Given the purge of Twitter customers underway and present efforts by CNN to have Foxnews denied carrier service I expect that my FB page will disappear soon. Can Typepad be far behind? Expect it. pl
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- Eric Newhill on Trump’s suggestion that US ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip is rejected by allies and adversaries alike
- Eric Newhill on Trump’s suggestion that US ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip is rejected by allies and adversaries alike
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- Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth Renames Fort Liberty to Fort Bragg
- Worldwide count lets backyard birders ‘be part of a great big effort’
- Baltic grid divorce will further isolate Russian exclave in the EU
- Trump’s suggestion that US ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip is rejected by allies and adversaries alike
- “Trump says he will continue funding Ukraine’s war effort — but he wants something rare in return”
- In NASA asteroid samples, scientists discover key building blocks of life
- Thoughts on the Potomac Air Crash
- Rubio, Kallas agree to exert maximum pressure on Russia
- “Apple calls Bullshit on the AI Revolution”
- Possum Point powers up for data centers
true… that is what happens in a corporatocracy… eventually the plain truth of who is controlling what becomes very visible…
I deleted my FB account years ago. Good riddance. There was no other alternative because they had “first mover advantage”. Perhaps the purge will disgust enough people to provide a critical mass now.
Now we’ll see what this generation of Americans are made of.
For the moment, various user-friendly technologies will ease the transition. Many traditional Americans are using
which requires personal info to sign up, and
which does not require personal info.
In the medium term,
serves a specialized purpose of guaranteeing freedom of speech to people like Lin Wood. 8kun is certainly not suitable for most users. Similarly, tor is probably not suitable for most users, but it is a proven technology and is available at
In the long term, research projects such as
will eventually become user-friendly, highly resilient platforms for American speech.
In Chinese-speaking antiCommunist countries such as Taiwan, the current solutions are not yet user-friendly enough. Some Taiwanese people and some Japanese people will rely on American free speech platforms. Although such nonAmerican antiCommunists mostly have no personal loyalty to President Trump, they understand that the swamp must be drained.
How will we know where to find you? If this goes down.
The Digital Iron Curtain descends.
As strange as it may sound coming from me–but these are all private platforms and their policies, however screwed up, are their policies. The United States has Antitrust Laws and DJT had full four years to deal with this issue of social platforms’ monopolies. He didn’t do a thing, as he didn’t in many other fields–he was too busy twitting and being a door mat for Israel. Now, he suddenly, woke up? The guy is a NYC real estate hustler and media personality, I abandoned any hope to see anything done from him after he appointed John Bolton. Everything became very clear then.
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings
I suppose when Chinese communists are openly permitted to buy their way into our media, educational system, economy, political class, etc., censorship of the scale and breadth we’re witnessing is inevitable sooner or later. When I was a little girl, in spite of the legacy of the 1950s Red Scare, the idea of Russian communists openly buying influence and stakes in our economy was nevertheless unheard of. No doubt it happened on the sly, but stealthily because of the sense that it was wrong and counter to our country’s principles. Not so today. The Chinese throw a lot of money around, and there seems to be no shortage of Americans eager to take what they can get of it.
Thank you colonel for providing this venue during such a sad time for America.
Might I suggest that you get in touch with the folks at Conservative Tree House? They recently faced a sudden, ginned-up suspension of hosting, purportedly because of violations of the ever flexible “Terms of Service”. They got to gittin’, and with the help of some technical experts sympathetic to the cause of freedom of speech, they got re-hosted, moving years of posts_AND_comments before the drop dead date to a new and independent hosting. Advice, and maybe even a helping hand might be available. Can’t hurt.
BTW, I have had in storage an IBM AS400 computer (long story) for some time. Only had initial “burn in”, but was never used beyond that. I offer it to you if this could be in any way helpful if any tech folks think that it might be an ace in the hole for you.
There’s a new Twitter account in the name of “John Barron.” @Barronjohn1946.
It seems to be getting a lot of interest.
Colonel, parler is gone.
Go toan offshore provider .
The Cancel culture is becoming the Preempt culture. Pre-crime cannot be too far away.
Yes. I have done some research and have decided where to go, but was distracted by the roll-out of my book (not yet ended). Now I will have to get busy.
Coup leaders of minority regime seek to silence opposition.
