"Well, then, natch, we run Andy through a series of mis-matches with implausible young women. Predictable bits turning on contraceptive devices, toilet sex, personal hygiene, clumsiness, humiliation, despair… you know, all the real laughs in a fella’s life. Happily, though, despite the maladroit efforts his buds subject him to—well-intended, we’re asked to believe, as mortification bursts upon mortification into the poor little schmuck’s circumscribed world of silence and solitude—in course, Andy finds a girl of his own, right across the street in some kind of e-sales business now that she’s dee-vorced: sweet, gorgeous, brainy high cheekbones, pouty lips, tight jeans entrepreneuse… easy to see why some guy wanted shut of her… With this and that and after an appalling contretemps ( a lot like “waste of time,” but—you know—classy!), we break—so to speak—the spell—so to speak—and it’s done: virtue is served as virtue is swerved. “Uxoriousness,” sniffed Matthew Arnold or Cardinal Newman or one of them, leads to the Fall of Man. Rocky, though, knew the real secret: “Women weaken legs.”"
Download the_forty_year_old_virgin.pdf
Alan Farrell
Book Reviews, Movie reviews, poetry.
To paraphrase Doc Holliday in Tombstone, this site is becoming a most cosmopolitan place. As a fellow sophisticate, I like that!
William Arkin has written some nice prose here: