Boneless rib eye, high heat, 2 minutes on a side.

I suppose the European pests will harass me for eating meat. pl

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23 Responses to Boneless rib eye, high heat, 2 minutes on a side.

  1. I have been on a pork kick lately

  2. Babeltuap says:

    2 min a side is on target. Still waiting for my new gas line grill, hot tub and pool. I thought working my ass off from the age of 15 cutting grass, joining the military, college, corporate world I finally earned something. Nope. The project is on hold. No labor, no materials going on almost a year now.

    Those do look delicious however. Maybe I get there one day. The American Dream is on hold.

  3. Jose says:

    Should have told me, I would have sent you two lobsters.

    Perfect match!

  4. Leith says:

    SWMBO and I go against conventional wisdom and prefer NY Strip to Ribeye. A perfect steak if you flip it often. Maybe not quite as tender as Ribeye but a better texture.

  5. Fred says:

    Ahi tuna with mango chutney, a little wasabi, and a Reef Donkey or two to wash it down. A ribeye sounds like just the thing to pick up for the next grilling.

  6. Deep says:

    If you have access to your local public library streaming service – Kanopy – there is a fun romp around the world seeking the perfect grilled steak, in a documentary fittingly called Steak – a fetish not just for Americans any longer.

  7. Mark says:

    Colonel, I wish that I should take you from Theresa to iron ridge to juenoa to ,to johnso creek to Madison to beef butter bbq, with three butchers,mbarassment of Germans also the greats I madison and Benton, dickeeville etc thanks mark

  8. Mark says:

    Sorry gobbled post,colonel ,many b
    Good butchers in Wisconsn today I Watertown for example Glenn’s had great bratt fry,beat butter barbqu in Madison wagon awards and selling out short ribs
    B,tomahawk steaks eat thx mark

  9. Deap says:

    Out west and totally out of the way, but worth the journey plus a good excuse to make this an overnight trip between Southern and Northern California: Prime steak in a non-prime location, on the dreaded Highway 5: Harris Ranch:

  10. Degringolade says:

    You will probably never make it out to this neck of the clear cut, but this place is classic.

  11. different clue says:

    This picture reminds me of the “greek steak” I would have at the Parthenon Restaurant before it closed. It was marinated I think in lemon juice, olive oil, and maybe some garlic and oregano. I would ask for it medium rare. One time one of the brothers co-owning the restaurant explained to me that the steaks are thin, the grill is hot, and that level of control may not always be possible. I said I understood and would just hope it sometimes happened and be happy regardless.

    It was served with rice and a lemon wedge which I would squeeze over the rice. I would request a couple of butter pats to spread on the steak for even more fat taste richness smooth mouthfeel. Sometimes a bowl of egglemon soup first and/or a side of taramasalata. The memories are still good.

  12. English Outsider says:

    My wife took one look at the picture and said- I quote verbatim – “Oh Wow. Yes. Very nice.”

    Not a problem, you’d think. Except that a while ago, as steak supremo, I cooked some similar steaks for the family.

    No one said that then.

    In fact things aren’t going too well on the culinary front at the moment. I’ve still not managed to get together the ingredients for TTG’s Boston Baked Beans. I’ve just cooked a massive batch of my special spelt bread and forgotten to put salt in. And my self imposed boycott of anything from the EU – already strongly disapproved of by the rest of the family – is hitting difficulties when it comes to certain herbs and ingredients that used to be regarded as indispensable in the Outsider household.

    And I suspect, although I don’t like to say anything, that contraband herbs and ingredients smuggled in by recalcitrant infants are starting to make an appearance on the Outsider larder shelves.

    In view of these various setbacks I wonder, Colonel Lang, if you could burn or otherwise maltreat one of your steaks and put up a photograph of the result. Then I could say to my increasingly sceptical SWMBO, “See. Even the Colonel gets it wrong sometimes.”

  13. Pat Lang says:


    At this thickness I have decided that a minute and a half on a side would be more rarish and better. This was also dusted a bit with Montreal Steak Seasoning.

    • English Outsider says:

      On Montreal dressing, I have the ingredients from a previous discussion on your site, Colonel. On steak cut thin I can now get to the only decent butcher within a fifteen mile radius: we’re past the days when the Covid police could stop you and demand reasons for being on the road. Three minutes total cooking time – that is a new horizon for me but I’m equal to the venture.

      So it’s stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage and once more into the breach. My sort of cooking.

  14. Deap says:

    No surprise, California likes its pork, and likes to eat it too. But after Jan 1, 2022 only “free range” pork will be allowed to be sold in this state.

    Few pig farms can accommodate California’s demand and California pig farms do not produce enough to satisfy California’s appetite for pork, pork and more pork. So Nancy Pelosi may no longer be able to bring home the bacon to her constituents. No wonder it is rumored, Nancy is finally ready to retire.

    Take away bacon and one finally touches a third rail in California politics. Also one more reason you do not want HR-1 “election reform” to pass – allowing all of the US to be just as micro-managed as California since HR-1 sneaks Democrats in through the back doors..

    PS, they tried this with “free range chicken” only to learn chickens liked to “flock” together. Who knew?. The chickens never wanted to leave the coop even after being forced to put a large exit door.

    They simply did not want to “free range” no matter how much the “compassionate” California legislators compassionate implored them to flew the coop.

    • TTG says:

      Deep, that’s not free range. The new law call for 24 square feet per breeding sow, just enough for her to turn around and stretch her limbs. That’s not even cage free which is probably what the law requires for chickens. I worked on a poultry farm which would be called cage free now. Back then, that was just how chickens were raised. The older chicken coops had elevated roosting rails, plenty of room around the watering cans and feed boxes and a wall of nesting boxes where they would lay their eggs. Every morning, after feeding and watering the hens, you had to reach your hand under four or five irate hens in the boxes who did not want you taking their eggs. Farmer Schweitzer would let you know if you didn’t treat his hens with the gentleness and respect they deserved. The newer coops were far larger and had nesting boxes with lids. Gathering those eggs was far gentler on the back of my hands. Farms like this are humane treating God’s creatures as they should be treated. These new mechanized farms where the animals are kept near immobilized in tiny cages are an abomination. So my bacon and eggs are going to be a lot more expensive with this new law. So be it. I guess social justice extends to all of God’s creatures.

    • different clue says:

      I am not a chickenologist, so all I “know” is what I read. But I have read about “chickens on pasture”. Supposedly chickens like to eat chicken-worthy food grown out as broad-cover plantings, both the plants and the insects/worms/etc. among the plants. About leaving the coop, I suspect chickens like to leave the coop on their own schedules and according to their own preferrence, and they will leave the coop when they are good and ready. And come back the same way.

      Someone in Virginia named Joel Salatin runs a multi-species livestock operation called Polyface Farms, and part of what he raises is chickens on pasture. Here is a bunch of images of Joel Salatin, his farm, his chickens, and related things. Every image has its own URL and some of them might lead to interesting material.;_ylt=A0geJaRPNwdhhvgAFgJXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzQEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=joel+salatin+chickens+on+pasture&fr=sfp

  15. Pat Lang says:


    I’ll hear about that smudge on the grill if she sees it.

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