Category Archives: United Kingdom

An old British soldier’s thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt

DJ Trump must be pleased his attacker was such a poor shot. This recent attempt on his life proves, when anyone can obtain an automatic rifle everyone is at risk, even those with a Secret Service detail to protect them. … Continue reading

Posted in Culture and Society, Current Affairs, TTG, United Kingdom | 99 Comments

Britain? Kaput! By Walrus.

kaput \kuh-PUT\ adjective. 1 : utterly finished, defeated, or destroyed. 2 : unable to function : useless. 3 : hopelessly outmoded. Britain as we understand it, is finished. Shakespeare and Churchill, Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh, Magna Carta, Keats, … Continue reading

Posted in United Kingdom, Walrus | 56 Comments

Veterans Day 2023

On November 7th, 1920, in strictest secrecy, four unidentified British bodies were exhumed from temporary battlefield cemeteries at Ypres, Arras, the Asine and the Somme. None of the soldiers who did the digging were told why. The bodies were taken … Continue reading

Posted in History, TTG, United Kingdom | 2 Comments

King Charles III

Keith Harbaugh left this comment this morning. TTG, might I suggest a dedicated post on the coronation of Charles III?To some of us that was an important milestone. I watched at least part of it. It was interesting, to me, … Continue reading

Posted in TTG, United Kingdom | 41 Comments