Cancel Culture Attack on Holocaust Backfires

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The Holocaust is back in the news thanks to the stupid commentary of Whoopi Goldberg and the actions of a weak-minded school board in Tennessee. Let’s start with the McMinn County School Board, which voted unanimously on Jan. 10 to remove Art Spiegelman’s book, “Maus,” from classrooms. What is Maus? It is a comic book but it is not funny:

it depicts Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. The work employs postmodernist techniques and represents Jews as mice, Germans as cats, Poles as pigs, Americans as dogs, the English as fish, the French as frogs, and the Swedish as deer. Critics have classified Maus as memoir, biography, history, fiction, autobiography, or a mix of genres. In 1992, it became the first (and to date only) graphic novel to win a Pulitzer Prize (the Special Award in Letters).

The extermination camps the Nazis set up in Poland–Auschwitz/Birkenau, Belzac, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka–were charnel houses of pure horror created for the express purpose of exterminating Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesirables. But Jews were the primary target.

The McMinn County School Board proved themselves to be a clot of juvenile morons. They failed to comprehend that if you are going to teach about the Holocaust you cannot whitewash it or turn it into a Disney musical. Human beings were tortured and murdered because they were Jews. They were stripped naked and incinerated into ash after suffocating in gas chambers. There is no easy way to tell this tale.

The good news is that this crazed, ignorant effort to cancel history has backfired. Sales of Maus are taking off:

“Maus” — the decades-old series of graphic novels about the Holocaust that was banned by a Tennessee school board last week — has skyrocketed to the top of an Amazon bestsellers list.

More than $83,000 also has been raised so far to give free copies to students.

Which brings me to Whoopi Goldberg. Who knew she was such a cretin. She weighed in on the action of the McMinn School Board with this incredibly stupid comment:

“The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race,” Goldberg, 66, said repeatedly. “It’s about man’s inhumanity to man.”. . . “But these are two groups of white people,” retorted Goldberg. “You’re missing the point. The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. It’s a problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white because black, white, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other.”gg

It absolutely was racial. In Whoopi’s simple world, skin color is the deciding factor. But the Nazis did not make eliminating people with black or dark skin their priority. Jews were the enemy and determining who was and was not a Jew involved genetic sleuthing:

Germany’s racial laws identified a “Jew” as anyone with three or more Jewish grandparents, regardless of their religious identity or practice. Conversions to Christianity were pronounced illegitimate going back two generations, formalizing and instituting Nazi racial theories.

The Nazis published despicable images grounded in the most perverse racism that portrayed Jews as subhumans:

Nazi propaganda poster during WWII : PropagandaPosters

Whoopi, if this ain’t racist then you do not know the meaning of racism.

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30 Responses to Cancel Culture Attack on Holocaust Backfires

  1. “The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race,” Goldberg, 66, said repeatedly. “It’s about man’s inhumanity to man.”. . . “But these are two groups of white people,” retorted Goldberg. “You’re missing the point. The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. It’s a problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white because black, white, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other.”

    Somebody should remind Whoopi about other round 25 million Slavic untermensch (Russians, Belorussians Soviet Ukrainians) who still are subhumans in the views of many current US elites (such as James Clapper, who thinks Russians are genetically inferior) and, of course, it has nothing to do (wink, wink) with race. These were these subhumans who liberated those death camps in Poland. But in a due time it will be accepted as a historic fact that, after all, it was Obama’s uncle who liberated Aushwitz and Treblinka.

    • Ghost_Ship says:

      Soviet prisoners of war were treated at least as badly as the Jews. The Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek camps were initially built for handling them and the technology used to slaughter the Jews was tested out on Soviet POWs. They are rarely mentioned in the west and the west seems more concerned about their treatment by Stalin after the end of the war and the treatment of German POWs by the Soviet Union.

    • whoknows says:


      thank you for making this remark.

      In fact, if you read Mein Kampf, it becomes very clear that Hitler was afraid of Jews, and viewed them as alien Uber competitors. The Slavs he truly despised as inferiors and wanted their lands.

      >>The extermination camps the Nazis set up in Poland–Auschwitz/Birkenau, Belzac, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka–were charnel houses of pure horror created for the express purpose of exterminating Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesirables.

      Yeah, Soviet POWs did not exist. Right.

  2. TTG says:


    Well, once again we’re in agreement. The banning of “Maus” is shameful and troubling. It goes along with that one Texas school official’s comment about providing “both sides” of the Holocaust. Does Texas now think teaching Holocaust denial, the only other side to the Holocaust, to be suitable for children? The resultant resurgence in the popularity of “Maus” is heartening. However it is disheartening to see cops high fiving and fist bumping actual nazis parading around in Florida. For God’s sake can’t those cops at least appear to be neutral while on duty?

    Whoopie Goldberg does see racism only in terms of black people and white people. As you pointed out, it’s much more than that. The nazis made Jews into a race, an inferior race, for the purpose of uniting and energizing their base.

    • blue peacock says:


      Our very own contemporary tale.

      So tell me, who spreads more Covid misinformation, Joe Rogan or Rachel Maddow?

      The Machine doesn’t care about misinformation, it cares about approved narrative…

      And Joe Rogan’s comment on the controversy…

      It appears the truism is that the narrative of the prevailing orthodoxy shuts out any dissent. The Nazis labeled, shut-out from society and then murdered the Jews, Gypsies, communists at scale. Now we have the covidians insist on labeling the dissenters, shutting them out from public services and who knows what else they contemplated. Of course our very own liberal hero, FDR, interned American citizens of Japanese ancestry with no due process.

    • Fred says:

      “The nazis made Jews into a race, an inferior race, for the purpose of uniting and energizing their base.” Where the example is being followed:

      The unvaxxed are…. or haven’t you been paying attention to what one side is saying about them; starting with Biden?

      The terms “all lives matter” and “white lives matter” were created to see if the left believed Black Lives Matter, and others, such as, white’s didn’t. Turns out that is correct, as seen by the further actions of the cultural marxist left.

      ” one Texas school official’s” That would be South Lake, population 32,000. Why do you think that represents tens of millions of Texans or is an example of leadership in the state?

      Your comment about “cops high fiving and fist bumping actual nazis parading around in Florida.” . Was that every city in Florida? I ask because googling that line doesn’t bring up any news reports of cops high fiving nazis around Florida, or even mention a city where it happened.

      “The nazis made Jews into a race, an inferior race, for the purpose of uniting and energizing their base.”

  3. Fred says:

    Whoopi Goldberg is a third tier boomer actress who appeals to the NYC coffee klatch crowd who watch “The View”.

    “It’s about man’s inhumanity to man.” Yes, please tell the woke what the slave sellers of Africa owe the BLM acolytes. It would make a great Twittter explosion.

  4. William Haught says:

    After all, almost everyone over 13 or so these days have such accounts.

  5. Deap says:

    I thought these womens’ inhumanity to the rest of humanity was the sum and substance of the View’s primary appeal. Let’s bash conservatives for our daily pick me up. Why is Whoopi even complaining? She lives inhumanity to others every single day.

  6. Chairman Meow says:

    Old Blue Gums is back. Didn’t Whoopsie identify as Jewish in an earlier incantation? Before Jewish leaders pointed out that he/she/it/sh*it had no matrilineal connection nor conversion? Seems as if She that looks like a frog has a certain axe to grind towards Judaism, since eating a matzo ball did not give her Borscht Belt cred. The fact that she(?) has not been cancelled numerous times tells us all we need to know about the hypocrisy and induced chaos that is the MSM. Somehow I doubt that the Russians are worried about neo-nazi transsexuals in the Ukraine, but the people that bring us Poopie seem to believe so. At this point the only question is whether these ‘eleeets’ actually believe their BS. Rule by incompetency does not impress any of our adversaries.

  7. Barbara Ann says:

    Of course the Holocaust is not about race – as seen from the POV of a person who ‘identifies’ as a Jew, in an ongoing publicity stunt supposedly making a point about narrowly defined white on black racism. What Caryn Johnson is perhaps clumsily trying to say is that the most important lesson of the Holocaust concerns man’s potential for inhumanity to his fellow man. This aspect of the Holocaust has nothing to do with Germans, Nazis or even Jews and everything to do with the dark recesses of the human psyche. The potential for great evil resides in all of us and it is vitally important that we remain alert to this fact always.

    As a couple of commenters have already pointed out, this lesson is very much being reinforced today. Biden has associated a group of his countrymen with spreading disease – thus encouraging Americans to shun the ‘unclean’. This is exactly how pogroms start. The President of the French Republic has labeled this same group “no longer citizens” in a echo of the Nuremberg Laws which formalized the status of German Jews in 1935. In Quebec the hated minority is now forced to go grocery shopping with a minder, in order that they buy only essential items and then leave (see link). We see headlines which (again in Canada) tell us a quarter of the population wants to see this group incarcerated. All over the world legislation is being put in place to exclude these people from society. I could of course go on and on.

    Some say this will all end the same way as it did 80 years ago, maybe it will. The mobilization of hate by those who govern us seldom ends well. But the important point to recognize right now is that we are being manipulated & coerced into a very dark future. One which tears up the social contract. One in which the State presumes you to be ‘unhealthy’. In this future you have given carte blanche to the State to use medical procedures to guarantee your continued ‘health’* lest you be outcast. This is the transhumanists’ dream.

    *The definition of which (like the word “vaccine”) could well change arbitrarily.

    There is another lesson from almost a century ago: Those who wish to ‘engineer’ humanity must never be allowed into a position where their warped fantasies can be realized. The Nazis of the 1930’s & 1940’s wanted to breed a master race. Today the WEF wants to use technology to turn us all into transhuman cattle-tagged selfs who “will own nothing”. Their vision of humanity is as little more than machines, useful only to serve the omnipotent caste of techno-Brahmins (themselves).

    The eugenicist ideology underlying Nazism was always going to come back in some mutated form. It is here right now and we are in the fight of our lives.

    • Barbara Ann says:

      *serfs* not “selfs” – the self is exactly what they want to destroy.

      • Eric Newhill says:

        Barbara Ann,
        Gotta love that auto-correct. Better living through AI.

        I don’t think this ends in a repeat of 80 years ago; at least not in the US. The Unclean here have a lot of guns and a fighting spirit. This is not Australia. Thinking it ends in either something more resembling the French Revolution or the Spanish Civil War. When the Unclean prevail and secure and rebuild the country, then we’ll have to go out and save the other English speakers and Euros from themselves, again.

        • JerseyJeffersonian says:

          I don’t know, Eric, but it seems as if Our Fascist Overlords are working on a “to do list” for their door kickers if things do get spicy:

          Seems as if they are working on a national gun registry through the back door so they could draw upon this. Click on the link in the post to the Washington Free Beacon for the full story. More than 920 million records controlled by the always squeaky-clean ATF. Whoo hoo. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

          This is the way they roll, just as the supposedly unobtainable (except through legally-obtained warrants) taxpayer information from the IRS was corrupted in a past (?) scandal.

          • Eric Newhill says:

            I don’t doubt that’s what they want to do. The Brits tried the same thing. If they want another Lexington/Concord, that’d be the way to jump it off. I think they’re gonna need a lot more door kickers. Maybe they’ll invite the Chinese Army to come over and help out?

          • JerseyJeffersonian says:


            Replying without a reply button to your response to me. There is this quote from The Gulag Archipelago that could be repurposed for our use with but a few alterations here and there:

            “Oh, and how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

            God grant that it doesn’t come to this extremity, but if they make a move to oppress us further, maybe a few closed casket funerals for some of their goons could make them back off, at least long enough for the enormity of the situation to bash its way into Joe Normie’s thick skull.

      • Mal says:

        The Democracy Convoy arrived in Petit Kiev, the serfs are confronting Nazism in real time.

        Cheers Mal

  8. TV says:

    Whoopi is an actress/entertainer which by definition means that she has the maturity and intellectual development of a 12 year old.

  9. Christie says:

    In follow up to Barbara Anne’s comments above:

    Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav: Never again is now unless we all resist (Jan 2022)

  10. RichardTO says:

    One thing I’ve always wondered about is why the question of WHY the Germans decided to single out Jews in particular for destruction?

    Did a rational, pluralistic people just wake up one day and decide to campaign against a part of their own domestic population?

    • morongobill says:

      Pogroms have been a part of european history since way before Hitler.
      The Germans were just more systematic in their approach.

    • Erelis says:

      A professor at Maryland named Jeffery Herf wrote a book trying to answer your questions. It is called “The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust”. Here is a bookstore presentation he gave on the book recorded by CSPAN:

      From Amazon this is what one of the reviewers said about the book: “Jeffrey Herf has written a brilliant book that reorients our understanding of the Holocaust. Arguing that racial antisemitism, however vicious, was an insufficient basis for genocide, Herf demonstrates that a major shift occurred in Nazi propaganda during the war: Jews were now presented as a political threat to the German nation, and as the instigators, through their puppets, America, England, and the Soviet Union, of a deadly world war against Germany.”

  11. Deap says:

    Cancel culture to get rid of Covid -backfires too.
    Five trillion dollars spent to “fight covid” (and get rid of Donald J. Trump)

  12. mcohen says:

    Having barely scrapped through English in high school and only able to understand things I can physically interact with and being jewish I have to ask why are Jews a race.The way I understand it jews are people who identify with a relegion.The holocaust was an attack on a relegious group IMHO.
    Secondly,I don’t trust anyone with the surname “Goldberg”.Seriously who is she kidding.
    From her Wikipedia

    “About her stage surname, she claimed in 2011, “My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name—it’s part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black”, and “I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don’t go to temple, but I do remember the holidays.”[16] She has stated that “people would say ‘Come on, are you Jewish?’ And I always say ‘Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'”

    More concerning is what happened to Peter newbon on twitter.ugly stuff.have to ask where all this nonsense is coming from.

  13. mcohen says:


    One nifty trick i learnt while growing up in africa as a white skinned person was to ignore the skin colour of humans and focus on the character of each and every single individual i can into contact with.

    You might wonder who taught me this trick.

    Well it was a horse.I believed all horses were the same until one bit me and then I realised it is safer to approach each horse as a separate individual with its own temperament.

    Nazi’s under the spell of their ideology made the same mistake until they got bitten.Dangerous business ideology.One needs to choose wisely.

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