Looks like the ‘experts’ were wrong about the number of children killed by the wuhan virus: “This week @CDCgov removed a total of 30,000 Covid deaths from the dashboard, reducing pediatric deaths by 24%. In small print at the bottom they cited a “coding error” as the reason for the incorrectly inflated numbers.” https://twitter.com/NBSaphierMD/status/1504419658136440833
Why hasn’t anyone been fired yet?
Because the bureaucrats are accustomed to living above the law. Because the bureaucrats could never imagine that a mob with torches and pitchforks might arise. Because the government that was granted power to serve the people disregarded its duty to the people, and power over the people became an end in itself.
I suggest to your wisdom a science experiment full of lessons to be done by yourselves. It’s funny and the costs are low.
We are going to experiment with fleas. So a decent entomological knowledge of fleas is advisable. It’s easy, they are such endearing insects. As a first approximation, we can limit ourselves to the knowledge that flea is characterised by an unparalleled jumping ability. Let’s try to go deeper and ask the question: what is a flea? Answer : it’s a universal jumping mechanism everywhere and always. The experiment intends to use this feature.
Digressions on a topic (optional)
There is nothing unusual about experiment with fleas. As already hinted they are indeed very interesting insects. Throughout the ages, they have attracted the scrutiny of figures as outstanding as Robert Hooke, Mussorgsky and Charlie Chaplin, not to mention the millions of people who were marvelled by the Flea Circus show. This show has toured all over Europe before the Internet era.
Really it’s exhilarating to be in such good company. Mussorgsky is excluded so as not to offend the more sensitive among us. Sometimes science must willingly bend to political requirements. And Charlie Chaplin ? No, he is no longer involved. In Europe, the hammer and sickle only appear on the flag of Transnistria, which is not recognised God forbid. Sometimes science has to get rid of the dictates of old-fashioned politics.
End of digression. Thank you for following me so far.
You need seven healthy fleas (Pulex irritans) in a box with a lid. They can breathe through small holes at top of the box. A firm, articulate voice is mandatory just like training a dog, otherwise you will fail. Finally, you will also need a certain amount of gestural skill. When you are fond of fleas, this talent is easily acquired.
Outline of operations
You take the first flea out of the box, place it in the palm of your hand and say “jump”. Naturally, it jumps.
For the second flea, before placing it on your hand, you tear off one of its legs. When you tell it to jump, it may jump awkwardly, but it will leave you happily.
For the third, fourth, fifth and sixth flea, you do the same, each time tearing off an extra leg. So you pull two, three, four, five legs off the third, fourth, fifth and sixth flea respectively before ordering them to jump.
You notice that the sixth flea has difficulty leaving your hand, but after a while it does. This is essential information to keep in mind for future reference.
Now we come to the cardinal part of experiment. You take the six legs off the last flea, put it in the palm of your hand. Then you modulate your voice to tell it to jump. And it stays put. Repeating the command to jump with a louder voice does not change this behaviour . You notice that it doesn’t even try to move, as if paralysed by an unusual shyness in these insects.
Congratulations, the experiment is over. It’s time to move on to brain working.
The lesson? I’ll make it short: “A flea without its six legs is deaf”.
It’s true.
Disclaiming though, as I don’t ‘do FB’ – or any other social media – I can’t personally vouch for what this fellow is asserting. *Apparently, FB has ‘lifted the ban on praising Nazis’ – however I’m guessing not the US-based variety.
1. Those former senior intelligence figures used the respect they were due, due to their past senior positions, to advance a purely partisan agenda.
2. The accusations of “Russian disinformation” and “being a puppet of Putin” are being used simply as smears, without any basis in fact.
The idea seems to be that anything connected to Putin (like Hitler) is ipso facto bad.
It’s a little odd that the country that is the focus of the entire world’s attention at the moment also happens to be one where the sitting U.S. President had major business dealings and yet this isn’t discussed, even as a side note, in any major American news outlets.
Spies who lie: The @nypost contacted the senior ex-intelligence officials who signed the shameful 2020 letter declaring Hunter Biden’s laptop and its emails we ran were Russian disinformation. Not one apologized. Most refused to comment. A few like James Clapper doubled down
What disinformation are we being subject to? Do we even know what is fact and what is information operations anymore? How quickly we’ve moved from covidian hysteria?
Scott Adams is on point.
We observe that Putin can make Russian citizens believe a ridiculous narrative about Ukraine despite widespread access to the Internet.
Now imagine how much bullshit YOU believe.
Putin doesn’t have a monopoly on brainwashing. He does exactly what CNN does. It works.
They all do – Russia is a first world country in which smartphones are widely owned and in which anyone who doesn’t have internet at home can go to an internet cafe (but there are not many of those anymore because everyone has internet). The Russian internet is wide open (unless Putin has changed this in the last couple of weeks).
I was flipping channels on my friend’s TV in Moscow in 2007 and up came CNN. Russia is not the Soviet Union.
CNN & BBC Russian have long been removed from the default bouquet on cable and satellite. They were available on request if you expained why – an english teacher, a businessman – but that much effort excluded most people and also creates a list of potential 5th columnists.
PA’s great error in this is his assumption of malevolent intent on the part of the US and the belief unsupported by evidence of ANY bioweapon engineering in the labs in Ukraine. Magregor is an impressive man, but he suffers from being an armor obsessed turret head who does not understand the value of infantry and guerrillas.
[Personally] Lacking any expertise or heck, even any “real” knowledge of what the heck is going on I’ve decided the best policy for me commenting on any of your Ukraine posts is simply, just don’t.
I have pointed friends and associates your way – and linked to three specific posts of yours to two blogsites – considering your offerings to be the most authoritatively knowledgeable.
Sole reason I come on to this thread now is to bring to your attention a post from that Dr. Malone fellow who’s taken some time off from critique *Stuff Covid to, offering his take on this biolabs possibility/likelihood.
Seems to me Dr. Malone, for the verymost part, agrees and concurs with what you’ve had to say on the subject:
Perhaps not to the degree you might prefer Sir however, if defending his viewpoint is necessary, all I’d offer is he’s just trained medically not in either intel or geopolitics.
It has seemed to me for several years that the belief in American Malevolence is a particular expression of American Exceptionalism. Noam Chomsky for example believes that America is the primary cause of all the worst evil in the world. This belief is American Exceptional Evilism, which is still a form of American Exceptionalism. It is American Exceptionalism standing on its head, but it is still American Exceptionalism.
If enough Americans decided to adopt American Ordinarianism and became American Okayness Ordinarians, they could maybe drive American Greatness Exceptionalism into an obscure corner. And American Exceptional Evilism along with it.
