Italians and Greeks and Irish you mention in passing, didn’t you even bother with the PBS puff pieces on Ellis Island and the requirements for health inspections, proof of support already in the US, and deportation for those that didn’t have any?
“I am glad when my government updates and clarifies and makes for accurate the statistics on job creation, etc. that they are legally required to provide us. Seems like the right thing to do.”
Are you happy when the initial stats are fraudulent as well?
Haitians began arriving in Springfield around 2018 because there were jobs available. Over the years, friends and relative flocked to Springfield as jobs were still widely available. The mayor and governor claim those Haitians revitalized Springfield, but they still taxed the support services in the numbers that came in that quickly.
From last night’s debate quoting Trump:
“We have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums. And they’re coming in and they’re taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispanics and also unions…[in]“towns throughout the United States…look at Springfield, Ohio… Aurora Colorado…they are taking over the towns. They’re taking over buildings. They’re going in violently. These are the people that she and Biden let into our country. And they’re destroying our country.”
“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating — they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country.”
“21 million people are pouring into our country monthly.”
The monthly total of immigrants coming across the southern border peaked with over 370,000 people in December 2023. Just over 84,000 migrants crossed the southern border between legal ports of entry in June 2024. Seems Trump is also math challenged.
Yes, Trump misspoke. OMG! Better vote for the blatant lying socialist, price control Harris. Sheesh.
That was pathetic of Harris repeating debunked nonsense like “very fine people” and “blood bath”. Harris is clearly the MSM candidate. She repeats their nonsense, which is also CIA/IC/Deep state nonsense. Weird how people here distrust the IC, but then opt for their hand picked stooge to run things, or rather be the figure head while the deep state/IC runs things.
Anyhow, she didn’t fool anyone except soccer moms, welfare queens and such who were already fooled by MSM propaganda – and, apparently, some people here.
Eric – I’m not voting for her or Trump.
Eric if you can convince me that Trump and Vance would be ABLE to fullfil their promise to end the Ukraine war I would certainly vote for them despite all my other reservations about Trump’s fitness to govern. I’m not asking you to do so, I’m just thinking out loud. Just to be clear — I intensely dislike Harris and think she might possibly get huge numbers of people, including Americans, killed. Since Trump was unable or unwilling (mainly unwilling imo) to defy the deep state in the matter of arming Ukraine (bested by a Ukrainian-American Lt Colonel in the US Army) I don’t see why he’d have better luck this time. See Butler, PA.
Awful people.
Their awfulness will be amplified in the period leading up to the election.
The fact of the matter is the war declared on Israel began under Biden and the democrats and in my mind that is inexcusable.But then I am not an American citizen so I will be in the peanut gallery with all the other peanuts.
There are still American hostages being held by hamas but israel did not wait around and went to Syria and met up with several Iranians for a quiet cup of tea.
Personally I would like to see Kelly Ayotte in the white house if trump wins.The person upstairs suggested it to me some time ago.Weird as I had never heard of her before and know nothing about US politics
Any one here come across her
I’m afraid if Trump wins, he’ll take Laura Loomer with him. She’s shacking up with him now at Mar a Lago. I’m sure she’s soothing his ego with fawning praise. He’s in desperate need of some right now.
F&L – can’t blame you. He’s impossible on Gaza. But given the strength of the Evangelical/Christian Zionist vote in the US, any American politician who isn’t impossible on Gaza doesn’t get to be an American politician, just about. Fact of life.
His “peace plan” for Ukraine is, unfortunately, a day behind the fair. But I think he knows that.
I only watched the first exchange in the debate. After that, SWMBO and I looked at each other and thought we’d give it a miss. We have the same dumb “election debates” in the UK. The politicians stand in a row like marionettes spouting their carefully manicured statements under the supervision of the moderators. A particularly unsuitable venue for Trump, who needs to interact with an audience while he’s doing his stream of consciousness thing.
I missed this speech too; but an extract was picked up by one of my fellow-countrymen:-
At another campaign rally in Wisconsin, he had asked why the Biden Administration had been so obsessed with Russia:
“Three days ago, it started again. The Justice Department said that Russia is interfering in our elections again. Russia. Russia. Russia. Not a single phone call has been made to Russia in 2.5 years. It’s like it doesn’t exist, except for the blocking of its gas pipeline, which these people approved. And then the other day, the attorney general said that Russia is back in focus. And I said, “Oh, not that again.” Russia, Russia, Russia, over and over. And no attention to China or Iran. They only look at Russia. I don’t know what they’re harassing poor Russia for. It’s very, very, very strange. And by the way, if I were president, Russia would never have attacked Ukraine. It would never have happened.”
I believe Donald Trump is probably right on that. If he’d been President we wouldn’t be looking at a million casualties so far and probably more. Nor would we be wondering about mushroom clouds.
Couldn’t find a transcript of that particular speech. But found another in Wisconsin where Tulsi Gabbard pointed out that there are also some in the States wondering where this is all going:-
“There was a recent poll that YouGov did that pointed out over 60% of Americans feel that World War III and nuclear war is going to happen within five to 10 years. And when I heard that, I felt so sad, because they’re at a point where they feel like this outcome, the annihilation of the world, is inevitable.
