I want to advance a fanciful theory – an extension of Col. Lang’s question; Perhaps money talks. The test is at the end of this post.
Suppose some very rich folks bought the majority of American media. They control that by influencing who is hired, promoted and fired throughout their networks. Smaller players, internet businesses, etc. are dependent on the larger players for content. They are similarly controlled by the big players.
Now suppose there is also a global foundation, operated by the most skilled politicians of their era. Their business model is simple. They control and operate a global influence network. People with money can buy influence from this network.
The network, which we will call “the respectable tendency”, to borrow Andrew Roberts term, extends deep into worldwide media and perhaps more importantly, public services around the globe. Of course all of this is benign because the purpose of this endeavor is the advancement of planetary human well being. To this end it seamlessly creates or combines with a variety of good causes, to advance its agenda, for example, the advancement of women, minority rights, gay rights, the environmental movement.
Now we come to practical matters. As the behaviourists posit: “where you stand is where you sit” – Miles Law. The foundation lives by this saying and drives it deep into every organ it touches. Be aware that when the foundation touches you it makes a Faustian bargain. You do something for it, one day it returns the favor. For example, you might be asked as a civil servant to do something that is perhaps borderline corrupt. You are found out but no matter; you reappear as a professor at a prestigious University, or a fellow at a think tank, or a media personality on a Tee Vee network or perhaps a judge. The foundation takes great care to ensure it keeps its end of the bargain. It also publicly destroys the careers of those that reject its overtures using whatever weapon comes to hand, for example sexual innuendo, allegations of discrimination, whatever. Fear and greed are its tools.
Lets assume that the foundation has had almost total success in recruiting Congress and the higher ranks of the career public service. There are two exceptions; the first is President Trump who is fireproof against the entreaties of the foundation. More about the other later.
So now let’s look at the events of Trumps Presidency through this lense.
Russiagate – explained.
The illegal and obvious judicial persecution of Flynn and others who have associated with Trump – explained.
The conversion and public recantings of former Trump appointees – explained.
The criticisms of Trump and public professions of love for foundation causes like #metoo and BLM by senior business leaders – explained.
The deliberate frustration of President Trumps agenda by Congress – explained.
The relentless and unjustified criticism of Trump by the media – explained.
As a vignette; Why even today Trumps decision to pull troops out of Germany is criticized by MSN for breaking up a happy relationship with a German town:
”President Donald Trump’s directive to pull 9,500 troops from Germany hits home hard for friends of America like Edgar Knobloch, whose Bavarian town has been home to U.S. service members for seven decades.”
So now we come to recent events.
The criticism of Trump for his Covid19 response, first not fast enough, then too fast and hard – explained.
So now we come to George Floyd. The black community, deliberately oversensitised by the media to the statistically insignificant problem of Police brutality against blacks, arcs up. Their lawmakers, sensing the foundations approval, amplify the BLM message. After all, this is a ticket to righteous reelection or maybe a seat in Congress courtesy of the foundation.
The blacks start looting. President Trump calls for the rule of law to be upheld and promises military assistance if necessary. The foundation springs the trap. This is no longer about BLM, this is about HIM. The media comply.
Actions taken as part of this foundation agenda are deliberate and designed to create a climate of fear, uncertainty and doubt in all Americans.
Threats to defund the police in various states are false. What they are designed to achieve is the perversion of police forces into instruments of political control. The first requirement being the suppression of any white backlash against the black mobs. That is about militias and gun control.
Expect to see more media censorship of anything that contradicts BLM, #metoo, or any other foundation pet cause.
Expect to see more lawmakers, public servants and personalities publicly denounce Trump.
Expect to see each and every national business leader pledge fealty to the foundation on penalty of the destruction of their businesses, careers or both. This will then morph into a requirement to “donate” to BLM and similar good causes as is practiced in most third world countries. That is followed by a requirement to hire and promote minority members for no good reason except political safety.
Expect all investigations into possible malpractice by foundation operatives to stop.
All public institutions will be required to pledge fealty to the foundation, the Universities did this thirty years ago.
Trump, if he is even Presidential Candidate is going to be facing Joe Biden and…Michelle Obama.
The more probable Republican candidate is Romney, who will lose.
And now the exception. The United States Defence Forces. The CJCS Gen. Miley, will now be under intense pressure from the foundation to distance himself as far as possible from the President, perhaps to the point of insubordination. This is a “five days in May 1940” moment although we may never know.
The pressure already got to Esper who folded. The pressure on Miley, IMHO, will be coming from his colleagues and the next rank below them and take the form of extreme fear of massive budget cuts foreshadowed by foundation lawmakers unless the defence forces disavow their Commander in Chief.
