Jim Comey, Have the Grace to Shut Up!! by Larry C Johnson

Larry Johnson-5x7
You think that a guy who has been repeatedly rebuked by the Department of Justice Inspector General for violating DOJ and FBI policies and procedures would have the grace to be silent. You would be wrong. Jim Comey has anointed himself as the Jesus Christ of America. Only Jim is wise and good. Only Jimmy can save us from that anti-Christ, Donald Trump.

And Comey’s latest? Trump’s a narcissist. Being called a narcissist by Jim Comey is akin to being accused of having sex with underage girls by the late Jeffrey Epstein. Jim Comey tweeted out the following today (Sunday):

4 hours ago

It’s Sunday morning. A devastating hurricane is approaching. A gunman just slaughtered innocents in Texas. But the President of the United States is wasting time airing personal grievances and live-Tweeting Fox. Narcissism is not leadership. America deserves better.

Jimmy Comey has achieved new lows in smug sanctimony. His self-righteous bullshit has passed the point of tiresome. It is just annoying.
I spoke with a retired FBI buddy today. He was one of the first ones detailed to CIA Headquarters in the late 1990s in an effort to improve inter-agency coordination (and that mission failed in large measure because of the behavior of another narcissist, the CIA Chief of Alec Station). He was beyond sad and embarrassed at the spectacle and conduct of Jim Comey. My friend told me that he used to happily introduce himself as a “retired FBI agent.” No longer. He simply says that he worked for the Government and tries to avoid saying anything about having served with the FBI.
The big hammer is still to drop and Comey is not likely to walk away a free man. He lied to a Federal Court. He needs to be held accountable.
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6 Responses to Jim Comey, Have the Grace to Shut Up!! by Larry C Johnson

  1. Factotum says:

    Trey Gowdy also long warned us about the self-annointed Saint James Comey. I sense a trend among knowledgable pundits.

  2. Rob Naardin says:

    I can’t wait to see the dark forces of the deep state in bright orange prison jumpsuits.

  3. Diana C says:

    “Being called a narcissist by Jim Comey is akin to being accused of having sex with underage girls by the late Jeffrey Epstein.”
    As usual, your analogy here is spot on. I’m still giggling.
    My literary analogy would have been that Comey is the very inept Walter Mitty of today’s America. He does imagine himself as the “voice crying in the wilderness.”
    It sounds, however like a braying donkey wanting some attention. He was one of the Democrats’ “useful idiots.” Too bad they didn’t realize that they might actually get a certified idiot.

  4. oldman22 says:

    Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign? A reflexive answer might be because candidate Trump promised to “cooperate with Russia,” to pursue a pro-détente foreign policy, but this was hardly a startling, still less subversive, advocacy by a would-be Republican president. All of the major pro-détente episodes in the 20th century had been initiated by Republican presidents: Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.
    So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics? Investigations being overseen by Attorney General William Barr may provide answers—or not. Barr has already leveled procedural charges against James Comey, head of the FBI under President Obama and briefly under President Trump, but the repeatedly hapless Comey seems incapable of having initiated such an audacious operation against a presidential candidate, still less a president-elect. As I have long suggested, John Brennan and James Clapper, head of the CIA and Office of National Intelligence under Obama respectively, are the more likely culprits.
    Stephen F Cohen

  5. Keith Harbaugh says:

    oldman22 asked:

    Why did Western intelligence agencies, prompted, it seems clear, by US ones, seek to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign?

    So, again, what was it about Trump that so spooked the spooks so far off their rightful reservation and so intrusively into American presidential politics?

    I have read former-DNI James Clapper’s memoir Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence, to learn something about the man.
    As well as some very unsurprising accounts of how he climbed the intelligence management ladder, and also unsurprising stories of the methods of intel, and of his interactions with various foreign entities,
    he gave some real insights into what he values extremely highly, namely the set of values that go by the name of “political correctness.”
    Whether it involves diversity, African-Americans, feminism, homosexuality, he endorses most heartedly the tenets of PC.
    For example, after praising the talents of a woman who worked for him, he adds something along the lines of
    “When women take over the world, I just hope they remember me kindly.”
    (An aside on my view on such things: Sure, women can try to emulate men. But they do so at the expense of fulfilling their part of the classical, “patriarchal”, social contract. The basically inevitable result: A fertility rate among whites that literally is putting the white race on the path to extinction. (A path technically called “exponential decay”.) That is not a “conspiracy theory”, that is just a statement of fact, one the “elite” is assiduously avoiding.)
    Anyhow, back to Clapper, given his views on what is “right-thinking”, it should come as no surprise if he played a role in defeating and undermining Trump, whose policies and views he no doubt despises.
    Likewise, I suspect, for Brennan, who once voted for a communist.
    This really seems to be something new. Somehow I doubt that past leaders of the IC were so unsympathetic to the policies of the presidents they served. Perhaps Colonel Lang has some insight on that.

  6. oldman22 says:

    Just published: book by former fbi agent Mike German, Disrupt, Discredit, and Divide: How the New FBI Damages Democracy. He says the former directors of the bureau turned it into a ‘lawless law enforcer’.
    Reviewed here:

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