That’s ruff! Ruff ruff. But not as fluffy as Trump saying he was shot in the head, probably because of things they (Kamala, Biden, the MSM) say. Too which Disney TV (run by Kamala’s friend Dana Walden) ABC star anchor said “we need to move on”). That line also being said when Trump brought up the Biden-Harris flight from Kabul that got more than a dozen American soldiers killed and disgraced American arms.
Muir and his sidechick also allowed Hoaxahauntus to spit out the “fine people’ lie, bloodbath hoax,the police dying on J6. Not good look for impartiality. Kamala laughing about people’s pets being killed, nota good look. Remember Romney? As far as people coming into the country, arethey doing that legally? What other laws will they obey thesame way?
On a brighter note for the campaign, thanks to the debate the American electorate is being unburdened by what was 9-11. That’s the cat’s meow.
Fred – thank you. I stand corrected. I shouldn’t have quoted Trump on the issue of immigrants killing and eating pets. It seems they in fact do. Thanks to Eric also – I looked it up, he’s right.
New campaign slogan below – what do you think?
“What this nation could use are more pets who kill and eat immigrants!”
Well, I recall when someone on a third party ticket, I think it was Ron Paul, suggested filling the Rio Grande with alligators. Whoever it was, they were clearly forward thinking. Way ahead of his time. That was back when illegals were mostly from Mexico, numbers were manageable and they really did work in ways that contributed to the economy, for the most part.
But yes, your slogan is excellent on multiple levels, if – and only if – we act on it. Perhaps Fauci and his Chicom pals could do some gain of function research on alligators, grizzly bears, Komodo Dragon Lizards, Black Mambas, Lions and Wolves. Something that flies should be in the queue too, or maybe that is the gain of function aspect; e.g. flying mega-sized alligators
A great media success anyhow. 😀
great, thanks. 😉
Did some hiking out in Western Georgia. Nice hikes, great weather. Stars at night, not many bugs or rain. Dog had fun, too. Thankfully he didn’t see the bobcat the last day out. And I got a nice reminder of what poison sumac looks like. Could have done with out that re-education.
Was that up in the Dahlonega Mountains?
No, out near Columbus. Calloway Gardens was about half an hour away.
Sounds like the Pine Mountain trail.
Is there a set tape?
Have my flag at half mast today.
For Daniel pearl a 7.8
our monthly meeting of obscure automotive etceterini enthusiasts at a long favored pizza joint tonight. one of the old timers (a former army chopper pilot) mentioned that 60 Min program on the NY Firefighters of 9/11… watching brought tears to his eyes too. we each shared a bit of forever frozen 9/11 memory. one was in a NASA facility w/ others watching on tv… many crying. another a tech support contractor w/ DIA… took him awhile to sink in – all hoped it was a terrible accident… until the 2nd plane hit. the youngest told of how it played for a 5th grader. for me (I wrote a detailed report a few yrs back), upon finally arriving home that evening, I eventually fell asleep trying to calculate how close I was to the Pentagon strike, given I departed BWA headed South a little after 8. everyone everywhere was some way close to it… always will be.
9/12. Prosecutor tactics. She was aggressive in the initial haptics and proxemics by simply walking into his space to shake his hand. He seemed unmoved. She was constantly staring him down trying to make eye contact and inject her manipulative synthetic expressions. Trump was stoic, gazed only at the biased moderators, and unnerved compared to her 112 blink per minute rate. She was fake and creepy in her overuse of facial expressions and gestures. Much of it was to manipulate the masses too. I am pretty sure she did the same thing to goad the jurors into believing her crap. It reminds me of a manipulative cunt I used to date that also used her golden pussy to get ahead in life. Kamallas uterus is now rotten so it doesn’t work in a presidential election. I want to gift Kamalla a cute little monkey in hopes that one day it will tear her face off.
No decapitated prize thoroughbred racehorses under the silky bedroom sheets?
The deep state hiring practices are becoming obvious. Hire minorities and foreigners to rule over America. Why? Because such people hate and despise the population of the United States. And the deep state needs such rulers. So as a black and Indian female who hasn’t any children, she fits the bill. Russians are white, don’t forget. In a nuclear exchange lots of white Americans and Russians get wiped out. That’s the main fantasy of over half our “minority” citizens. Was it Malcolm X, or was it James Baldwin, who said that the only thing Charley Parker thought about when he wasn’t playing the saxophone was killing white people. Would the PRC mind overly much if a mean old black and Indian lady wiped out the continental United States and the Russian Federation? I don’t think so. Would Israel? Haha. There’s nothing under the sun they secretly desire more than getting that sort of revenge.
Charley Parker listened to country music, much to the dismay of his fellow musicians, because he liked the stories the songs told. I find it hard to believe he fantasized killing white people. But then again I like watching ZULU once a year.
PS to Condotierre:
The significance of her childlessness needs underlining and clarification.
In an emergency situation a childless leader has no stake in the existence of the future life of generations of the living or much less than that of a person with children, grandchildren etc. Essentially they have no investment in a future.
In addition to the former colonial peoples worldwide, the PRC and their Han who are smarting over their century of humiliation, and the Israelis and minority spinsters such as Harris, guess who else would clap and cheer at the prospect of wiping out America and Russia? Great Britain. They’d move closer to the top with the top dogs destroyed. (They’ve hated the Russians since before Ivan IV Grozny and despise the American people for having once freed themselves from their tyranny). So psychologically the deck is very heavily stacked.