I’m reading about how superyachts belonging to Russian oligarchs are getting stranded because nobody will sell them fuel. For years Putin has worked with the oligarchs because he needs them to run Russia’s big businesses. But those same oligarchs take much of their profits out of Russia rather than re-investing those profits in Russia … which is obviously bad for Russia. Seizure of the oligarch’s foreign assets may well lead Russians of means to not move their profits into London real estate and Cyprus bank accounts in the future.
I wonder if this could be a net win for the Russian economy in the longer term.
The “rules based” West shows that collective guilt of Russians extends to Paralympic athletes low level experts in the EU, but only select Oligarchs. What lawful methods within the EU was used to find any of these people guilty, and of what, which would justify this treatment? This will convince a lot of people of the untrustworthyness of London banks (kind of like Canada) and the West’s claims about the rule of law. Cyprus banks, the EU and the IMF discredited themselves already. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012%E2%80%932013_Cypriot_financial_crisis
Putin is moving Russian troops out of Armenia after PM Pashinyan turned him down and refused to send Armenian troops to Ukraine. There are only brigade sized, ~3,000, so not clear that will make much difference in the Ukraine war.
There have been some demonstrations in Yerevan though in support of Russia’s move against Ukraine. A bit of fence sitting there. Armenia is in Russia’s CSTO, and at the same time they are in “NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PiP) program and it is in a NATO organization called Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). “ And reportedly there has been mutual visits between National Guard units of Kansas and Armenia.
In any case I’m hoping the Azeris don’t take this opportunity to pile on with their TB2s.
Must see TV – a stomach wrenching 20 minute compilation “super cut” of MSM accusing Trump and Guliani off being known Russian agents pushing disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop emails, confirmed by top people in our own intelligence services.
Adam Schiff has a field day in one of the larger starring roles. The deep state is so deep there may be no bottom to it, and it cannot be killed even in bright sunlight exposure:
A tour de force condemnation of the deep corruption of Big Media. But why? What was their payoff hating Trump so rabidly and pushing Biden do blindly? Money, power, access, ideology?
A companion piece – follow up on the “51 intelligence officials” who CYA-hedged their statements, but piled on anyway that the Hunter laptop story had all the hall marks of “Russian disinformation” That was all MSM and Biden himself needed to claim top intelligence persons “confirmed” this was Russia disinformation pushed -solely- to tarnish Biden and help Trump.
Yes, we followed this closely here. Yes, Larry Johnson busted this story wide open here as it was unfolding. We knew. These new links today only provide a sobering reminder of how much real disinformation was going on at the same time – from our own media sources and the soon to be majority party and POTUS we are stuck with now.
Politics could not get any dirtier. Notice how weasel Clapper is today, who at least responded to the later questioning of his statement — hey, I told you back then it was not true. A truly hideous cross-rough of misinformation, launched at the American public by the Democrat forces to influence the 2020 election.
I notice that Johnson has a new blog. His fans should follow him there. He proudly announces there that Russian forces in Ukraine are advancing victoriously everywhere.
As for my view,
I decry the widespread efforts to prevent good relations between the U.S. and both the Taliban and Putin’s Russia.
Opposing each of them, to the extent we have,
has resulted in astronomical costs to the U.S.,
costs which are ignored by the media in comparison to the extent they paint the Taliban and Putin’s Russia in negative terms.
As a frightening example of those costs, see https://kwharbaugh.blogspot.com/2022/03/burning-house-down.html
BTW, Tucker Carlson has been doing an outstanding job of highlighting those costs.
Getting the GOP to divide and self-destruct is the dream goal of the Democrats – which may be reason enough for Democrats to drag us into this Ukraine-Russia mess right now. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, when everything else is predicting a GOP sweep seems to be a bad habit for Republicans.
Democrats yet again using their cynical wiles to rig the next election. Getting us to fatally divide over Ukraine, fercrissakses?
Serves us right if the GOP splinters at this crucial moment – 2022 midterms. Hateful times. While so many other issues unite conservatives, no way should we fall on our swords over Ukraine or Putin. We have huge domestic issue of far more import.
One can easily be against kleptocrat Ukraine and sinister Russia at exactly the same time – there is no either or on this matter – neither and is the better response.
Neyt on any “Putin GOP” slander. And I can find Ukraine on the map. I am not blind to the underlying issues.
I suppose you mean “nyet.” It is not “slander” if it is the truth. I wonder how much; Tolstoi, Turgenev, Lermontov, Chekov, etc. these pro-Russian people have read. I was soaked in the stuff.
Who were the “muckrakers”? They were the progressive, literary front for socialism. Their thinking was championed by Bryan and the Dem. party as early as 1892. You can follow their guide ons from TR, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and ultimately Obama. Disguised as loyal opposition their objective was to destroy capitalism and individual control of property. The Dem. Party is 100% socialist today. Money always plays a part but love for socialism and hate for capitalism is ingrained by all the fancy Journalism Schools which breed the talking heads we see on t.v. They are today’s muckrakers. Dems promise socialism. Trump, love him or hate him, confounds that. Your answer is ideology. What does that say about Clapper, Brennan, and Comey? They are socialist. The rest of the swamp creatures (Wray for example) are not enamored of any ideology. They simply expect to be well compensated and empowered. Yup, liberty is up against a wall isn’t it.
I recently asked someone close to me but a very bristly liberal what she thought of the revelations that Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic. She replied, “What’s that, I’ve never heard about it”. When I described it a bit she said: “I’m sure it is not as bad as what the Trump kids were up to.”
This is from a college graduate, middle aged professional.
Our system relies on the vast ignorance of the majority which is well maintained. Modern media tools, the complete gutting of media anti-monopoly rules, and social media feedback loops ensures it stays in place.
I’ve seen otherwise intelligent seeming people just flip from one position to its opposite based on the media narrative changing.
Those in control of the corporate media complex can sell any narrative they want now, public opinion is now a far more powerful and captured tool for our corporatist run government than it was in the past.
Some recent comments on the Colonel’s site have mentioned the sanctions Poland and one or two others might be under if they don’t agree to EU regulation.
Ukraine would have the same problem, if it gets through the present crisis and continues wanting to join the EU. Were I Ukrainian I’d not mind having a look at Intermarium:-
“The reason for including a wide range of countries was to strengthen their union against “the face of the Russian empire re-appearing as the Soviet Union in the east, and the post-imperial, yet increasingly irredentist, new German nation-state and soon-to-be fascist Reich in the west.”[15] In the end, the wide geographical scale of the project, the large diversity of countries involved, their differences in interests and foreign policy, and the distrust regarding Polish ambition stopped Intermarium from ever happening.[16]”
The article goes on to consider a 21st Century revival of the project. Looks like an idea whose time has come.