The test to watch is which way our Rupert Murdoch jumps. He is renowned for his extremely accurate political antennae.
The deep state is comprised of government employees. Government employee union are deeply funded and move in ominous ways.
Provocative article about the long history of the police unions looting taxpayers in California. Teachers unions CalSTRS and the rest of public sector CalPERS not far behind the police unions take. https://kcrw.co/30dDqe2
How much of the deep malaise among young people is coming from their barely nascent understanding they got stuck with the life-long debts run up in their name used to fund these police pensions, and all the other perks and benefits granted the public sector union deep staters. They get squeezed out while the deep state gets paid in full.
Taxation without represented fueled one revolution. I suspect it will fuel another as the public pension debt crushes a generation that never signed up for it. The day of reckoning is fast coming, but has been warned against heedlessly for decades.
Young people know something is vaguely wrong and unfair. But the deep state players are laughing all the way to the bank, and have been able so far to outrun them. Too bad it is the teachers unions themselves that filled young people’s head with so much mush, the real issues are virtually lost in the misguided sloganeering.
Teachers are okay and necessary. Police are okay and necessary. But both their unions have strangled us and we can no longer breathe. Public sector union member funding is the life blood of the Democrat Party. All 44 million of them. That is a huge special interest group who still manages to stay under the radar.
Soros predicting revolution prior to election in US at Davos earlier this year
Walrus “Threats to defund the police in various states are false”.
They will do this. They have done it in the past (Tampa, early to mid-90s). The people of Tampa complained but went unheard. Both NYC and LA are already implementing plans as we speak to defund the cops. It’s going to be hell for a while until the major insurers get tired of paying out claims, they will in the future not insure property unless change is made.
The MSM portrays Trump falsely as far as popularity goes. He’s gaining substantial Black voters, up to 40% now, it used to be about 7%. Educated Black voters do realize that Black Lives Matter, but only in the election year. Then they don’t matter at all. Trump has widespread support outside of the major cities and with our Electoral College system he should win again.
Once the eight plus minute Hollywood Blockbuster made for TV movie is shown for what it really is, Biden won’t have a chance. The only thing missing from that extravaganza was a noose.
I can not retweet this. It is so dystopian as to make me want to give up. You paint an accurate picture, though.
There is another (perhaps equally weighted) side to your theory. There is the controversial Q.
If you are correct, couldn’t it be reasonable to assume that there is real rebellion Afoot? That Trump is making alliances world-wide to counter this Deep State? That pieces on the board are now being exposed as “players”? Lines being drawn, moves and countermoves.
Your suppositions above, only lend weight to the theory that the Q Movement is real. Thank the Lord. God Wins.
Mystery Babylon
“Suppose some very rich folks bought the majority of American media.” It really isn’t hard to figure out which entities control the major news outlets or where their corporate revenue stream is coming from. The democrat led lockdown orders had an effect very beneficial to monopolist media firms: It destroyed local media by destroying the small and mid-sized firms in every Blue city and state. Which economic class wins? You can’t hide that to actual black voters without BLM riots to provide emotional cover and burnging buildings to provide an actual smokescreen. “The ni*****” are out to get you” has been replaced with “Whitey did it” because a third of the democratic party voting base is black and urban. Trump was making actual inroads because he was delivering actual results to the bottom of the economic pyramid.
“Now suppose there is also a global foundation”
There are multiple NGOs and not just the Clinton Foundation or the one run by Soros.
“They control and operate a global influence network.”
Remind us all again of your multiple years in international business and the need for China to save face? Any other interconnections that might be of interest? Bilderberg and Davos are just the eurocentric starting points.
“Threats to defund the police in various states are false.” That is untrue. Police agencies have already been copopted in multiple cities and at the leadership ranks of the FBI. Defunding them will happen in LA and elsewhere with predictable results. It will drive out those close to retirement, thus allowing an ideological purge of the leadership ranks.
“This is no longer about BLM, this is about HIM. ”
This was always about Trump because he is capable of rolling up the corrupt operatives within FBI/DOJ/DOD and the rest of government. He has already shown how corrupt the major media companies are. Look at “Fake News CNN” which can’t even mention its own building was damaged in a riot.
“That is followed by a requirement to hire and promote minority members for no good reason except political safety.” Afirmative Action and minority set-assides are lawful means of racial discrimination in favor of protected classes and have been for decades.
” The first requirement being the suppression of any white backlash against the black mobs. That is about militias and gun control.”