The unspoken (and until now unenforced) rule that a President should have their own offspring is there for good reason.
George Washington, the founder of our nation, had no children. Should he have not been elected? Andrew Jackson had no children either. Or is it just for women? Maybe only women want really care about our nation if they dont have kids. 5 US presidents were elected without having children.
Childless cat men indeed.
Stefan you are correct. And I went on a paranoid rampage. At least you noticed. If I was handsome, rich and presentable I could be elected president with insane rants like those.
Comparing George Washington to Janie Rotten Crotch (aka Harris), eh.
Of the dozens of critical points they do not have in common, some enemy of the US comes along to equate the two on the most superficial of attributes.
No Washington, a relative on my mother’s side btw (Mary Ball was the sister of my direct ancestor), didn’t have children, but he had a hell of a lot going for him. The USA was like his child.
Harris? Just a whiney idiot – a dangerous whiney idiot. The product of mass media and deep state collusion.
They never went to planned parenthood, but both of them survived smallpox. BTW what war did Kamala win, besides the one against Dr. Jill?
It is the concept. NEVER was having children a requirement for being the US President. Period. What we are seeing here is latent racism and misogyny coming into play.
Not so latent with Eric. He has made it clear David Duke and Nathan Bedford Forest have nothing on him.
You act like being called a racist hurts or somehow negates a valid argument. Who cares? Racism, shmacism. Yawn.
I’d rather be thought a racist than a dingbat.
Triggered much? Lots of innuendo thrown out there to discredit/disqualify someone. It’s standard lefty tactics across the blogosphere.
Kamala took DonOld down hard and he greatly assisted her in doing so. She showed the country that he is unfit for office and his track record proves it. It comes down to something as simple as going forward or going backward. No matter how much lipstick is put on that pig, it remains a pig.
“Let Trump be Trump” gives the election to Harris. His worst political opponent is himself. No “Deep State” can even come close to what Trump’s deep character flaws are accomplishing.
Harris poked into Trump’s personality faults to the hilt. A large segment of voters saw in the debate a Trump babbling non-sense and not in control debating a woman he had called “dumb as a rock”.
I might add, during the debate the cat got Trump’s tongue!
I was impressed that after years of bitching about Obamacare, he (& his braintrust, & the GOP when in control of the House or Senate) have yet to offer any alternative – no plan, nor an outline of a plan… maybe it’s in the 2025 Thing?
however, he has concepts! it’s a breakthrough in… in… BS?
one could go on & on & on … kinda like he does. not only the transcendent threat to America’s dogs & cats (did he mention the birds again?)… but nuclear war breaking out the moment Harris is elected, sex reassignment surgery in public schools (one-day service!), & Orban’s Authoritarian Boys Club Endorsement. he’s got it all nailed.
What Trump did was fix the main aspects that conservatives bitched about – first, was the part of the law that made it mandatory to purchase Obama Care if you didn’t have insurance through your employer or other avenues.
So, you’re wrong. Trump and the GOP did do something important with regards to the ACA. It is no longer mandatory to buy insurance; nor is there is any longer a tax penalty for not doing so.
No one cares that insurance companies offer individual and small group plans. Ok? It’s not really costing the government anything because, second, Trump also stopped federal CSR payments to reimburse the insurance companies on the silver plan subsidies for low income insured, though, I should add, insurance still has to pay the subsidies. So that was another big victory for Trump in battling what bothered conservatives about the ACA.
Mandatory purchase gone. Biggest federal subsidy gone. ACA is no longer a problem for conservatives. It’s just individual and small group insurance sold by private companies. Why would Trump or anyone else care about that?
No one is going to argue over the pre-existing coverage part of the law. It doesn’t cost the feds anything. Insurance companies just raise premium rates to cover the cost to the risk pool of all the people they have to cover, by law, that they wouldn’t have but for the ACA.
The debate question was ignorant and stupid. It was bait. Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers.
compromise… in the olden golden days how policy proceeded & then modified over time for effectiveness. step by step, slowly it turned. a classic, now rare, technique of civil enterprise. for the petulant, it’s back to shutting down the government… democracy as tantrum.
Or neck makeup. Forward, together. Unburdened by Kamala’s track record that was, what exactly, these past 3 years?
She has had on the job training, while Trump has practiced being a loser, as in losing his mind. He has reduced himself to a babbling idiot.
Job training? She was trained by whom, Joe Biden? Dr. Jill? or if you prefer, Willie Brown? I’m sure she learned a lot from all of them. Trump has already been president. Lowest energy prices in a couple decades. Abraham Accords, “Little Rocket Man” meeting in Korea, stay in Mexico deal, NO WARS in Europe. Can’t let that happen again.
Energy prices collapsed during the pandemic along with the rest of the world economy. Hardly something to toot one’s horn about.
History didn’t start with China’s lab leak. Abraham Accords, meeting with Kim Jon Un, peace in Europe. Obama-Biden and Biden-Harris didn’t do those. They have given us censorship, record illegal immigration, and inflation.
Fred – Trump is chickening out — he refused additional debates with Kamala. A bad look for him because everyone will think not only that he lost but that he knows he lost and has given up.
Kamala has people talking about cats. Which reinforces immigration and crime. She’s comfortably smug.
“going forward or going backwards”
Do you really hate the values of 19C WASP Americans that much?
Versus taking America into the third world.
The sentiment is much broader than that.
Yes, the freaks, perpetual, malcontents, the satanic, the hordes of ungrateful recent arrivals, the hopelessly uncouth, the proudly stupid, the primitive tribe minded, the psychopaths, the mentally ill and other rabble that the democrats represent really do hate the WASPs that much – and they want to take what the WSPs built and claim it for their own even though they didn’t earn it and are probably, at the genetic level, incapable of ever creating anything like it themselves, nor sustaining it. The college educated midwits and riverboat grifters that lead the democrats are too short sighted and simple minded to realize that someday their followers will turn on them too, when it all falls apart, as it most certainly will.
it’s not hate.
it’s an objective reading of history. WASPism has run America since the 17th Century. America is where it is today as a consequence of how it has been run. there are problems, promise & everything in-between. one ought not blind oneself to the current state by appeal to an idealized past – it never existed as dreamed-of. that only accelerates & magnifies flaws. trump & trumpism & maga is a product of the actual past.
years ago here, when trump arose in triumph over the gop, I pointed out, “you picked the wrong horse” to address grievances… which deserved more serious consideration than that clown could ever muster. I also shared my view of trumpism as a shallow, poorly written, cheaply made, badly acted modern American version of Shakespearean Tragedy.
It has taken much longer for the drama to reach its final act than I hoped, but here we are. WASPism got what it wanted then – & now, what it deserves. well past time for that enfeebled ass to go to pasture – it’s what America needs, WASPs & all. better for WaspWorld to contemplate some lessons learned… work on QC, offer something better than a criminal psychopath in front of an aging populist anger & revenge movement w/ a touch of armed violence. like Biden, he’s past his expiration date. the future of WASPism, if there is one, begs for it.
As I was saying.
WASPism got what is deserved. Yeah, that sounds like it’s dripping with hate and envy.
Same mentality that wants from the river to the sea, wants Ukraine crushed by Russia. That mentality picks an aggressor and gleefully watches and cheers that aggressor’s slaughter of “the others”, all based on some social justice sophistry and made up “facts” .
The only mistake WASPs made was being too Christian and successful. They lost touch with reality and opened the doors to too many foreigners who didn’t read that book and don’t play by those rules.
“sounds like” … what you hear depends on how you listen.
More Trump disinformation/confusion/lies being countered by major member of his own Republican (Trump) Party:
Ohio’s GOP governor dispels Republican claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets
Gov. Mike DeWine weighed in on his party’s leaders amplifying the claim.
Oh, had not noticed, this link is from ABC News, so might as well disregard!
Thanks for the ABC link.
“DeWine earlier this week announced the state would send more resources to Springfield, which is grappling with the rapid influx of Haitian migrants over the last few years. His office said local primary caregivers have been impacted due to increased number of patients and lack of translation services.”
Wow, they need millions in social services? I thought they were all good workers who pay their own way? I won’t ask why he didn’t do that for the American citizens before these ‘fine people’ (I assume they are fine people) showed up. Somebody should ask what the link to his wife is though.
““In general, migrants from Haiti have had little to no healthcare services prior to arriving in the United States, including vaccinations,” the press release said.”
So Covid and what else?
Germany taunted Donald Trump over his disinformation/confusion/lies he spewed in debate regarding their energy status!
Trump claimed during the U.S. presidential debate Tuesday night that Germany’s shift away from fossil fuels had failed, and that the Germans were back to building
fossil fuel energy plants.
Germany’s Foreign Ministry responded by posting on X: ““Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50 percent renewables, And we are shutting down — not building — coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest. PS: We also don’t eat cats and dogs.”
And here in the States, Trump brings full employment after all—to fact checkers!
Trump is right on that one, they are going back to coal. They tried politicaly with renewable energy, but it didn’t work out well. The still have plenty wind turbines and get some energy from the sun and sea, but it’s not enough and they are going back to coal (maybe even nuclear, depends).
I wouldn’t trust the current German ministers even if the said the sky is blue. E.g. just look at Baerbock, the minister of foreign affairs. She knows nothing about diplomacy.
Jovan P,
They’re not going back to coal. They’re just not dropping it as fast as they planned. Total energy produced by coal is dropping while renewables are increasing.
Jovan, I would trust the German Ministers way before anything out of Trump’s confusion/lies!
The Green New Deal in action. Shutting down coal and nuclear. Did he mention energy costs in that post? 158% higher than the US? What percent higher that their own benchmark cost? Why is VW closing plants? But Meow!
Did you notice how excited Trump got yelling about “pussies”?
Aspect of his confusion about which kind!
Some soyboys are really upset about being called out too.
Massive multi-state election fraud per the algorithms post TTG put up a while back, should be a major breaking story very soon. Lots of MSM talking heads and politicians gonna have egg all over their faces, and those are the luckier ones.
Trump really did win 2020.
Eric Newhill,
So the kraken has finally surfaced.
I don’t know about no stinkin’ Kraken, but the real evidence has and it’s on the way like a gathering storm cloud of cataclysmic proportions.