Best bet is action at the state level, unlikely unless they continue to overplay their hand though.
@Andrei Martyanov.
While many of them call themselves private platforms, a good portion were created by U.S. Government ‘seed money’. Which means that it was the U.S. Taxpayer who helped them get started and funded their platforms, which makes U.S. Taxpayers their true ‘owners’.
It’s true, he had four years to straighten out that mess and didn’t.
One now has to wonder when will the Israelis wake up and realize that the expanding Censor GODS of Silicon Valley hate them just as much as they hate Americans who dare speak out, and will eventually come after them just like they’re doing to the American citizen.
It’s already here.
Move to Russia and VK (vKontakt). Never heard of anyone being censored on it.
It’s a complete reversal
It is a pre-planned assault.
Here, a fedposter assault.
Here, interference in email communication with supporters.
To all of you hyperlibertarians, well, a few audacious operators put the lie to your belief system. Mr. Martyanov is correct in his critique. But in Trump’s defense, when you are ass deep in a swamp full of snapping alligators, all of whom would in unison resist a law making these offenders considered to be obligated to act as common carriers, realistically what could be done?
They are moving quickly, and our liberties are under direct threat.
“…but these are all private platforms ”
Does this ‘private property’ right extend only to political speach or does that now mean bakeries don’t have to bake cakes for gays getting married and businesses can keep people the owner thinks are the wrong color out again?
Parler is till going strong, despite some hiccups from increased users and traffic. Parler can be accessed via webpage, you do not have to have the app. I have read that you can download the app directly from their website and don’t need to go thru the stores.
Rasmussen Poll finds small uptick in Trump approval, after the Jan 6 event:
Media miscalls it again about Trump.
Reading Twitters justification was pretty chilling if you are worried about thought crimes now deemed to be criminal. The two offending posts were pretty neutral, including Trump’s announcement he would not attend the Inauguration.
But Twitter decided what Trump really meant and Twitter decided based upon their own unilateral judgement how people would react to what Twitter alone claimed Trump in fact meant.
So yes, thought crimes are now punished. If you can call getting banned by Twitter punishment. I would call it an escape for more wasted time and shallow thinking.
Basically OrangeManBad …… regardless. Because we say so.
Reminder- there is a handy “Donate” button at the top of this page- right hand side – PayPal too to show appreciation for any time and effort necessary the host may need to expend that keep this forum going, free and uncensored.
Or to pay for the bird seed to get the flock through the dark days of the Biden winter to come. Whatever. Angrybirds are hungry in my neck of the woods.
Here too.
While many of them call themselves private platforms, a good portion were created by U.S. Government ‘seed money’. Which means that it was the U.S. Taxpayer who helped them get started and funded their platforms, which makes U.S. Taxpayers their true ‘owners’.
It’s true, he had four years to straighten out that mess and didn’t.
You, certainly, have the point but it is the last sentence which matters in all that. Indeed, he didn’t do a thing. The discrepancy between Trump’s declarations and his actions, or, rather, lack thereof, were and are unprecedented. Political impotence sold as a “populist” ideology to gullible masses. That’s what one gets from media personality when thinks that he is a statesman. But then again, there is a huge question mark over all US “elites”. I was more fascinated by the cowardice, impotence and corruption of GOP. Revolting bunch.
Does this ‘private property’ right extend only to political speach or does that now mean bakeries don’t have to bake cakes for gays getting married and businesses can keep people the owner thinks are the wrong color out again?
What you formulated is called “moving goal posts”. Do not mix here basic human rights and the right to use private (OK, nominally private) platform for voicing your opinions. I have a full right to throw anyone out of my house if they begin to violate norms I established in my place. Yes, that is what private property means. You want to have your opinion voiced publicly, which is NOT your right, otherwise we wouldn’t have pre-moderation and administrators here–it is your right to go and create your own “voice”, which ranges from private blog on some public access resource to a full-blown internet provider with servers, infrastructure etc. Then, you are in charge and as long as your activity does not violate Constitution, God speed. While I am disgusted with all this so called “tech-giants” (FYI, they are not tech firms–they produce nothing but pages of code and mass psychological and psychiatric disorders, I do not have FB accounts and never will, I do not Twit etc., formally they are right–our house, our rules. You don’t like it, live capitalism and “democracy” in full and make your own. Simple as that.