There was never going to be a flag waving militia marching into NYC, LA, Detroit or elsewhere to save anyone from their own neighbors and ideological allies of the hard left. Bernie Bro James Hodgkinson, already erased from your memory, was just that – a lefty Bernie Bro. The FBI’s finest still can’t figure out why a man in Vegas would unleash a half hour barage of gunfire at a country music concert. Do you need anyone to explain what percent of country music fans vote for which party?
“Trump, if he is even Presidential Candidate”
Pray tell how Romeny or anyone else gets the nomination without forcably removing Trump from office? Romney lost when he ran and nobody outside what is contemptiously referred to as a “cuckservative” is going to back him.
(Keith) Rupert Murdoch, AC, KCSG, is almost 90. Do you think he is running day-to-day operations of his media holding company? Perhaps you read that in the New York Times…
An excellent interview of Ric Grenell, discussing the Deep State, courtesy of CTH.
I never knew him before but I am impressed with his clarity.
I hope you are right and I am wrong, but this sure looks like an attempted coup to me.
I may be guilty of an overactive imagination, however the events since January 1 suggest perhaps we have not been imaginative enough.
As for outside assistance by other states. I don’t think so because to do it would be regarded as an act of war against the USA. That would be suicidal. As for “bilderberg and Davos” how would I know?
As for Rupert, his mother made 100 with her intellect intact. He shows no signs of slowing down that I can see, nor have I heard any rumors otherwise. You will know Ruperts opinion from the tenor of Fox, Skynews and his print media flagships. Trust me on this.
My main concern is that the U.S. forces remain true to their C in C. A politicized Army with 1000+ nuclear weapons under its control is a nightmare.
of course it is an attempted coup. The media, rigged worse than Hilary’s DNC debate, didn’t help her win, Russian probe fraud, Ukraine Fraud, Stormy Daniels fraud, China’s manipulative virus attack on the west, the CDC/FDA corrupt conduct and criminal actions of multiple governors who in effect murdered thousands of seniors in nursing homes by returning infected patients by executive order, an economy locking shutdown; all of that failed. Where the hell was the left when poor St. George was trying to make a living; Travon, Michael Brown, Freddie Grey, Eric Garner? Where was holy Joe Biden and his boss, Barack? The bore from NYC via reality TV has been the only effective leader in delivering economic results to the lower middle and working class communities, especially the black ones, in decades.
“A politicized Army with 1000+ nuclear weapons under its control is a nightmare.”
Oh, you figured that part out? What do you think is going to result if the left succeeds in the erasure of American culture and transformational change of what is left of the Republic? Perhaps the never Trumper’s should have a road to Damascus moment that doesn’t include treating the cult of St. George of Minneapolis as the second coming. The only thing to stop them is their own guilt or complicity in any of the afformentioned plots.
even IF all of this is true and occurs it won’t make much of a difference in the trajectory of the world in 20 years times because both russia and china are immune to the foundations goal of plundering them for private profit. THIS is where future growth on earth will take place, this is where future scientific discovering will be made.
the foundation is predicated on a malthusian world view where the only outcome is based on scarcity so resources must be divvied up and populations must be rigidly controlled.
for this reason alone the foundation is on its last legs before financial power, wealth creation, invention and all the power that those thing bring with them migrates to asia.
what happens in the west will be sad and perhaps tragic if the foundation wins but for the world it will become merely a speed bump to move around and overcome.
look at the level of competence that rises to the top now in the west…. in politics and academic…… imbeciles and flunkys in military weaponry terms the west is at minimum a decade behind an falling.
because of the foundations greed the west is done!
both putin and xi understand this and you can read between the lines in all their speeches.
without an authentically powerful usa military which no longer exists in conventional terms there is simply way for the foundation to ….in smedley butler terms (metaphorically)…… act an enforcer for citibank.
Fluid mechanics suggests that as the glass is slowly tilted up the liquid flows quicker.I am suspicious of people defying this essential beer drinking theory by insisting on drinking beer with a straw.
That’s the problem right there.”They” want us to consume by straw only.Strawmen are of the bane of my existence
Luckily they are quite flammable and make great bonfires.of the insanities
I’m more with Fred on this. IMO, an incestuous multigenerational clique comprised of devious, selfish, mediocre intelligences who are never held accountable -and those seeking entrance into the clique – can explain the whole thing. Though I am surprised they that even men like Gen Mad Dog Mattis have fallen into the that network. Then again, those stars always make me suspicious.
Trump ordered the Guard out of DC today. What choice did he have after the military abandoned him? As for Andrew Robert, he is a fully vetted servant of the foundation. I know because he expelled me from a board in a military history prize project because a senior foundation sponsor in NY City said he thought I might be an anti-Semite.
