"Saudi Arabia has agreed to a limited cease-fire in several areas of Yemen including the capital Sana’a, which is controlled by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, as part of broader efforts to end a four-year conflict that has threatened to escalate into regional war.
A Yemeni government official and a diplomat said attempts were underway to expand the truce. Saudi officials couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.
Last week, the Houthis announced a unilateral halt to the hundreds of drone and missile attacks that have targeted OPEC’s largest producer in recent years.
The apparent breakthroughs follow a devastating attack on major Saudi oil facilities that briefly halved the country’s output and rattled global markets this month. Yemen’s Houthis said they carried out the attack using a swarm of unmanned aircraft, but the U.S. has said Iran was responsible." yahoo, Bloomberg, etc.
This doesn't fit the US government BS narrative in which it was IRAN who attacked at Abqaiq and Khareus. Pompeo scoffed the other day at the idea that the Yemeni rebels could have done the deed, but here we have the obvious truth.
Saudi Arabia would not have negotiated a cease fire with the Yemeni rebels if it had not been the Yemenis who attacked them. They know that if there is not a cease fire there will be more attacks against their petroleum infrastructure and possibly their desal plants without which they cannot survive.
Remember this the next time Pompeo tells you anything. He evidently forgot the word "honor" in the West Point motto. pl
I don’t think Pompeo forgot about honor as much as he just discarded it. But I expect him to roll over on Trump rather soon, since he has future political ambitions. I guess that is why he was getting a subpoena first.
Saudi Arabia may survive for a while yet, but they are so far behind the rest of the world that it may not be sustainable and tourism will not save them. Nor will the next US administration.
I am not sure how solid any cease fire will be either.
Pompeo publicly & joyfully praised cheating and lying.
Ansarullah is reporting a major ground victory near Najran according to al-Jazeera. Supposedly hundreds of Saudis including a Commander surrendered. I wonder which unit, and if the Commander was a grandson or great grandson of ibn Saud?
I agree with all that. Pompeo is going to betray Trump.
what cease fire ? its a houthi victoire .
Pompeo apparently learned his ethics at the CIA: ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole.’
Slightly off topic:
According to Amb. Freeman in: Ready, Fire, Aim: U.S. Interests in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria [Dated yesterday]
The DoD has 15.3 billion and State Dept. has 1 billion tp waste in Syria this fiscal year.
Dear Colonel,
The recent, very successful, Houthi action that appears to have captured thousands of Saudi Troops including senior officers, was the awaited followup for missile swarm attack and likely was the persuasive factor.
seems like parts of the Saudi military are near collapse, and Saudi leadership may be realizing it (I suspect Saudi officers regularly lie to their superiors about things like morale and readiness)
If the Houthi have ties to the Shiite in Saudi Arabia (suggested by the successful oil facility attack), they have lots of room to to escalate further; its hard to see how the Saudi’s can escalate.
Apparently, the Saudi’s see peace as more valuable than US protection (which is focused on harassing Iran), particularly since the US protection did not protect.
What will be interesting is how fast the Saudi’s dump US missile systems (Patriot, THAAD) for the S-300/S-400, which actually demonstrated functionality in Syria (including against advanced drone swarms launched by the jihadi’s against the Russian base. This issue, has been the straw that moved Turkey out of the US orbit. Sure there were other aspects, but all the negative things one can identify about Erdogan’s Turkey, apply ten fold to the Saudi’s.
“Yemen’s Houthi movement has said it carried out an attack near the border with the southwestern Saudi region of Najran and captured “thousands” of enemy troops including several Saudi army officers but there was no immediate confirmation from the authorities in Saudi Arabia.”
Gee whillakers. David’s kid brother has defeated Washington’s junior kid brother. Now what?
Your analysis I think is spot on.
I think “Petrel” has nailed it https://thesaker.is/iran-prevails-over-the-usa-twice-but-this-is-far-from-over/#comment-699442
For many years before he threw his hat in the presidential race, Donald Trump was a regular contributor — usually by telephone — on multiple TV and Radio news shows and consistently spoke against US interventions in the Middle East. He sang that same song during his primary and general election races.
Come to Washington, President Trump discovered that his government appointees needed approval by a Deep State hopelessly entangled with globalism, neocons & MIC. So President Trump focused his must-haves on Treasury, Commerce and Trade and for the last 2.5 years he has backed his personnel choices as they attacked internal and external globalism with a vengeance.