It’s somewhat ironic that Russian software companies are freer than US software companies. There are many alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc. And you can completely avoid Google by using Yandex, though Google Maps is often better than Yandex Maps.
My youngest daughter wanted a new phone for her birthday and selected an Honor phone (Huawei’s cheaper brand). I warned her to check if she could get the apps that she needed, as new Huawei phones cannot use the Google Store. She told me that all the apps that she needed were available from the Yandex Store.
What is needed by us smelly deplorables is a tractor march and emulate our French deplorable brothers. Dump a mixture of hog manure and cow-pies all over the desks of those politicians and media goons who dare to call us smelly. They want smell? we can give them real-deal smell.
AWS is already rationing the bytes.
Soon, Amazon Prime will be rationing bites, subject to approval by Jack.
I do hope there’s some way of preserving the back numbers, Colonel, together with the old comments. There’s a lot of material there that will be invaluable to future historians. And maybe hard copy too? The internet is in any case a most ephemeral medium.
I don’t see how all this blocking is going to work. Unless they go full Chinese and block foreign sites wholesale these platforms like Twitter etc are merely driving trade away.
I got agree with Andrei Martyanov.
The issue is not the ban from Twitter and Facebook. They do have the right to follow and enforce their own ToS.
The real problem is the concerted effort from almost all big tech (Google, FB, Twitter, etc) to ban AND to make it almost impossible for the average computer or cellphone user to access alternative means of communication. We have an economical power play amid the political mess.
We see live now yet again where libertarian and free market capitalism fail.
The next step might be Amazon banning Parler from their servers.
Either way, it still is hilarious to see Russia and its companies as one of the few alternatives for the people labeled as wrong thinkers. Irony is not dead yet.
@Quaesiveris | 08 January 2021 at 10:25 PM
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
That quote sounded pretty good, so I looked up the author. This is what I found on his front page:
“The deaths just keep on coming in this worst of all possible years. I was very saddened to read of the death of Ben Bova, another victim of Covid-19 (and Donald J. Trump).”
I believe I’ll pass over Mr. Martin.
I second JerseyJeffersonian’s recommendation of the Conservative Treehouse folks for any support you may need regarding any attempts to spike this site.
I’ve noticed that a few people who comment here and on other sites think Trump could’ve single-handedly drained the swamp and eliminated social and mainstream media bias, when the guy couldn’t even staff his cabinet with anyone who wasn’t acceptable to the Congressional Uniparty. De-classify everything on his way out the door they say. Why do I have a feeling the Deep State would effectively thwart any such effort? And even if he were successful, the MSM would ignore any damning revelations anyway. How quickly it’s been forgotten by some what happened just within the last couple of months regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story: the FBI hid the laptop and the MSM not only stonewalled but Big Tech piled on by censoring the NY Post and anyone who mentioned its scoop.
Elsewhere, I’ve read comments saying “private” companies have the right, indeed the obligation, to ban people from their platforms who make what they deem as inciteful remarks, apparently ignorant of the fact the Apple, Google, Twitter and the like are PUBLIC companies. Some smug social media commenters have compared what Big Tech companies are doing to the successful Supreme Court case of the Colorado baker who didn’t want to bake gay wedding cakes, as if it’s an apt comparison.
There’s definitely a need for alternatives to the limited social media available now. Operating Systems controlled by Big Tech are an obstacle but hopefully American ingenuity can figure out a way to serve the growing market of those opposed to censorship.
Andrei said,
“As strange as it may sound coming from me–but these are all private platforms and their policies, however screwed up, are their policies”
Could not agree more. It is as simple as that.
If anybody objects to how their businesses are conducted, then sue them. The First Amendment does not apply in how these companies decide who they provide services.
Omnes viae Romam ducunt
Very interesting that Twitter has not tagged this with its usual censorship warning re election interference being ‘fake news’. Maybe they finally realize the game is up.
Time to choose which side of history you want to be on folks.
Biden’s spawn will be out to get now us in California – with mostly peaceful pepper spray:
This is what the First Amendment looks like out west – Kamala Harris Kuntry.
Parler’s servers are being kicked off Amazon Web Services on Sunday midnight, so even the web interface will be gone.
