(Patrick Calvar – Head of DGSI)
"France is 'on the verge of a civil war' which could be sparked by a mass sexual assault on women by migrants, intelligence chief warns
France is on the verge of 'civil war', the country's head of intelligence says
- Patrick Calvar said mass sexual assault of women by migrants may start it
- Believes situation so tense another terror attack could also spark backlash
- More than 1,000 women sexually abused in Germany on New Year's Eve " Daily Mail
"For French President François Hollande, the enemy is an abstraction: "terrorism" or "fanatics".
Instead, the French president reaffirms his determination to military actions abroad: "We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq," the president said after the Nice attack.
So confronted with this failure of our elite who were elected to guide the country across nationals and internationals dangers, how astonishing is it if paramilitary groups are organizing themselves to retaliate?
In France, the global elites made a choice. They decided that the "bad" voters in France were unreasonable people too stupid to see the beauties of a society open to people who often who do not want to assimilate, who want you to assimilate to them, and who threaten to kill you if you do not. The elite took the side against their own old and poor because those people did not want to vote for them any longer. They also made a choice not to fight Islamism because Muslims vote collectively for this global elite." Gatestone Institute
(Nice, France)
Calvar is the equivalent in France of Andrew Parker, head of MI-5 in the UK and James Comey, Director of the FBI in the US. This is not a voice crying in the wilderness. He is one of the big guys.
These articles stress the disdain with which the globalist Borg views the people of France. Calvar is particularly firm on this point and says that the French people are on the verge of taking up arms (hard to get there) to begin retaliatory raids into Muslim neighborhoods. I suppose the French here on SST will give us their opinions on this.
The US is not France. We are actually MORE violent. The US is saturated with small arms and ammunition. Trump is telling his Corps of Irredeemables (CoI) that the election is being stolen by the Borgist media. The CoI is evidently at least 35% of the population. That would be something over 100 million people. He is likely to launch a radio and TV network to continue to hold the attention of the CoI. The CoI is chanting "lock her up," and "Ryan sucks!"
Why would Calvar's concern not be equally applicable to the US? pl
Perhaps wasn’t the best idea to import the Algerian War to Metropolitan France.
Patrick Bahzad:
In this interview, Hollande states that France has ‘a problem with Islam’.
“German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also told by security experts last October that middle class citizens in Germany were becoming ‘radicalised’ because of her open borders migrant policy.”
She knew this a year ago and still let in millions of people who don’t want to be Western?
“Why would Calvar’s concern not be equally applicable to the US?”
Mostly perhaps because of this difference (figures from Wikipedia, so far from authoritative, but probably indicative a least):
Muslims as a percentage of the population
France – 7%
US – 0.8%
The crisis of identity in France is surely not helped either by their ongoing de facto subordination to Germany in the anti-national EU project. That’s likely to be more directly translated into patriotic insecurity than the economic and other pressures experienced by Americans as a result of the globalist policies imposed by their elites.
Though if the US is to have a civil war, from here (admittedly some distance away) it looks as though race might be a more likely trigger than religion or immigrant culture, as a result of the race-baiting of the likes of Black Live Matter and those who encourage them in their blaming of all life’s problems on the majority race, and inciting of the black minority towards resentment and violence.
Some germane words:
“[S]ocieties can be defined along two axes – their degree of ease with themselves, and with the West. By the latter, I mean specifically the Idea of the West: acceptance of the scientific method; rule of law; economic rationalism; and liberalism. An important semantic point is that these should not be conflated with “Western countries” (the US, the UK, France, etc); though they have, by most measures, internalized the Idea of the West to a far greater extent than most other cultures, they cannot ever reach unity with it because they are, at root, organic, human societies, whereas the Idea of the West is an absolute.”
We’re reaching a point where the Enlightenment ideals can no longer be reconciled with how life is actually lived.
With the developing situation all around the ‘West’ of a rising New Right, the crisis of neoliberalism and immigration can be catalysts toward instating a new order that fundamentally reorients modernity. The atomized individualism must be abandoned in favour of common good for *traditionally defined* communities, the democratic disposition for classical aristocratic values, and technology from a tool of self-indulgence and environmental destruction to backing up the species on another planet.
You’ve got the wrong end of the stick. The potential insurgents are the Trumpistas. pl
Even if they wanted to be Western, they would not know how. Are the Turks in Germany Western now? I think not.
I miss CP, wherever he might be, he could shed more light on this.
