Open Knives – On Human Capital

Maybe that’s the tall kid’s good reinforced box, maybe he uses it for other things and he doesn’t want to give it up. However, he doesn’t get a choice in equity, because one of the “butch cut lesbian commissars” who resemble Martin Short, as BAP put it, is there to make the call on who gets that box. And she’s backed up by the Government and all their guns. That’s what equity is – a bunch of HR corporate speak behind the threat of raw, naked force. The old saw about “it was a demisexual trans person of color who fired the Hellfire from a drone that wiped out a wedding party, so it’s progressive and Good!”.

Now we come to the meat of this post, which serves as a companion to the wise Colonel’s post about a military purge. Where “Emily” joined the military because of her two moms or something, and the CIA is made up of mentally ill narcissists. This is your national defense right here, folks. There’s been a lot of comparison made between these two adverts and the advertising for China and Russia, and those are valid. However, the USG doesn’t consider those countries an existential threat to its existence.

That doesn’t mean that they are not though – Russia’s absolute signals mastery demonstrated in Syria should have kept some people much more highly placed than me up at night AND that they could work well with MENA region allies. Contra this to the US in Afghanistan and Iraq, where we got played like chumps. China is rediscovering a naval heritage as old, if not older, than the Portuguese, and that gets little press versus the failures of their army.

However, point this out and you get some handwaving and vague assurances about “tech” by people who are paid hefty figures to ignore the real flaws in the military for whatever boogeymen the woke commissars decide to focus on. Twenty two veteran suicides a day and the Sergeant Major of the Army is pontificating on fucking hairstyles. The main fighter jet for all three services is an overegged chimera of a monstrosity and the General of the Air Force is worried about making sure there are darker bandaids for “airpeople of color”.

The real threat, what actually keeps the USG awake at night, is the flyover proles they hate, the Appalachians and the ranchers and their ilk, might become a threat to their power. You think colleges are just ignoring test scores because of equity? Hah! Its to close off one of the few remaining accesses to power left to everyone based off of merit. Try getting into Harvard or Yale with “4H” on your application. Better to expect the sun to rise in the west.

The purging of the military functions in the exact same way – the USG would rather lose wars than admit its ideology is flawed. Look at what is happening in the SOCOM world with the push for “greater diversity”- these people are literally one of the legs of US military power (a tripod consisting of SOCOM, CAS, and UAVs) and they’re being sacrificed on the altar of diversity. The military is quickly becoming a skinsuit for the Left to wear and dance around in, and demand you respect it while they’ve hollowed out all the organs and the things that made it worthy of respect.

For all the propaganda of “POC are frontline troops!” the reality is that the combat arms have, by and large, been prole whites and hispanics, especially the infantry. However, these people are getting pushed aside and, in many cases, getting pushed out because of things like believing men can’t have children. Ideology over reality.

That doesn’t make these high achieving people go away though – high human capital is STILL high human capital. The cream will always rise, period. And that’s the other impetus behind the unpersoning dogma currently in vogue, in that the current “elite” in the USG are desperately attempting to prevent the rise of a shadow elite, an elite not beholden to retarded bioleninist ideology that HATES beauty and strength and therefore not handicapping itself. An elite that is inherently hostile to the current nonsense, stronger physically, intellectually, and morally.

There can be no Hegelian dialectics, I think, in this case, where thesis and antithesis create synthesis. Especially when the stance taken by the current elites is “I have a thousand credentials I deserve to hold your leash” when they’re unsightly stupid goblin people.

As I said before, the cream rises, the blood shows, etc, and you can’t stop high human capital from creating these parallel institutions. And this terrifies the current powers that be. So what have they thrown at my generation and the following generations in the last two decades? The GWOT, the opioid crisis, the housing market crash, doubling down on offshoring, fucking coronavirus – basically nuclear bombs to try to break down the badwhite/badhispanic who have an opinion that goes against Globohomo Jihad.

