“UNITED24 claims the USVs have an operational radius of up to about 250 miles, a range of up to about 500 miles, a maximum speed of about 50 miles per hour, and a “maximum combat payload” of about 400 pounds. It is unclear what UNITED24 means by maximum combat payload. It could be a combination of various things, including fuel and explosives, and these may be able to carry out other missions beyond strike using other payloads. “
Ukraine’s Shadowy Kamikaze Drone Boats Officially Break Cover (msn.com)
I had a near two year long dry spell between girlfriends circa 1981-82 which left me explosively unscrewed.
What’s not accurate, according to the author? I do not understand.
Russia has launched more than 4,500 missiles at Ukraine, according to UNITED24, 20% of which came from the sea.
“Ukraine had nothing to oppose these ships, because the Ukrainian fleet lost 80% of its vessels after the occupation of Crimea in 2014,” according to UNITED24.
While that isn’t exactly accurate, — Ukraine has been given RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles — with a reported operating radius of about up to 250 miles, the USVs also can strike far further than those anti-ship missile systems, which have a range of about 70 miles. They can also execute attacks in an entirely different, unconventional manner.
What’s not ‘exactly accurate’? That 20% of missiles are launched from the sea? Or that 80% of the Ukrainian Navy was lost with the– pick your favorite term: seizure, occupation, Russification — of 100% Ukrainian Crimea
The Ukrainian Navy was Crimea based too?? Or mostly? Or hyper irony alert: The Black Sea Fleet is really Ukrainian since based in Ukrainian Crimea?