No it is higher in France; Rouhani was told closer to 15% – they just keep it quiet in France.
http://www.eurocanadian.ca/2014/10/the-africanization-of-france-2014.html and it’s increasing
Sweden – this formerly boring, well run country with an annoying propensity for moral superiority is nearing the breaking point. Local militias or neighborhood watches are emerging, with Gotland as the most famous recent example: a wheelchair bound woman was gang raped by 5-6 immigrants, who were released after a few days. A substantial crowd gathered outside the police station to protest, and later walked to the immigrants hostel: overall peaceful (it is Sweden). The establishment cracked down hard: police reinforcements were rushed to Gotland, and there was universal media condemnation against these racist neonazis. The feminist party and the left party held a demonstration against racism (and about men’s attitudes to women). The local police homepage have received a firestorm of negative comments, many are of course deleted. One man who found three of the rapists and yelled at them had his home and car searched by police (on narcotics charges). A few days earlier some “very Swedish” looking men beat up an immigrant in Visby: this was a rare exception to the police rule of not releasing visual characteristics of perps, EVEN WHEN ASKING FOR PEOPLE TO BE ON THE LOOKOUT (!). Sweden’s most open and public message forum Flashback (now based in USA following Swedish authorities crack down) had several DOS attacks since the Gotland event.
Soros supported leftist activist groups Expo is logging people with “racist” views; organizers of local militias have received death threats.
A journalist on the largest daily Expressen suggested that all racists or Swedendemocrats are “brown rats” and should be killed by poison.
Elsewhere cars burn daily in the suburbs, including in very small towns, who have been “enriched”, the country now has 52 no go zones.
Earlier this week displaying the ISIS flag was deemed “not hate speech” and it is thus legal to display it (unlike the swastika). The motivation by the judge was that ISIS hate was so broad and not against any ethnicity in particular.
Earlier this week a public discussion was initiated how to “receive” returning ISIS “Swedes”, drivers licence support, job support and apartment support was suggested. People’s reaction on Twitter is WTF…
In all these matters it is hard to say how widespread the mutinous spirit is ( I am in the US). Media is tightly controlled and any opinion other than “let’s welcome more bearded children than Merkel’s Germany” is deemed racist and xenophobic.
In all this I find myself moving quickly on the political spectrum and am starting to consider Tyler a softie leftist…
Some links
I moved my family to Carteret, France for a year. That’s in Normandy. The boys went to French schools and were little Frenchmen when they returned in July. It was an attempt to see about immigrating there. In the end, I didn’t have the stones. Either way, great experience and a couple of the boys ask when we are going back. I have fond memories of the hospitality, even if it took some time.
As for the desplorables. I commiserate with them. However, I don’t see the infrastructure in place to mount any sort of disobedience. There are no organizations, currently, that would countenance any direct action. American legion? VFW? Religious? I would answer in the negative. Gun rights groups? Again, currently, none of these would jeopardize their positions. Pressure can be applied to all of their hierarchies to toe the line. If anyone were to step outside the bounds of propriety then the legal jurisdiction would come down hard.
Take NY and it’s Safe Act. That was directly targeted at the Deplorables. Compliance was 5%, yet no direct action. With that said, there have been few cases of the state coming after the ones they don’t like. However , the troopers have not gotten their act together with cross referencing their database with the sales records from the FFLs. It seems inertia is in play. Until an event where an AR is used. Then, we shall see.
There is a long way to go before the American Legion types stop standing for the national anthem. When that happens, perhaps there will be a sea for the fish to swim in. In the mean time, Lone actors will be made examples of and find that their lawlessness has little traction on the populations that would be their natural constituency.
It’s not that I can’t see it happening, it’s just I don’t see the current mindset in place for any organized continent wide disobedience.
“they would not know how” I think we agree there. The whole point of all the expansion of US universities and the attendant influx of foreign citizens was for them to get educated here and take those democratic ideals back home with them to create their own versions of liberal utopian societies. That has failed utterly.
No offense meant but you sound like a city boy to me. You greatly underestimate the ferocity of American country people and their ability to organize themselves. “American Legion?” you must be joking. pl
The foreigners paid good money to attend US universities. And those that went back could not take the Platonic Academy with them.
OPSEC is a hell of a thing.
None taken! All good. I live about a 5 minute walk from the legion post in a small village in upstate.
I agree with your trend line, just don’t see the “infrastructure”. Yet. I can see it in the future. For instance, when the gannet papers published the list of west Chester concealed permit holders addresses and some country people then published the journalists addresses.
