Sir, you are wielding a thorough broom in cleansing the Augean stables left to you by the Northam period. Good! It is my opinion as the product of my experience that any stay-behinds that you keep will conspire against you and seek to undermine you.
In that spirit, and as a graduate of VMI, I implore you to replace the entire Board of Visitors at VMI. This is the ruling body at the school, and this particular group of people at the behest of Governor Northam and his cabinet fired General (Ret) JHB Peay, the former superintendent. He is an honorable and good man. He was dismissed abruptly and most rudely. This Board of Visitors have acted to imbue VMI, a symbol of the Commonwealth’s pride, with the kind of CRT principles which you banned yesterday.
I suggest to you that General Peay would make an admirable head of a reconstituted board.
With the greatest hope for the success of your administration,
W. Patrick Lang (Pat)
Colonel (Ret), US Army
Alexandria, Virginia
202-352-8818 -cell
What a great and appropriate idea!
The AG let two members go of the something something Race Division. A State Senator said it was all of them but it was only two. How did he get to all 12 let go I do not know but he got there and Tweeted it. Let everyone go and let them Tweet. We are way past giving a damn about Tweets.
You do honor to your alma mater with this letter Colonel.