OMG! Some never learn!
“Trump really did win 2020.”
Eric, Eric, Eric, still pushing the debunked “Big Lie.” Trump lost in a landslide in a free and fair election. He knows it, America knows it, and you know it.
It’s funny to me that most everyone here fears and loathes the the so called genocidal military industrial complex and imagines all manner of conspiratorial horrors from them across the globe, but then the same people worship big government/democrats and can’t accept that their monstrosity of a bogie man would rig elections. A lot of people have a lot of crossed wiring in their heads.
Anyhow, thanks for your authoritative denouncement of the issue. I’m sure you have spent countless hours analyzing the data and are thus as well informed as CNN, who you always sound a lot like.You’ve sure convinced me. Ha ha.
Eric, you need to get that fake Fox “News” IV out of your arm, you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed.
Speaking of big government, look no further than your felonious, sexual predator hero, crooked Donald.
Eric Newhill,
You’re talking about those algorithms and massive irregularities in the NYS voter roles. I look forward to hearing more about that. Something is badly screwed up there and NYS has not explained what it is. Whether it will affect county voting and vote counting is another question.
It’s not just NY. The algorithms are very clear in Ohio and they are in NJ and a couple other states that have been looked at. The Ohio data is particularly straight forward. I have seen the details myself. The voter registrations are clearly segmented into different distinct blocks by the algorithms being applied to the creation of voter IDs.
My understanding is that some state Governors – though not NY – are getting involved as they say they were unaware that algorithms have been applied to the registration rolls and they are concerned by what they have been shown. That is a positive development. Though, I only have secondhand info on that activity. There is some more that I was told, that if accurate, is going to be very damning in that it will remove all speculation as to ifs and whys – and it isn’t about hyperactive coders who bill by the line. I am also eager to see what is revealed simply at an intellectual level after all the speculation I have done with Andrew after agreeing the algorithms are real.
What will be done with all of the above evidence? I truly don’t know exactly and if I did, I wouldn’t say. I understand something is coming soon. Big players are involved. My guess would be that there may be legal action to obtain temporary restraining orders on mail-in ballots and non-ID in-person voting. At least that is what I would do. I would also have well known/well respected/highly experienced journalist(s) break the story in big circulation outlets. I have reason to believe that may occur very soon.
This is a stakes game. Legal actions against Trump, J6, suits against Fox, etc. could be impacted. Obviously, more importantly to us, the upcoming election would be altered, if for no other reason, it would prove that Trump was right and he was done wrong. Personally, I would like to see that, if there has indeed been massive cheating, that elections are cleaned up and rendered fair, regardless of the ultimate outcome based on real votes cast. I’d like to see perpetrators charged and tried.
As I have maintained all along, I know the algorithms are real. I personally cannot say that they have been used for cheating, though I can’t think of any other innocent reason they exist. What I have heard is that there is now proof that they are used for cheating. I do not really know what the nature of the proof nor the cheating is. I do know 100% that, with regards to NY, there are almost 2 million cloned/fake registrations that have been active during elections and that of those checked, a small percent of the total clones, mail-in ballot were sent to the clones. That’s bad. But I think the clones in NY are a different issue than what is happening in other states. Ohio seems to have only a small number of clones. My guess is that the segmentation has to do with identifying blocks of votes that can be harvested (e.g. nursing home residents), blocks of dead voters, blocks of people who are registered, but never vote (thus making their mail-in ballot available for cheaters), other?
We shall see.
No one has done to Trump what Harris accomplished!
Harris took him to the woodshed for a spanking. No one in Trump’s Republican primaries or Clinton and Biden came even close as Harris did to turning his face into a dried prune and get him to sputter out as much BULL
They released a new jingle too.
These are fun. English subtitles embedded. Guess what – they think Harris won and Trump seriously underperformed. And more — they say she’s not a fool at all and has considerable charisma. Understand – these are Russians and they’ve been pulling for Trump since forever. And everybody gets it – why else would our dear Eric be rolling out “the elections will be rigged” placards already?
Vladimir Soloviev and Dmitri Simes discuss the Debate | RMM
Russian TV Reacts to Harris vs Trump Debate | Russian Media Monitor
I rolled out election fraud allegations before we knew that the democratic process would be usurped and Harris would be anointed. You know that.
Now the team has assembled additional evidence and witnesses. They are ready to go.
Sorry Eric I assumed you were trying to get ahead of the game.
Maybe I am. Just passing along some scuttlebutt, but I think it’s good scuttlebutt.
F & L,
Eric’s family comes from the Middle East. Having spent decades in and around the area I can tell you no one loves conspiracy theories like those from the Middle East. He cant help himself, it is in his genes. Lets cut him some slack. Racism is common in the Middle East too, than would explain his Nathan Bedford Forest redux. Again, it is in the genes.
You funny man. Isn’t it as racist to say it’s in Eric’s genes as to say a propensity to crime is in African genes? Must be satire ha ha.
All of that is in everyone’s genes. It’s even in animals’ genes. It tends to express more in middle eastern people because it’s a survival adaptation in a harsh competitive environment. It expresses less in civilized places, like the US, because people here are relatively comfortable and secure. So they can entertain dopey ideas, lie open borders, government is your friend, there are no such things as conspiracies.
