Category Archives: Farrell

Trollhunter, a review by Alan Farrell

Directed by: Andre Ovredahl (also written by him, too, the which make him an auteur, concept requiring some transduction, I’m thinking, into Skandanavian ethos/culture, explicable perhaps by that “Andre” of obvious Mediterranean extraction coupled with the more manly and Norse … Continue reading

Posted in Farrell, Film | 10 Comments

“Who Loveth Best” Alan Farrell

I put this on once before but there are now so many new Farrell "Groupies" that I thought I should give you another chance to contemplate the deep symbolism of this neo-Kafkaesque gem.  pl Download who_loveth_best.pdf

Posted in Farrell, Prose | 4 Comments

“Cortez in Darien” Alan Farrell

"The Greeks. The Greeks. In our A-Camp stood, among the weapons racks and jungle plane antenna cables and duty rosters, a biiiiiiiiiiiiig white Kelvinator refrigerator, packed with unrationed Cokes kept cold by an eternally-running 10-KW generator whose cycle-setting (the gauge … Continue reading

Posted in Farrell, Prose | 25 Comments

“The Good Shepherd” A Review

Download the_good_shepherd.doc by Alan Farrell

Posted in Farrell, Film, Movie Reviews | 7 Comments

“Apocalypto” – Farrell

Allen Farrell on Apocalypto.  Sounds like a good run through the jungle.  pl Download Apocalypto.doc

Posted in Farrell | 4 Comments

An Alan Farrell Festival

General Farrell sent me a few things, kind of an early Christmas present.  So, In the spirit of sharing…. Download for_your_consideration.doc "Best in Show" was my favorite among these films, but the triumph of a Norwich Terrier might have something … Continue reading

Posted in Farrell | 6 Comments

“Borat” – Alan Farrell

Download Borat.doc Alan Farrell

Posted in Farrell | 8 Comments

“The Black Dahlia” – A Movie Review

Download the_black_dahlia.doc Download the_black_dahlia.pdf Alan Farrell

Posted in Farrell, Film, Movie Reviews | 1 Comment

“The Guardian” – A Movie Review

Download the_guardian.doc Download the_guardian.pdf Alan Farrell

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“The Departed” – a Movie Review

Download the_departed.doc Download the_departed.pdf Alan Farrell

Posted in Farrell, Film, Movie Reviews | 1 Comment