The borgists assume that their actions will not change the future calculations of people.
thanks for the great topics and thoughtful posts you and the crew put up. Found you guys about a year ago when I was in London for the rugby World Cup.
the less “infrastructure” the better. pl
we both know that US government programs paid for a lot of these educations. pl
Not sure how insightful the analysis at gatestone is as to the real pressures on Hollande and why he acted in Syria rather than at home. (To be fair, didn’t he put troops on guard nationwide, and is not the state of emergency still in effect?)
Notice that Hollande chose to act ib Syria, where yes, IS can be hunted, but where intervention also works to overthrow the Assad regime AND thereby do the bidding of the Saudis, Gulfies, and their Salafist ilk.
My guess is those SOBs simply have Hollande and everyone else over the old oil barrel as usual. Mention is made of risk of civil war. No doubt. But imagine the troubles which might emerge from Riyadh & co should they see muslims subjected to violence en masse. Remember the oil embargo?
That’s not to say I don’t have sympathy for the pov expressed, I do. But he doesn’t seem to see the whole picture or magnitude of the peril. Very high stakes game.
Comparison with the US? Damn good question. If attacks followed on the heels of 911, in succession? Fuhgeddaboudit. Time does heal though. But another series of San Bernadino incidents? If so I believe the Colonel’s caution is well taken. This is a very violent place. Remember, France has gone through numerous horrors lately, and in the context of European migration crisis, and incidents in Germany. God forbid the US was in a truly similar situation.
As far as “infrastructure” goes, I’m not sure about the American Legion, but I would propose to the Committee this: that during the American Revolution, the resolves of Town Meetings and the House of Burgesses, the deliberations of County Conventions, and other expression of local civil government were critical to the quick organization of the revolt against British imperial power. Compared with, say, the Spanish colonial empire, the British colonies had a great degree of self-government. This, of course, ironically laid the groundwork for our successful Revolution. Those institutions haven’t gone away. Town Meeting Day in March remains one of my favorite civic holidays. People outside the Borgist media-metropolitan islands are fiercely attached to their home places and are in many regards self-organized already for the necessities of everyday existence.
swamp yankee
More like ten man cells that Tyler or TTG might lead. I am too old.pl
“Time does heal though” It is refreshing how much racial healing we’ve had in the Obama years. Why just yesterday my black coworkers were saying kind things about white cops not being out to get black folks and all those people in prison really did get fair trials.
“God forbid the US was in a truly similar situation.” Hilary is for open borders and gun confiscation. It won’t take long one way or another.
I defer to your (and Tyler and TTG’s) expertise in that regard. My only point would be that you don’t have to look for the American Legion to find political organs of local resistance.
The part I don’t have a clear grasp on is the relation between these ten man cells and local governments, especially in regions with sympathetic populations.
But I’m out of my area of expertise, so I’ll shut up and listen. Thanks to all.
All… I took a five hour drive through the backroads of SE Minnesota today to check out the fall colors and see how the harvest is coming along. My excursion took in parts of three counties; 60 years ago there were 6,000 to 8,000 farms per county, today it’s well under 1,000, and they’re huge, well-managed, and technically sophisticated operations run by families I know or know of – I grew up on one. It used to be pretty evenly split between Eisenhower style Republicans and Humphrey Democrats, and judging by yard signs for state house races it still is. But today I didn’t see one sign for Hillary and I saw quite a few for Trump, some of them in the yards of people I know from decades of DFL (Democratic Farmer Laborites) politicking.
That’s surprising.
These folks come from families that worshiped FDR, and hoped somebody like Walter Ruther would come organize the farmers; they’d of soon put up pictures of a child molester as signs for Nixon or either Bush.
A friend has been traveling a diagonal line from southwestern Minnesota to Duluth several times in recent weeks and she too reported plenty of Trump/Pence signage, some of it very large welcoming you on either side of the main drag through those prairie towns.
If the weather is nice, I’m taking a two day meander through western and northern Wisconsin soon to pick up some slabs of lake trout for the winter freezer. I’m betting there’ll be plenty of Trump signage decorating the byways.
I would add that where I live we have a village government, a town government, and a county government. The decentralization is still a function of both tradition and the means of communication when this area was colonized 225 years ago. So, yes I see that structure. There are even some bright spots here in upstate as it pertains to the Safe Act. A number of sheriffs flat out told the governor that they wouldn’t enforce the Act. So, there is pushback. The troopers I know have all, in private, expressed their dissatisfaction with this law.
I would assume that there are dossiers on each of those sheriffs. I would also assume that leaders of scope and the rifle clubs who crossed cuomo also have files. Two sides can make lists though. Social networks will be important.
I assume that disobedience will be like bankruptcy. It’s a long time in building, but arrives all at once.
Turks are a group that is very hard to assimilate and even with them Germany seems to be successful
Foreigners who attend university in the US are mostly “1%-ers” offspring. Why would they want to be democratic? They are also not there to become “liberal”* or even to be educated but to create personal bands between Americans and the elite in foreign countries.
* excluding proselytize to the Church of the Free Market
7% sounds about right if Rouhani is been told close to 15%.
It seems to me more like most doctors use it as a standard genetic test done to all babies than a targeted one to only specific groups. Not that surprising when you consider that 25% of the French is descendant of 19th century Italians
Sweden, Moral superior? Only in their own eyes. Ask the Laps?
I don’t think it’s gained the airing it deserves, but the race riots and general rise in urban violence in the late 1960s were essentially local race wars. The various urban systems that arose to accommodate the results of those local race wars – mostly avoidance of certain neighborhoods and schools by whites – no longer seem to be working. We’ve also got more immigrant communities being subjected to violence from blacks, for whom those systems are unaffordable. They’re the equivalent of the old white ethnic groups that abandoned their old inner city enclaves after the 1960s race riots. I could see things getting very hot if the current upward trend in racially motivated violence continues while pols like Hillary stoke racial grievance for political advantage. The backlash could be huge and vigilanteism is certainly looking like a possible result.
Another effect would be to liberate more indigenous labor in order to transfer their effort into (more security sensitive) military. When foreign students and researchers (time- and labor intensive) do the hard labor, the benefits are exponentially higher, especially as the initial investment (in their basic credentials) has been made with their- or their own countries’ financial reserves. USSR was definitely lagging behind in exploiting this aspect, beside the obvious benefit of spreading influence and building personal bridges.
And France’s immigrant population is ethnically more homogenous, thus easier to coordinate and collaborate.
So basically the suppressed extreme-right wing grannies of Sweden are being condemned to the gas chambers by the invading hoards?
I thought that 70% of France’s energy consumption is provided by nuclear power thus making them less dependent on Oily House of Saud
Minnesota is Republican, if you leave Twin Cities area out of the equation. Trumpism is not out of the line in Olmstead county or Duluth.
“She knew this a year ago and still let in millions of people who don’t want to be Western? ”
Is it really so hard for you to get correct numbers?
Most of the immigrants were already in the EU. You can whine that Merkels approach was from a PR point of view weak, but to ignore reality says more about you than Merkel. What would your solution have been?
And yes, it would have been the job of all EU members to provide shelter.
“Even if they wanted to be Western, they would not know how. Are the Turks in Germany Western now? I think not.”
They are one generation behind others, but changing and with no substantial net immigration from Turkey not an issue in the current situation.
Turkish families were the losers in the 2000-2005 economic downturn in Germany as unemployment was much much higher for people with low educational level. In Turkisk families percentage of unskilled labour is very high.
Interestingly, Italians and Spaniards have the same success when it comes to economic integration, but show real differences when it comes to educational integration, the Italians do much worse. Therefore, some research which compares Italians and Turkish families would be useful.
With much more Turkish girls attending top tier highschools and attending universities – they now claerly beat the male Turks – I assume that many families will be in the same situation as families from Iran or India, becoming accepted middle class, only one genaration later.
He has embarked on a “fishing expedition” for new voters in next year’s presidential election … pathetic, considering what he used to say a few years earlier to those warning about the danger we are facing from radicals ( as opposed to ordinary Muslims).
I think the 7% estimate is about accurate, could be as high as 9-10, but definitely not 15. Certain States in the ME have an interest in inflating the figures.
Statistics, especially demographics, are tricky. You can’t analyse just one figure and consider it a benchmark for anything else. Mixed marriages are also on the up. What does that say ? could be interpreted in opposite directions.
The increase is in line with that of the general population, nothign surprizing there. And fertility rate is about the same as gen pop as well.
What is of concern, is the geographic distribution, which is very uneven and generates a feeling of “being a foreigner in your own country” in certain areas. Also makes it easier for Islamist extremists to take a foothold in those (mostly urban) areas.
On this topic, I think Calvar mostly said it was one concern among a number of possible scenarios. I’m not sure how much likely such a COA would look to him, rather improbable in the current circumstances, given that French voters have the option to vote for Marine Le Pen’s “Natonal Front” to vent their anger … As long as there is a parlimentary/democratic outlet to voice disagreement over those issues, I’m not sure the risk of being confronted with violent extremism from 2 different sides is very high in France.
Also, we have to keep in mind, France has experience such a phenomenon during the Algerian War of Independence and I’m pretty confident the memories of that period, although 50 years back, still weigh in heavily with most French.