Long term thinking isn’t the strong suit of the ruling class though – Harvard School of Business gave them brain worms where all they focus on is the next quarter. Same problem here, except you’re just making your opponents tougher and escalating your response the next time around. You’ve got 400+ people living in conditions worst than Gitmo for daring to disrespect les majestie on 1/6, with federal mandarins ruling that not believing Joe Biden got 81 gazillion votes (more than Obama!) means you’re a threat to the community who deserves to be stuffed in an oubliette. So those of us who can see are realizing more and more to form what amounts to underground cells in order to simply survive and stay sane.

So the badthinkers are out there, and not going anywhere. The mildest of concessions by the current leadership such as “Hey maybe we shouldn’t claim all whites have blood guilt for stuff that was done and dusted before their grandparents were born” brings on full throated rage reactions from the left’s ugly footsoldiers. This human capital is just sitting there, developing in an extremely hostile environment, and you think that maybe Russia or China isn’t noticing this? China is already poaching white business executives who’ve been pushed out for diversity hires. I mentioned the Chinese Army before and how the PLA has…shall we say issues with holding ground, especially in Africa. The vets of GWOT, myself included, are in our late 20s and early 30s. Many wouldn’t have a problem being offered $130k to act as mercenaries for Chinese interests and to mow the grass dealing with angry locals. If the Russians decide to develop Siberia, what stops them from offering dispossessed badthinkers a chance to settle the Wild East versus the Wild West?

In closing, the current regime realizes that badthinkers are a weapon just waiting to be picked up by their enemies, but their current ideology and ruling coalition prohibits them from even adopting an attitude of benign avoidance. Its only a matter of time before one of the other great powers grasps the knife by the hilt and begins to twist.

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29 Responses to Open Knives – On Human Capital

  1. John+Merryman says:

    Why are you in such a rush? The scab is peeling, a bit slowly, but just give it time.

    • Gallo Rojo says:

      Who’s “you” kemosabe?

      • John+Merryman says:

        Well, there are a lot of layers to that. Sort of why I was just being cryptic.
        We are linear, goal oriented critters in a cyclical, circular, feedback driven reality, consequently the feedback loops have a nasty habit of turning from positive to negative when we are assuming that if some is good, more is better. It’s like rich kids living the high life, thinking the coasting is easy, until it just keeps getting steeper and there are no brakes.
        This cancel culture phenom is the crest and reductio ad absurdum of much larger and deeper processes. A lot is being bet on a weak hand.
        People have been going forth and multiplying for a hundred thousand years and we are just now reaching the edge of the petri dish, so it might be time to slow down a bit and take in some of the more cyclical aspects, as well where we are in the cycle.
        America has only known growth, geographic, population, technology, industrialization and now topped off with forty years of compounding debt.
        The fact is that not every acorn gets to be an oak tree, so we all have methods of survival, as do functioning societies methods of selection. Aristocracy, meritocracy, bureaucracy, whatever. The problem is there is no “end of history.” The wheel keeps turning. Weaknesses become strengths, strengths become weaknesses. More a game of rock, paper, scissors, than winner take all.
        The more significant example of this is the emergence of capitalism from market based economies.
        We have come to see money as a signal to extract and store, from the noise of society and the economy, but it functions as a social contract, enabling the circulation value around society. Consequently ever more has to be added and ever more metastatic methods of storing what has been extracted.
        Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store. The hallway is a medium, the hall closet is a store. They are related, but don’t necessarily mix well.
        As a contract, the asset is backed by a debt. Consequently to store the asset, similar amounts of debt have to be generated. Back in the old days, people raised and educated their kids and their kids took care of them in their old age. Now everyone has a retirement account, but if you follow the chain back through the financial system and it doesn’t end up as some scam, likely it’s backed by some education loans, mortgage, credit card backed security, held by people living in atomized cocoons, with their credit score as the social grading system. So the same feedback occurs, but much of it gets skimmed off in the process and the bureaucracy rules.
        Then there is government, aka, public, debt. Ask yourself, could the financial markets function, if the government wasn’t borrowing up trillions in essentially surplus investment money. Which then gets spent in ways the private sector never would, from welfare to warfare. No returns, but more opportunities to invest.
        Consider that we have the largest, most expensive military in history and it keeps getting beat by natives in sandals and armed with AK-47’s and IEDs. Yet the same bunch of inept cretins always seems to be in charge. Wouldn’t in any normal situation, such strategic failures incur some degree of punishment? If not lined up and shot, at least dismissed?
        Maybe the reasons for these wars are not so much geopolitical strategy, as the creation of government bonds? The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
        When it blows up and disaster capitalism comes home, the ones sitting on the biggest piles will use their influence to trade it for the remaining public assets. Then we get real oligarchy, not this behind the curtain variety.
        Consider that Paul Volcker could not have cured stagflation with higher interest rates, since that squeezed credit driving the growth of the economy and thus the need for more money, while gifting those sitting on piles of surplus wealth with higher, risk free returns. It was Reaganomics. Or as G.H.W. Bush referred to it in the primaries, voodoo economics.
        One way the Fed raises interest rates is selling bonds it bought to create the money, so if the Treasury is selling more bonds, it would have an equivalent effect, as well as that money can then be spent in ways the private sector never would, but increases the size of the economy, anyway. “Priming the pump,” as they liked to say.
        The deficit really began with the New Deal, so not only was Roosevelt putting unemployed labor back to work, but unemployed capital, as well.
        In fact, this feedback loop of debt being used to extract value out of the larger society goes to the dawn of civilization, thus debt jubilees as a practice ancient civilizations used to push the reset. Michael Hudson points out that Jesus’ original massage was “Forgive them their debts,” amended to “Forgive them their sins,” When Christianity was co-opted by the Romans.
        I’m getting on a bit of a rant here, but the point is this current world has lost sight of the consequences of compounding debt. Probably because it is not taught. As anyone maxing out their card knows, debt doesn’t matter, until it does. All this cancel culture foam and bubbles is just deck chairs on the Titanic.

        • Gallo Rojo says:

          Tell someone with a mortgage and three kids to feed “cancel culture doesn’t matter and debt isn’t real” when they get fired from Globocorp for flashing the ok sign.

          • John+Merryman says:

            Debt is all too real.
            Unfortunately an economy that has made the actual input of many people to be busy work and thus subject to passing whims is the illusion.
            For example, try cancelling farmers for being too white. Not happening.

        • Deap says:

          Consider we have been able to pull off the Pax Americana for the past nearly 80 years. Beats the prior 80. How old are you Merryman?

          • John+Merryman says:

            It’s like the only lesson the US collectively took to heart from the 20th century was curing the Depression with the economic boost of WW2. We are still preparing for a war we won 30 years ago, because it’s what we do.

          • John+Merryman says:

            Not to say, I’m trying to be naive. Here is an interesting essay about the start of WW2;
            Yet is our military strategically focused on the world as it exists, or it some New Deal work project?
            Are we really out to strengthen our position in the world, or just sell as much stuff as we can?
            Looking at the degree to which the large Eurasian countries are coalescing against our interests, mostly because we have managed to push them together, which given some of the historical animosities, is a real accomplishment, I would have the question the strategic vision.

  2. Some Dude says:

    The enemy has no incentive to do a thing about veteran suicides except encourage them. Too many of our people still do not understand this. But more understand this today than did yesterday; they are on the trail and it is good to see.

    Another thing that actually keeps the USG awake at night is the prospect of collective effort by the frogs, the dirt people, the committee, and all the other factions of this thing, even those that do not yet know they constitute a faction and do not know what this thing really is. But the enemy is really giving us a hand here.

