Several pundits have focused on almost exclusively on Michael Sussmann, a lawyer for the DNC doing the bidding of Hillary Clinton, being charged with lying to the FBI and have ignored the more damning revelations contained in the indictment. John Durham has his sights on Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and those who enabled this false attack on Donald Trump.
One of the biggest clues is present on page 20 of the indictment:
Michael Sussman[ n] – Atty : [Law Firm- ] not doing this for any client Represents DNC, Clinton Foundation, etc.
Michael Sussmann was not licensed to practice law in Arkansas. The Clinton Foundation was and is based in Arkansas. How can a lawyer admitted to the bar in Washington, DC and New York carry out legal affairs for a 501 C3 corporation registered in Arkansas? That is one of the questions that Sussmann will have to answer. What was he doing for the Clinton Foundation in the District of Columbia when the Clinton Foundation has no legal foundation to operate in the District of Columbia?
Sussmann also was billing his time to Fusion GPS, which, according to the indictment, was acting as an agent for the Clinton Campaign:
Indeed, and as SUSSMANN concealed and failed to disclose, ( i ) SUSSMANN had spent time drafting one of the white papers he provided to the FBI General
Counsel and billed that time to the Clinton Campaign, and (ii) the U.S. Investigative Firm – which at the time was also acting as a paid agent of the Clinton Campaign – drafted another of those white papers.
This is not an extraneous issue nor is it inconsequential. Sussmann was acting as an agent for the Clinton Campaign. This means the Clinton Campaign is in the cross hairs of John Durham.
Paragraph 33 of the indictment lays out the identities of the others implicated in this conspiracy:
Further demonstrating that SUSSMANN carried out the aforementioned work on behalf of his clients, SUSSMANN continued in the weeks following this meeting to coordinate with Tech Executive- 1, Campaign Lawyer- 1, and the U.S. Investigative Firm to disseminate the Russian Bank- 1 allegations to the media SUSSMANN continued to bill his time for such work to the Clinton Campaign.
Tech Executive is alleged to be Rodney Joffe of Neustar. Others have speculated it is Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google. Regardless, the Tech Executive is now a target of the investigation and will likely be indicted. The “Campaign Lawyer” is most likely Marc Elias, formerly a partner with Perkins Coie. The fact that Elias left Perkins Coie is unusual to say the least. And the “U.S Investigative Firm” is Fusion GPS. Durham’s team has not leaked a word about the legal status of these three entities. But based on Durham’s previous investigations of FBI corruption connected to the Whitey Bulger case, it is highly unlikely that he is ignoring their role in enabling this conspiracy.
The members of the Clinton Campaign staff implicated in this conspiracy are identified in paragraph 25e of the indictment:
All on the up & up. 😂
Covington & Burling LLP were also Michael Flynn’s attorneys.
The ones that had him plead guilty?
The ones with the conflict of interest and much, much more. There’s much in the archives.
It sure would be refreshing if the NSA made an example out of just one high ranking “pious” politician. Just one with irrefutable evidence and they are charged and convicted of the actual crime they committed.
Now imagine if they turned the search lights in on both parties instead of out on us. We would have a civilization that could not be stopped. It would be the apex of human civilization. A government with a damn impressive golf score that took the rules serious.
Maybe there is truth to the rumor a while back, Bill and Hillary bought a $5 million condo in ….Qatar.
I am picturing a large flow chart on Durham’s office wall with multiple photos of faces. Bill and Hillary Clinton are at the very center, with strings of brightly colored yarn interconnecting the rest of them.
Low tech, sure – but I found it always helped to reduce a complex issue to a single large pad of paper and then create interlocking pencil lines for visual and mental simplicity. If it did not fit on one large piece of paper, I kept re-working themes until it did.
Reading just anonymized letters, dates and numbers from running pages of legal filings right now just does not do it for me; but I sure Durham has the outlines of the Big Picture already well in hand. I bet LJ does too. Only then does Durham move – low and slow. And picks them off one by one, until at least one thread finally reaches the middle.
What we don’t know is whether there is a third photo slot in the middle for Boy President, who officially had to unlock the vast resources of his deep state agencies hell bent on favoring the Clinton’s election. Otherwise known as Obama III.
Will the Doge of Delaware be firing up the pardon pen this weekend?
Bill will never be indicted, I’ll bet the farm on that. But Hilary, the arrogant one who believes all the press that she was the smart one, she of the unbounded ambition, yes.
It would be hard for Hilary, at this state of evolving facts, to blame over-zealous underlings operating outside her knowledge, command and control. Like she did in her home brew computer abuse. Wipe a computer …. like with a cloth?
Due process reminds us everyone still gets their day in court. Also unknown at this time is how many Clinton underlings will be asked to commit Arkancide in order to protect the Queen. Or rather, how diminished is Clinton power at this point that will make her the village sacrifice?
One thing for sure is Cankles will not be able to pull the poor me I am pregnant defense, like Elizabeth Holmes is sporting in her Theranos trial. Though there is the legal presumption of the “fertile octogenarian”.
Query: How many brightly colored threads of yarn connect Jake Sullivan into this current Clinton Russia-Russia-Russia caper?
I wonder if Wikileaks knows much about any of this? After all, its Podesta dump revealed the hatching of the plan to besmirch Trump as Putin’s Puppet in order to deflect from Hillary’s foreign policy vulnerabilities. Anyway, if so, it’s no wonder Julian Assange’s been treated so badly, although I suppose he’s lucky to be alive after crossing the Clintons. Maybe Trump should’ve pardoned him.
And while Hillary certainly comes off as more of an “enforcer” type than her husband, I don’t doubt for a moment the possibility that Slick Willie may be as ruthless as she. There’s a reason for the proverbial warning to beware of smooth-talkers.