By contrast, I would say that the likelihood of a certain level of violence from different extremists (Islamists and Right Wing) is much higher in Germany, for various reasons. This morning’s incident in Bavaria bears testimony to this.
The whole borgist dream is coming apart at the seams. To bring a paralell from biology we must remember that in case of animals, a seriously wounded one with no escape route is the most dangerous.
Someone please keep an eye on the red button.
I see civil wars as requiring a group identity (or multiple such) around which the rebels can rally against the “other”. This can be racial, ethnic, cultural religious or ideological, but there needs to be some kind of positive identity. I just don’t see that for “deplorables” at the moment. General anger at government policies isn’t enough, if it doesn’t have an ideology (such as communism) to rally it. While there are some white racists amongst the ranks of the deplorables, I don’t see much general enthusiasm for the white identity cause.
That’s why it seems to me some considerably greater degree of cohering around some such issue is required before you can really talk about general armed rebellion. That might well happen if it is further provoked (by, for instance, more aggressive suppression of dissident traditionalist and nativist views, or continued violent BLM-type racebaiting). Admittedly these things can grow surprisingly quickly, especially if parts of the power establishments are involved (as Yugoslavia showed), but it doesn’t seem you are anywhere close yet.
But I’m not there and I’m quite prepared to believe the media sources I have access to are not presenting a full enough picture.
Yes, that’s one way it seems to me the backlash required for an actual armed revolt could be generated.
As what you say relates to where I live, you are as wrong as wrong can be. The “deplorables” (Trumpistas) can recognize each other pretty easily and quickly. And there is ample whispering of civil war among them. Right now it’s at the trying on the idea and seeing how it feels stage. There’s a building consensus that if Clinton is elected and goes for gun confiscation that we have to fight back while we still can. By fight I don’t mean lawyers and political processes. Another trigger would be large scale Muslim relocation into one’s home town. That would prompt local uprising at first, but it’s recognized that Washington that’s behind it. Washington bring UN troops into the US is yet another trigger that is discussed. Another is black riots getting out of hand and spilling over into white enclaves. Home schooling has increased massively where I live and there are two schools that are threatened with being shut down because attendance is so low. The deplorables do not like the indoctrination that the left imposes on their children in that venue; all the LGBTQ propaganda, the white privilege guilt trip, the atheism, the America bashing and the generally poor academic basics. There may be a show down over Gov Cuomo (universally called “Gov Homo” by deplorables) recently threatening to diminish the ability to home school to force children back into the grip of the leftist system.
All you have to do is talk to someone for a few minutes at you’ll know if they are brother/sister deplorables, leftist enemy or someone who doesn’t want to take sides.
Perhaps action on the state level would be more productive. A demand that the state legislature call for a Constitutional Convention, or a demand that the legislature submit a proposed constitutional amendment calling for the right of the citizens to recall their senators and representative, and for federal funding of elections to allow more candidates, should be tried before any talk of armed resistance.
I think commenter Shawn actually had a germ of an idea. When people at Friday night football, or people at Nascar races, or at VFW lodges stop standing for the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance that would truly send shivers down to collective spine of the Borg.
More than 1,000 women sexually abused in Germany on New Year’s Eve
For me the irony of ironies was that one of my sisters, who doesn’t use either TV or radio, never did, a teacher and art therapist, rarely to be heard of except maybe if I have to proofread something for her, immediately contacted me in high alarm: Was I well, horrible events in Cologne? 😉
I immediately knew it would be used politically in Germany, but that it can be extended to almost everywhere, is quite interesting.
Poor Merkel, she cannot really afford to support Putin to the event necessary considering the four present today. It’s today, isn’t it?
“More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015”
” ignore reality” The reality is I don’t have to live with Merkel’s political decisions. ” it would have been the job of all EU members to provide shelter.” That appears here to be the very thing – one EU member state making a decision and others having to pay the costs, locally, – that is tearing the EU apart. The same issue is being played out in the US.
on a “fishing expedition” for new voters in next year’s presidential election ..
I am not a fan of Sarkozy, far from it. Thus my deepest sympathy, Patrick. …
Yesterday I followed your hints concerning the new multi-language jihadist (recruitment?) magazine “the West” or more precisely “Rome”–what was it’s name in Arabic?–with quite a bit interest.
Without the patience to take a closer look at sparse knowledge or the only academical expert surfacing in the context, I am sure that will change. I was puzzled by the Uyhgur translations added to the list of languages. Quite impressed by the jihadists PR management, admittedly. Should I add, Irony alert? I am not sure if I should.