AVAAZ + Imperial College of Medicine = 2 million dead from Covid unless we destroy ourselves from within first. How dare you put a price on saving even one life.
Antonia Staats (AVAAZ) + Neil Ferguson (ICM) = global chaos. Surely their pandemic affair was not just a coincidence? Not when Soros drops cash on AVAAZ and AVAAZ drops her pants for ICM hugely flawed pandemic model.
There truly can be only a few at the top calling shots – public sector union bosses control 44 million Americans and AVAAZ controls 66 million world wide – that can skew a lot of public interest polling and policy making.
Shall be watching “Occupy Unmasked” again and see if any clues are dropped from that documentary investigation of the roots of that global chaos, seemingly coming out of no where, yet became the source of many new vocabulary words conveniently tossed around by the “resistance” forces still today – and OWS was all the NewSpeak language of class warfare.
Ischenko has a similar perspective, with perhaps a wider historical POV. https://www.stalkerzone.org/test-by-maidan-what-strikes-protests-in-the-us-other-countries-really-mean/
I attended church IN CHURCH for the first time in a long time. It felt right and good. But, besides feeling right and good about being in church, I felt cheated when I thought of the last few months on the COVID19 restrictions, the ridiculous masks, the use of shaming if one spoke up against some of the restrictions……because not one person I know thinks Fauci is anything but an incompetent fool.
After church I ate lunch with family and extended family in a restaurant while sitting close to each other and NOT wearing masks. We actually mentioned our beliefs that the BLM outcries had gone too far. The police officers who were the cause of his death make us sick. But the result of Floyd’s death now being the seeming vilification of all people of NO color (meaning of white color) hurts all of us white people terribly since many, many, many of us do not live in places where there are large populations of Blacks. We live here because these places are our home towns. We do have Hispanic populations and some blacks and other minorities such as Asian minorities and those from other parts of the world. We resent a little the protesters in our town, mostly young women in the local teacher training University who marched and held several noisy demonstrations with their ONE token Black person, the only one they could find, I assume.
We sat and each agreed with the basic assertion of your piece: that there is a definite conspiracy against Trump in the crazy areas of our country controlled by Democrats, by the corrupted media (which has been that way for a long, long time) and the extremely wealthy class.
There are many of us still keeping our MAGA hats ready; and I don’t know one single Republican where I live who would not rise up against a movement to push Romney again as the Republican nominee.
We may not be as noisy as the young impressionable mis-educated youth that are rioting and marching in the streets. In fact, we are quietly sitting back and preparing for the next Trump rally and for the next chance we have to show our support for Trump.
I have seen NO movement against Trump from the friends and family I know who supported him before.
Fly-over country denizens sit and waits, as they are disgusted by the failures of the idiots who run the coasts. Some of us write to our Congressional representative and Senators warning them against even thinking of not supporting Trump. We watch FOX News and enjoy it most when they mock and make fun of the supposed journalists who appear on the MSM.
The mention of any effort to again give the Obamas any sort of say in our government, much less Hillary and the idiot speaking out of his basement who is now the Democrats’ chosen one, the reins of the government makes our stomachs turn and causes us to think of giving up our dignity in order to riot against Democrats, BLM, and those Antifa jerks and their sponsors. We will bring semis, tractors, and construction equipment, and angry people with rifles on horses–whoever and whatever to the fight.
I think there are many here not wanting to think about it, but resolving to finally rise up ourselves if we have to.
Don’t forget there is an army of NoTrumpers who became Pro-Trumpers after the election, realizing the Democrats were too toxic to ever stomach again.
While Trump may be losing some of his former base, he is also gaining in unexpected quarters. Like me, who at one time marched for Hilary in Denver and finally saw what the Obama Democrat party had become.
The hot issue this election is where will the police unions go since they have been hard core Democrats but have lately defected. Democrats naturally will now revile police in any way they can, and they are certainly beating the drums to take the renegade police unions down.
How will this come across to the voters — and to the rank and file police themselves. It is war now between the police unions and the Democrats – it is an issue and a voting block to carefully tease out.
Drain the swamp is to lessen the power of the public sector unions on our lives and elections. But now the police unions, who have taken the lions share of local tax dollars for themselves already, will go along with “draining the swamp with trump, or will the Democrats seduce them back into the fold.
In California, police unions are lining up to take a knee for BLM, so they have made their choice – scurry back to the Democrat plantation.
The unknown unknown – when will Biden officially implode and who will replace him?
