kaput \kuh-PUT\ adjective. 1 : utterly finished, defeated, or destroyed. 2 : unable to function : useless. 3 : hopelessly outmoded.
Britain as we understand it, is finished. Shakespeare and Churchill, Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh, Magna Carta, Keats, Shelley, Byron, Orwell, Huxley, Darwin, Newton, Oxford, Cambridge all gone. What remains is a diseased appendix to Europe. Corrupt, cowardly, lying, cheating, greedy, and totally without any, even basic, understanding of the concept of honor.
The British Post Office Scandal has revealed the true extent of British Governmental corruption involving the deliberate destruction of the lives of at least a thousand of its own workforce in what has been described as the biggest miscarriage of Justice in British history. This scandal is the subject of a public enquiry that is revealing a little, a very little, of the putrid behaviour of the British managerial classes. So what? Draw a line and move on….. but what dooms Britain is that its Government and Public Service are resisting the calls for justice from the victims and prosecution for the lying sons (and daughters) of Bitches that did this, and who continue to get away with it despite more evidence emerging every day.
Folks, this is British 9/11. What has been destroyed is not concrete and steel but reputation. It can’t be rebuilt at least not by the sleazy creeps who inhabit its upper reaches. Think it through. If Britain will do this to its own, what hope for Britain as a global financial centre? Lloyds? No. The LME? Forget it The Royal Courts of Justice? Ask Assange. Did MI5 murder Litvinenko? probably. Princess Diana? David Kelly? Certainly. Russiagate – a british plot? Of course. White Helmets? Yes. Nord See II? Naturally. De Gaulle was ahead of his time: “perfidious Albion”, Oui.
It should be apparent that Britain is now utterly unreliable as a partner, strategically, commercially, politically and its condition is irrecoverable. President Zelensky and the poor people of Ukraine are about to find this out.
I dont think this is anything new. The Kincora Boys Home scandal, decades old, told you everything you need to be told about the British establishment, members of the British government, royal family, and senior military circles.
The cream of the cream of British establishment was implicated in this scandal, including Lord Mountbatten himself before the IRA killed him. Senior officials across the country implicated in the sexual abuse of boys in the north of Ireland. Because those implicated included members of the royal family, the British government, senior members of the British military, no one was held to account. There was a massive cover up and the documents and the investigation was never made public. Victims tried to sue to get documents and other evidence but were turned down by the high court.
The RUC knew of the abuse for years but refused to do anything about it because of the types of people abusing the boys at the home. Members of the child trafficking ring had connections with loyalist paramilitaries and British intelligence. Even Ian Paisley was involved in the cover up.
False allegations against adults is bad enough. The British state covering up systemic abuse of little boys by members of the royal family, establishment and the military and security services? Another level of sickness altogether. The abuse was first made public in 1980.
How is the Prince of Rotherham doing? Still defending the girls and boys from the rape gangs? Or don’t you have a Prince who will do that? Only the kind who visit Epstein’s home or island getaway almost as many times as planetary savior Bill Gates?
The Ruling Class of Europe couldn’t care less about these minor bureaucrats or others not like themselves. The UK now has a foreign born billionaire’s spouse as unelected PM put in place by parliamentary maneuver. The old gang is back together to coerce another American intervention in a European border war so they can bail themselves out of their financial mess that is the Euro/Pound debt problem. So sorry ’bout the collateral damage don’t ya know. And you are worried about this particular ‘scandal’? How quaint.
Fred, it is a Westminster Parliamentary system, indeed, *THE* Westminster Parliament.
And in a Westminster system there is no direct vote for the gig of Prime Minister. The public vote for their local member of Parliament, and then when the new Parliament sits it is those Parliamentarians that decide who has “the confidence of the House”.
Whoever that person is then gets to visit the Head of State and get the gig of forming the Government.
Little Rishie Sunak was no more or less “unelected” than was Bonkers Boris or Dizzy Lizzie Truss before him.
Winston Churchill? He was just as “unelected” as Sunak is now.