Also, you are merely proving that you are not serious when you dismiss a professionally and thoroughly researched issue, like systemic deliberate election fraud. In short, you’re talking out of your ass. There are absolutely are algorithms in states’ registration data bases that segment the registrations into clear cut blocks. There is no good reason for that to be occurring – no innocent good reason, that is. Furthermore, there are up to 2 million “cloned” registrations in NY. These are registrations that can be proven to not belong to a real person or are duplications of registrations of real people, but with different voter IDs. Now, I am told, someone responsible for inserting the algorithm into the registration data – really the ID assignment process – has been identified and is going to act as a whistleblower. You will see shortly if the info I am aware of is correct. I know the algorithm is correct because I have personally been reviewing the data for the past two years by way of providing gut checks, second set of eyes, etc for the main guy doing the research. You should not assume that everyone on the internet is a drunken moron nobody posting from their rundown trailer.
BTW…My mother’s side of the family, WASPs that founded this country, balances out my middle eastern genes. It’s a good mix.
“The Special Military Operation is going according to plan” – V. Putin
How is that 3 day military campaign going?
How is that nazi hunt going?
I think this is extremely significant:
“Putin says West will be fighting directly with Russia if it lets Kyiv use long-range missiles”
For what is unfortunately happening in the U.S., see
“Biden admin faces mounting pressure to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia with US missiles”
Clearly some in the U.S. are leading us straight into World War III.
Zelensky wants the US Military to fight in his war to save his country. We may dumb enouhg to do it.
Yes, and they are in default on their debt and want more of our money to keep paying off creditors and skim their share off the top.
Keith Harbaugh,
Do you think that the Russians might respond to the continuing escalation by the US with an attack on undersea fiber optic internet cables? This could be done in many places all over the world including the Indian Ocean (Diego Garcia) and the Persian Gulf (Bahrain.) Or cut, drag a cable from a hub off of Gotteborg, Sweden, or hit again the internet cables to Svalbard, Norway, blinding a significant number of Western satellite intelligence from the new High Ground, including even Taiwan’s. There must be hundreds of possible targets all over the world, including right here off of Virginia Beach/Sandbridge.
Such an attack could cause chaos in the Western financial markets. TrilIions are at stake. Wall Street would go slower and slower until a lot of business would simply have to go on hold. Catastrophic losses. It would be so bad you don’t really see much analysis of what it could do. We fear it. And it can be done. They’ve done it. No doubt about that. No need to use nuclear weapons at this point.
All true but the Chinese still depend on the western banking and trading infrastructure so they wouldn’t let Russia cut any cables unless or until they devised an alternate working system, which itself is a huge lift.
There is a very good YouTube video ‘The Secrets of Cornwall Part 1 -Communications” which gives some background on how telecommunications via undersea fiber optic cables works and where the risk is. Particularly shows something about the cable connection between New York and Britain, and leaves one with an idea of the locale where an attack from offshore would likely have to be mounted to wreck the internet connection between London and New York. If China knew when it was going down Chinese bankers etc. could make a bundle. It would be a financial Hiroshima for the US. cy
Larry Johnson has posted a three-minute video of Putin giving his analysis of what Russia is facing;
He says the Ukrainians can’t strike inside Russia on their own –
such strikes require significant technical support from the U.S. or other NATO countries.
Keith Harbaugh,
Of course he says that. To admit the Ukrainians can do this on their own, as they have been doing with their tUkrainian designed and built drones, is to admit that Ukraine has agency, that the Ukrainians can strike deep into Russia on their own. He can’t admit that a country that supposedly doesn’t exist has been standing up to his invasion for two and a half years.
I see.
Just how do these Ukrainian-built drones have the ability to navigate to apartment houses a few kilometers from Moscow?
Keith Harbaugh,
It quite likely those Ukrainian-built drones are using the Ukrainian-designed Eagle Eyes machine vision software that enables drones to fly to target without a GPS connection. They can’t be jammed.
Politico reports how the meeting between UK PM Starmer and Biden went:
“Starmer and Biden brush off Putin’s threat of war”
“Asked what he made of Putin saying such an act
would put NATO countries “at war with Russia,”
the U.S. president told reporters:
“I don’t think much about Vladimir Putin.” “
How is that “Spets Operatsiya” going baby?
3 day war? Going on 1000 days?
How come my comment is returned / refused as a “pervious comment”? I have changed my comment to reflect non-specific argumentation and non-specificity and keep recieving the “previous comment” notification. Your site is compromised!
I trashed one of your comments. It was repetitive. I delete many comments as I see fit. Live with it.
Putin is a pussy!
Long live pussy.
Trump is saving pussies!
Shako – he’s very cautious and deliberate. I’ll give you that.
That’s why he’s the most important man in the world at present. I reckon mushroom clouds are less likely if he’s in charge.
He shares that position of the most important man in the world with one other. The President of the United States, whoever that is or will be. I wish I could be as confident that that other important man is unlikely to push it as far as mushroom clouds.
The thing I have noticed is while everybody is talking about Haitians eating all the fowl and assorted pets in Springfield, absolutely no one seems to have any care that 20,000 non English speaking were dumped off in the small city in the first place.
Are there many other Springfields out there?