Ideologically, an Intermarium Community would suit all the Eastern European countries, none of which are exactly havens of euro-woke. It’d secure against fears of Russian aggression, which I suppose could become real fears after Putin if the current animosity between the West and Russia builds up further. It’d be militarily powerful, enough to fend off threats from either direction. And the EU’s going down anyway – I speak as a dispassionate observer who had no dog in the Brexit fight – so it’d be a pity if such a large chunk of Europe went down with it.
Definitely an idea whose time has come. Today the Visigrad Four. Tomorrow – Intermarium!
I’ve never tried my hand at this geopolitical lark before. As Obama said modestly when they christened him the Drone King, I’d no idea I was so good at it. On the Colonel’s next Open Thread I think I’ll have a go at this North Sea Union of Free States I’ve been brooding over for a while. Headquartered in Berwick, to keep it neutral. Might stretch a point to include Finland in the Union. Possibly stretch a point in the other direction to include the United States. They try to pretend otherwise, but it’s been obvious for a while to anyone who keeps his ear to the ground that they bitterly regret 1776.
The Western Leaderships’ sneering rejection of Russia’s sincere desire to be a part of NATO was one of the great rejected opportunities of recent times. We could have gone from NATO to NAPTO ( North Atlantic and Pacific Treaty Organization), but our rulers were too much in love with their legacy cold war nostalgia visions.
What if all the one-time ” middle” European countries were to think of forming a Council of Greater East Europe? From the Baltic to the Black Sea? Would that be interesting or even fun?
European Union, Eastern edition? A number of states are trying to Brexit the EU, not all for the same reason. It would depend entirely upon what was meant by such a political union.
I’ve been following a story about an open source software library (node-ipc), operates at a low level so gets incorporated into various higher level projects. The maintainer of this project decided it would be a good idea to insert malware targeting servers in Russia and Belarus. Some higher-level software using this, VUS.js, was built to auto-update its dependency on node-ipc, so took the malware update. An NGO is complaining that they provided whistle-blower service to Russian citizens and as a consequence have to maintain the server for this in Belarus. They take system backups on the 20th of the month, so the malware wiped their system of all data for the last month, mostly related to the war.
Wow. I work with this sort of software in my day job. It is kind of amazing this has not happened before. The scary thing is some random programmer anywhere could tomorrow decide to do the same thing to US computers.
Did HHS buying major media time to “advertise” their covid vaccination agenda, ultimately compromise these same media resources from reporting later vaccination harms?
I am about to raise a question totally unrelated to everything up above, but since this is an open thread, here goes.
Years ago in an old Scientific American I read an article about a newly invented new kind of wheel. It was not a joke and it made ” re-inventing the wheel” more than just a cautionary cliche. Obviously a technical illustration/diagram would be best but I can’t find one because I don’t know the name of this new kind of wheel. So I will have to describe it in words as best as I can.
Its basic principle was a ” hula hoop held between the edges of two frisbees with the concave sides facing eachother holding the hula hoop between them.” There were bearings all the way around the two sides of the hula hoop where each side of the hula hoop met the rim of the frisbee holding that side. The advantage was supposed to be that the ” hula hoop on frisbee” sandwhich-wheel is more inherently stable than the classical shaft-through-a-disk wheel. And the space between the two frisbees and “inside” the hula hoop can be filled with whatever the inventor-engineer can imagine. Perhaps a little electric motor turning the hula hoop. Perhaps a stator with the hula hoop itself being the rotor. Or more classical gearing. Or whatever the engineer pleases within the realm of physical possibility.
Has anyone here heard of this? Does anyone know what this new kind of re-invented wheel is called?
Yes. And thank you. This is certainly a particular expression of the basic concept.
Using the word “spokeless wheel” as a search term, I found my way to a wiki entry about some various versions of “spokeless wheel”. They are also particular and not a schematic expression of the pure concept. But they are also a good start. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centreless_wheel
I would re-express in words my understanding of the purest schematic concept in terms of a marching band cymbal player holding his two cymbals together with the hula hoop between them, and bearings all the way around where the cymbals meet and hold the hoop.
The idea must still be a little ahead of its time, but I hope techno-society catches up to it. I can imagine all kinds of applications giving us a wheel more strong and stable for the “same” amount of material.
How much lighter could “hoop-on-cymbal” sandwich wheels for train cars be than the current heaviest-steel shaft-through-disk wheels of today, and still be just as strong for just as long?
And for cars and trucks, the whole “spokeless wheel” could be its own aerodynamic shroud, deleting the air-flow-obstructing turbulence that the current design of car and truck wheels cause despite our best design efforts, leading to a few per cent greater airflow efficiency and a few mpg savings for the same amount of driving as before. In my purely zero-engineering-background layman’s opinion.
Just watched the powerful HBO series “Chernobyl” which was produced a few years ago. Of course, since this was a dramatization it had its own bias for story-telling efficiency. But powerful it remains today for the compelling lessons explored.
The story of a “state” who needed to lie to prop itself up with lies, regardless of horrific scope of self-inflicted damage it was also trying to control at the same time. It could not help but remind me of our own deep state horrific plunge into command, control and “covid”.
Well worth watching, or rewatching again. I also wonder what western technology or international atomic energy expertise could have offered at the same time, but according to the series, was intentionally kept off the table for ideological political reason.
Chernobyl- back in the new again and a reminder its heroic “containment” was intended to last only 100 years. The clock is ticking, now what?
Coach K of the Duke University Blue Devils, the GREAT Mike Krzyzewski, lives to see another game before his retirement kicks in, beating Michigan State to advance to the men’s NCAA Sweet Sixteen. This outstanding man of character has run a clean, successful basketball program for over 40 years at Duke University. The legendary coach is also a humanitarian, role model and inspiration to his players and many others.
I’ve never been able to bring myself to root against the Blue Devils because of my regard for Coach K, and hope the team can go all the way this year, his final year as their coach, in his honor.
I second that. For the next game it looks like most of the Vegas sportsbook poobahs favor TX Tech over Duke by a point or two. But I would never bet against a North Carolina B-Ball team, especially the Blue Devils.
Evil truly is banal – and persistent too. Those of you who thought that the threat-to-liberties-pandemic would go away with COVID should read this op-ed in Blaze News. Bill Gates’ pet NGO; the WHO, is planning an international pandemic treaty (nominally to combat future pandemics) and the EU is set to adopt it in 2024. Biden’s handlers will doubtless be keen for America to sign up to it by then too.