Anyway, who are the Uyghurs:
Why not the Chechnians? Was, what I wondered. Academic Jewel, isn’t it?
American linguist Dr. Johanna Nichols ” has used language to connect the modern people of the Caucasus region to the ancient farmers of the Fertile Crescent” and her research suggests that “farmers of the region were proto-Nakh-Daghestanians.” Nichols stated: “The Nakh–Dagestanian languages are the closest thing we have to a direct continuation of the cultural and linguistic community that gave rise to Western civilization.” Dr. Henry Harpending, University of Utah, supports her claims.[21]
Energy consumption in France is as follows (statistics from 2014):
30.1% oil
14.0% gas
3.4% coal
43.8% atomic
2.4% hydro-electric
0.2% photovoltaic
0.6% geothermal
0.5% wind
4.1% wood
0.9% agrofuel
0.5% waste
0.4% misc
Nuclear energy represents 77% of electricity consumption, but only 43.8% of total energy consumption. France imports basically all the oil, gas, coal and uranium it uses for energy production; the country is thus utterly dependent on imports to cover its energy needs.
Are the Turks in Germany Western now? I think not.
Babak, I guess the whole SST community misses him somehow.
Concerning your question, some are more, some are less, depending on different factors in play. …
In any case, it was pretty mean of him to not let us have an “I am gone folks” notice. … or at least our host. But maybe he couldn’t, for whatever reason.
I am aware that we begged to differ on both issues, Cologne rape events and Germans of Turkish descend or Turkish residents in Germany. More complex matter me. Not for him.
they now claerly beat the male Turks
comparable to a group in the US to the extend I looked into the academic development on matters?
The “German economic wonder” needed a specific type of people, not the same type as the IT experts it was looking or many centuries later. And yes, that changed for a long time now, based on the impressive rise of the service sector earlier, and the rise of the IT sector later.
“I thought that 70% of France’s energy consumption is provided by nuclear power thus making them less dependent on Oily House of Saud”
Two mistakes:
1) Around 75% of the French electricity generation is provided by NPPs. In other fields (transport, process heat) the share is almost zero.
2) No European country generates electricity by burning oil in meaningful amounts. Therefore, the influence of SA is the same through-out the EU. However, Russian influence is quite different.
“This morning’s incident in Bavaria bears testimony to this.”
What happened? I can not find something relevant.
In Bavaria we have the danger of exploding applejuice and the fact that a rightwing “Richsbürger” fired at police officers when they tried to confiscate his firearms as he was considered unreliable to carry one, almost killing one of the officers.
The so called “Reichsbürger” try to ignore the authority of the German government and of the federal states for years, I can not find anything that points to issues with immigrants.
Nuclear power is 77% of production but not of consumption. They export a lot of night time nuclear power to other European countries. Real share of nuclear power is something like 66% of consumption.
“In any case, it was pretty mean of him to not let us have an “I am gone folks” notice. … or at least our host. But maybe he couldn’t, for whatever reason.”
I am sure Confused Ponderer was surprised to find out he was leaving this earth and wouldn’t be allowed to say goodbye. So it goes, when the Old Man on the Celestial Throne calls for your personal interview nothing else matters.
At least Leila, Charles I and him are free from dealing with all this global Borg Shtz we are currently living through.
No, the grannies food budget in the elderly home is reduced again, but they are not politically important so no care. They will soon be dead, and then the retirement home can, like so many other, be converted into a profitable (for an entrepreneur paid by tax payer money) shelter for refugees. Just dont try to feed them the same food as the elderly Swedes get, these new guests have much higher standards!
What about the Laps? I have ancestry in Lapland, and my eyes (and my daughters) eyes have a hint of eastern genes in them. The edicts, the hydro dams and the moral superiority comes from Stockholm, local people just want to be left alone.
These are the cultures of these first farmers from SE Turkey. Probably Gobekli Tepe culture.
“70% of France’s energy consumption is provided by nuclear power”
You are committing the typical error of mixing up “energy” with “electricity”.
As indicated: in France, only about 44% of _total energy_ comes from nuclear power plants, but this represents 77% of _electricity_-
Electricity exports are minimal; they represent about 2% of the total energy produced. This does not materially change the overall energy balance of the country.
Where, other than in your stream of consciousness, has Merkel ever supported Putin?
Amir… What I picked up on is a shift in tone.
I stopped for coffee in one burg, then lunch in another and another coffee in a third. These little hot beef sandwich cafes around here all have a common table in the back usually and if you join in you’ll learn that folks seem disgusted and angry and restless.