Wouldn’t be at all surprised to see the domain name itself being revoked.
Talk about collusion – twitter, Apple, and Google all “coincidentally” deciding that a competitor is Beyond The Pale.
I think it is high time facebook was given the flick.for me the takeover of WhatsApp was the final straw.
this involvement of Italy is interesting
@Patrick Armstrong | 09 January 2021 at 10:38 AM:
I’ve been on VK for years and can heartily recommend it. Nevertheless, while it’s vastly freer than Farcebook et al., it’s not completely censorship free. I happen to know, for example, that they just recently suspended the account of Tommy Robinson (of the English Defence League) for “spreading hate speech.”
And if you happen to be posting from Russia in Russian, you can be held accountable for ‘hate speech’ under Article 282 of the Russian penal code.
Even so, I can definitely say from experience that the Russians censor with a light touch compared with the contemporary West.
@JerseyJeffersonian | 09 January 2021 at 10:47 AM:
Yup. Ryan Cristian the redoubtable Whitney Webb just recently explored this new domestic war on terror at length:
We are all Palestinians now.
It seems that section 230 protects them from lawsuits.
I am reminded of the national cowering that took place under the approximate 10 years of McCarthyism. Neighbor against neighbor, workplace shut outs, censorship, ruined lives and careers, shunning, ostracism, plus the Pope in those days could get things banned in Boston, which shut down free speech too.
I was too young to immediately understand the daily loss of freedoms instilled under McCarthyism, but do think it is an interesting parallel time in our national history. Whose turn is it now to utter those immortal words … have you no decency Mr Bezos, Zuckerberg et al?
Who and what setting is left that has the gravitas to make those words even matter today. There will certainly be no HUAC hearings under the Biden-Harris administration. Unless they call all of us in instead, as enemies of the state. Very dystopian.
Thanks for the repsonse. What we are seeing is discrimination based on political viewpoint stated as a violation of TOS. The follow on actons of google and others to refuse service to Parler and other competing networks is tortious interference in their business operations.
regarding mcohen’s Kunstler link:
It concludes:
There were three Stop the Steal rallies: Nov 14, Dec 12 and the grand finale, Jan 6. The three were organized by Kylie Jane Kremer, daughter of Tea Party Express founder Amy Kremer (who financed them, I’d like to know.)
At least two of the three included sounding of the shofar. The rally where Michael Flynn spoke — the Dec 12 event, I believe, was introduced by a rabbi who recited a prayer, in Hebrew, related to Joshua’s conquest of Jericho, then two shofars were sounded. The movement’s theme of the assault on and conquest of Jericho was established in that introduction. In his comments, Flynn referred to the Jericho conquest.
I saw these things — specifically, the rabbi pray & sound two shofars — on C Span, live.
But that segment has been erased from C Span’s archived version of the event.
Why is that, I wonder?
According to archeologist and historian Eric Cline,
Flynn is Catholic, Irish Catholic to boot; his allusion to Jericho was likely allegorical and universal; a rhetorical device In my opinion, the rabbi and many Jews –like Schumer, Nadler, etc. — understand Joshua’s conquest of Jericho and blowing the shofar in an exclusively Jewish and operational context.
The tremendous population movements taking place in USA have been described as an “Exodus.” New York City, traditionally a Jewish stronghold, has emptied out; Jews are moving in the thousands to Florida, Texas and Colorado. Coincidentally, in December 2019 the Pew polling organization mailed out polls soliciting information from Jewish persons about a variety of their preferences. The poll promised to release results “late in 2020 or in 2021.” Were such moves encouraged by the results of the Pew poll?
One more aspect of the Exodus phenomenon: Nazi references are inevitable whenever conflicts involving putative adversaries of the Jewish people arise. It’s worth noting that zionist leaders called for the Exodus of German Jews from Germany within a very few days of Hitler’s appointment to chancellorship: On ~Feb. 14, 1933, Louis Brandeis directed Rabbi Stephen Wise that “all Jews must leave Germany; all 587,000 German Jews must leave.” To assist their movement out of Europe, Haganah organized Mossad LeAliyeh Bet — the Second aliyeh, or migration to Israel.
Are we witnessing a fourth dispersion/migration of Jews (third migration being Jewish migration from Russia).