That’s how it works. It is no odder than a system where voters “elect” delegates who then go to a convention and decide amongst themselves who should be President.
Yeah, Right,
You mean none of the Honorable Members give a damn about the girls of Rotherham,; nor the Royal Family.
In fact, “perfidious Albion”, is older than that.
Augustin-Louis de Ximénès coined the phrase “perfidious Albion”. It appears in his poem L’Ère des Français (The Era of the French), published in 1793, which includes the line: “Let us attack perfidious Albion in its waters!
This prejudice dates back to the early Middle Ages. In France, the Hundred Years’ War was blamed on the English king who, through his possessions in continental Europe, was a feudal subject of the French king who had betrayed his suzerain.
“… the English king … was a feudal subject of the French king who had betrayed his suzerain.”
That’s your story, Aleksandar. The fact that it’s true merely adds insult to injury. If you could do what Baerbock and Blinken do, and tell lies all the time, I’m sure we’d all get on a lot better.
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
You’ve forgotten the Steele dossier, Walrus. Has Trump?
And hold your horses on North Stream. We’re nowhere near finding out who did that. Anyway, the Germans don’t seem too bothered about it so I expect that one’ll end up in the long grass.
Talking of the Germans, here’s one of them I really admire. Don’t agree with a lot of how he looks at things – the Russians got themselves legal cover for that invasion for a start. The Article 51 stuff. – but honest as the day is long and really knows what he’s talking about on the military side. Have just come across it:-
From 46 mins, if there’s no time to trawl through the lot, General Kujat gives the finest defence I’ve heard of free speech and a shrewd look at the current information war. Wonderful.
We’ve got people as good as that in England too. In fact the people one meets away from the political classes are mostly like that. That’s a hell of a charge sheet you set out above but we’re not done for yet! But yes, that Post Office scandal you refer to was a real shocker. They’ll do their best to kick that into the long grass too.
Walrus – You and de Gaulle are right on about perfidiousness in Jolly Olde Englande. Here is an action plan to make it less so:
1] throw out the Tories;
2] lock Hollinrake and Gareth Jenkins in the Tower;
3] f*ck Fujitsu;
4] give full independence to Scotland and Wales.
But you’re dead wrong about your countryman Assange, extradite him and let him face justice. Unfortunately he’ll beat the charge as all the bleeding hearts will crowd fund him a first class team of defense attorneys. Or send him to Moscow, he’d fit right in there.
Likewise Litvinenko, it’s clear he was assassinated by Andrey Lugovoy a “former” Russian KGB agent.
” Likewise Litvinenko, it’s clear he was assassinated by Andrey Lugovoy a “former” Russian KGB agent.”
No, it is not.
Litvinenko was a dealer in radioactive materials.
But a little fish, not big enough to interest the SVR.
But you’re dead wrong about your countryman Assange, extradite him and let him face justice.
Interesting, Leith. Which of his acts or “releases/publications”, I suppose, do you consider the most serious. DNC? And what should be the sentence under what indictment? Espionage, conspiracy, aiding and abetting US inner and outer US enemies?
LeaNder – I’ve reconsidered. Don’t extradite him. Send him to the Kremlin. They might welcome him as a brother in arms or conversely throw him in Lubyanka. Either way, it’s a fate worse than death.
Aleksandar – You are right that Litvinenko was a small fry. But his former FSB status, his accusations of terrorism sponsored by Putin, his use of the term Mafia State for the Kremlin, and his denunciation of corruption within the FSB put him in the crosshairs. Especially since Lugovoy is quoted as saying that critics of Russia “will die like dogs”. I’ll take the word of Strasbourg’s ‘European Court of Human Rights’, who found beyond reasonable doubt that Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun killed Litvinenko.
‘European Court of Human Rights’ is a joke.
Obedient vassals of EU oligarchs.
I’ve reconsidered. Don’t extradite him. Send him to the Kremlin.
Hmm, I understand your irony. You feel the same about Snowden? He should have faced US justice too. What about Greenwald, good he moved to South America?