“A politicized Army with 1000+ nuclear weapons under its control is a nightmare.”
i posit this is the ONLY worry that russia and china have at this point regarding the united states. they know with absolute surety washington and the ‘hidden rulers behind them’ are simply no longer powerful enough or capable enough to subdue and force them to submit to private control.
they worry someone enters the white house and is delusional enough or insecure enough to feel the need to prove they have what it takes……..my wager is on a female president fitting that bill and minority racist female president would likely give these leaders real worries………not because they can be defeated but because of the millions of deaths and destruction she will bring in her wake.
if/when the democrats return to the oval office and if that resident is female and more so if she is black world war against russia or china which means BOTH is very much more likely.
because the pentagon can no longer prevail conventionally against either russia or china and against both will be summarily defeated almost immediately the urge to go nuclear even tactically will be overwhelming if not INEVITABLE. this is the danger of an identity politics anti white female president.
the russians have stated in no uncertain terms through their published war doctrine………if a war is inevitable and CAN NOT be avoided then they will strike first….and as a cherry on the sunday putin has stated multiple times that the next war will NOT be fought on russian soil which means at the least nato disappears as a fighting force in 72 hours if they last that long, then america gets a taste of what the russians and chinese have suffered.
I thought Fox news had been taken over by Rupert Murdoch’s sons. That is what I have read.
I suspect what is happening on the streets will prove to be a massive overshoot by the elements promoting them. I don’t think they are driven by any grand plan, as even top predators and parasites need a healthy ecosystem.
I think the primary factor is simple pent up frustration from the lockdown and thoroughly corrupted political system, that is as delusional and demented as our current choice of leadership.
More the Soviet Union, circa 1989, than anything planned.
Cold anger will take Trump to the White House again in 2020:
it is out there, it is silent, but it is deep. (American Thinker)
He thought you were an anti Semite.Well what gave him that idea.?
Lynn Addington wrote:
There is another (perhaps equally weighted) side to your theory. There is the controversial Q.
Many military veterans believe that the Q team is broadcasting a combination of true-but-vague info to encourage the white hats and misleading disinfo to frustrate the black hats. I will not pretend that I am unbiased: I think Q team is trustworthy and loyal to the USA and its Constitution.
Turcopolier wrote:
Trump ordered the Guard out of DC today. What choice did he have after the military abandoned him?
I believe Trump’s public maneuvers are mostly clever ruses and that Trump is supported by many, many military insiders (including Q team). I believe Trump had various choices and that a large portion of the military has not abandoned him. However, I have very little solid evidence for these beliefs, so I can’t hope to add very much until I get much more solid evidence. My main source of news is the crowdsourced news from
and I recommend it highly.
This is obviously an approved movement. MSM love ’em and the protestors don’t get kettled. I think the BLM crowd have a point but also that they are being manipulated. Antifa are an obvious bunch of agent prococateurs.
There have always existed networks and patronage. Soros, Clinton, Zionist, neocons, military industrial. Problem for Trump many of these are bitterly opposed to him, he has little support in the Imperial City, except for some parts of the Israel lobby, although it is mostly actual Israelis.
Russiagate, Obama people.
Flynn to protect the Obama people.
Denouncing Trump is so the gravy train in DC doesn’t get upset. Look at Sgt Bilko, James Mattis, complete grifter with a puffed up persona, painted like a latter day Patton, except he has only seen combat in Desert Storm. Theranos, Cohen Group. Useful neocon idiot McCain or Rubio, or bitter loser Romney.
We had the exposure of the journolist network in the media, no doubt something similar exists still, we know the media collude with various parties to put across certain viewpoints.
Like JFK was, Trump is seen as a threat to a few well established interest groups, much opposed to a change in the status quo.
The only thing I don’t get is why business in America is so ‘woke’. You get a bit of this in Britain, but nowhere near the same, is it the larger Jewish population, lack of a public school network?
Lynn Addington
Yes this abyss stares back, but we cannot give up. If what walrus describes is not worth fighting until our last breath, what is? I am sure you feel the same way.
“This will then morph into a requirement to “donate” to BLM and similar good causes..”
The FT already has the headline “US companies flood civil rights groups with donations”. Another sign of religiosity; they seem to have adopted the old Catholic church funding model of indulgences – though as you infer ‘protection money’ may be a more accurate description.
Were there not Seven Days in May?
I may have said so before, please excuse me if so, but if you do not already have arrangements for restoring your blog from a hack which erases the content, I would strongly advise you to do so. As the intensity of this conflict increases dissenting voices everywhere will come under increasing attack. TTG or someone technically proficient will be able to advise, but a regular backup stored offline would be wise IMHO.
