“A Russian convoy transporting heavy military equipment is headed for Crimea, reports said Saturday, in an apparent effort by Moscow to beef up its offensive in Ukraine.
The equipment was reportedly seen being transported near Kerch Bridge, also known as the Crimean bridge, which connects the Crimean Peninsula with Russia for rail and vehicle transport.
Railway lories were reportedly loaded up with machinery like howitzers, heavy armored vehicles, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks and fuel tanks, according to Radio Free Europe. “
Russia transfers heavy military equipment to Crimea as fighting intensifies in Donetsk | Fox News
Time to remodel the Arlington Cemetery? xhttps://consortiumnews.com/2022/08/26/caitlin-johnstone-fbis-muting-of-hunter-biden-story/ Comments:
“Mussolini, the founder of the first ‘fascist’ party, named after the old Roman beating sticks depicted on the party logo, described ‘fascism’ as the combination of corporate and government power. …
America is now a Two-Party Fascist state. I know the Trump Left denies it and does not cover it and only attacks Democrats, but the Trump Cult of Personality is a fascist movement. But also, we see the ‘opposition’ using both the classic fascist formulation of combining state and corporate power, and sending $billions to Nazis (I see no need for a neo- any longer) in a one-party ‘democracy’ in Ukraine where massive human rights violations defend ‘freedom.’ Which of course clearly shows that the Party of Wall Street, the Pentagon and the CIA is also a fascist party.”
Is Russia is putting in the heavy stuff to prepare for a fall offensive from the south into Odessa? Can she hold on to the gains made in the Donbass while advancing from Crimea into the Ukrainian south?
Maybe. Maybe, lets see, possibly, or conceivably just a teensy bit, the lovely mucus of the third rock from the sun at faux gnus decided, (while not sexually harassing attractive women just like their boss man did, that is) to publish a story designed to make their ghoulish readership feel at ease and downright happy and proud should the “Ukrainians” (tee hee) destroy or disable the Kerch bridge. Just a wild guess.
Bill Roche
easier to defend than to attack, especially when you have advantage in artillery and other heavy equipment, not to mention air power.
Instead of hurtling their dwindling resources into costly attacks, Ukraine should be choosing her battles carefully.
Lucky for them the Russian army seems incapable of Bewegungskrieg because of lack of training, lack of manpower or both. Otherwise half of Ukraine would have been long gone by now.
Easier to defend …. that’s what I read. But UM d/n have advantage in artillery.. Does it have advantage in heavy equipment; got me. For sure the UM d/n have air power. My guess is they are taking advantage of moving troops on internal lines of movement?? Bewegungskrieg WTF? Movement war? Yes the Russians seem flat footed but maybe they are the plodding heavy weight who takes a lot of leather to land his one big punch.
Watch the Russians go up the gut from Crimea to Odessa while Byelorus sends troops into Kiev from the north. Putin knows his adversaries. The Ukrainians are tigers, the rest of Europe are , I’ll be polite, small furry cats, and the U.S. can’t do it all alone.
Bko Ukraine’s sovereignty was broken in ’91 when it declared such from Russia. 2014 had nothing, nothing to do with Russia’s insistence that Ukraine d/n exist. That declaration of national being IS the issue and is the same issue for the Balts.
It seems to me that Ukraine should want as much Russian heavy equipment as possible positioned in Crimea where they can get at it. The current dynamics of the war appear to be such that a large offensive is impossible for either side. The impossibility of massing forces in secret is the real reason why a Kherson offensive has not happened. Ukraine may be able force Russia back across the Dnieper without massing, but they will then be prevented from crossing by the same limitations that the Russians face now. Crimea has now been shown to be in range. So moving large quantities of equipment will mostly provide more targets.
Eventually somebody will run out of something critical. Or somebody will achieve air superiority. Only then can anything decisive happen.
The development (still developing) of drones means that the information environment for future combat is likely to remain much like this. The only comparable historic situation that I can think of is the Polish crisis of 1956. Both sides had deep roots, wide networks, and years of preparation. Both sides had to assume the other side knew of every move in some detail. I especially like the story (true or not) of the Soviet battalion(?) that blundered into the outskirts of Warsaw. The Poles were able to provide a copy of their orders to document where they were supposed to have turned off. Are there lessons to be taken from that episode? I don’t know. It never came to actual combat. But I keep thinking about it.
… and boxes of dji drones accompanying them no doubt:
The Ziocons are the satanic party USA, they are on both sides of the isle
Earlier this month the Kiel Institute said reported that “The flow of new international support for Ukraine has dried up in July. No large EU country like Germany, France, or Italy, has made significant new pledges”. And just a couple of days ago a group on the left of Olaf Scholz’ party, the SPD, published an open letter calling for negotiation with Russia and an end to the war ASAP (link below).