Twice I heard guys dismiss all the Republican pres candidates as tub-thumping bullshitters and just about in those words… Sanders gets good marks but Liz Warren topped ’em all.
All of these guys are doing futures n options n more than a few, it seemed like, got bled by Corzine (MFGlobal) … They’re all on the short end of megacorp seed n chemical cos. One fellow pointed out revenge ain’t a cardinal sin.
But none of ’em are firebreathers – the only ones that’re at all like that are the ne’er-do-well whiskey heroes that hang around the bars. Anyway, there just ain’t many people out there, and fewer every year.
On the French citizenry taking up arms, can they get them? will the Albanian Mafia expand distribution? the last one is a joke. I’m interested in your take. PS the better half and myself are planing to go to Paris in May. We plan to frequent largely populated by French people establishments for chow and drink.
“little hot beef sandwich cafes” sounds good, a Minnesota treat? pl
Can’t say I’ve noticed much danger of civil war, and I live in Paris. Lot of racism among the people in power though. That’s very evident.
Calvar was talking about racism among the globalist class (like you?), racism directed at those culturally French. pl
The important fact to dig up from the memory hole is that it was a rape accusation against a rival (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) saved Sarkozy from losing an election. Sound familiar to what may put another Clinton in office?
Well of course. You’d be coordinating the one coordinating the cells. Our very own Marion or Mosby.
The “Constitutional Coordinating Committee?” pl
pl and Tyler,
I was thinking about initial targets for the resistance. Do we paralyze local economies? Disrupt the comfort and complacency of the locals? Wouldn’t take much. Remember what two clowns with a car and a rifle did to the area a few years ago. But I don’t see how that would enhance the cause. I propose to the CCC that we first put a WikiLeaks strategy into overdrive. Encourage and support the release of damning information from within the organs of government and security. Conduct raids to steal the information. Enlist hackers worldwide to do what they do best. Shine a bright light on the beast so all can see its putrid soul.
It is not 2%. Total production was 541 TWh gross in 2014 and a net export of 65.1 TWh (around 90 export, 30 import) So net export is 12% of production or around 18% of production is exported
So electricity consumption in France is in reality between 67% and 74% nuclear supplied.
In the US the elderly are getting a $5/month raise in Social Security. We do have money for immigrants, Iraq and pink airplanes. I’m sure the last one will scare ISIS, or cure cancer or something:
C3. I like it.
The elites have no problem with a certain protected portion of the population waging a low-level war against US civilization. The MSM don’t mention the color of this group, but most people know the score. Just ask the Asian convenience store owners of America, “what is the color of crime?”
Babak Makkinejad,
Someone calling themself Confused Ponderer put in a comment about a month-and-a-half ago or so.
“Shine a bright light on the beast so all can see its putrid soul.”
Hear! Hear!
as a civilian born “military” theoretician, and possessing little information about your current status I would suggest to gather popular support. Organizing charities for impoverished families, protecting fellow citizens in need (say paying/providing their legal support, or personnal defense against violent neighbours etc.), listening to their pleas even if there is little you can do at that moment and the list goes on.
Basically Mao Ze Dong Phase I – Strategic Defense. By having excellent interpersonnal relations within the community you can avert hostile IO, while building up the base of your operations. Most people will be fence sitters anyway, but securing their support is the basic requirement of a successful resistance.
They could do a lot better than that in the United States by using her Federal Structure.
States have powers and they could be very influential if they chose to be in the United States.
That they act more like European provinces currently does not mean that they cannot be more forceful in their dealings with the United States Federal Government.
That is where I would start.
I figure that a strategy, as Balint mentioned, of helping the citizenry is the best initial action. Gotta fill the sea in which we swim and all that. Confirming the corruption of the fedgov is another good fork on that plan.
Ironically one of the conflicts in that borg wars serial was between how to prosecute the war in the civilian sense. While we (you and me) agreed on the civil affairs part, you and the Colonel weren’t down with my proposition to liquidate the social science departments and other Pinochet era “reforms” as a sort of Sic Semper Communist warning.
Where, other than in your stream of consciousness, has Merkel ever supported Putin?
She and Hollande tried to alleviate matters in the Ukraine. That was enough for me at the time. Better then any other clash/confrontation/exelleration scenario.
Merkel, is an “Atlantiker”, as we say over here, a member of the Atlantic Bridge. You cannot ever expect more from her, ever.
