President-elect Joe Biden, like most Americans, is probably thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Here are 10 helpful suggestions I would give him if we could have a talk.
1 — Stop — please stop — that little jog you do when approaching a podium.
We get it that you want to appear youthful, but Tom Cruise you’re not. Can you imagine Chinese President Xi Jinping trotting onto a stage, or (God forbid) German Chancellor Angela Merkel? No, it’s time to look presidential, Mr. Biden, not like some over-the-hill college athlete trying to relive his glory days.
2 — Ditto the aviator glasses; channeling Top Gun is so 1980s.
Those glasses are not only dated, they make you look shifty, which is a distinctly terrible idea. Especially with so many legitimate questions swirling around about your son Hunter, your brother Jim, and what you did or did not know about the family trying to cash in on your White House gig in Ukraine and China when you were vice president." foxnews
The whole Joe the Macho (coulda been a soldier thing) is deeply repulsive. For god's sake grow up and stop living in your own little fantasy land inhabited by your phantom Iraq hero son and, uh, the other one, the one who is the smartest man you ever met.
And do stop referring to Kamala Harris as the "president elect." We all know that is true but spare us the agony of the thought. pl
Biden’s eyes are vacant, the 1000 mile stare of someone no longer mentally at home when he takes those sun glasses off. One sees only a hollowed out man when they are removed.
The little hop is channeling Obama, particularly when he met Putin the first time and skipped up the stairs after a brief greeting. Then who can forget Obama lifting those 5# weights in a hotel gym to prove he was up to the task of meeting the President for Life of the Evil Empire in the next few days. Theater.
I believe this was around the time of the Syria tensions with Russia, Russia, Russia. English relatives were very impressed with this petite sign of Obama’s calculated youthful vigor, so I guess Biden’s handlers sought to incorporate this affectation into the Obama III reprise.
Wow, got any nits to pick?
I have some advice for the likes of: Clinton, Georgie W. Bush, his familiar, the bastard Cheney, and their cooked up invasion if Iraq, Obama with his program of drone assassinations in Pakistan, Trump, who until now has avoided the “butcher” label, and the incoming fantasist Joe-Joe crew. My advice, before you decide to send America’s volunteer children to war, watch the TeeVee commercials for organizations that seek to help our mutilated comrades. Look at the soldier whose head has been scoured by fire. He has no ears, no nose and one arm is like the burnt stump of a wooden match. Or look at the man who says full on to the camera, that
“the hardest thing I have ever done was to call for my children to come and pick me up off the bathroom floor.” These people were volunteers who answered the call in their heads after 9/11. These are not like the men in my family, many of whom could be described as condotiere. We sought our fate where it lay. No. the fantasies and egomania of the powerful kill and maim such volunteer enthusiast people. I implore Donald Trump not to listen to heartless scum like Pompeo and all that neocon crew. Do not listen to them. Resist all you want but do not listen to sidewalk supermen who want war.
The little hop is channeling Obama, particularly when he met Putin the first time and skipped up the stairs after a brief greeting. … I believe this was around the time of the Syria tensions with Russia, Russia, Russia.
Skipping up stairs no doubt would must have become a television event once upon a time. I am afraid it seems to have escaped me, beyond the standard visuals of the encounter:
I believe this was around the time of the Syria tensions with Russia, Russia, Russia.
quite a bit before Obama’s ill advised Syria red-line, it feels. And notice not a fan of either Obama or Biden …
Usually this time of year we see predictions for the upcoming year. I haven’t seen any yet, too hard to think about I guess.
Col. Lang.
Trump ain’t gonna be POTUS in a month’s time To his credit he has resisted the neocons during his term and not initiated any new war, although he did continue what he inherited but at a much lower intensity.
Joe + Kamala are ciphers for the Party of Davos and their war party segment. Look who they have nominated for all the national security positions. That’s a clear indication where they’ll go.
Thank You Colonel Lang et all, for your thoughts, much appreciated. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Eff.
Why does the threat of violence taint all Democrat attempts to extra-legally grab power?
From NoQReport:
….”Vice-President Pence will explain that his decision was made because the six states whose votes were invalidated did not obey provisions in their own constitutions, and the laws supportive thereof passed by their state legislature. Instead the election process in each of the six states followed dictates issued by executive-branch members and/or bureaucrats.
The latter procedure clearly is unconstitutional according to the constitutions of the six states and the federal Constitution.
The Democrats will react to being deep-sixed constitutionally with extreme hatred, violence, arson, murder, and looting and will have to be handled via the declaration of the Insurrection Act, martial law, and perhaps the suspension of habeas corpus…………”
Amen. No truer words spoken by an old warrior.
Even though I don’t agree with some of your point of view about domestic politics or social issues, I kept coming back to this site to read words like these. And to read TTG and Patrick Armstrong posts.
Wishing you and family a Happy New Year!
blue peacock
All it takes is a day in which you are still CinC.
Not very original. Peek already said that.
Predictions for the coming week look optimistic at this point.
blue peacock
January 20th is a long way off. The Schrödinger’s cat of Trump’s true character – world-class con artist or brilliant strategist and committed savior of the Deplorables – will be known well before then. The box must finally be opened very soon now.
Each day I find myself more expectant that the second reality will be discovered – I am now almost convinced of it in fact. If I am wrong it will only go to prove the truly extraordinary nature of the first reality.
The fraud in the election was massive and Biden (and his non-NBC sidekick) can never be recognized as the winners. It’s utterly unimaginable that this fraud perpetrated by pure scum can be allowed to stand and any who say we must “move on” deserve to be shunned and to live out the rest of their years in disgrace.
Only one senator out of 100, is it, intends to object on the 6th. The Republican leadership in the House is absent without tidings. Their copies of Profiles in Courage must be on back order. There is a time in the affairs of men and that there.
Your advice to President Trump and Presidend-Elect Biden should be heard widely. I would like to quote it again here so I can send a hard link of this comment to my friends and relatives.
“I have some advice for the likes of: Clinton, Georgie W. Bush, his familiar, the bastard Cheney, and their cooked up invasion if Iraq, Obama with his program of drone assassinations in Pakistan, Trump, who until now has avoided the “butcher” label, and the incoming fantasist Joe-Joe crew. My advice, before you decide to send America’s volunteer children to war, watch the TeeVee commercials for organizations that seek to help our mutilated comrades. Look at the soldier whose head has been scoured by fire. He has no ears, no nose and one arm is like the burnt stump of a wooden match. Or look at the man who says full on to the camera, that
“the hardest thing I have ever done was to call for my children to come and pick me up off the bathroom floor.” These people were volunteers who answered the call in their heads after 9/11. These are not like the men in my family, many of whom could be described as condotiere. We sought our fate where it lay. No. the fantasies and egomania of the powerful kill and maim such volunteer enthusiast people. I implore Donald Trump not to listen to heartless scum like Pompeo and all that neocon crew. Do not listen to them. Resist all you want but do not listen to sidewalk supermen who want war.”