DeSantis should be “da man.”

SUNRISE, FLORIDA – NOVEMBER 26: U.S. President Donald Trump introduces Florida Governor Ron DeSantis during a homecoming campaign rally at the BB&T Center on November 26, 2019 in Sunrise, Florida. President Trump continues to campaign for re-election in the 2020 presidential race. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

“”Flawed assumptions” about overcrowded hospitals led states like New York to order coronavirus-postive patients into nursing homes during the early days of the pandemic, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told “Life, Liberty, & Levin.”

“We looked at the data that we had from other parts of the world as we were getting into March, and we saw that this was a virus that had a disproportionate impact on elderly people and we’re the second-oldest state in the country, so that was something that was obviously very concerning to us,” the Republican told host Mark Levin.

DeSantis explained that state officials took “action to protect vulnerable people as best as they could.”

“One of the things we did, I think, before any other state was protect nursing homes. So we prevented people from visiting for a time,” DeSantis said.”

Comment: We watched this long interview last night. Levin clearly wants Trump to decide to resign himself to the role of king maker and endorse DeSantis for president in 2024. I doubt that Trump will do that. His ego is so enormous that he cannot possibly do that, but, he should. People will complain of DeSantis because he is a supporter of Israel. Well, turcopole pilgrims, let us consider the demography of SE Florida and think realistically. DeSantis has done a grand job in running Florida in the CODIV crisis. I wish I lived there, somewhere in the area of Naples on the west coast, but, alas, it is not to be.

DeSantis has a marvelous background, athletic scholarship to Yale, public school boy, Navy service as a JAG officer, prosecutor after that, service in the US House of Representatives, and then Governor of Florida.

Trump! C’mon man, cowboy up and play for the team! pl

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8 Responses to DeSantis should be “da man.”

  1. BillWade says:

    Speaking with friends at a bar we frequent the other night, we decided that those of us living in Florida have no idea what it’s like to live in a lock down state or country. We just can’t fathom it. In Charlotte county we usually have about 20-25 restaurants close each year with Memorial Day being when most call it quits. They are always replaced by newcomers and the new total just about equals the old total. This year we’ve had about 1/3 more open than last year, unprecedented actually.

    We’ve visited Prague 4 times in the past 8 years, once staying for a whole month. We both love the place. We must have passed by 100s of 1000s of tourists. There are virtually none now. You are not allowed to associate with anyone outside of your immediate residence (including other family members). You can only go to work if your job is deemed essential. You must remain in your residence from 9PM to 5AM and must be wearing a mask while out. You are only permitted to be out and about in your own neighborhood. Grocery stores and pharmacies are the only open businesses. Car and home repair shops are closed. It is far worse there now than it ever was under the commies.

    We are so lucky Ron DeSantis won the last election here, it was extremely close and we could have had a Democratic sexual deviant meth head running things here. We would have been closed down.

    • Rick Merlotti says:

      Bill, you are so right about the Florida Gov’s election. It could have easily turned out so different and we’d just be another lock down state. And the Dems here in Broward County would be so happy to have their liberties stripped away.

    • English Outsider says:

      At present Czechia is hit badly by Covid. SA variant and UK variant included. Of a population of around ten million they have vaccinated six to seven hundred thousand. Goodish health system, behind Sweden and said to be better then here. Scrounging for extra vaccine at present. There’s a shortage in Europe but France is donating some.

      I imagine the current lockdown is an attempt to hold the fort until they can get more vaccinated.

  2. scott s. says:

    Own a small house in west Pasco County that my father in law had owned/wintered in. We always get a certain volume of unsolicited buy offers, but the last few months it’s been just crazy.

  3. akaPatience says:

    One of my friends moved to notorious Broward County FL a few years ago. She’s suffered culture shock and it’s been difficult for her to adapt socially, since she’s a partisan Republican (and Christian) and nearly everyone else around her is a partisan Democrat (and Jewish – mainly NYC and Montreal transplants). But now, after a couple of years, she’s finally managed to help form a growing coterie of kindred spirits, all of whom (unlike her immediate neighbors) adore the governor.

    It’s my hope too that Trump passes the baton to the next generation. Maybe as he gets closer to the Big 8-0 during the next couple of years he’ll enjoy being an influential and spiritual leader of sorts, dispensing his approval or opprobrium as he sees fit while eventually making way for someone else to run in 2024. I may be wrong but I don’t see any strategic benefit to him announcing a retirement from the race any time soon – let him lord over and diddle the likes of Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, et al., in the meantime. It could be great sport.

    I’ve appreciated Trump’s stances, energy, work ethic, and wherewithal under constant fire, but unfortunately he seems to have been out-maneuvered time and time again by despicable Deep State lifers like Bill Barr and [too many] others who took advantage of his ego and outside-the-swamp inexperience – and who ultimately didn’t serve our country or him very well. Rather than a replay of that, I prefer to envision victorious Trump-endorsed candidates kissing his ring, and driving The Establishment absolutely crazy when they do.

  4. Porcupine says:

    If LeVin is throwing his weight behind DeSantis it seems
    likely that the Governor is dependably pro-Israel, in my opinion.

  5. Laura Wilson says:

    Trump is not going to willingly pass the baton or take one for the team or any other of those sports metaphors. The reason: “There is no I in team.” Trump is all about the “I.”

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