This is what Trump should have brought up, not the damn pet issue.
That’s exactly what curious people are asking: why are thousands of people being shipped to small cities in the US. The whole ‘eating dogs and cats’ memes drive that question. The elitists who used the military to forcibly remove 50 immigrants from Martha’s Vineyard are busy repeating the mantra and keeping the immigration question on the front pages.
But, MAGA likes letting “Trump be Trump!” They grovel in his BS and he in turn
fluffs his ego. It is becoming a downward spiral which neither can get out of.
Ohio has always be Voodoo country for Democrats. Immigration there is nothing like it is in Obama’s home town of Martha’s Vineyard.
Fred, Yep, Ohio very “weird”, Where else can a top Republican House member like Jordan start out as a wrestling coach and looks the other way while his college wrestlers are sexual assaulted by the team doc
The mystery
maga is trumps fluffer,but who us eating the cat.
You might want to ask that question to the Republican Fla and Tx Governors who have been loading them on planes and dumping them around the country!!!!
Martha’s Vineyard – dumping ground of illegal immigrants.
Good thing their governor called out the military and had them removed at gun point within 48 hours. Virtue achieved.
Maybe you can get Christine Beasely Ford’s lawyer to help with that case. Will they also be going after the OSU presidents and vps and administrators too, or is it the wresting coaches that run that university?
The duped migrants were first put up at a church shelter on Martha’s Vineyard, but it wasn’t large enough for the 50 migrants. They were moved by ferry to facilities at Joint Base Cape Cod, the former Camp Edwards where refugees from Katrina were once housed.
Migrants? When were they planning on going back? Nice try. “Duped” even better sound bite. Do you believe those talking points? How many NGO assisted immigrants are on Martha’s Vineyard? 20,000, zero? I’m guessing zero.
To be exact, they were 49 mostly Venezuelan asylum seekers. They were duped by Texan and Floridian officials who are now the subject of at least three investigations for human trafficking violations. It puts those asylum seekers in line for U visas which offer a path to resident status.
Almost all or all of those asylum seekers left Martha’s Vineyard for Joint Base Cape Cod where several Massachusetts NGOs were able to continue to provide services. No services other than a small church shelter and Spanish speaking high school students were available on Martha’s Vineyard. Some have settled in Boston and have taken up jobs.
Yes. They are fully integrated contributors to our society. What’s more, three of them have designed a space shuttle type vehicle the engineering of which has been submitted to Elon Musk. Elon says it’s pure genius. NO American could have ever come up with the design. They also figured out a manufacturing process that will allow it to be produced in time to rescue the two astronauts trapped on the space station.
Another couple of the 49 have already developed a cure for cancer, something that has defied American doctors and researchers to date. Before long, these guys will be buying up Martha’s Vineyard.
Eric Newhill,
I’m surprised you didn’t suggest they were subsisting off the local dogs and cats for the past year.
Lies! All lies! The reality is that those immigrants set up a shelter for unwanted pets, where they are cared for to the highest standards. They are free range, of course, but can stop by the always stocked feeding stations, which are always full of the best organic, filler-free, food. When they seek human companionship, the pets are showered with the most pure love and care, grooming, and games (like the humans tirelessly dragging string for the cats to chase and endless games of fetch for dogs). The pets can live out their natural lives there is they are not adopted by suitable families.
So they were not “migrants” like you said they were to start with? The Governor of Florida is going to be arrested for human trafficking? You left out him being the official in charge. Martha’s Vineyard, which is almost 90 square miles and with a lot more millionaire mansions couldn’t take care of 50 ‘asylum’ seekers? Why aren’t we “defending democracy” there rather than doing all the Slava Ukraine stuff?
They were asylum seekers not illegal immigrants like you said they were. As asylum seekers they are also migrants and immigrants, but not illegal immigrants.
Martha’s vineyard does not have the infrastructure to handle migrants in any number, even 50. Boston and the rest of Massachusetts does.
Migrants by definition Go Back to where they came from. These people are never going back to Venezuela, they never intended too, and the people of Martha’s Vineyard never wanted nor will ever allow anyone like them to colonize their piece of Massachusetts. But you have certainly convinced me that we need to “color revolution” Venezuela and restore democracy! to them. It’s a “work in progress ” like Ukraine but without the payoff to Biden’s, Kerry’s or other politicians kids.
Fun with words, huh.
Immigrant, asylum seeker, migrant, illegal….hibbidy, bibbidy bob….swish, swash, swoosh….watch carefully folks, which shell is the magic connotation under?
On cultural differences:
This seems like good advice:
I know a very minimal amount of French, German, and Spanish,
but try to use what little I know when it is appropriate.
I wonder what others think about this issue.
A very useful word to know and to know how to use is “putain”, which strictly speaking means whore but is used to mark a full range of astonishment and various bewilderments, should be pronounced with accent on the last syllable putaiiiiiin. 🙂
Next up in what will probably be a long line of assassins aiming for Trump; I present to you Ryan Routh, staunch supporter of Ukraine and Bernie Sanders in 2020 and champion of the BLM Saint Floyd movement. For now, his Twitter account is still alive, and if you scroll back to Summer of 2020 you can see his allegiances from that era.
Since he claims he voted Trump in 2016, I’m sure the MSM will spin him as a right wing nutjob. The progs love the “I voted for Trump, but…..” gambit.
Many fake accounts popping up on X now.
MKULTRA is not looking so good at this point. Maybe they are working on a volume methodology; i.e. sooner or later one of their incompetent mind control zombies might succeed. Kind of borrowing from the Russian approach of throwing lots and lots of cheap stuff and half-trained trained at the enemy. However, working against them is the fact that as more attempts are made, security becomes more thorough, making it more challenging for the zombies to complete the mission.
Zombies must learn to be better assassins, like wear ghillie suits when creeping and crawling around golf courses. MKULTRA operatives might consider directing zombies’ attention to instructional videos.
Seriously – how did the shooter know where Trump would be and when he’d be there?
Eric Newhill,
I don’t doubt him being a Bernie Bro in 2020. He was also high on Tulsi Gabbard at that time. By July-August this year he was cheering for a Nikki Haley/Vivek Ramaswamy ticket to replace Trump. This weak minded clown was all over the place.
Yep. All over the place. If I were scouring the internet for a shooter, I’d pick him and push his buttons.
How does a convicted felon vote anyhow? In 2002 he fled an arrest and barricaded himself in a warehouse for three hours with a machine gun.
Another question – how come the US can identify the assets of Russian oligarchs, Iranians, etc and seize them, but can’t seem to seize those of the Mexican drug and smuggling cartels?
We live in psycho clown world and the people in power suck donkey dick at doing their job, worse, they indulge in rhetoric and behavior that encourages the worst. Did you see the tweet from fat ass Vindman’s wife? THis hideous bitxch is running for office in VA – maybe you’re voting for her – and she mocked this latest attempt on Trump, like it’s a joke.
Eric Newhill,
I bet most of the cartels’ assets are kept offshore. They’re probably a lot more security conscious than the Russians and Iranians.
It was Vindeman’s wife who sent that tweet, not LTC Vindeman. He’s the one running for Congress, not his wife. He’s running against an SF dude whose only problem is that he’s all in on the Project 2025 agenda. That shit’s not needed in northern Virginia.
I’m still not up to speed on 2025. If it’s what I read it is in various news reports, basically gutting the federal government, then it’s a good idea. Salient and relevant – the feds are defeated by 20 year old dorks and cartels.
Vindman is a backstabbing insubordinate who should have been brought up on charges. The lard ass didn’t have the honor to resign his commission before going rogue on the Commander in Chief. His wife clearly agrees with him and the attitude is common currency in the Vindman household.
Fascinating that no one has taken any shots at leftist candidates. But sure, move along, nothing to see here, etc, etc smiley face, etc.
Eric Newhill,
It’s not so much gutting the federal government. It calls for replacing civil service employees with political appointees with absolute loyalty to Trump and the Project 2025 plan. It also calls for a unitary government placing all federal offices and agencies under the direct control of Trump. It also calls for the massive deportation plan supported by Trump.
Neither of the Vindmans went rogue. They both reported their concerns up their respective chains of command as they were required to do. The whistleblower in this affair was apparently a CIA officer serving on the NSC staff. However, you are right that none of the Vindmans have any respect for Trump.
Like I said, I haven’t read 2025. Isn’t appointing loyal Directors something all Executives do? Trump at best would have four years in office. What happens after that? The next POTUS appoints new agency leadership. Again, how is that a radical and novel concept?
Anyhow, Trump has repeatedly said he doesn’t like a lot of what he has heard about 2025. Gee, I wonder if the democrats have any radical plans they’d like to implement? (sarcasm alert)
I think we need to remind people that they are eating the cats and dogs in Springfield so they won’t forget the 20,000 immigrants shuttled in on the NGO express. If only the left had put as much effort into giving George Floyd a future.
Are they? Even Vance admitted he makes shit up for political effect.
You statement is inaccurate. Yes thousands of Haitians are in Ohio. Yes the left failed George Floyd. Yes the media lied about Senator Vance when he stated the comments came from constituents.
Even worse it looks like this assassin made a commercial for the Ukrainians, fought or recruited for them, and worse obviouslyhas connectionsto theirand our 3 letteragencies. Pretty sad way to make the cat memes go away. “Round up the usual suspects ” is going to be a bad look. I recommend checking the prison cameras and double the guards on the suspect.
This is what Vance said:
“The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump a I start talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana, because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast.”
Although he also said he heard it from his constituents, he earlier said the story was just a rumor and referred to it as an urban legend.
Not always a legend, in Italy at least.
Some large percent of the country knows what is happening and has had enough re; migrants, the economy, perversion, and much more. Some large percent – as represented by MSM – doesn’t know or doesn’t care. Both sides call each other liars and one side is mostly honest, though given to occasional non-literal parables to express a larger and deeper truth and the other side is psychopathically gaslighting.
I agree. There shouldn’t be 20,000 migrants housed at tax payer expense in Springfield, or anywhere else. If there are employment opportunities being filled by the migrants – a story that I think is some of that gaslighting – then, yes, George Floyd should have been working those jobs, but no one really cares about George. It’s all political drama on top of the gaslighting and a lot of people have woken up to that reality. This doesn’t end any better than “let them eat cake” – which I know was also something of a parable, yet damn true at the same time.