    They are weak and they are afraid and they are blundering badly, right out of the gate. The ideological purges of the military are going to boomerang on them. They are making the same mistake they did in Iraq. It is better to be feared than loved but all they inspire among the truly awake is contempt.

    The worst thing that could happen at this point is for something utterly meaningless like inflation will return the controlled opposition that is the McCarthy-Jordan-Stefanik gang to power. But maybe it will take another round of dashed hopes for people to understand that there is no voting our way out of this.

    On the other hand, I fear the only thing that will truly rouse the postwar generation is a hit to their precious 401ks; history will teach that they could always be relied upon to sell their souls for silver.

    And on the third hand, a collapse of the dollar is something to be desired.

    It helps me to think of the archetypal lightly-pozzed white male baby boomer as a Théoden-figure. His idealism remains a powerful weapon, if only he could see the Wormtounge right in front of his nose. Maybe one of these old boomer rockers will play Stormcrow in this farce.

    • FeinGul says:

      “And on the third hand, a collapse of the dollar is something to be desired.”

      The dollar will collapse when the powers that be in power want to starve out the commons. You see if the dollar collapses America’s food distribution system collapses. All the other necessities of life are present; shelter, enough heat and energy to survive, water is gravity fed. But not food. The American food distribution system requires money.

      As far as the uh “happening” nothing happens, can happen, ever happened or will happen without organization. As everyone thinks everyone else is a Fed ergo no organization…nothing.

      • Some Dude says:

        Good points.

        But the sovereign may not have the sort of lightswitch control of the money supply that either the Fed or MMT-ers might suppose. And I think that is where we are headed, whether we like it or not. I like it, but then I live surrounded by food.

        As to organization, absolutely. Matthew 18:20, then scaled up.

      • jld says:

        As far as the uh “happening” nothing happens, can happen, ever happened or will happen without organization.

        Decay need no organization, a bunch of competing interests will naturally evolve toward some equilibrium, though such “equilibrium” may not be of any good for anyone (not a zero-sum game, a negative-sum game).

  3. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    Gallo Rojo,
    My sainted uncle fought against the PLA in Korea. He very rarely spoke about this, but spoke well of their commitment to the fight when he did.
    Ishmael Zechariah

    • Gallo Rojo says:

      My understanding of the PLA is that they are having issues in Africa against locals. From an outsider perspective it seems like the Navy is getting the brunt of the support.

      That being said “quantity is a quality of its own”, and I’m just a rooster.

    • LeaNder says:

      Many wouldn’t have a problem being offered $130k to act as mercenaries for Chinese interests and to mow the grass dealing with angry locals.

      Mow the grass? Offer to serve as mercenaries, at least verbally, till the ‘many’ veterans are allowed to mow the grass at home?

      • Gallo Rojo says:


        • LeaNder says:


          • Gallo Rojo says:

            Im assuming that you don’t like the idea of GWOT veterans serving as hired guns for the Chinese mineral extraction project in Africa, to which I say: that’s how this bitch of a world is.

            Your options for your badthinkers class is as follows:
            – work in resource extraction and hope your $40+ an hour job isn’t legislated out of existence by a government insisting “green energy” training will be there for you
            – work on a boat and hope the Jones Act doesn’t get repealed and you get unemployed
            – join a PD and roll the dice every shift that you don’t have to shoot a black recidivist violent felon with a gun, resulting in the DOJ coming after you with infinite resources.

            Those are your realistic options for a chance at “success” if you don’t want to grind away at service work or od on opioids.

            You might be lucky and manage to play your cards right to get into the halls of power and keep your soul, or make it in some other fashion. So yeah, maybe being a gunslinger for Han Chinese is going to appeal, because there’s so little left in America that isn’t being parceled out wholesale to other entities.

  4. joe90 says:

    Are there still not more blacks in the US army than Hispanics (which as far as i can tell is a made up thing covering anyone claiming some decent from south of the Rio Grande) ?