Interesting signage Saturday, driving to True Wines for some Old Tom gin and Fever-Free tonic water (hydroxychloroquine: for gin and tonics, prophylactic purposes only). In addition to the expected BLM signs waved all over, at every red light, there were a number of signs reading “Black people are powerful in America now.” So busy I had to slow down to read them. They seem to have gotten the bit in their teeth, and are running away with the demonstrations now. Likely go on to 4th of July, IMHO, then forgotten. By then the lockdown should be over also. Let’s hope.
“Fever Tree?” great stuff.
Business “woke?”
“Woke” corporations?
In many corporations, the people having the ear of the CEO and his/her flunkies are the PR and HR people.
They are mostly lefty and younger (17 going on 40) and feed the (often detached) CEO with fear of losing face and markets if the company doesn’t present a “woke” image.
Long term, not good for business as these PR and HR types put ZERO food on the table.
They don’t make the product and don’t fix the product.
And they couldn’t make or fix anything if their lives depended on it.
And remember, more and more corporate executives are products of the left wing indoctrination camps previously known as colleges.
It is not clear why the Deep State despise Trump? Because he is not slick and is not part of their network? What does not make sense is their visceral hatred, considering from a policy standpoint he’s been most supportive. He’s backed tax cuts for the top 1%; massive funding for the military-industrial complex; full on zionist policy in ME; backed trillion dollar bailouts for Wall St; acquiesced to the Wuhan virus lockdown; hired card-carrying members of the Deep State in all the critical national security positions; did not declassify the coup attempt; nominated judges that Mitch & the GOP establishment wanted; added a trillion dollars annually to the national debt. Ok, he hasn’t started any new wars but surely they can wait another 4 years for their neocon adventures. And he’s put on some tariffs on Chinese goods that they can eliminate soon enough. Are they mad at him because he is mean on Twitter?
The GOP is running a very difficult re-election campaign for the Senate. They’re defending 23 seats compared to 12 for the Democrats. The Democrats need only a net gain of 4 seats to hold the majority in the Senate. There are many vulnerable Republican senators in this years campaign.
If the Democrats gain a Senate majority, Trump is toast even if he wins re-election. They’ll convict him in an impeachment trial as there are enough Republicans like Romney who will vote to convict. The question that every Republican voter needs to ask is what should they expect from a Pence presidency? Back to the good ole days?
“They talk about the similarities between America today and Russia as it careened toward the October Revolution. The piece is behind a subscriber paywall, but below, I will post some excerpts.
Swaim begins by comparing these recent riots to the 1992 L.A. riots:
But perhaps the most striking difference is the rationalization, and sometimes full-throated defense, of violence from left-wing elites: the glorification of havoc, the vilification of cops and their middle-class admirers, highfalutin defenses of vandalism. The sense of revolution and class warfare was everywhere this week: the cognoscenti and underclass arrayed against the petty bourgeois shop owners; the elite and those they claim to represent against everybody else.”
I don’t know who is behind it and I doubt(know) I cannot figure it out, but I fear this article portrays where we are headed
In virtually all instances, calling someone an anti-semite or a racist is a shortcut taken by scoundrels, sometimes in pursuit of political ends, sometimes for personal reasons. Any objective referent to the words went missing in the mists long ago. They reveal more about the accuser than the accused.
blue peacock,
One is dealing with a cult.
Perhaps it should be called ‘Fukuyamism-Lennonism’: using the second term in the sense employed by Michael Barone and Steve Sailer.
(See https://www.unz.com/isteve/lennonism/ .)
Bound up with this is ‘victim culture.’ Ironically, when I first came across this, back in the ‘Seventies, it was among people one might call ‘WASxP’s.
My impression then and since has been that, to a substantial extent, members of the designated ‘victim’ groups actually learned ‘victimhood’ from such people.
The effect is a kind of delirium, afflicting, in different ways, people at the bottom, and top, of the social scale.
However much Trump ‘appeases’ the ‘élite’ elements of this – actually in many ways amorphous – coalition, it remains the case that, culturally, he genuinely does have a lot in common with many of those who feel defeated and excluded.
So his appearance, as it were, ‘out of the blue’, to challenge the ‘duopoly’, was not simply a concrete challenge.
It threatened the central premise of the ‘world view’ of his opponents: that they represented the ‘wave of the future’, and that the ‘deplorables’ were simply relics of discreditable pasts, who were not quite managing to die off fast enough.
None of this means that concrete material – if you like, ‘Marxist’ – ways of analysing these problems are simply irrelevant.
