The reference to Lincoln makes this clear. He was elected by a plurality of the popular vote. This was caused by a three-way division of the opposing popular vote. Get it?
She is thinking of running for the purpose of splitting off enough potential Trump vote to block him winning. pl
Her stated mission is to prevent Trump from ever getting near the White house again. Whether she feels that way about the Trump wannabes, I don’t know.
The word hubris comes to mind. She believes with the fire of a zealot all she’s been saying about Trum. She’ll rally “never Trump” voters, who aren’t going to vote for him in 2024 (presuming he runs) anyway, who else would she gain as voters? I don’t see much of a Ross Perot threat from her, though she’ll get plenty of free media. She’ll be a nice fund raising vehicle and conduit for op-eds and information operations.
She’ll likely raise a ton of money and spend it all on attacking Trump. Notwithstanding that did didly squat in Wyoming.
Admittedly I’ve not given her much, if any, consideration about how she’d be likely to fare in the primaries but just an off the cuff prediction I can’t see her outright “winning” a single state.
My guess would be she’d drop out in the wake of Super Tuesday.
Don’t imagine she’ll run as a Republican. Her family and the Bushes probably have the resources and the connections to get her onto the ballot in a significant number of states (or maybe all of them) as an independent. You should start modeling such a candidacy along the lines of Ross Perot – and I think it’s clear that he’s the only reason Bill Clinton won in 1992.
I dunno PH.
Somehow I just can’t see Liz Cheney handling anywhere near Ross’ dexterity with piecharts.
Well … perhaps were she to wear an apron and a chef’s hat while standing on a stump.
Though I’d admit those connections you bring up may be of “some good” I think the greater portion of the voting citizenry is comfortable leaving those two family lines consigned to the dustbins of history.
Even if all three candidates opposing Lincoln had joined forces and combined their votes, Lincoln, with only 40% of the popular vote, would still have gotten a majority of the Electoral College and become President.
I doubt she’ll be able to peel any Trump voters. She could however get some votes from the Republican establishment. Who knows she may even get some Democrats?
The walloping she got in Wyoming says something!
Great, just what the country needs, a single issue candidate motivated entirely by hate. This woman is so deranged by Trump that she feels she is re-fighting the WBS. Cheney may as well have reproduced the entire Gettysburg Address on her website. Or better still, something from Moby Dick.
BA the Whig party was ripe for the picking in ’60. Buchanen’s blamed for not solving the slavery issue but he was confined, correctly so, by the constitution. He gets no blame in my book. B/Y slavery the Whigs were out of issues. Lincoln “solved ” slavery at the point of a bayonette, 700M lives, and a new nation that was no longer federal in nature. He did this w/o a declaration of war, three amendments to the constitution that excluded the south, and clear supremacy of the central govt. No one voted for that in 1860. The “Federalist” finally won. Lets keep going. Roosevelt, was a “progressive”. What is that? Its a less strident socialist. I have come to believe that TR knew he could not beat Taft in ’12 but deliberately ran to throw the election to Wilson, who was a socialist. In ’32 his cousin FDR took the country on a 12 year socialist run that lasted through the election of ’48. Libertarian/Conservative was the GOP base but couldn’t beat the socialists Dems. In ’48 Thomas Dewey and professional pols took the GOP over and made it a “pros” party. Truman still beat them. The GOP has been GOPe/RINO since the ’48. The “Boys of ’48” included Dewey, Eisenhower, Nixon, Uncle Bush, George Romney, Rockefeller (who preferred to be called a “moderate”), Ford, and a young Bob Dole. They were men w/o ideology but for political bucksheeze! Trump, like Reagan and Goldwater before him, threatens the professional RINO party. That brings us to Cheney. You see the election of ’48 has much to do w/Cheney. Cheney, Romney, and Bush (and all their hangers on) are the forces of the prof party and they will not let THEIR PARTY be returned to its conservative/libertarian roots. Cheney will be their champion whose job is to destroy the GOP base’s champion. She’ll have RINOs, the propaganda press, socialists, and academia to support her. She will also get some voters who are confused over the nature of the GOPe. With enough “pro” money, Cheney can skewer Trump. If that results in another socialist in the WH and the complete loss of the American Republic, so what. RINOs will still control the GOPe. Like all RINOs who adorn themselves in old glory she does not give a wit about ideology. Surprised? Liz Cheney is a fake.
