Allen West is opposing Abbott for governor?

Allen West

 “In 2003, West was charged in an incident that involved the beating and simulated execution of an Iraqi policeman, with West firing a gun near the Iraqi man’s head during an interrogation. After an Article 32 hearing was held, West accepted non-judicial punishment, was fined $5,000, and allowed to retire as a lieutenant colonel.” wiki on West

Comment: An Article 32 hearing is something like a civilian grand jury hearing. Based on the result of that hearing the convening authority ( a general up the line of command) decided not to prosecute this guy. West accepted non-judicial punishment. This was an admission of guilt. There were many witnesses to the act, members of the unit he was commanding. He got off very easy. pl

Allen West (politician) – Wikipedia

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5 Responses to Allen West is opposing Abbott for governor?

  1. Fred says:

    The Houston Chronicle reports: “Abbott is the most prodigious fundraiser of any governor in America, having started the year with nearly $40 million already socked away, …. Last month, West stepped down as chairman of the Texas GOP….”

    West hasn’t even held that job a year and he’s resigning to take on the incumbent? I don’t think he’ll have much of a chance.

  2. Leith says:

    Stalking horse. He will campaign on the same policies as Abbott to give those issues credence with black Texans. He has no possible path to winning the primary.

  3. Deap says:

    Democrats are known to encourage token ” opposition candidates, just to split up a conservative voting block. They are worried they are losing their traditional base, due growing numbers of POC now flocking to the GOP big tent. So theyuse one of “theirs” against them. Divide and conquer. Possible?

    • akaPatience says:

      I agree with your suspicion Deap. Financially backing and otherwise promoting a candidate like Allen West is a typical MO, as the colonel alluded to in the Claire McCaskill thread recently.

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