Regarding the Department of State, Intelligence, National Security Advisor and such, President Trump negotiated, if generally failed, to acquire the personnel he wanted, but once these were installed, he proceeded to:
1. Ostensibly support them noisily, while
2. Privately challenging their advice, then
3. Failing to release the troops / funds needed for their proposed adventures.
Hence the ‘revolving door’ pattern of these unsuitable advisors.
We come to Iran. President Trump has no wish to open a war with Iran, since he knows the US can’t even move troops and materiel to the region without the assistance of Iran’s ally Russia. *** When Senator Graham proposed such a war, President Trump publicly asked how it could even be initiated? Then again, President Trump, a developer of quality condominiums, rentals and golf courses, actually believes he should honor contracts and agreements, especially election promises. Furthermore, he knows his ‘deplorable’ lower middle and working class American supporters consider such wars pointless 1% enrichment games.
It may not be naive to believe that President Trump will avoid a war with Iran at all cost — knowing as he does that Iran does not wish to engage him in a war either.
*** Each of our $ 6.5 Billion carriers, with $ 3.5 Billion in planes and 4,500 seamen would be sunk by three $1.5 million Iranian missiles within 1,000 miles of Hormuz — a reality explained to him during the North Korea standoff, when three of our carriers hurriedly sailed south of Australia on the launch of one NoKo missile.
My analysis has failed two or three times over the last 30-40 years. It failed because of my laziness in not learning enough, but I know SA and Yemen well.
Patrick Armstrong
“President Trump discovered that his government appointees needed approval by a Deep State hopelessly entangled with globalism, neocons & MIC.” You left out the Zionists. I guess the Bronfmans, etc. are fearful folk. The “MIC?” Do you mean the industrial makers of hardware or the military? Eisenhower was a fool to put it that way, but then, he was never much of a soldier.
It was just noted on Jimmy Dore that the Saudi Military is all Pakistani at less than the lieutenant colonel level!!!
Sounds like a backbone-less military – with spine provided by US troops on behalf of the perfumed princes.
I think that Gen. Eisenhower is a rare example of successfully herding cats.
Since the US is still making tanks that go directly to permanent storage, he may have been right about MIC.
The main reason for the success of MIC is that parts are made in many, many congressional districts, which Ike foresaw.
I am unable to assess him as soldier, but he has a vast road system named after him. I am sure most soldiers considers roads to be important.
Yemen troops captured 3 Brigades of Saudi mercenaries and weapons.
Would be beautiful thing for MBS to get Gaddafi treatment.
Marshall herded cats better. One of them was Eisenhower. Others were FDR and Churchill. The US has ONE tank plant. Do you think we should close it? Perhaps you think like my mother who said to me that tanks would never be used again in battle. that was in 1958. IMO Eisenhower’s project for the interstate highways had nothing to do with military necessity. He could not have foreseen the possibility of another civil war.
In my experience that was not true. Service in the Royal Saudi Land Forces was highly prized as a work free job opportunity for poor village boys. At the same time many Pakistanis were seconded to the MODA under protocols between the governments. The SANG is a completely different subject manned by regime loyal beduin tribes. The Paks also liked being seconded to MODA but that was because they liked the money, which was good, very good. except they did not like the abuse from the fops. When I was DATT there they sought me out to complain about the abuse. Officers of the Guides Cavalry did not like being crapped on by the fops. The war in Yemen may have scared many of the Saudis out of the military but I understand that most of the forces engaged against the Yemenis on the ground are Africans.
al-Masirah is reporting that the captured were mostly traitors and the beguiled (meaning Saudi-sponsored Yemeni militiamen loyal to Yemen’s former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi).
Although some Saudis, including officers, were also captured.
IKE was the man most responsible for setting the United States on the collision course with core state of Muslim Civilization. This is not an opinion but a historical fact as the bills have come in over that last 66 years.
DJT bears responsibility for continuing his predecessors bone-headed policies in the Middle East. No one had put a gun to his head to so, he could have broken with the baggage of 70 years and freed the United States from her tragic encounter with Islam.
Instead, he doubled down on following Israel into a dead-end. And you heard that first from me on this forum.
Yes, he’ll get real creative, just like Nadler in his opening remarks the other day.
No, it would be an act of malice.
Is the U.S. ready for the fall of the house of Saud? Do we have contingency planning for that?
If the Saudi’s are negotiating with the Houthi’s (capitulating) and paying them off, that would be an incredibly wise and well thought-out move. If fact, if they start sending a bunch of money and aid to the Houthi’s that would be even better thought out. They would claim that the Houthi’s played no part in the missile attack and that the Houthi’s have rejected evil Iran. That is what the article in Reuters says.
There is only one problem. I don’t think it will work. After all, is there really a difference between what has happened to Yemen and what is being attempted to Iran? No. They will have to capitulate to Iran too. Which would be an even more incredibly good move. Would tribalism and religion permit it?
A unified ME allied with Russia would be a very, very good thing for the planet and something the U.S. would to its everlasting good fortune have to accept. The U.S. has to be taken down a peg without WW III.
A United Middle East is an oxymoron. I doubt that even the Great King could have accomplished that.
What could be the US contingency planning? “Don’t Intervene!” would be the better part of Wisdom.
I have read that Eisenhower did not originally put it quite that way. He originally wrote ” military-industrial-congressional complex”. But at the last minute before giving the speech he decided it would be rude to Congress to leave that word “congressional” in there even though the Congress was a key part of the “military-industrial-congressional” complex.
Which makes me think he was thinking of the military supply thingmakers and all their Congressional supporters in whose districts where they put their many many “congressional support enhancement” sub-facilities.
Here is the article I remember having seen that in.
I thought that the S-300s and S-400s are overkill for drones. Wouldn’t something like the Pantsir system be more useful against drones?
No matter how “advanced” a weapon is, if the troops either cannot or will not learn to utilize it, it does no good.
That’s why we are very grateful to you for having created this committee of correspondence. Each of that 2 or 3 times must have made a great improvement in your capability as an analyst.
Wish Mr. Johnson and Mr. Binney could reognize a similar learning experience.
Of course, but its really about if Saudi moves into the Russian orbit, then will the petrodollar continue?
And re:S-300/S400 of course, although its the layered network of the system that is its power, as shown in Syria. However, 1., I am not certain the perfumed princes will care and the 2. talks to date have been for the S-300/ S-400 whose primary benefit is to raise the cost if the US/Israel go from treating Saudi Arabia as best buds / lets dance with swords to not friends (i.e., love delivered by Tomahawk).
S-400 are massive overkill vs drones, but they’re great for battle management, to track targets & hand them off to smaller systems with cheaper munitions, like Pantsyr.
The S-400 missiles themselves are for bmd & for keeping away slow, non-maneuverable support support aircraft like AWACS.
Together, they’re a pretty comprehensive IADS package.
Douglas MacArthur once said Ike was the best clerk he ever had serving under him. Ike responded that he studied acting under the general. Not exact quotes but close.
I’ve been listening to the recordings of Forrest Pogue interviewing George Marshall again while commuting to work. It is amazing trying to get into Marshall’s head as he had such a large world view.
A recently listened to recording covered what would happen as action was taking place, various ways the press would report it and how people would react. Marshall mentions why some activities would get press accounts while other bigger or more important actions would have no coverage. He also mentioned how often the press would get the story wrong. I love when he notes the behavior of critics and politicians.
I have always wondered how Marshall knew what he knew. His insights were truly astonishing and accurate.
One of the best men in American history. He was seemingly without soul destroying ambition. I talked to Pogue once about him and he held Marshall in supremely high regard, I also talked to the movie producer Frank McCarthy who was the producer of “Patton” and “Macarthur.” He was Marshall’s Secretary of the General Staff during the war. I asked why he did not make a movie about Marshall. He said that there was no cinematic value in making a film about a man who just thought all the time.
The House of Saud is feverishly up on cocaine for ,over 72 hours trying to work out a reasonable sounding public statement.
You need a very talented director, like Clint Eastwood or Yasujiro Ozu, who can tell an intelligent story.
You are right, but it would also be an act of hideous barbarity. I can never forgive Hillary for laughing after seeing a video of “the Gaddafi treatment.” Of course there are many other things I fault her for, but that displayed a total lack of moral compass.
Wisdom, yes, which is why such plans will never be implemented.
I am not a psychiatrist, but HRC is a textbook sociopath.
I also am not an orthopedic surgeon, but I can tell if someone is missing a leg.