Breckenridge got 61 votes in thr Electoral College
Pat I think we’ve arrived at a national culture/political crises resolvable only, in the past, by war. I refer to the patriot/tory divide of 1776 and the North/South of 1860.
There is little (no?) room for compromise on the cultural issues of today. No need to run the gamut, we both know what they are. The last hope was that the American socialist still believed in political tolerance. I don’t believe that any more. The American left and right have nothing in common. This is evident at Thanksgiving, my family is split right down the middle. We can’t even agree on regular turkey or a “tofu” bird. Yeah, I like turkey, dark meat w/gravy pls.
As to your comment on Breckenridge I’ll have to do some research. He gets lost in Lincoln’s glory so I don’t know much about the guy.
A problem with Trump is that he got his shot in 2016 and blew it in terms of his hires – Pence, Rosenstein, Wray, Bolton, Pompeo, Mattis, etc and then of course Jared & Ivanka. They all look like Deep State/RINO types. He threw Mike Flynn under the bus. And Nunes with his hair on fire gave him all the scoop on Russia Collusion, he sided with Rosenstein and then passed the declassification buck to Bondo Barr!
His other problem is that his terms of reference is purely transactional. He does not do strategy let alone national strategy. His Trump Organization CFO for years has now pled guilty to tax fraud and got 5 months at Rikers in return for testifying against the Trump business.
Then of course his opinions by Twitter, not actual governance which means managing the executive branch . He has shown no evidence that he can do that. The question that comes up when I speak to the independents that voted for him in the last go around is does he the capacity to govern the country considering the vast array of existing power that is so viscerally against him?
In any case there’s nothing like a Trump candidacy to turn the tide in the fortunes of CNN, MSNBC, CBS and all the folks like Liz.
Sam be a cautious reader, particularly re sources. For four years non stop the socialist propaganda media have reported nothing but ill of Trump. That RINO rag, the NRO, (a wholly owned subsidiary of the RNC), also carried on an anti Trump campaign from the summer of ’16 until Trump left office. Is it possible that any human being could have been so infinitely bad? When did you read a “matter of fact” appraisal of Trump or his accomplishments during his time in office. Aber Meine Gott im Himmel he made some idiot staffing choices. They were bad, even disloyal. Did he know the breadth and depth of the swamp arrayed against him? What is amazing are his accomplishments despite the evil that is D.C. You commented on his approach to “doing business”. Yes, it was purely transactional. I for one say good, its about time. I do for you, you do for me (politicians do this “logrolling” all the time). As long as the quid pro quos are w/i the Constitution so what? You mention (or I think you’ve read) that Trump does not do strategy. Really? I thought his overtures toward N. Korea were right, so too his approach to the Chinese (Mex., Can., and Europeans) on trade. He pointed out the obvious to the Germans that their reliance on Russian energy was a bad strategy. Hey, did any one else who was good at strategy, point that out to the Germans? His simple obvious strategy of turning on the American oil/gas spigot would have been very valuable today if the socialists d/n overturn it. Speaking about the Russians, he said many times that we had to get over the cold war and come to genuinely friendly relations with Russia. I thought that was a good strategy. Only time will tell but I thought he was making some progress in the M.E. Trump, for all his myriad personal faults, stood as the man w/t flash-lite in the kitchen showing the cockroaches run to the floorboards. He had/has to go. He can not be permitted to turn on the light. Whether you like him or not, what the swamp is doing to him now threatens the Republic for us all. What can be done to our most recent President can surely be done to you or me.
Trump’s China tariffs did nothing – trade deficit with China grew every year in Trump’s term. His remarks when Pelosi went to Taipei showed that he’s an appeaser of the CCP.
Similarly, his businessman credentials didn’t show up in the trillion dollars in additional national debt he incurred in each year of his presidency.
Neither did he even attempt to tame the out-of-control intelligence apparatus who shafted him each day of his presidency demonstrating his weakness. Especially since he didn’t need Congress or anyone to declassify the nexus of the FBI/CIA/DOJ with the Clinton campaign and their surrogates Fusion GPS, Steele, and the corporate media to subvert the rule of law by filing false affidavits to a secret FISA court violating the civil rights of American citizens like Carter Page. And Nunes even gave him a heads-up on the specific documentation.
Trump, IMO, is all hat and no cattle. Bombast but no substance.
Barbara Ann My vote is for an ‘excerpt from Moby Dick’ it would be more fitting. Liz Cheney is as out of touch with the voters in her state as anyone I have ever seen… very Captain Ahab
In a general election the Democrats may not vote for Liz. However who knows they may decide to vote for her precisely for her role in J6 and being so singularly focused on being against Trump.
I find the topic of how Lincoln won interesting, but Liz is a fool, not worth a moment’s thought
Liz Cheney is an establishment Republican who represents the interest of K-Street not Wyoming.
In the six years she “represented” Wyoming her net worth increased 600% on a public servant salary.
So destroying Trump and reelecting Biden might be in her interests.
The problem with American politics is people care more about their personal interest as opposed to the country’s interest.
Just see the “Deep State” in
I suspect Tulsi Gabbard is thinking about running again;
Given how the situation could evolve over the next two years, she might be a more feasible option for actually making it. Obviously the Democratic establishment would be doing everything in their power to undercut her, but after the next two years of the Republican house and senate dragging them through the mud, she might be their only option, that hasn’t been tarred and feathered.
I’ve thought a Paul/Gabbard third party ticket would be interesting, but that’s really outside the box.
Sorry JM but despite the fact that I’m fond a’Tulsi cause she’s purty, she bucks the deep socialism of the dem. party. She is supposed to be socialist herself but she wont play nice w/t other commies. The dems wont abide her. The same is true for Paul.. He appeals to my Libertarian side but for that very reason the RINO swamp wont abide him. Although what a ticket it would be … what a ticket it would be.
Reality is more dualistic, than monolithic. Even in politics and culture, there are two sides to the coin. The powers that be have been very effective at playing them off each other, to ‘divide and conquer,’ but I suspect we will be seeing much more of an antiestablishment move, than just fighting between libs and conservatives. Trump rode that horse into town and that’s why they hate him, but he won’t be the last, from either side of the political fence.
JM; Hope your right. What a ticket. A sorta socialist would have to make peace w/a sorta Libertarian. They can’t be more ideologically different. But that’s the point; “Hey America if we can compromise you can too”. Well, that w/b the political message. The other B.S. over personal identification, pronouns, end the police, and sex w/dogs (yeah, that’s the latest out of Germany, get it up for your shepard)wouldn’t find much support from either Paul or Gabbard. But they would be a better ticket than any two RINOs.
I have always liked both Tulsi Gabbard and Ron Paul – I have heard from Ron Paul constituents that they also are happy with him (which is most important) I have not heard from Gabbard constituents to confirm that the people who voted for her also liked her (I do not follow that island state too closely). I do like what Gabbard has to say and mean Hillary really seems to hate Gabbard so that gives Tulsi ‘political street cred’ in my estimation…
Considering the best the establishment seems come up with, is a replay of 2020, looking outside the establishment might be increasingly feasible, the more the situation crumbles.
The crust is starting to look like a scab.
This rapidly heating culture war will make headlines during the coming campaigns of ’22 and ’24. While the spotlight is a national one, the actual important battles will be local ones. Every school board election at the state and local level is ground zero. City and county commissioners as well as mayors and district attorneys are equally vital. We on the right need not wait on a great savior to come and remake DC. It won’t happen. This war must be fought grass roots up.
A good test: how many actually know who sits on their local school boards by name, by face, by communications, by party affiliation and backing, and actual voting patterns. For these non-partisan local community elected positions, as our chosen surrogates entrusted with the future of our entire country.
Reality check. It will take several entire generations to undo the damage of past teacher union dominated K-12, who unfettered have had a monopoly grip on our children and grandchildren.
Bottomline: many teachers are very okay. But there is not a single teachers union who should be allowed anywhere close to the education of our nation’s young people. Voters finally need to learn the difference when they make their choices for their next local school board elections. And their state superintendent for education.
I could not have said it better.
Absolutely correct Whitewall. It is the battles in and for the states (and that means ‘local level’ stuffs are the must-do).
Federalism simply can not be restored at the federal level. But it’s possible at the states level.
So true. We on the local level must ride to our own rescue. What “can’t happen here” has been. I have seen this movie before long ago more than once.
I was driving from the den of iniquity, NYC, into NJ and on to Pennsy on election night ’84. I had business in East Greenville Pa. Who shall Time Magz. put on the cover as the next Pres? The presses had to start b/f the election was called. I’d better make the right call. Listening to the radio as I drove towards Pa. the stations were full of NYC “culture”. They also fully disparaged Reagan’s point that the country was deep into a cultural war. Why, was there any other culture than the east coast? I was reminded of that map of the country that shows NYC and the east coast, then a mass of nothing until you reach L.A. The coastal elite are truly an obnoxious bunch I thought. This was back in ’84! Reagan was right, but there is more involved today than does your daughter want to dye her hair green. As I crossed the Delaware at Easton the stations changed and the conversation b/c more relaxed, less adversarial. We are no longer united states.
Is there a possible ticket that could unite us? I think not but an interesting ticket w/b Trump/Gabbard. Male and female, both “America first people”, both required to compromise Trump’s capitalism w/Gabbard’s socialism, he’s old she’s young, and neither “takes no ship from nobody”… could be a fun ticket. Donny n’ Tulsi ’24.
The difference between capitalism and a market economy is that while markets need money to circulate, people see it as signal to extract and store. The problem is that a medium is not a store. Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store.
The reason the financial sector has gone from about 5% of the economy, to about 40%, is that we try saving in terms of our bank accounts. Back in the day, people raised their children and were taken care of in old age. Now we have retirement accounts and the kids have mountains of debt. The bankers love it.
Government, as executive and regulatory function, is analogous to the central nervous system, while money and banking mirror blood and the circulation system. We’ve evolved past assuming government as private, but yet to realize the same principles apply too banking. They are having their, “Let them eat cake” moment.
when the medium enabling markets is in private hands, the markets are not free. Effectively the rest of the economy are tenant farmers to the banks.
A healthy society is based on collective responsibility, with rights as reward, but ours views rights as whatever we can grab and responsibility as punishment when things go wrong.
Interesting crime data point, work on this Mrs Abraham Lincoln:
……”Just take a ride through the busiest cities in America and you will see the littered streets of chaos, especially in the Democrat-run cities of Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, St. Louis and New Orleans. Simply remove these 5 cities from the murder statistics of the USA and we’re barely even on the map anymore, and the Democrats want gun control? “………..
There is more to the picture in those 5 cities. All are black. If 13% of society commits 85% of violent crime what can the measure of violent crime be in those towns. The young therein, grow up w/o respect for anyone or anything. Many are also w/o ethics and morality. These five towns are dem. run b/c that is for whom African Americans vote. There is no solution to this millstone about society’s neck other than ending welfare. Which politician will have that courage? Malthus was not completely wrong.
Those 5 cities and plenty more. Democrats in continued control yes, but these Democrats are now different. What those 5 and others are experiencing is the concept of Weaponized Governmental Failure. The deliberate act of failing to perform the basic functions of government services while still getting paid. It is hard work to manage large agencies and respond to voters concerns while speaking to the media and all the other difficult civic duties. Better way to advance ‘cultural Marxism’ is to neglect the citizens complaints as ‘racism’, DEI not yet implemented, too little ‘equity’ in government, systemic racism, insufficient wokeism etc etc. Blame all problems on all enemies of ‘Democrats’ and then double down on misgoverning when confronted with real problems and real numbers of failed policy.
Urban renewal is like ‘global warming’, a political idea that will be rebranded so as to steer policy in the desired direction. Or funnel billions into cities blighted by one party’s use of failed political ideas.
“All are black” Another remarkable bad take on demographics.