My WAG is that Ukraine just won’t get the chance to conduct a counter offensive because its political and material support in Europe will give way beforehand. I also think there is a far greater chance of a coup in Kyiv than in Moscow in the near term. Zelensky is in the unenviable position of being sandwiched between a faction that no doubt wants to sue for peace with Russia at the cost of some territory and the extreme nationalists would would rather they (and he) die first.
https://www.jan-dieren.de/post/die-waffen-m%C3%BCssen-schweigen (in German)
Interesting. I’m thinking it may also relate to the oncoming US midterm elections. Sept, Oct, Nov. Just over 60 days.
B.A. Thanks, I d/n need “Kiel Institute” to tell me int’l support (meaning European) for Ukrainian independence is over. Well, it only lasted 3-4 months. Germany never intended to go the winter w/o Russian gas and provided little. Britain blustered but having forfeit a military budget d/n have much to send. Macron served as a “conduit of peace” but Ukrainians needed money and ammo, and the shipments of spaghetti and meatballs, and Paella from Italy and Spain still h/n arrived. European history suggests to me Europeans have always been selfish. But there’s still time for Norwegians or Maltese to help out. Could be Putin correctly took the measure of Western Europeans? Ok, I won’t go nuts b/c people/nations rarely show any concern for others even when their own future is connected. Suing for peace was a good idea from day -1 as some herein suggested. Give up the Donbass, Crimea is already gone, turn the rest of Ukraine into a fortress; was my advice to Zelinskyy. Too bad, yet another world leader d/n listen to me, sigh.
Right now the combatants are in stalemate. That’s bad for Ukraine which can’t match Russian resources. Looks like she is setting up to drive on Odessa from Crimea. Russia will hold s.e. Ukraine and pivot left/north from Crimea. It will threaten Romania (Moldova) to look the other way or Russian troops in transniestra will make trouble. Romania will blink, Hungry already has, and Bulgarians haven’t been heard from since June.
This leaves the question of Slavic/Baltic independence to Slavs and Balts who should keep in mind, when Ukraine’s hopes for independence are crushed, “Mother” will call for them and need not amass 150M troops on their borders. More subtle, her message will be the same; you are subordinent to me and no one in Europe will help you. Ukraine abandoned, NATO out of will/gas, and the EU full of ship, allows Putin to finish the job in the next 3 months. For those correspondents who insist this Ukrainian war for independence started in ’14 I remind you I knew it would happen in the summer of ’91. Ukrainian hopes for independence began in 1914 but will be dashed again in 2023. I hope I am wrong.
Regarding Scholz’s speech re EU foreign policy and tax voting. U R right. This is BIG. If there is majority vote then individual sovereignty is lost. This w/n the original idea for a trade union or a coal and steel organization. But here they are. In the summer 1787 American colonies/states encountered a similar reality. Does Herr Scholz anticipate voting on a pop. proportional basis? France, Germany, and Italy will rule the EU and the Europeans are back to Charles the Great. C’met equal … or something comes to mind. The more things change La plus changez, la plus cest … cant remember but I bet you do. Or will the voting be majority with Macedonia having the same one vote as Germany. Europe could look to Philadelphia 1787 for some insight. Sehr interessant, Herr Schjolz, nicht whar?
BA, been thinking about ur post. Times change, people do to. But military situations can be eternal. “We need a victory, soon” said Gen’L Washington. in June of 1777. He was worried if he c/n convince the Europeans, the Dutch to keep trade open, the Spanish to keep gun powder flowing, and the French for everything else America’s effort would collapse. “Sir, said an aid we need to present for battle sooner rather then later. Burgoigne is finally out of the woods and on the way to Albany. We are ready to engage him outside of Saratoga now”. “Yes we must engage and win to keep the Europeans convinced that we can win. Our entire effort depends on a victory now”.
Zelinskyy may not be able to wait until all the planets are best aligned. He must keep Ukrainian hopes up and also European belief up. He can’t wait precisely b/c the Europeans will have moved away.
Seems to me the Russians are benefiting economically dragging this thing out.
As the old saying goes, “by the time a fat man gets skinny, a skinny man will starve.”
“Reporting in recent months has suggested that Ukraine is preparing a large scale counter-offensive against Russia ….”
Months after stalling the Russian offensive the Ukrainians still have not started an offensive anywhere. We’ve given how much equipment – and money? Reportedly we’ve even stripped some of our own units to do so. What do we have to show for it?
Fred: we have to “show for it” that western Europe is a callow bunch who wouldn’t stop an assailant from mugging an old woman on the street right next to them. The economic might of the evil capitalist America is again called in to protect western Europe b/c it refuses to help one another. Bismark’s real politik rings true. Never expect help from another, be able to do, protect, or take what you need or want on your own. The family of nations eats its own.
That’s what we have to show for it.
Well it is we “callow” europeans who are paying the major price for supporting this totally unecessary war with its millions more refugees and tens of thousands of deaths and with the ever increasing costs of food and heating. Why? Because your government with the active support of its British poodles chose not to even discuss with the Russians their genuine security concerns over the continual expansion eastwards of NATO, but instead to sanction them and to encourage the Ukrainians to ignore the Minsk agreements and to provide them with the means to attack the Donbass. Well done! When I am forced this winter to choose between food or heating I shall tell myself that of course it is all worthwhile the thousands of killed and wounded. After all they are only Russians and Ukrainians.
Russian security concerns are important but how about Ukrainian security concerns? Are you German? Then your country caused Russia security concerns in ’41. Of course Russia invaded Germany in ’14, Finland in ’40-41, Hungry in ’53, and Czechoslovakia in ’68. Who’s concerned about security? Don’t you wonder why all Slavs and Balts turned whatever arms they had east, not west, after the S.U. fell. What statement were they making about their security concerns do you think? Oh and a final thought about security, Russia invaded Ukraine in ’22. But here’s a thought. Renounce membership in NATO, the EU and stand up and be who you really are. Incidentally, who is that?
How could I forget … add in Russia’s invasion of Poland in ’41. Security for the Poles, I guess, was never too important?
Scholz just today gave a speech in exactly the opposite direction:
This is make or break time for the EU’s political project. Majority voting is the only way a sclerotic and moribund EU based on consensus politics can move forward. But by the same token the absence of a veto will mark the formal end to the national sovereignty of its members – Germany included. In another time handing over sovereignty in foreign policy for one’s country would be seen as treasonous.
Bill Roche
Ukraine’s sovereignty was not in question until it was broken, first by soft intervention of the US in 2014 which resulted in an overthrow of a democratically elected president and then by the Russian intervention.
If Ukraine’s politicians were less preoccupied with enriching themselves and more with choosing a smarter path for their country, none of this would have happened.
They could have maintained good economic relations with both the EU and Russia while staying militarily neutral and respecting the cultural differences between Ukrainian and Russian speaking regions.
Ukraine was betrayed 1st and foremost by its own elites. I meet cars with Ukrainian plates every day. Very expensive vehicles. The elites fled, the poor are getting blown up.
No, I am not German, I am a Brit who does not support my goverments actions over Ukraine. What is happening there is devastating and, as I have indicated, in my view totally avoidable if we in the West had agreed to talks on regional security. Our refusal to do so and instead to impose sanctions was a deliberate and knowing decision by the West to stir things up. We are now paying a terrible price for our intransigence.
“What do we have to show for it?”
NATO purported definition.
“Keep the Soviet Union(Russian Fed now) out, the
Americans in and the Germans down”
Looks like we’re well on the way to this
Theoretical accomplishment. Maybe?
Germans anyway. Nordstreams anyone?
Very high-risk now. Scholz’ coalition is not looking too solid, and if it falls then there is the possibility that whoever replaces him will simply say “f**k this” and come to an arrangement with the Kremlin: We drop all our sanctions, you start pumping gas via Nord Stream 2.
The Russians will be in, the German’s will be back on their feet, the Americans will be enraged. EU solidarity will be in tatters, as will NATO unity.
Didn’t the Bad Orange Man warn Germany about being dependent on Russian energy?
That’s after the Germans and the EU spent a couple decades setting the stage.
I believe his was a business decision.
Buy our LPG at a multiple not
Russian. We would then have more
Bargaining power in theory anyway.
Sure, he did.
But if Scholz hadn’t gone along with the White House’s sanctions then Germany would still be getting all the gas it needed, both through Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2.
It would appear that even for Trump the problem was that Washington’s ability to wage unprecedented and endless economic war on Russia is constrained if Germany and the wider EU remained dependent upon Russia.
Wait just a cotton pickin minute there pardner … seems to me the rooskies and der deutschers did a lil’ deal back in ’40-41. soumpin for one and sumpoin for d’other. Hitler and Stalin left the rest of Europe to go scratch. You don’t think the germans would do that again. What about NATO, what about the EU, what about free people. Damn straight they would. In fact, I expect they will.
The Russians are doing the same to the Ukrainians with missile strikes that the Ukrainian HIMARS are doing to the Russians. Both parties are weakening their opponents offensive strength.
What’s up with the Europeans? They can’t stop ever fighting each other. They’ll likely be doing it in the next millennium too.
Col. Lang,
Russia is assembling a new army corps there.
I assume they’re aimed for Nikolaev, and Odessa.
– Eliot
Numbrs matter but not if the troops have no fighting quality.
This is being called the 3rd Army Corps and is composed of around 10,000 mostly fat, old men given 30 days of training. Some probably think of reliving their glory days in the old Soviet Army. Rather than being used as replacements in depleted, but experienced, units already in combat, they are going to be used as is with no experienced cadres or officers. They seem to be given some fairly modern equipment, but a lot of that equipment requires a lot of maintenance to keep running. The 3rd AC also seems to lack sufficient logistics and artillery support. Think of this as Hitler’s Volksgrenadier divisions at the end of the war.
Did you read Murz’ thoughts on the prospects for this new corps of cannon fodder?
My guess is this is exactly what got his LiveJournal account suspended immediately afterwards. Strelkov is just as scathing. He is incredulous that Russia is forming new scratch battalions rather than using the new recruits to back fill existing units.
An archive copy of Murz’ post is here (in Russian):
Barbara Ann,
Isn’t forming new units rather than fnew troops through a replacement depot into existing units a long tradition in some national armies?