My favorite Nativity scene – reposted 2023

I bought this one in Bethlehem from the Palestinian Christian who carved it.  God bless you every one.  pl

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3 Responses to My favorite Nativity scene – reposted 2023

  1. Stephanie says:

    Thank you, TTG.

    When the Colonel first posted that photo I went looking around on the internet to see if I could find a Holy Land creche like it. They all looked cheesy compared to his.

  2. leith says:

    Granma had a creche from Jerusalem reputedly carved from olivewood, and also a pair of carved candlesticks. Family lore suggests she received it as a birth gift from a Canadian uncle who had served in Egypt during the late 19th Century. Everything was divided up, even the creche, among her three daughters after she passed. Cousin Betsy has the Baby Jesus in the cradle. I had one of the candlesticks and passed it to my granddaughter.

  3. ked says:

    we didn’t have this tradition growing up in my Irish Catholic / Primitive Baptist family… but in my much later Very Polish-German Catholic Significant Other family… wow… what a serious, many generations deeply rooted ceremony! NOTHING of import happens on Christmas Eve before the precise procession is ceremoniously carried out. {well, maybe Midnight Mass} never one to take ritual too seriously myself, a family-flavored one – from great-grandparents to babes-in-arms – celebrating life, love & peace on Earth can get to you. Merry Christmas to All.

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