Some important tidbits from the latest document dump obtained by Judicial Watch confirm John Solomon’s reporting from two years ago. Solomon reported in July 2018 the following:
Now, memos the FBI is turning over to Congress show the bureau possessed at least three versions of the dossier and its mostly unverified allegations of collusion.
Each arrived from a different messenger: McCain, Mother Jones reporter David Corn, Fusion GPS founder (and Steele boss) Glenn Simpson.
That revelation is in an email that disgraced FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok wrote to FBI executives around the time BuzzFeed published a version of the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017.
“Our internal system is blocking the site,” Strzok wrote of the document posted on BuzzFeed. “I have the PDF via iPhone but it’s 25.6MB. Comparing now. The set is only identical to what McCain had. (it has differences from what was given to us by Corn and Simpson.)”
Now you can see the email for yourself thanks to Judicial Watch’s latest FOIA harvest:
This is just another reminder of the full court, Deep State, coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump. This text makes it clear that it was McCain (and his staffer) that fed the info to Buzzfeed.
This also is a reminder that John Solomon’s reporting on these matters has been rock solid. Can’t say the same for most of the cable news shows and the mainstream media.
God bless John Solomon, for all the great reporting he has done despite all the obloquy he has had to endure.
Appreciate the doggedness.
But….honestly what is Trump actually doing about any of this? Is he an impotent POTUS when it comes to corruption and malfeasance in the executive branch even when there’s a soft coup against his own presidency?
Something doesn’t smell right!
The Hill fired him for telling the “truth.”
Sadly, that is the American MSM today.
peacock; You ask a good question. I would also ask, what is Barr actually doing? He’s making some talk, but of what actual consequence?
There was another investigation, by Horowitz I believe, that was going to let a lot of cats out of many bags and supposedly result is very high level indictments – up to and possibly including Clapper. Where is it?
I don’t think that there’s a chance in hell that any one of those clowns will be indicted for anything
Haven’t heard much at SST about the SSCI report on the January 2017 ICA concerning supposed Russian interference. CTH analyzes it here:
Keith Harbaugh
Look in the archive. We were all over that fraud.
Barr apparently likes to talk “tough” like a lot of the swamp inhabitants.
When push comes to shove the swamp will always take care of its
own – regardless of political side.
If anybody gets indicted,I’ll GIVE away my pair of unicorns
Looks like the DOJ is releasing more info on the Flynn case and the corrupt conduct of the entire FBI/DOJ cast of characters. Sidney Powell has some info:
Sundance has a write up as well.
A significant new development in the Flynn situation:
Among other things, sundance sees Dana Boente as a major part of the problem.