    • FeinGul says:

      Doesn’t matter how many whites, hispanics, blacks.
      it matters to civilian wack jobs at DOD, not units.
      The ranks aren’t racist.
      Even if racist, that’s my brother.
      Also my existential self interest that I back him, he me, and really in a unit from team and squad up there is only WE. We seriously don’t think like you.
      In fact that shit is sort of automagically coming up never now instead of rarely like before. I mean it’s GONE. Funny how we pull together sorta automagically without being told when dangers afoot, eh?
      We really don’t think like other people.
      And it’s WE or nothing.

      As to “The Purge” What they are doing will at worst dissolve the military in the actual dissolution sense. It will melt away.
      [shh…it is melting away…shhh].
      But what happens next?
      Embrace your inner teenage nihilist, no point in being miserable when you’re going to fsking die.

  5. Barbara Ann says:

    Maybe the tall kid doesn’t want to give up his box because he built it himself and thinks a state should encourage box-building, not dis-incentivize it by confiscating boxes and giving them out for ‘free’. Maybe this kid has seen that tried elsewhere and seen it fail every time.

    • Fred says:

      The tall kid doesn’t want to give up his box because it holds all his possessions, his family having been made homeless due to the government declaring their business “non-essential” a year ago and forbidding them to operate it, thus depriving them of their income and ability to be financially independent. For their own safety, of course.

  6. Le Comte says:

    I am reminded of a blog called Admiral Cod when reading these GR pieces.

  7. Le Comte says:

    Yes, that it. He had a good run and then went MIA.

  8. John Merryman. says:

    Keep in mind that what cancel culture boils down to is very large numbers of socially, culturally, emotionally marginalized and weak people finding strength in numbers. Which has been a large part of the story of humanity. Individually we were prey, but collectively we became predators.
    Yet the other part of it is intelligence and planning. Otherwise it just becomes a fire that will burn out as conditions and resources run out.
    It might be seen as a consequence of humanity’s success. That the weak are not selected out, but became part of the store of fat and divergent DNA, which might or might not come in handy.
    Consequently the better strategy isn’t to confront the movement directly, but tend to one’s own affairs, to be one of the survivors, when the sh!t truly does hit the fan.

  9. Christine M says:

    John Merryman, I agree that people should set up lives as independent of the wider society as possible. Ideas move populations, nations, history. Our unimaginably prosperous society is being taken down by suicidally stupid ideas, and because a few generations have been brainwashed by academia not to question those ideas, I don’t see how it will stop, much less reverse course. Remember what happened to the farmers in Soviet Russia who did not go along with the program?..

    • John+Merryman says:


      It is a bit of a mess, but having grown up on a farm, mostly raising race horses and dairy cattle, I was pretty well enmeshed in the fact nature goes in cycles and feedback loops, by the time I was really coming to terms with the stuff people try feeding each other and have been pretty good at maintaining a bit of an outsider’s point of view.
      We try extracting signals from the noise, so we see reality in terms of order and chaos, but can’t quite figure out why it isn’t all ordered and what we thought we’d ordered, doesn’t stay ordered.
      The reality is energy and form. Like galaxies, energy radiating out, form coalescing in. Liberals are driven by social energies, while conservatism is about civil and cultural forms and conventions. We have the heart and gut driving us, motor, while the mind sees the forms and constantly sorts them. Steering.
      Government is like the central nervous system of society, while money and banking are the blood and circulation system. Though organisms exist in ecosystems, where individual organisms rise and fall, in a larger equilibrium. A market economy is like an ecosystem, yet capitalism is when the institutional medium enabling markets takes them over and domesticates them for its own ends.
      The point I’m making here is that we don’t seem to have much grasp of the processes and patterns generating this reality, which is further obscured by those wishing to keep much of society domesticated. Yet we are now reaching a point where the belief system is being shredded, as even those benefiting from it are not simply deceitful, but ignorant as well. So, yes, thing are crashing, but these systems are failing. Do we learn, or do we just crash back down?

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