"Does President Obama understand why what people have learned, thanks to Edward Snowden, about the National Security Agency makes them angry? Maybe not. In a press conference on Friday, Obama said that his Administration would be “forming a high-level group of outside experts to review our entire intelligence and communications technologies …. So I am tasking this independent group to step back and review our capabilities—particularly our surveillance technologies.” One of the tasks of this “outside… independent group” would be to figure out “how we can make sure that there absolutely is no abuse in terms of how these surveillance technologies are used.”
Is lying to Congress and the public about surveillance programs considered an abuse? On Monday, the White House released a memorandum instructing James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence whose false testimony in a Senate hearing about the programs was exposed by Snowden’s documents, “to establish” that very review group:
Within 60 days of its establishment, the Review Group will brief their interim findings to me through the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and the Review Group will provide a final report and recommendations to me through the DNI no later than December 15, 2013.
The choice of Clapper came in for some instant mockery. The White House, as has been the case throughout the N.S.A. story, said that the problem was that people had misunderstood. Caitlin Hayden, a National Security Council spokeswoman, said in an e-mail that “the panel members are being selected by the White House, in consultation with the Intelligence Community,” not by Clapper alone, and that he wouldn’t be “directing” them or determining their conclusions. But, administratively, they needed a home, “and the D.N.I.’s office is the right place to provide that,” what with the need for security clearances and all. Bureaucratic tidiness is not what’s called for at the moment, though, especially at the expense of independence, given the depth of people’s doubts about the surveillance programs, and it is not what the President appeared to promise." New Yorker
Clapper lied under oath to the senate about the NSA surveillance programs. Keith Alexander seems to have lied to everyone at every possible opportunity. Why are these very dispensible men still employed by the US Government. Occam's Razor suggests that they are not displeasing to Obama. The behavior of these two "slimies" reminds me of a retired army three star who told me that he could not be expected to tell the truth to Congress because he could not accept being responsible to both the president and Congress. pl
“Obama privately derides controversy over NSA surveillance.”
Clapper and Alexander are still in government because their boss has no idea they’ve done anything wrong.
The authors of the Constitution could not know that one day it would be possible to automate tyranny. The tools with which successive American Administrations are arming themselves are tyrants tools, pure and simple.
It is extremely naive to believe that these implements will not be used against people perceived to be threats to the ruling class – the developing American aristocracy. All that is currently missing from that group is the hereditary nomenclature.
“Freifrau” Chelsea Clinton is a good example of this class.
What do you want me to do? Shut up? pl
We listen to you. Our world has changed. The furlough of federal employees for 6 to 11 days is a big “screw you” down the chain of command. I am trying to say the new aristocracy is so divorced from reality that they have ceased to give a damn about what their employees think or say, especially truth speakers like you. We only exist to be exploited or to butter them up.
Fourth and Long
Clapper on the inside
Clapper on the outside
Clapper in the crapper wiping
Clapper’s boss’s backside
Michael Murry, “The Misfortune Teller”
Ditto for Keith Alexander. Lying just to keep in practice; just so they won’t forget how.
Well, to be sure, Madison, at least, anticipated this: he was explicit in recognizing that “No theoretical checks–no form of government can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.” (from his speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention.) So, are we finally running out of the minimum virtue without which no system of government could keep liberty of citizenry secure? Perhaps we are….
“how we can make sure that there absolutely is no abuse in terms of how these surveillance technologies are used.” I surprised Obama had the gall to say this. He doesn’t want abusive surveillance? Read the Constitution, then follow it. I’m sure there’s a copy somewhere in the District of Columbia.
I noticed that Obama did not acknowledge that this was a question of unconstitutional activities. He just thought all us poor bewildered children didn’t understand why we must be spied upon for our own good. He’s been surrounded by those secret squirrels so long he’s become one. It seems every time Obama, Alexander or any other defender of NSA surveillance of Americans speaks out, a new document leaks out and proves them to be liars.
Clapper and Alexander are threats to the Constitution. I am convinced of that. But they are only the most visible threats. They are supported by a legion of fellow true believers. There have always been some of these, but the GWOT has poisoned a lot of minds in the national security structure and in the citizenry.
Every day Obama looks more and more like the empty suit that he is. First, he makes a statement denying data vacuuming. The next, information comes out that there is massive data vacuuming.
Then, he says that it is all under tight control and supervision. The next day information comes out that it is not. Even the head of the FISA court said the court lacks tools for oversight.
Then he says that there have been no violations of the rules the NSA operates under. The next day it comes out that there are multiple violations PER DAY, just from Fort Mead. And Sen. Wyden states that this is the tip of the iceberg.
It’s becoming increasing clear that Obama is again leading from behind–from behind Clapper and Alexander.
Sadly they are also supported by 435 members of the House of Representatives who have more than ample evidence to vote articles of impeachment against the president. (Probably the VP, too).
i have no way of proving this but if the testimonies on Binney, Drake et al are true, this all started with Hayden at NSA. Clapper and Alexander presumely had to agree to get considered for their jobs. Hayden ? ‘There is something of the night about him’
IMO Hayden belongs in the same “bin.” pl
But not any question of responsibility to the Constitution.
OT,Senator Graham was on FTN or MTP can’t recall setting out the M.O. by which the U.S. could influence Egypt, if not Egyptians.
1) cancel the $1.3bn aid
2) stop, by unstated means, U.S. tourism to Egypt
3) induce, by unstated means, the withdrawal of U.S. business investment in Egypt.
(total bilateral trade = $8.4bn): http://export.gov/egypt/
Problem solved, but uh, what is it we want “them” to do again?
He also stated that
government is a club, an in-group ..they protect their own … it has nothing to do with citizens
It is theoretically possible that the Current American Population has no virtue(s).
It’s vices are stunningly déclassé.
Col. Lang-
Sir, thank you for posting this. It does make a difference to me. Subject matter reminds me of a quote made just over a century ago:
“there is a great danger that the study and development of force may lead men into the temptation of using this force that they have developed. There is the danger to men and to nations of becoming fascinated by the machinery they have called into being.”
Winston Churchill, 1912
Is my understanding correct that General Alexander will be selecting the independent surveillance review panel?
“he could not be expected to tell the truth to Congress because he could not accept being responsible to both the president and Congress”
Good recipe for the rest of us to be out foxed!!!!
A fox was accused of steeling a chicken before a judge. Fox claimed innocence. The judge asked who is your witness? The fox said, my tail!!!!
So now, we are approaching an authoritarian state, except with changing characters as the head(s).