Prof. Cline discussed the Hebrew Exodus and the ten plagues called down upon the Pharaoh: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.
The phrase “dark winter” has been used by influence leaders in concert with Joe Biden. Several months ago Whitney Webb wrote extensively of the Dark Winter research that preceded the establishment of biotech lab to research vaccines linked to Pittsburgh’s UPMC hospital system.
As for the final plague, the killing of firstborn children, I’m not the only person who noticed that it the Grand Finale event occurred on the Orthodox feast of Theophany and the Christian Feast of Epiphany, when the Three Magi followed the star, discovered the Christ Child, and returned to Persia by a route to bypass Herod, who, in his determination to eliminate competition for his throne, carried out the Slaughter of Innocents (commemorated on Dec. 28). Chuck Schumer stated that Jan. 6 –for millennia celebrated as the day of the discovery of the Christ Child — should be labeled a “day of infamy.”
In a practical sense, closing down public schools is certainly disadvantaging many of the children of America, not just the firstborn, and public health officials are speaking openly of the increase in suicides, not least among youngsters, as a result of the Covid hysteria.
I’ve not read carefully the bible passages about the conquest of Jericho; there appear to be at least two versions.
But I do believe the Jan 6 Stop the Steal rally and consequent incursion on the Capitol was a planned, ritualized event that signifies a zionist coup on the US people and their government. (Joshua did not appear to have allies; this time around, there seem to be numerous factions participating.).
Perhaps a careful reading of the Joshua passages, combined with close observation of events on the ground, to the extent we are able to pierce the “fog” that Kunstler mentions, can help us prepare for What Comes Next.
failed to close italics after Mossad leAliyeh Bet
“What we are seeing is discrimination based on political viewpoint stated as a violation of TOS”
Think of Twitter as a Christian bakery, and Trump wants to order several gay-wedding cakes every day at all hours.
An interesting take, though if the Old Testament symbolism was intentional, my guess would be its aim was the exact opposite – i.e. to signify to those attuned to it the end of the zionist coup on the US people. In this reading the pertinent plague would be the plague of frogs*.
*For anyone who does not understand this reference, research frog symbolism among a particular section of Trump supporters
IMO Trump’s first term pro zionist displays have been pure realpolitik, a means to an end. We are, I believe, about to witness that end and in terms of Biblical comparisons it will not disappoint.
when the guy couldn’t even staff his cabinet with anyone who wasn’t acceptable to the Congressional Uniparty
National Security Adviser DOES NOT need Congressional approval. It took Trump four years to pardon the only person, considering Flynn’s background, who could provide real support for any sensible initiative against “swamp”, establishment, bureaucracy, what have you. Once Trump appointed Bolton–that was it. One hot air balloon recognized another from a mile ahead. Trump’s program he ran on in 2016 was written FOR him, not by him. As I pointed out few years ago–look at his family photo and interior–a tawdry, tasteless attempt and gilded aristocracy.
He could never distinguish between statesmanship and casino-level entertainment.
The follow on actons of google and others to refuse service to Parler and other competing networks is tortious interference in their business operations.
Then they better find better “supplier”–this is how it works in serious business which actually produces something–I know, I worked in aerospace for years. Companies secure several sources for their parts and materials. Like Irkut with MC-21. Those who cannot–sorry, free enterprise and competition. Let them die. Right? Ask yourself a question in the world of free will: who is more culpable, the known rapist and murderer, or a man who asks such a rapist and murderer to guard his family while he is gone for a couple weeks. You see how simple it is? People have to answer for their actions (or inaction) and bear responsibility for the consequences. If not, then try to get elected to US Congress. But real life doesn’t work like this.
Section 230 does not protect the tech companies from antitrust laws in the USA, despite their attempts to get that interpretation of the law through the courts.
At least thus far and going by US DoJ documents.
Who knows what would happen if a case was judged under the current cloud.
Europe has enough weight to do something about it, but the will to do it will not be there for obvious reasons (controlling the narrative is important for people that are in power).
Either way, Trump _talked_ a lot about this issue, but real action came too little, too late. It is just one of the many examples of difference between discourse and action.
Now the way to go is to try to avoid the restrictions that will be continuously implemented, but the lock that Apple and Google have in which apps can be used, never mind the restricted ways of monetizing the alternative platforms, assures that almost everybody will have no alternative, as few are tech savvy enough to know how to even know that there ways to get to those alternatives.
What you have admitted in this comment is that you hate Trump because of his repeated and successful implementation of a counter-revolution against marxism.
You must not have kept up with the bakery case. Though it was successfully hounded into bankruptcy the case was won at the Supreme Court that said yes, you can adhere to your religous beliefs. TOS is being used just like that. Enjoy the feeling, they’ll not come for you because you’re a Good
Is that the way it works in the Russian Federation? “People have to answer for their actions (or inaction) and bear responsibility for the consequences.”
Yes, Trump, who I am reliably informed is literally Hitler and was put into office due to Russia collusion, said things that provoked the ‘riot’. The worst and most provocative being:
“Together we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people and for the people.”” as quoted by law professor Ann Althouse. I’m also reliably informed that this was the most free and fair election in national history, with nary a Russian to be found colluding, and disagreement with the results is sedition.
“If not, then try to get elected to US Congress. ”
Been there, done that; which is why I’m no longer a member of the Democratic party.
SO, Parler has filed suit against Amazon Web Services. It’ll be interesting to see how the court in Seattle handles the case (I’m not getting my hopes up). Our ineffectual US Congress doesn’t seem to be motivated so far in addressing what’s been happening, much less dealing with the apparent collusion of Big Tech companies to eliminate a competitor. The pols are likely cowering amid the MSM drumbeat that seems to be exaggerating the Capitol riot event (e.g., reporting “FIVE PEOPLE DIED” without mentioning that 3 were from natural causes, one was an unarmed woman shot and killed by Capitol police, and – not intending to make light of his death – one was a Capitol police officer who may have been hit with a fire extinguisher which may have caused him to collapse from a stroke later, back in his office.
Meanwhile, FB and Twitter stock prices are falling. How long the trend will last and whether or not the conservative purge is much of a factor is uncertain. Time will tell. One would think there are at least some conservative stock holders if not directors on their boards who find the arbitrary and biased application of Terms of Service bad for business.
Telegram is extremely popular in Russia but not based there. A personal messenger with Facebook/Twitter-like capabilities. The original developers were from Russia. Also successfully resisted blocking by the Russian government for a couple of years and won. End-to-end encryption, security, etc is top notch. A lot of people migrated there from Twitter and Facebook.
“You must not have kept up with the bakery case. Though it was successfully hounded into bankruptcy the case was won at the Supreme Court that said yes, you can adhere to your religous beliefs. TOS is being used just like that. Enjoy the feeling, they’ll not come for you because you’re a Good German American.”
I think we probably agreed to each other here. I sympathized with the baker. He has right to refuse service to anybody, for any reason (religion or whatever) . People can just buy the cakes from someone else. Also, people who like his stand can help him get out of brankcrupcy by supporting his business, too.
To the peole who were hounding him and put him out of business, I would say: Get a grip, go somewhere else to buy your cakes. Be tolerant of others who disagree with you.
“What you have admitted in this comment is that you hate Trump because of his repeated and successful implementation of a counter-revolution against marxism.”
Sorry sir, you got it wrong. I could not care less for Marxism.
In my oppinion, Trump is only interested in himself and his money. He has no ideology and does not care about the wellbeing of the country.
“Trump is only interested in himself and his money. He has no ideology and does not care about the wellbeing of the country.” You have no proof of that at all. This is mindless TDS. I would be much happier with you if here was some rational thought behind your opinion.
Telegram is not really that secure for the average user (the ones that do not use the more advanced security options), as the hacking to obtain messages from prosecutors, politicians and judges here in Brazil in 2019 proved.
“You have no proof of that at all”. Sir, guilty as charged.
It’s just my opinion that was formed 4 years ago after I read all I can about the life of Donal Trump, the person. About his business dealings, and how he behave as a person, and how he became a real estate “billionaire”. And that perception about the man has matched up with the the actions he took, as President.
If I may, I believe I understand the reason you supported Trump as President. And I respected that. But I also believe you detested Trump as a person.
It’s just harder for a lot of us in the country to step back and look at the big picture in order to judge the guy solely from his policies. Especially when he seems to relish in rhetorics that cause deeper division in this country.
Childish emotionalism.