“other than in your stream of consciousness”
It was heartfelt, had to get out. 😉
Fred, both Syria and the Ukraine are proxy scenarios between the US and Russia. What could Germany, France and any other state do about it. France and Britain in unison demanded new sanctions against Russia, our media reported. I was pleased that Europe is not “united” on the issue. … Officially, Merkel “has all the cards on the table”, was that the way, you put in the US?
“organized continent wide disobedience.”
The only disobedience of that kind is from BLM activists. The inner city mass black on black violence isn’t organized, it’s inherent in the culture of helplessness and victim-hood that liberal policies have created.
Liberal policies? It is just standard behavior of the underclass.
Syria is not a proxy war between the US and Russia. Russia was way to unimportant in Syria when the war broke out. Syria and the US have been in conflict with each other since WWII. The relationship of Syria with Israel(partly), USSR/Russia and Iran are all shaped by that conflict. Not the other way round. Lets not forget that Syria was capitalistic in the ’70’s and allied to the USSR.
Very well could be. Question is how attached are local politicians to the Borg. My suggestion is for a grass root resistance.
Marine Le Pen acts as a valve only as long she is not le Presidénte (or la?).
You still do not make the difference between _energy_ and _electricity_ produced/consumed. Re-read my post _attentively_.
I would say there’s a fair amount of shotguns, (mostly double barrel but probably a fair number of pump-action) and rifles in the countryside for hunting – a few years back you could buy shot from supermarket shelves…
Col Lang
I’m no expert but I looked the Colt up and it’s a fine piece of craftsmanship, and it’s surely a mark of respect to those who made such pieces to own one. Somehow I also felt just that way about the simple .177 rifle with ‘scope that I cut my teeth with – someone had designed and built this thing resulting in the solidity of the stock, the deep reflectivity of the barrel, the scent of oil, the give and feel of the trigger as it relaxed into the first stage… in the end I saw them for what they are – tools with a purpose just as handmade wood planes I’ve used were crafted from a combination of wood and metal. To treat and detach the way something looks (or its history) from it’s purpose as the Europeans you mention have done makes no sense to me.
Sans Racines
The Colt Python is believed to be the finest revolver ever made. Colt has degenerated into a maker of rifles and not great rifles. The tolerances in this piece are very close and the finish is superb. Colt archives sent me the train of ownership and making. I have never fired it and will never. I am thinking of whom I can leave it to. In the matter of heirlooms I also have a lot of Randall knives ordered or bought. I gave my MACVSOG Randall knife to the museum at VMI. It is engraved . I have a carving set from Randall that has never been used and will not be. I waited three years for them to make that. Sorry to inflict. pl
That Python sounds like a beauty. I have a S&W Highway Patrolman with some bluing worn off by the holster and nicks on the wooden grips. It was carried by one of SWMBO’s uncles as a detective in the Troy PD. My Highway Patrolman doesn’t hold a candle to your Python, but I appreciate its history.
They are nearly useless against bullet-proof vest wearing soldiers. But than that is also almost the case with AK47.
It is not the weapons that matter in a popular rebellion but the support of the population the two sides have.
I’m talking only about electricity and i thought that the 2% was also only electricity but 5% is still to low. As i find it weird to include non-electric energy as it rarely can be substituted directly by electricity.
She would also need parliament and local government. I don’t see that happening so she would still be safety valve when she is elected.
If you would like to see how the Python would shoot, find an Officer’s Model target revolver. These were the predecessor to the Python and Colt’s premier revolver at the time. Taper bored barrel, Colt cylinder lock-up, great single action trigger. These gems are overshadowed by the Python craze but shoot great at a reasonable price. I use a 1950 model in NRA Distinguished Revolver competition and it is like driving a supercar, always egging me on to shoot better.
The cylinders are tighter than a S&W, the barrels have a faster twist and the fit and finish showed that whoever put it together at Colt wanted his company and work to be the best.
Korths are interesting, but Manurhins have the same engineering compromises as S&W. Dan Wessons can shoot well but are heavy.
I will admit the S&W have a better double action than the Colts. There were some great pistolsmiths in the past that could minimize the Colt’s double action stacking and make them smooth.
My dream revolver would probably be a Smolt: a S&W K frame with a Colt Python barrel, with a 32 caliber cylinder reamed to 38 special.
Some PPC competition revolvers are also interesting and show some great work.
SAC Brat
I have owned 2 Pythons. The first had a 2 1/2 inch barrel. I was a first Lt. I think it cost me about 200 dollars. I carried it in the field in S. America in the great Cuban extravaganza of the mid-60s. The second I bought fm a lawyer I knew who had bought it for 800 dollars. I paid him 1K. As you know it is worth more than that. pl