There are very real, and powerful, material interests that are threatened by the ‘revolt of the deplorables’, on both sides of the Atlantic.
But, as ever, those who think that ‘ideology’ can be treated as part of the ‘superstructure’, rae never going to understand what is happening.
Graph of police killings by race
London Bob – the paradox of US corporate virtue-signaling – or is it simply a protection money racket? We live always with the implied threat of black violence which gripped “progressives” who feared the “streets would run with blood if Obama was not elected” in 2008. (Erica Jong and Jane Fonda wailed to national media election eve) It is still with us today as you are witnessing.
Exploring this topic more – corporate virtue signaling is actually veiled admission they were very, very bad people before, and shall promise to never, never do it again: https://www.redstate.com/bradslager/2020/06/08/petsmart-shows-the-risk-as-the-stampede-of-corporate-virtue-regarding-black-lives-matter-takes-place/
Makes me wonder why I would ever want to buy any of their products again – I had no idea they were racist haters. But now I do.
Anyone listen to slim dusty these days.it is going to get dusty.hate dust,gets in everywhere.
Also found a copy of Robert ruark’s book”old man and the boy”.Great writer
David Habakkuk
“Fukuyamism-Lennonism” – perfect, although the adjectival form; Fukuyama-Lennonist is no lesser feat of enunciation.
Yes, Trump’s appearance is a challenge to faith in the singular direction of the arrow of progress towards John Lennon’s Imagined future. News reporters in particular, a characteristically idealistic lot, are desperate to reject this impediment to the achievement of their manifest destiny; the neo-liberal nirvana.
The other thing I see in Trump which makes him loved and hated to such extremes is the Übermensch. Victim culture seems to me an extreme expression of the long predominant slave morality. Trump himself therefore appears to many as a relic of a discreditable past – where men were not limited by feelings of guilt & victimhood and exercised their will freely.
The teaching of victimhood and the omnipresent news of impending doom the Colonel describes in his latest post, have had a tremendously caustic effect. I see kids disengaging from the world either into their virtual ones, or else turning to a kind of fatalistic hedonism – just as Lennon expressed it “Living for today”.
Victim culture & snowflakery is reaching its peak. But as it does so a counter culture is rising – typified in characters like SST’s Tyler. I say this without a care as to what Tyler may think of my opinion, as this reinforces exactly the point I am trying to make. Tremendous forces are building up which must give, sooner rather than later.
You may be familiar with the Movie Zardoz – an extraordinary creation of John Boorman featuring a giant floating head vomiting firearms and Sean Connery sporting a loincloth and ponytail throughout. The climatic end scene shows us the Eternals (who are immortal and bored by their docile existence) being willingly slaughtered by the Brutals (the Eternals’ name for those outside their dystopian idyll haven, called the Vortex). My feeling is something metaphorically (I hope) similar awaits the Fukuyama-Lennonists, whose world-view has become so completely separated from any objective version of reality.
It appears that Brennan knows all about ANTIFA, he helped in their training and funding in a round about way through some of our partner agencies in Brennan’s Syria op. ANTIFA has deep roots connections to AQ through Brennan’s Syria op. The FBI has a plethora of info from one of their investigations regarding the establishment’s attempt to topple Trump, it was revealed in 2017 in a book by Ezra Klein.
All roads lead to Obamagate.
Trump needs IMO to demand a full brief by Gina regarding it.
ANTIFA’s connections to the YPG see photo:
The more genuine a grievence the better it can be weaponised for nerarious purposes.
This color revolution is a distraction from Russiagate as well as an attempt to, absurdly, make Old Joe look like a friend to black people.
“It threatened the central premise of the ‘world view’ of his opponents: that they represented the ‘wave of the future’, and that the ‘deplorables’ were simply relics of discreditable pasts,..”
I buy this thesis.
I’m curious what your experience was with WASP “victim hood” in the 70s?
As Col. Lang has noted many times and as millennia of history shows, lurking in every human is a savage. Lennonism of course is utopianism that many artists express as a sentiment of longing during tumultuous times. I noticed during the 60s this evolution to a certain perceived superiority towards technocracy. Data processing began to be “stylish”. Feeding those punch cards into IBM computers. All those “tronic” words in advertising. Then of course there was the underbelly of social discord. The emotional conflict of righteousness vs the reality of the inequality at home and the war in a distant land with no clear objective.
It appears to me that we shifted towards a certain duplicity. Symbolism and appearances became a tool to obfuscate more base intentions.
Throughout the 80s and 90s I noticed a marked shift to short-term gains as the primary measure of success and the growth of financial leverage to bring forward future value. Asset strippers became celebrities and celebrities became opinion leaders. Financiers became more powerful as they enabled great wealth rapidly. The idea of building multi-generational enterprises fell away as the spell of cashing out quickly became more popular. With it also the notion of building a better future for the next generations. The measure became current consumption not savings to fuel future investments.
I’ve been intrigued by Gen. Sir John Glubb’s note in the late 70s The Fate of Empires where he theorized that the beginning of decline of a society is when decadence sets in and celebrities are venerated. What is intriguing to me is the globalization of “pop” culture. My grandkids tell me that kids from around the world have similar interactions using similar metaphors and language.
Trump is a product of and has exploited this celebrity culture. Yet as you say he connected culturally with those defeated and left behind in the wave of financialization. Why? He has no personal experience of the travails of these people. He grew up with wealth but always an “outsider” to the circles of the Manhattan aristocracy.
Ric Grenell said it well, there’s a circle or cult as you call it that encompasses those in media and entertainment, top officials in government, the political leadership class and the financial elite. They know each other. Their kids go to the same schools. They socialize together. The first thing Barack and Michelle did on leaving the White House was to cavort with Richard Branson in the Caribbean. Bill & Hillary hanging out with Trump and Melania. The whole Epstein intrigue around the rape of young girls by this group including Prince Andrew.
It is in this context that I echo blue peacock’s bewilderment why this hatred by this group towards Trump? He is in many ways one of them. He has done nothing to attack their privilege. They have profited greatly during his term. The only explanation I have is their distaste in his crassness which is exposing the duplicity of the elites.
Lynn Addington
What is the “Q team?”
I cannot “wrap my head around it” (I hate this phrase – btw.) that Trump would be thrown under the bus, for all the wonderful things he has done for Israel. Is the “Deep State” all comprised of “antisemites”, who want punish Trump for his good deeds?
Barbara Ann
Zardoz is the second worst movie ever made, Plan 9 From Outer Space takes first. Women like seeing a young Sean Connery wear a diaper in the movie.
Come on, a man-made fake God who commands “The gun is good. The penis is evil. Go forth and kill” – what’s not to like? I’d not put Zardoz up for any Oscars – the dialog is dreadful and they overdid the psychedelic scenes (this was 1974). But I did enjoy the premise that a utopian enclave created to insulate a race of immortal people from Nature would eventually lead to the natural order being restored by their wishing for death. I also liked seeing the Webley-Fosbery Connery wields in action. Same gun that features in The Maltese Falcon, but in the larger .455 caliber. Boorman’s choice of an evolutionary dead end firearm was no accident, I expect. It’s a cult classic whose time has yet to come.
My advice is watch it while you can – HBO Max just took down Gone With the Wind from their streaming service because, get this; “It is a film that glorifies the antebellum South”.
I should have added; the choice of the magnificently mournful 2nd movement of Beethoven’s 7th symphony as soundtrack is a big plus in the film’s favor.
Boorman made some great movies, Point Blank and Deliverance come to mind but not Zardoz.
All copies of GWTW must be burned along with any other unapproved by BLM version of fiction. History has already been rewritten with new lies. Heard some white kid say, “A new world will rise from the ashes of the old.” I thought, you’ll get it kid–good and hard.
@ tedrichard
What do you mean the “next” war? Russia is already making war – in Ukraine.
“the russians have stated in no uncertain terms through their published war doctrine………if a war is inevitable and CAN NOT be avoided”…
Right, if Russia gets out of Ukraine, war will be INEVITABLE, because NATO will immediately launch Barbarossa II, which they’ve been chafing at the bit to do forever.
“then america gets a taste of what the russians and chinese have suffered.”
Sounds like you’d like that, ted. Which means I trust you as much as I’d trust a Russian peace negotiator.
Alastair Crooke’s most recent article for Strategic Culture links to your piece. He adopts your thesis of the global influence network (he uses the term ‘dark syndicate’) and introduces several other themes in a discussion about the power plays & ideologies vying for control in America right now.
To my eyes, Crooke’s most interesting point (one I have been thinking about myself) is the challenge the woke revolutionaries pose to the dark syndicate – specifically its patronage network. Here is the relevant extract:
He goes on to ask whether the 40+ year old “Old Guard liberals” seeing the coming Woke Terror for the fundamental attack on America that it is, may reluctantly side with Trump in November – lest they follow the conservatives to the scaffold.
IMHO there is much interesting discussion to be had around this theme and I wondered whether Col. Lang may want to republish Crooke’s piece, or alternatively, whether you may be interested in picking up the salients point in a future post of your own. I think you will enjoy the read in any case.