The Democrat/Progressive/Neo-bolshevik coalition handed Trump a massive political gift in the way they conducted themselves in the Kavanaugh advise and consent process.
The Left succeeded in giving Trump material with which to whip his hard core supporters, and I suspect, a lot of Independents, into a white hot intention to "vote the bastids out."
Susan Collins the girl from Caribou, Maine and St. Lawrence University made what I consider to have been an historic speech today in justifying her vote tomorrow to confirm Kavanaugh. Slippery Joe Manchin of West Virginia then immediately announced that he, too, would vote for Kavanaugh, Trump carried WV by 40 odd points and only yesterday Manchin's opponent for re-election, had the advantage for the first rime in polling over Slippery Joe. But, then, I suppose his decision today had nothing to do with that.
Trump has three fully vetted future nominees standing in line for the day when God calls Ginsburg and/or Breyer home. Two of these potentials are women. The other is "a person of color." All are Appeals Court judges.
If Collins had not opted for Kavanaugh, Trump would have raised a cry of "You see what they did! I need more Republican members of both houses!"
Since Kavanaugh will evidently not be defeated, Trump will say "You see what they ALMOST did? I need more," etc.
Trump was in a win-win situation. Maybe it is the Leftist coalition who are the stupid people. PL