Versus the Russian legal system, the American system is fair? A lot fairer, I agree. … But definitively not on some issues, like hacking. And I understand the US et al. suspects Assange for a lot of really serious earlier hacks too:
Oh, no, you don’t. If you take out our best enemy, what are we poor French going to do?
We need perfidious Albion. The example of the Brits alone helps us stand on our own two feet.
BTW, “perfide Albion”, (c) Augustin Louis de Ximénès, 1793. In his moments of anti-British anger, de Gaulle was capable of harsher words such as lazy. And worse, after the Britts kicked us out of the Middle East (Lebanon, Syria) in 1945.
UK is eternal, a little. UK will live, as long as we do.
And Churchill, my favorite idol, will remain as a world heritage…
Hey d74! Perfide Albion calling. You know. That little island off the coast of France you’ve been persecuting for the last thousand years or so.
We also are quite contented with our traditional animosity and would be, as would you be, quite lost without it. In fact I wrote in praise of Francophobia not long ago. Called it “Grabbing our Stuff”:-.
All the current turmoil going on here there and everywhere, we Brits have lost the plot when it comes to the Foreign Policy of Our Own Dear Island. Time we thought about it.
Best start by considering Brzezinski and his magnum opus. “The Grand Chessboard”. Brzezinski’s main objective is nothing much to do with us in England, you’d think. The Grand Thrust of Brzezinski’s Foreign Policy is to break Russia up into little bits. And lunch on the bits one by one.
Well of course that’s the Brzezinski dream. What else? He’s a Pole. And since US foreign policy since WWII has been subbed out to assorted Poles and other central Europeans that’s US foreign policy too.
But while Brzezinski is busy with his happy dreams he takes time out to consider the small fry. France, Germany, us. And there he screws up. He says that the French and the Germans have got proper “National Destinies”, lucky devils. But we Brits are played out and haven’t got one.
No National Destiny for the Brits! Zbig gets it so wrong. Course we’ve got a National Destiny. Always have had. It’s called Stopping the French from Grabbing our Stuff.
No problem with the other countries. We saw off the Spanish and the Dutch with one hand tied behind our backs. Vikings, no trouble. The Germans made a half-hearted attempt but we just had to say “Oy, Uncle Sam. Sort this lot out would you?” and it was no sooner said than done.
But the French! Last time we got on well with them was when Offa was matey with Charlemagne. And that only because Charlemagne was too busy grabbing stuff his side of the Channel to bother with stuff on ours.
It’s been downhill ever since. 1066, they didn’t just grab our stuff. They grabbed the whole damn country. We coped with that and the next thing they went for was Aquitaine. Even grabbed Calais off us. Then we had to grab Scotland and Ireland to stop the French getting in that way. Then they lost us our American colonies. And don’t even talk about Fashoda. It never stops!
Now they’ve grabbed the fish. I’m sorry gentlemen. Nothing for it. It’s a pretty city. So pretty no one’s ever done it before bar the odd bit of shelling. But it’s time to bomb Paris.
I look forward to your own diatribe in praise of Anglophobia. But I don’t envy you the task. Difficult to see how you could ever find anything about us Brits to criticise.
Zbig’s grand game of chess is lost. Even the CFR now say so.
Game over man, game over.
Barbara Ann – the Western leaders and opinion formers have now got their heads round the fact that China is a behemoth. But don’t yet seem to have grasped the depth of the Russian economy itself.
They never did. It was always a gas station with nukes to them, Russia, Which is why they were so confident they’d win the sanctions war.
I wish the Euros would sanction us too! It’d be kill or cure for the derelict UK economy and I think it’d be cure.
No chance as things are. During the old Brexit fuss the retaliatory measures the Euros were threatening, if carried out, would have really made us pull our socks up. At one time everyone was seriously discussing how we’d cope if they grounded our aviation, which they could very easily have done.
All forgotten now but real enough at the time. Seized with martial vigour I imposed stringent counter-sanctions. Bombing Paris, or indeed Brussels, being beyond me I instituted a household ban on French cheese. French cheese, you understand, being far superior to all others but I was prepared to make the sacrifice!
