Watch Chertoff. Reminds me of Nancy Reagan dealing with embarassing moments.
Pat Lang
Watch Chertoff. Reminds me of Nancy Reagan dealing with embarassing moments.
Pat Lang
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No wonder the president relies almost exclusively on scripted events. He must be the most inarticulate man in public life.
How does this repair his public image as a strong leader? He is acting like the Vice President, hunkered down in an inaccessible facility surrounded by military folks.
Ah, good stuff.
Not only inarticulate, but PASSIVE. Sounds like he’s on some tour.
Some warm fuzzies to Gregory. Keep it up!
well, the trip to colorado wasn’t a total loss — he did apparently learn the meaning of ‘interface’. and what’s up with describing the road show as ‘entourage’ — sounds a little diva-ish …
In that split second, when he spun on his heels, angrily stabbed his finger, and, rattler-like, venomously spat “they” wouldn’t be in the way– there he was.
That guy had some urge for a decent drink.