To get an idea of what the treaty is really about I present the WHO Director:
“We all want a world in which science triumphs over misinformation; solidarity triumphs over division; and equity is a reality, not an aspiration”..
..”We are one world, we have one health, and we have one WHO”
Got that? The treaty will likely enshrine The Science as unquestionable Truth and misinformation as a threat to public health. Oh, and of course the treaty will be based on the thoroughly American (sarc.) values of equity (not equality) and one world [government]. This is where the folk behind the Great Reset have regrouped in order to impose their vision of global technocratic Neo-feudalism onto us, this time by writing public health fascism into international – and thus into national law.
As the author suggests; “In other words, they want to ensure there are no experiment “control groups” like Florida or Sweden – no escaping the mew [sic] world health order”
The pressure to adopt this treaty will be enormous. I’d therefore suggest it might be good to find out what your elected representatives think of this idea well in advance.
Good to know Barbara Ann, thanks. I’ve suspected the Covid zealots have merely backed off temporarily in order to improve their electoral prospects in the midterms. Authoritarianism truly is persistent and addictive.
The senate will be more than happy to sign up as they will be exempt. Did they say anything about protocols and ivermetcin? On a related note how many Ukrainian hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid patients?
Also, you notice that in the whole Ukraine, both in Russian hands, ans Banderite realm, nobody wears a mask, either outside or inside buildings or venues…
For example, look these “school boys”, all disobeying Biden/Pelosi “school mandates”….Bad boys….I hope the Russians do not send in a Kalibr missile on the alibi they are neonazi militias…
There can be no “science” about any pandemic, until at least five years after the fact. What on earth are they even talking about. Science is a process as any real scientist will tell you. Gates is pushing junk science to idiots.
(PS – rhetorical question only – of course we know what this uber-wealthy, philandering high school drop-out is up to – unmitigated megalomania.)
B.A. This is as old as time. Will the elite every go away and let the Hoi Polloi bumble their way through their own simple lives? Not likely. The “philosopher kings” are anointed by a wisdom enhanced by intelligence and enlarged by their goodness. The simple must not get in their way. Some one suggested this about 400 B.C. I read his book once; it put me to sleep.
The book put me to sleep too. Yes, the idea that a selfless Brahmin class who know best should direct our lives is an old one. What is (relatively) new is the aspiration that this should be conducted at a global level – i.e. by a world government. But what is really new and different this time around is the technology available for effective mass population control. That and the fact that the power of this technology is highly concentrated in the hands a very few inconceivably wealthy people.
As my previous scribblings here will attest, because of the above factors I truly believe there is a risk of the philosopher kings finally getting their way – such that they may never need worry about the revolting populous again. Just look to the example of Canada where a truc(k)ulent minority were crushed by a government weaponizing of the banking system. Once Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s) are introduced ownership of ‘your’ money and indeed ‘your’ property will be titular only and subject to the whim of the Leviathan. Never mind. We are assured we will own nothing but be happy.
Ah…Yes…Bill…The “Elite”..It is THEY who are The Hoi Polloi..Rif Raf..
They Bumble..Along..Simple little Folks..Who Contribute
as much To Life As Fleas Do..
The only Thing that is “enlarged”.. In Them is Not Thier Goodness.
I look at them and See My Framed Salvador Dahli..”The NARCISSIST”
Do Not Get Out of Thier Way..When They Go By..Trip Them..
Bill Barr finally tells the world what half of us already knew: Joe Biden and those 51 Intelligence experts knew at the time Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
But publicly lied about it anyway. Too little, too late Barr. But thanks for the record books.
How badly did Biden want to be a “wartime President”?
Conservative Treehouse speculates the answer is very badly, since Biden needed to counter his plunging approval numbers, escalating inflation, looming Durham report, Hunter Biden’s laptop revelations, and the dark side of his covid vaccine agenda were finally coming home to roost.
So Biden was goading Russia into an invasion for months ahead of the hot war, playing all sides against the middle. Proving once again, no one can screw things up as much as Joe Biden who fails on every strategic move he makes.
Is this what Kamala Harris was endlessly yammering about today …… “in the passage of time” ….. all of this is coming out?
It’s official: Joe Biden finally makes Kamala Harris look like the better alternative. If Biden keeps it up at this rate, he will make Pol Pot and Vladimir Putin look like rational alternatives.
Here is something else to look forward to. Chances are good that in 2024 the DemParty will nominate Hillary Clinton for President and Hillary will pick Harris for her VP running mate.
Watching Sam Faddis interviewed about the Hunter laptop and the serial and serious lack of counter-intelligence response to the information on the laptop.
Never mind the in your face sex, drugs and human trafficking. The overt penetration by the CCP into the Biden “family” and other state actors is mind boggling and yet no investigation has occurred?
Need a break from constant news about Ukraine and all the other problems and issues of the present day?
Feel like a little nostalgia for an older, less politically correct, time?
I just watched the 1948 John Wayne/John Ford movie She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, set shortly after Custer’s Last Stand in 1876.
If you Google the title, you will see a variety of ways to watch it.
I liked the Google Play version, which nicely filled my 21:9 view screen.
For me at least, it was a pleasant break from today’s world of political correctness and Diversity Inclusion/Equity.
Colonel, if you happen to be familiar with that movie,
I wonder if you have thoughts on to what extent its depiction of Army life back then is a fictionalized version of how it probably really was.
The whole John Ford series of 19th Century Army movies is quite accurate. They are based on the memories of an old cavalry colonel whose son in law made them into a series of short stories. When my father enlisted in the 7th Regiment of cavalry in 1916 that army was still very much alive. A few things had changed. They wore brown in the field, campaign hats and had the 1911A1. Other than that, not much had changed.
Thanks for that (evidently well-informed) information.
An addendum to my original remark:
A freely-available selection of the most iconic (both aurally and visually) scenes from She Wore a Yellow Ribbon is in this stirring three-minute YouTube video: https://youtu.be/cIiswWyywgg
Looks like the ‘experts’ were wrong about the number of children killed by the wuhan virus: “This week @CDCgov removed a total of 30,000 Covid deaths from the dashboard, reducing pediatric deaths by 24%. In small print at the bottom they cited a “coding error” as the reason for the incorrectly inflated numbers.”
Why hasn’t anyone been fired yet?
Why hasn’t anyone been fired yet?
Because the bureaucrats are accustomed to living above the law. Because the bureaucrats could never imagine that a mob with torches and pitchforks might arise. Because the government that was granted power to serve the people disregarded its duty to the people, and power over the people became an end in itself.
Amazing science and war news.
I suggest to your wisdom a science experiment full of lessons to be done by yourselves. It’s funny and the costs are low.
We are going to experiment with fleas. So a decent entomological knowledge of fleas is advisable. It’s easy, they are such endearing insects. As a first approximation, we can limit ourselves to the knowledge that flea is characterised by an unparalleled jumping ability. Let’s try to go deeper and ask the question: what is a flea? Answer : it’s a universal jumping mechanism everywhere and always. The experiment intends to use this feature.
Digressions on a topic (optional)
There is nothing unusual about experiment with fleas. As already hinted they are indeed very interesting insects. Throughout the ages, they have attracted the scrutiny of figures as outstanding as Robert Hooke, Mussorgsky and Charlie Chaplin, not to mention the millions of people who were marvelled by the Flea Circus show. This show has toured all over Europe before the Internet era.
Really it’s exhilarating to be in such good company. Mussorgsky is excluded so as not to offend the more sensitive among us. Sometimes science must willingly bend to political requirements. And Charlie Chaplin ? No, he is no longer involved. In Europe, the hammer and sickle only appear on the flag of Transnistria, which is not recognised God forbid. Sometimes science has to get rid of the dictates of old-fashioned politics.
End of digression. Thank you for following me so far.
You need seven healthy fleas (Pulex irritans) in a box with a lid. They can breathe through small holes at top of the box. A firm, articulate voice is mandatory just like training a dog, otherwise you will fail. Finally, you will also need a certain amount of gestural skill. When you are fond of fleas, this talent is easily acquired.
Outline of operations
You take the first flea out of the box, place it in the palm of your hand and say “jump”. Naturally, it jumps.
For the second flea, before placing it on your hand, you tear off one of its legs. When you tell it to jump, it may jump awkwardly, but it will leave you happily.
For the third, fourth, fifth and sixth flea, you do the same, each time tearing off an extra leg. So you pull two, three, four, five legs off the third, fourth, fifth and sixth flea respectively before ordering them to jump.
You notice that the sixth flea has difficulty leaving your hand, but after a while it does. This is essential information to keep in mind for future reference.
Now we come to the cardinal part of experiment. You take the six legs off the last flea, put it in the palm of your hand. Then you modulate your voice to tell it to jump. And it stays put. Repeating the command to jump with a louder voice does not change this behaviour . You notice that it doesn’t even try to move, as if paralysed by an unusual shyness in these insects.
Congratulations, the experiment is over. It’s time to move on to brain working.
The lesson? I’ll make it short: “A flea without its six legs is deaf”.
It’s true.
former weapons inspector Scott Ritter 2 minute video “We trained Nazis”
Bound to be controversial, but it’s definitely shaping attitudes about the war
Irony Alert plantman,
Disclaiming though, as I don’t ‘do FB’ – or any other social media – I can’t personally vouch for what this fellow is asserting. *Apparently, FB has ‘lifted the ban on praising Nazis’ – however I’m guessing not the US-based variety.
Expedient on the part of social media? If accurate I’d have to say, ‘Yup, seems so to me.’
A critique of Clapper, Brennan, et al, re their attack on the Hunter Biden laptop story:
New York Post : Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story.
Two morals from this seem to be:
1. Those former senior intelligence figures used the respect they were due, due to their past senior positions, to advance a purely partisan agenda.
2. The accusations of “Russian disinformation” and “being a puppet of Putin” are being used simply as smears, without any basis in fact.
The idea seems to be that anything connected to Putin (like Hitler) is ipso facto bad.
These people were all enemies of mine from my former life, and they knew better than to ask me to sign.
Let’s not forget:
What disinformation are we being subject to? Do we even know what is fact and what is information operations anymore? How quickly we’ve moved from covidian hysteria?
Scott Adams is on point.
How much widespread access to the internet do Russians have? And how many have that widespread access to the internet?
They all do – Russia is a first world country in which smartphones are widely owned and in which anyone who doesn’t have internet at home can go to an internet cafe (but there are not many of those anymore because everyone has internet). The Russian internet is wide open (unless Putin has changed this in the last couple of weeks).
I was flipping channels on my friend’s TV in Moscow in 2007 and up came CNN. Russia is not the Soviet Union.
CNN & BBC Russian have long been removed from the default bouquet on cable and satellite. They were available on request if you expained why – an english teacher, a businessman – but that much effort excluded most people and also creates a list of potential 5th columnists.
Apparently, enough to make it worthwhile for Facebook to cut off the entire country.
Patrick Armstrong is still writing and is honest about some of his prior predictions: https://patrickarmstrong.ca/2022/03/18/what-i-got-wrong-and-why/.
Good for him.
PA’s great error in this is his assumption of malevolent intent on the part of the US and the belief unsupported by evidence of ANY bioweapon engineering in the labs in Ukraine. Magregor is an impressive man, but he suffers from being an armor obsessed turret head who does not understand the value of infantry and guerrillas.
Colonel Lang,
[Personally] Lacking any expertise or heck, even any “real” knowledge of what the heck is going on I’ve decided the best policy for me commenting on any of your Ukraine posts is simply, just don’t.
I have pointed friends and associates your way – and linked to three specific posts of yours to two blogsites – considering your offerings to be the most authoritatively knowledgeable.
Sole reason I come on to this thread now is to bring to your attention a post from that Dr. Malone fellow who’s taken some time off from critique *Stuff Covid to, offering his take on this biolabs possibility/likelihood.
Seems to me Dr. Malone, for the verymost part, agrees and concurs with what you’ve had to say on the subject:
Perhaps not to the degree you might prefer Sir however, if defending his viewpoint is necessary, all I’d offer is he’s just trained medically not in either intel or geopolitics.
It has seemed to me for several years that the belief in American Malevolence is a particular expression of American Exceptionalism. Noam Chomsky for example believes that America is the primary cause of all the worst evil in the world. This belief is American Exceptional Evilism, which is still a form of American Exceptionalism. It is American Exceptionalism standing on its head, but it is still American Exceptionalism.
If enough Americans decided to adopt American Ordinarianism and became American Okayness Ordinarians, they could maybe drive American Greatness Exceptionalism into an obscure corner. And American Exceptional Evilism along with it.
I’m reading about how superyachts belonging to Russian oligarchs are getting stranded because nobody will sell them fuel. For years Putin has worked with the oligarchs because he needs them to run Russia’s big businesses. But those same oligarchs take much of their profits out of Russia rather than re-investing those profits in Russia … which is obviously bad for Russia. Seizure of the oligarch’s foreign assets may well lead Russians of means to not move their profits into London real estate and Cyprus bank accounts in the future.
I wonder if this could be a net win for the Russian economy in the longer term.
The “rules based” West shows that collective guilt of Russians extends to Paralympic athletes low level experts in the EU, but only select Oligarchs. What lawful methods within the EU was used to find any of these people guilty, and of what, which would justify this treatment? This will convince a lot of people of the untrustworthyness of London banks (kind of like Canada) and the West’s claims about the rule of law. Cyprus banks, the EU and the IMF discredited themselves already.
Putin is moving Russian troops out of Armenia after PM Pashinyan turned him down and refused to send Armenian troops to Ukraine. There are only brigade sized, ~3,000, so not clear that will make much difference in the Ukraine war.
There have been some demonstrations in Yerevan though in support of Russia’s move against Ukraine. A bit of fence sitting there. Armenia is in Russia’s CSTO, and at the same time they are in “NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PiP) program and it is in a NATO organization called Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). “ And reportedly there has been mutual visits between National Guard units of Kansas and Armenia.
In any case I’m hoping the Azeris don’t take this opportunity to pile on with their TB2s.
Must see TV – a stomach wrenching 20 minute compilation “super cut” of MSM accusing Trump and Guliani off being known Russian agents pushing disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop emails, confirmed by top people in our own intelligence services.
Adam Schiff has a field day in one of the larger starring roles. The deep state is so deep there may be no bottom to it, and it cannot be killed even in bright sunlight exposure:
A tour de force condemnation of the deep corruption of Big Media. But why? What was their payoff hating Trump so rabidly and pushing Biden do blindly? Money, power, access, ideology?
A companion piece – follow up on the “51 intelligence officials” who CYA-hedged their statements, but piled on anyway that the Hunter laptop story had all the hall marks of “Russian disinformation” That was all MSM and Biden himself needed to claim top intelligence persons “confirmed” this was Russia disinformation pushed -solely- to tarnish Biden and help Trump.
Yes, we followed this closely here. Yes, Larry Johnson busted this story wide open here as it was unfolding. We knew. These new links today only provide a sobering reminder of how much real disinformation was going on at the same time – from our own media sources and the soon to be majority party and POTUS we are stuck with now.
Politics could not get any dirtier. Notice how weasel Clapper is today, who at least responded to the later questioning of his statement — hey, I told you back then it was not true. A truly hideous cross-rough of misinformation, launched at the American public by the Democrat forces to influence the 2020 election.
I notice that Johnson has a new blog. His fans should follow him there. He proudly announces there that Russian forces in Ukraine are advancing victoriously everywhere.
Thanks for the LJ update. I am taking no sides on this particular issue, but appreciate the insights I can continue to glean here.
He is a leading member of what has been called the Putin wing of the GOP. He got very ugly when I declined to sign up for that.
Above Pat Lang uses the phrase
“the Putin wing of the GOP”.
That brings back a memory to me.
In 2009, the then-Congressman Jim Moran said:
As for my view,
I decry the widespread efforts to prevent good relations between the U.S. and both the Taliban and Putin’s Russia.
Opposing each of them, to the extent we have,
has resulted in astronomical costs to the U.S.,
costs which are ignored by the media in comparison to the extent they paint the Taliban and Putin’s Russia in negative terms.
As a frightening example of those costs, see
BTW, Tucker Carlson has been doing an outstanding job of highlighting those costs.
Yes. He has been highlighting the costs, but he is clearly on the Russian side, he and his friend Macgregor.
Getting the GOP to divide and self-destruct is the dream goal of the Democrats – which may be reason enough for Democrats to drag us into this Ukraine-Russia mess right now. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, when everything else is predicting a GOP sweep seems to be a bad habit for Republicans.
Democrats yet again using their cynical wiles to rig the next election. Getting us to fatally divide over Ukraine, fercrissakses?
Serves us right if the GOP splinters at this crucial moment – 2022 midterms. Hateful times. While so many other issues unite conservatives, no way should we fall on our swords over Ukraine or Putin. We have huge domestic issue of far more import.
One can easily be against kleptocrat Ukraine and sinister Russia at exactly the same time – there is no either or on this matter – neither and is the better response.
Neyt on any “Putin GOP” slander. And I can find Ukraine on the map. I am not blind to the underlying issues.
I suppose you mean “nyet.” It is not “slander” if it is the truth. I wonder how much; Tolstoi, Turgenev, Lermontov, Chekov, etc. these pro-Russian people have read. I was soaked in the stuff.
Is this the blog for Larry Johnson to which you refer?
Google seems unwilling to index it under his name.
While I’m at it, maybe it’s worth mentioning the URL for Andrei Martyanov’s blog:
It is not true that he is still “associated” with SST although I have not deleted his material from the old blog or turcopolier.
Who were the “muckrakers”? They were the progressive, literary front for socialism. Their thinking was championed by Bryan and the Dem. party as early as 1892. You can follow their guide ons from TR, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and ultimately Obama. Disguised as loyal opposition their objective was to destroy capitalism and individual control of property. The Dem. Party is 100% socialist today. Money always plays a part but love for socialism and hate for capitalism is ingrained by all the fancy Journalism Schools which breed the talking heads we see on t.v. They are today’s muckrakers. Dems promise socialism. Trump, love him or hate him, confounds that. Your answer is ideology. What does that say about Clapper, Brennan, and Comey? They are socialist. The rest of the swamp creatures (Wray for example) are not enamored of any ideology. They simply expect to be well compensated and empowered. Yup, liberty is up against a wall isn’t it.
It seems the Russians used a hypersonic missile named Kinzhal 2 (kinzhal means dagger) to destroy a facility in western Ukraine.
I recently asked someone close to me but a very bristly liberal what she thought of the revelations that Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic. She replied, “What’s that, I’ve never heard about it”. When I described it a bit she said: “I’m sure it is not as bad as what the Trump kids were up to.”
This is from a college graduate, middle aged professional.
Our system relies on the vast ignorance of the majority which is well maintained. Modern media tools, the complete gutting of media anti-monopoly rules, and social media feedback loops ensures it stays in place.
I’ve seen otherwise intelligent seeming people just flip from one position to its opposite based on the media narrative changing.
Those in control of the corporate media complex can sell any narrative they want now, public opinion is now a far more powerful and captured tool for our corporatist run government than it was in the past.
It feels like being in a car with no brakes.
Driven by Sleepy Joe, no less.
Truth is a painful arrow when when it’s target is ignorance and indifference.