The infants weren’t. With, I strongly suspect, the connivance of SWMBO they smuggled the interdicted cheese in. My counter-sanction campaign crumbled, as did my argument that we could make cheese just as good as the French if we put our minds to it.
Of course if the Euros had indeed sanctioned us it’d have been a different matter. We’d have had to cope and I think would have, With beneficial effects. It would have “brought industry back home” with a vengeance. And would also have led to our establishing stronger trading links with more reliable trading partners.
By the same token, the EU trading sanctions on Russia were the best gift the Euros could have given to the Russian economy. They made it more self-reliant and less vulnerable to unreliable trading partners.
Do the authors of that Foreign Affairs article understand that? Doubt it. And they haven’t even made a start on getting their heads round another inconvenient truth.
It’s just possible the Russians might get fed up with supplying fossil fuels and raw materials to Europe, given that some of those supplies are used to make bullets to kill Russian soldiers. They might let the current supply arrangements ride and there are good reasons for their doing so. But they might not.
The writers of that article haven’t the faintest idea of the shambles that would result if the Russians did indeed cut supplies to Europe. Cutting supplies to the West as a whole needn’t make much odds to you in the States, except indirectly. If put to it the US could feed and fuel itself. Europe couldn’t. The Europoodles, HMG included, did their very best to wreck the Russian economy without, it seems, having the faintest idea they were in danger of wrecking their own.
I read The Grand Chessboard cover to cover and all I got out of it was that one famous quote. The rest was just cheer leading. Harumph.
I agree, by the way, you’re our colony since 1066,
«Dieu et mon droit».
I also agree about bombing Paris, you’ll be doing us a great favor.
But, please, use a neutron bomb, I like so much Notre Dame de Paris, Le Louvre et Montmartre !
Oups, I forgot
“Honi soit qui mal y pense” !
Splendid! I enjoyed it very much.
And yes, I’m not able “to ever find anything about us Brits to criticize.”
For 1066, here are the facts: We hairy Gauls (© Julius Caesar, 50 BC) sent a tribe of raiders and plunderers to perfidious Albion to sow desolation and poverty on your land. It was the start of a long-term operation. After all, we’d been covering them in Normandy for over a century. And a long one, too, since this operation was expected to produce results for centuries to come.
Unfortunately for us, the Normans turned out to be first-class organizers and outstanding administrators.
Our kolossal operation of 1066 would appear to have failed. But it will succeed later, in fact quite soon if I am to believe the information given by Walrus. Day after day, you only have to read the headlines in the Guardian to see glimmers of hope: Britts down soon, kaputt at last!
You had a genius for self-advertising and self-promotion, but now everyone else is doing the same. Your balloon is deflating. Your society is falling apart, its productivity is dropping. Clumsiness and incompetence are winning the day. To escape a sad reality, you take refuge in virtual world and in paradox. Just one example: your aphorism that ‘The land of the Negroes begins when disembarking at Calais’. Really !
And we immortal Gauls will be able to say to ourselves: “Alone at last, delivered from this accursed spawn!”, as long as the sky doesn’t fall on our heads, of course.
No hard feelings.
Reference. “The Gauls only feared one thing, that the sky would fall on their heads.” © Julius Caesar, 50 BC, in Commentarii de Bello Gallico, then taken up by the distinguished historians Goscinny and Uderzo © 1966 and supra in their various studies.
Well, can’t argue with that.
So all I can say to you, d74, is what Boris Johnson said to Monsieur Barnier. Our modern Churchill had just won a stunning election victory. Fired up with determination and with the nation urging him on to victory he stormed over to Brussels and uttered the immortal words “We surrender! Just show me where to sign, Would you like the fish as well?”
We all of course had one or the other favorite in the larger universe of the Gaul’s adventures. One of mine was Asterix and Cleopatra. Finally, I learned what happened to the Sphinx’s nose. It was highly pleasing to see all those busy hands chiseling away the souvenir sphinx’ noses to changed circumstances:
But, I see, you’re trying to return to your legendary British humor. Why not take a look at Asterix and Obelix volume 8 and 9. Asterix in Britain and Asterix and the Normans?
LeaNder, you’re right. This is no subject for attempted humour.
Did you get a chance to look at the Kujat video? I regard him as the most realistic and authoritative military figure in Germany. They sacked Zorn for saying something similar and Kujat no longer seems to get the coverage he used to get, but that does not detract from his achievement. I noticed him in 2015, when he was similarly forthright, and have admired him ever since.
In England we have our own General Lord Richards, a man of similar stature as a military authority. At the start of the SMO I was very much on my own in England. A true outsider and with no knowledge worth a rush in military matters. And what seemed obvious to me – that the Ukrainian venture wouldn’t fly purely for military reasons – seemed to be obvious to no one else.
Different now. Not so then. But I came across General Lord Richards a while after February 2022 and found he’d been expressing doubts from the start! He’d stated in terms that he doubted we’d be able to back up our proxies enough for them to win. He compared the Ukrainian venture to the Syrian, where we had similarly failed to back up our proxies.
So that was two of our top Generals in Europe. Similar doubts trickled out from the States, even from officers who backed the venture to the hilt. So it seems to me that the optimism that engulfed us all in 2022 was a bit of a fake. The military authorities who knew their stuff, the realists, had never thought this war could be won on the battlefield.
Neither did the politicians. All had put their faith in the sanctions war. Scholz, Johnson, Biden – that was where they’d placed their hopes of breaking Russia.
Do listen to the video, then. What Kujat is saying on the military side does fit it with that view. See what you think.
Did you get a chance to look at the Kujat video?
Kujak stuck indeed out in times of the Syria war. But he wasn’t that differently from PL and TTG at the time. And a very strange time it was on German public channels, the adopted the never before or after seen custom to alert to material by whoever via little icons in the upper right side. To Bellingcat and Higgins they referred as British Research Institute.
On this issue Kujat, again as PL and TTG, expected Russia to win, maybe even faster than our host and TTG at the time. I seem to recall Russia would need nine days, he claimed.
I am not sure what to make of Flavio von Witzleben, though, and/or his high profile setting in this case.
d74 – Postscript. In my catalogue of Anglo-French spats I forgot to include this one. TTG did an article on Israel and it brought it all back. It’s a summary of James Barr’s study of the pre-war years in the ME, “A Line in the Sand”:-
“In 1916, in the middle of the First World War, two men secretly agreed to divide the Middle East between them. Sir Mark Sykes was a visionary politician; François Georges-Picot a diplomat with a grudge. The deal they struck, which was designed to relieve tensions that threatened to engulf the Entente Cordiale, drew a line in the sand from the Mediterranean to the Persian frontier. Territory north of that stark line would go to France; land south of it, to Britain
Against the odds their pact survived the war to form the basis for the postwar division of the region into five new countries Britain and France would rule. The creation of Britain’s ‘mandates’ of Palestine, Transjordan and Iraq, and France’s in Lebanon and Syria, made the two powers uneasy neighbours for the following 30 years.
Through a stellar cast of politicians, diplomats, spies and soldiers, including T. E. Lawrence, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, A Line in the Sand vividly tells the story of the short but crucial era when Britain and France ruled the Middle East. It explains exactly how the old antagonism between these two powers inflamed the more familiar modern rivalry between the Arabs and the Jews and ultimately led to war between the British and the French in 1941 and between the Arabs and the Jews in 1948.
In 1946, after many years of intrigue and espionage, Britain finally succeeded in ousting France from Lebanon and Syria and hoped that, having done so, it would be able to cling on to Palestine. Using newly declassified papers from the British and French archives, James Barr brings this overlooked clandestine struggle back to life and reveals, for the first time, the stunning way in which the French finally got their revenge.”
Sounds to have been fun while it lasted. A Herculean conflict and the stakes truly Imperial. Now we’re both of us reduced to scrapping over fish. Sic transit.
This scandal seems more a case of gross incompetence followed up by pigheadedness rather than a case of corruption. What am I missing?
Losing the war?
The Post Office Scandal doesn’t have anything to do with any war.
But the other thing going on has everything to do with losing the war. Sure, you think the waitress should have charged you a dime for your coffee. But we’re talking about Ukraine.
Explain the connection between the Post Office Scandal and Britain’s support for Ukraine.
The war and the scandal seemed connected in Walrus’ commentary: “It should be apparent that Britain is now utterly unreliable as a partner, strategically, commercially, politically and its condition is irrecoverable. President Zelensky and the poor people of Ukraine are about to find this out.”
TTG – the wiki account doesn’t seem much to go into how the problem occurred in the first place. Maybe scared of the lawyers.
All I can say from the press reports I saw is that it seems some computer operatives got hold of some passwords they weren’t supposed to have or at least weren’t supposed to use. They used the passwords to access the accounts of individual Post Offices after close of business and take chunks of money out of them. They didn’t do it to steal the money themselves. It’s just it was the only way they could make the books balance when they reconciled the whole. The IT system they were operating was defective.
That account might or might not be correct. But the upshot was clear enough. There were lots of Post Offices up and down the country whose accounts showed a shortfall.
Some of the Post Masters and Mistresses whose accounts had been tampered with were accused of fraud. The money was missing so it looked as if they themselves had stolen it. The Courts let the cases through on the nod and the Post Masters and Mistresses were convicted. Senior officials knew what had happened but covered it up. The lives of a lot of ordinary decent people were deliberately ruined rather than admit the error.
Sickening affair and went on for a very long time. Most of those responsible will get off scot-free. Lot of buck-passing going on.
As you say, nothing much to do with wars or anything. Just what happens. Power is usually brutal in such cases and Justice only a word.
EO –
Fujitsu software. Same company that brought you defective laptops, non-cooling air conditioners, and during WW2 was partnered with Furukawa Zaibatsu that used Allied POWs as slave labor.
Private Eye has been on this case for a very long time, along with Computer Weekly. It’s a complicated story but the deep dives are worth it:
“That September, Martin stepped in front of a bus. He left a note apologising to his family. His life support was switched off three weeks later. The coroner recorded a verdict of suicide.
The Post Office didn’t tell the incoming sub-postmaster at Hope Farm Road what had happened to his predecessor. Within a few months the new man, who had previously run a successful Post Office branch, also found discrepancies on his Horizon terminal. He was suspended from his job and told to pay the Post Office tens of thousands of pounds.”
Even after all this time and information out there, it took a TV series earlier this year to arouse real public anger.
Highly appreciated, Stephanie. Long time no see. 😉
Welcome. 🙂 I’ve been lurking from time to time to follow what the fine people here are saying but current events are a depressing area these days. Good time to catch up on Dickens, speaking of Britain’s past glories. Re-read Bleak House and now tackling Our Mutual Friend for the first time.
As muslims celebrate eid, death to anglos is being solidified in their minds.
Gaza has crystalized Muslim enmity against non-Muslims. They are coming after your daughters now. They want to save them from YOU.
That’s a pretty poor level of trolling. Perhaps you should find another blog to ply your skills on.
The tinfoil hat is getting thicker and thicker. I find it amusing.
Trolling is the art of getting a reaction from dweebs without actually saying anything. Did I get a reaction?
That’s,not bad actually,I could work with that,me being a poet
I realized
You left these out. Maybe you are a crowbar poet? Dykebar? Millibar?
I realized too.
TTG, old chinese proverb: “the fish rots from the head”.
If the very highest levels of government are corrupt, the behaviour spreads downwards.
corruption involves betrayal and destruction of trust. It normalises lying and cheating.
“Of course President Zelensky, his majesties government is 100% behind you and will support you every step of the way!”. Ha ha,hoho……..not.
Do you now see the linkage? If they can do this to their own staff, what can’t they do to poor ukraine?
My reading of the Post Office Scandal shows a Post Office that went on a prosecutorial rampage relying on IT data that was seriously flawed. That they didn’t check out that data indicates incompetence. That they persisted in these prosecutions while discounting the errors in the software is what we call prosecutorial misconduct. That sounds like corruption. However, the higher levels of the British government are holding the Post Office to account for that misconduct and are seeking to remedy the wrongs done to the victims. That doesn’t indicate rampant corruption at the highest levels of the British government.
I don’t see the linkage between this scandal with British policy and actions concerning Ukraine. If anything, the Ukrainians should be heartened by the British government’s efforts to right the wrongs committed by the Post Office.
the linkage is UK gov’t is unfaithful.
I Think The Briths are Much Beiter to “Tally Ho” the Foxs and Get The Hounds of On the Scent…of Tainted Mail or Ballot
Boxes..Or Poor Accounting..or Mission Millions…Than Anyone…Especially…Compared to the Near Injustice of Many People…Police..Military..Nurses Etc..Who Almost got Away With
Defying Those Violations of Public safety..and Conduct During
The Near Extermination of Humanity…During The COVID VIRUS.. It Heartened Me So Much…I Broke out the Old
Pack of French Cigarettes Jerry Lewis Gave Me One Morning..When We were Talking about Golf….Merci..
your take is far too analytical ttg. esp the part about linkage. linkage is easy… all it takes is an internally consistent preconceived model one applies rigorously. there are so many “facts” (factoids? factisms? factinations?) on the market these days, we can chose those supporting linkage to our beloved models.
TTG, God Bless You, such virginal innocence!
“The Post Office relied on data that was seriously flawed…and didn’t check……and persisted with prosecution. ”
No TTG, they knew the system was rotten from the beginning and suppressed that fact. They did check, they even ran a secret “boiler room” to try and correct some of it.
While they were doing this, they were swearing to the courts that the data was pure and incorruptible untouched by human hand, but they knew different; their own lawyers told them, that is on tape.
Then, when the senior management knew tat the mess was toxic, they tried to hide it, even lying to parliament about it.
>>>>And Government is holding the Post office to account?????? What planet are you on? Government and the Post office suppressed the information for at least Seven years until the Press finally caught on and public outrage forced the public inquiry.
But wait, there is more. The Government and Post office are doing everything in their power to limit the damage to themselves and F*&^ over the victims some more. None have been properly compensated and the Government is now trying to drag out the entire process until the public loses interest – that’s what they mean when they now talk about “leaving no stone unturned to get to the truth” the Post office has released over million documents to choke the inquiry.
No one has been prosecuted either, bastards,
Hey! Not Chinese at all. Everyone knows that about half of elderly people are physically sound, but unsound in their ability to make decisions. The other half are physically infirm but fully engaged. The trick is distinguishing between the two. Now my ranking of posters on this blog is eng… TTG, walrus, EO, f… ..ss.ccc Flkj … ga.rbl.d srry
In Africa one time,I heard these cannibals say to each other God save the Queen,for last.
Muslims want to kill the Committee because the Committee (TTG et al.) want to kill. Christians are also against the Committee, but want to persuade them to be better.
When I Went into His Suite….Jerry was Walking around with His Putter..Red Sweather..Black Slacks…so We
Had to Talk Golf…Nice Long Visit…Then He Had to Go Catch His Helicopter So
I Went Down there With Him…
He Sent His Flowers and a Pair of His White Socks..Covered with His Favorite Cologne To My Wife..And He Sent His Limo nd Took My Whole Family and Our Daughters Best Friend.. for a Ride Up The Freeway…Good Memory..Merci Jerry…RIP..
Crying of Lot 49 was a funny novel, not a revelation.
Britain may be kaput. Australia has however clearly demonstrated that it has become a woke dictatorship where the essence of liberty as discussed by Jefferson, Madison, et al has been essentially stripped. The covidian hysteria and the use of governmental power to push rules that defied common sense and demonstrated that the jackboot of government to strip essential liberty had no pushback from contemporary Australians. Naturally they’re taking the next step with eliminating dissent in speech. Just as woke Kiwi PM Jacinda noted the government is the only source of Truth!