Happy Passover


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4 Responses to Happy Passover

  1. Texas Nate says:

    Any thoughts on the situation in Saudi Arabia right now? The virus is loose in the royal palace — over 150 family members infected according to one report. They’re suing for peace in Yemen — we’ll see if the Houthis are interested. They’re trying to get out of the oil price war they started with Russia….is Prince Failson finished?

  2. Grumete Elora Danan says:
  3. Serge says:

    Texas Nate,
    Sensationalism, considering that there are 20,000+ House of Saud family members the 150 infected is a pittance. Especially factoring in that this class of Saudi society would be the most likely to be infected due to ties to Europe.

  4. anon says:

    Thank you happy easter to you

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