Some recent comments on the Colonel’s site have mentioned the sanctions Poland and one or two others might be under if they don’t agree to EU regulation.
Ukraine would have the same problem, if it gets through the present crisis and continues wanting to join the EU. Were I Ukrainian I’d not mind having a look at Intermarium:-
“The reason for including a wide range of countries was to strengthen their union against “the face of the Russian empire re-appearing as the Soviet Union in the east, and the post-imperial, yet increasingly irredentist, new German nation-state and soon-to-be fascist Reich in the west.”[15] In the end, the wide geographical scale of the project, the large diversity of countries involved, their differences in interests and foreign policy, and the distrust regarding Polish ambition stopped Intermarium from ever happening.[16]”
The article goes on to consider a 21st Century revival of the project. Looks like an idea whose time has come.
Ideologically, an Intermarium Community would suit all the Eastern European countries, none of which are exactly havens of euro-woke. It’d secure against fears of Russian aggression, which I suppose could become real fears after Putin if the current animosity between the West and Russia builds up further. It’d be militarily powerful, enough to fend off threats from either direction. And the EU’s going down anyway – I speak as a dispassionate observer who had no dog in the Brexit fight – so it’d be a pity if such a large chunk of Europe went down with it.
Definitely an idea whose time has come. Today the Visigrad Four. Tomorrow – Intermarium!
I’ve never tried my hand at this geopolitical lark before. As Obama said modestly when they christened him the Drone King, I’d no idea I was so good at it. On the Colonel’s next Open Thread I think I’ll have a go at this North Sea Union of Free States I’ve been brooding over for a while. Headquartered in Berwick, to keep it neutral. Might stretch a point to include Finland in the Union. Possibly stretch a point in the other direction to include the United States. They try to pretend otherwise, but it’s been obvious for a while to anyone who keeps his ear to the ground that they bitterly regret 1776.
The Western Leaderships’ sneering rejection of Russia’s sincere desire to be a part of NATO was one of the great rejected opportunities of recent times. We could have gone from NATO to NAPTO ( North Atlantic and Pacific Treaty Organization), but our rulers were too much in love with their legacy cold war nostalgia visions.
What if all the one-time ” middle” European countries were to think of forming a Council of Greater East Europe? From the Baltic to the Black Sea? Would that be interesting or even fun?
European Union, Eastern edition? A number of states are trying to Brexit the EU, not all for the same reason. It would depend entirely upon what was meant by such a political union.
I’ve been following a story about an open source software library (node-ipc), operates at a low level so gets incorporated into various higher level projects. The maintainer of this project decided it would be a good idea to insert malware targeting servers in Russia and Belarus. Some higher-level software using this, VUS.js, was built to auto-update its dependency on node-ipc, so took the malware update. An NGO is complaining that they provided whistle-blower service to Russian citizens and as a consequence have to maintain the server for this in Belarus. They take system backups on the 20th of the month, so the malware wiped their system of all data for the last month, mostly related to the war.
Wow. I work with this sort of software in my day job. It is kind of amazing this has not happened before. The scary thing is some random programmer anywhere could tomorrow decide to do the same thing to US computers.
Did HHS buying major media time to “advertise” their covid vaccination agenda, ultimately compromise these same media resources from reporting later vaccination harms?
I am about to raise a question totally unrelated to everything up above, but since this is an open thread, here goes.
Years ago in an old Scientific American I read an article about a newly invented new kind of wheel. It was not a joke and it made ” re-inventing the wheel” more than just a cautionary cliche. Obviously a technical illustration/diagram would be best but I can’t find one because I don’t know the name of this new kind of wheel. So I will have to describe it in words as best as I can.
Its basic principle was a ” hula hoop held between the edges of two frisbees with the concave sides facing eachother holding the hula hoop between them.” There were bearings all the way around the two sides of the hula hoop where each side of the hula hoop met the rim of the frisbee holding that side. The advantage was supposed to be that the ” hula hoop on frisbee” sandwhich-wheel is more inherently stable than the classical shaft-through-a-disk wheel. And the space between the two frisbees and “inside” the hula hoop can be filled with whatever the inventor-engineer can imagine. Perhaps a little electric motor turning the hula hoop. Perhaps a stator with the hula hoop itself being the rotor. Or more classical gearing. Or whatever the engineer pleases within the realm of physical possibility.
Has anyone here heard of this? Does anyone know what this new kind of re-invented wheel is called?
Spokeless wheel? https://patents.google.com/patent/US4045096A/en
Yes. And thank you. This is certainly a particular expression of the basic concept.
Using the word “spokeless wheel” as a search term, I found my way to a wiki entry about some various versions of “spokeless wheel”. They are also particular and not a schematic expression of the pure concept. But they are also a good start.
I would re-express in words my understanding of the purest schematic concept in terms of a marching band cymbal player holding his two cymbals together with the hula hoop between them, and bearings all the way around where the cymbals meet and hold the hoop.
The idea must still be a little ahead of its time, but I hope techno-society catches up to it. I can imagine all kinds of applications giving us a wheel more strong and stable for the “same” amount of material.
How much lighter could “hoop-on-cymbal” sandwich wheels for train cars be than the current heaviest-steel shaft-through-disk wheels of today, and still be just as strong for just as long?
And for cars and trucks, the whole “spokeless wheel” could be its own aerodynamic shroud, deleting the air-flow-obstructing turbulence that the current design of car and truck wheels cause despite our best design efforts, leading to a few per cent greater airflow efficiency and a few mpg savings for the same amount of driving as before. In my purely zero-engineering-background layman’s opinion.
Ukrainian reconnaissance drones are using Starlink💥
Just watched the powerful HBO series “Chernobyl” which was produced a few years ago. Of course, since this was a dramatization it had its own bias for story-telling efficiency. But powerful it remains today for the compelling lessons explored.
The story of a “state” who needed to lie to prop itself up with lies, regardless of horrific scope of self-inflicted damage it was also trying to control at the same time. It could not help but remind me of our own deep state horrific plunge into command, control and “covid”.
Well worth watching, or rewatching again. I also wonder what western technology or international atomic energy expertise could have offered at the same time, but according to the series, was intentionally kept off the table for ideological political reason.
Chernobyl- back in the new again and a reminder its heroic “containment” was intended to last only 100 years. The clock is ticking, now what?
Coach K of the Duke University Blue Devils, the GREAT Mike Krzyzewski, lives to see another game before his retirement kicks in, beating Michigan State to advance to the men’s NCAA Sweet Sixteen. This outstanding man of character has run a clean, successful basketball program for over 40 years at Duke University. The legendary coach is also a humanitarian, role model and inspiration to his players and many others.
I’ve never been able to bring myself to root against the Blue Devils because of my regard for Coach K, and hope the team can go all the way this year, his final year as their coach, in his honor.
akaPatience –
I second that. For the next game it looks like most of the Vegas sportsbook poobahs favor TX Tech over Duke by a point or two. But I would never bet against a North Carolina B-Ball team, especially the Blue Devils.
Evil truly is banal – and persistent too. Those of you who thought that the threat-to-liberties-pandemic would go away with COVID should read this op-ed in Blaze News. Bill Gates’ pet NGO; the WHO, is planning an international pandemic treaty (nominally to combat future pandemics) and the EU is set to adopt it in 2024. Biden’s handlers will doubtless be keen for America to sign up to it by then too.
To get an idea of what the treaty is really about I present the WHO Director:
Got that? The treaty will likely enshrine The Science as unquestionable Truth and misinformation as a threat to public health. Oh, and of course the treaty will be based on the thoroughly American (sarc.) values of equity (not equality) and one world [government]. This is where the folk behind the Great Reset have regrouped in order to impose their vision of global technocratic Neo-feudalism onto us, this time by writing public health fascism into international – and thus into national law.
As the author suggests; “In other words, they want to ensure there are no experiment “control groups” like Florida or Sweden – no escaping the mew [sic] world health order”
The pressure to adopt this treaty will be enormous. I’d therefore suggest it might be good to find out what your elected representatives think of this idea well in advance.
Good to know Barbara Ann, thanks. I’ve suspected the Covid zealots have merely backed off temporarily in order to improve their electoral prospects in the midterms. Authoritarianism truly is persistent and addictive.
Barbara Ann,
The senate will be more than happy to sign up as they will be exempt. Did they say anything about protocols and ivermetcin? On a related note how many Ukrainian hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid patients?
Also, you notice that in the whole Ukraine, both in Russian hands, ans Banderite realm, nobody wears a mask, either outside or inside buildings or venues…
For example, look these “school boys”, all disobeying Biden/Pelosi “school mandates”….Bad boys….I hope the Russians do not send in a Kalibr missile on the alibi they are neonazi militias…
There can be no “science” about any pandemic, until at least five years after the fact. What on earth are they even talking about. Science is a process as any real scientist will tell you. Gates is pushing junk science to idiots.
(PS – rhetorical question only – of course we know what this uber-wealthy, philandering high school drop-out is up to – unmitigated megalomania.)
B.A. This is as old as time. Will the elite every go away and let the Hoi Polloi bumble their way through their own simple lives? Not likely. The “philosopher kings” are anointed by a wisdom enhanced by intelligence and enlarged by their goodness. The simple must not get in their way. Some one suggested this about 400 B.C. I read his book once; it put me to sleep.
Bill Roche
The book put me to sleep too. Yes, the idea that a selfless Brahmin class who know best should direct our lives is an old one. What is (relatively) new is the aspiration that this should be conducted at a global level – i.e. by a world government. But what is really new and different this time around is the technology available for effective mass population control. That and the fact that the power of this technology is highly concentrated in the hands a very few inconceivably wealthy people.
As my previous scribblings here will attest, because of the above factors I truly believe there is a risk of the philosopher kings finally getting their way – such that they may never need worry about the revolting populous again. Just look to the example of Canada where a truc(k)ulent minority were crushed by a government weaponizing of the banking system. Once Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s) are introduced ownership of ‘your’ money and indeed ‘your’ property will be titular only and subject to the whim of the Leviathan. Never mind. We are assured we will own nothing but be happy.
Ah…Yes…Bill…The “Elite”..It is THEY who are The Hoi Polloi..Rif Raf..
They Bumble..Along..Simple little Folks..Who Contribute
as much To Life As Fleas Do..
The only Thing that is “enlarged”.. In Them is Not Thier Goodness.
I look at them and See My Framed Salvador Dahli..”The NARCISSIST”
Do Not Get Out of Thier Way..When They Go By..Trip Them..
Bill Barr finally tells the world what half of us already knew: Joe Biden and those 51 Intelligence experts knew at the time Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
But publicly lied about it anyway. Too little, too late Barr. But thanks for the record books.
How badly did Biden want to be a “wartime President”?
Conservative Treehouse speculates the answer is very badly, since Biden needed to counter his plunging approval numbers, escalating inflation, looming Durham report, Hunter Biden’s laptop revelations, and the dark side of his covid vaccine agenda were finally coming home to roost.
So Biden was goading Russia into an invasion for months ahead of the hot war, playing all sides against the middle. Proving once again, no one can screw things up as much as Joe Biden who fails on every strategic move he makes.
Is this what Kamala Harris was endlessly yammering about today …… “in the passage of time” ….. all of this is coming out?
It’s official: Joe Biden finally makes Kamala Harris look like the better alternative. If Biden keeps it up at this rate, he will make Pol Pot and Vladimir Putin look like rational alternatives.
Here is something else to look forward to. Chances are good that in 2024 the DemParty will nominate Hillary Clinton for President and Hillary will pick Harris for her VP running mate.
Its just a feeling I have.
Watching Sam Faddis interviewed about the Hunter laptop and the serial and serious lack of counter-intelligence response to the information on the laptop.
Never mind the in your face sex, drugs and human trafficking. The overt penetration by the CCP into the Biden “family” and other state actors is mind boggling and yet no investigation has occurred?
Comprised is not even a kind way to describe it.
Need a break from constant news about Ukraine and all the other problems and issues of the present day?
Feel like a little nostalgia for an older, less politically correct, time?
I just watched the 1948 John Wayne/John Ford movie She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, set shortly after Custer’s Last Stand in 1876.
If you Google the title, you will see a variety of ways to watch it.
I liked the Google Play version, which nicely filled my 21:9 view screen.
For me at least, it was a pleasant break from today’s world of political correctness and Diversity Inclusion/Equity.
Colonel, if you happen to be familiar with that movie,
I wonder if you have thoughts on to what extent its depiction of Army life back then is a fictionalized version of how it probably really was.
The whole John Ford series of 19th Century Army movies is quite accurate. They are based on the memories of an old cavalry colonel whose son in law made them into a series of short stories. When my father enlisted in the 7th Regiment of cavalry in 1916 that army was still very much alive. A few things had changed. They wore brown in the field, campaign hats and had the 1911A1. Other than that, not much had changed.
Thanks for that (evidently well-informed) information.
An addendum to my original remark:
A freely-available selection of the most iconic (both aurally and visually) scenes from She Wore a Yellow Ribbon is in this stirring three-minute YouTube video: