“The Endless Hazing of Trump by Sanctimonious Frauds” The Spectator


"According to CNN’s David Gergen, whose back-stabbing scumbaggery made him notorious in Washington, Trump “needs to deal with the hatred in his own heart.” Pastor Gergen delivered this moral instruction with his much-practiced look of anguish. At such utter nonsense and gargantuan hypocrisy, all one can do is laugh. Only propagandized nitwits would take any of CNN’s self-righteous posturing seriously. CNN head Jeff Zucker has all the integrity of a strip club owner. Maybe less. At least strip club owners don’t pretend to be something they are not. Zucker calls himself the head of a news network when in reality he is nothing more than a cynical, lowlife maestro of a 24/7 anti-Trump infomercial designed to maximize ratings and delight his corrupt peers.

Of course, joining the liberal mandarins in their sanctimonious and comically unfair nitpicking of Trump — CNN’s cheap-shot headline about Trump “caving to the outrage” (by condemning white supremacists) captures this culture perfectly — are self-described “Republican consultants” whose thin résumés indicate that they are neither Republicans nor consultants in any meaningful sense. Turn on MSNBC or CNN at almost any hour of the day and one of these hideous blowhards will appear. Two of the worst are Nicole Wallace and Ana Navarro. They are two know-it-alls who know nothing except how to pick up a check from news executives happy to pay them for their arrogant, mindless gibbering, provided that it is aimed below Trump’s belt. Such is the CNN-encouraged cockiness of Navarro that she has pronounced the president of the United States ”unfit to be a human.”"   The Spectator


The phenomena described in this article are so seamless and relentless that one can only believe that there is an ops center somewhere.  Added to that is the studied avoidance in coverage of the many Democratic subjects for investigation.  "Is a puzzlement."  pl 


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67 Responses to “The Endless Hazing of Trump by Sanctimonious Frauds” The Spectator

  1. doug says:

    Well, the chattering classes seem to have coalesced around the notion that Trump is unfit. With that as a given, everything they write about interprets Trump in the most malign way possible. On the rare occasion, some reporter or commentator will notice, mention it, but encounter immediate resistance. After all, given their belief that DJT is evil incarnate, pretty much anything goes in attacking him. Intent to instigate violence from the Left is ignored because that would give Trump supporters solace. So everything Trump does now is searched high and low for some sign of an underlying, evil, motivation. This kind of thing has happened before and no good ensues. Unlike Nixon, I don’t see Trump resigning in response to Republican pressure or advice. Trump is an outsider and probably considers, not inaccurately, Republicans only slightly better than Democrats. So it will be interesting. Democrats are, and will continue, to use this to attack Republicans as the political Game of Thrones between the parties is the only constant in DC.

  2. Cvillereader says:

    This guy can write!
    And in related news:
    Jeh Johnson: Removal of Confederate Statues a Matter of ‘Homeland Security’

  3. Fellow Traveler says:

    So Neumayr has graduated from Obama, Pelosi and Pope Francis to No True Scotsman.
    Bannon should give him a microphone as his ops center ramps up for the Civil War against the Ivanka-Jared-Soros-McMaster-Kelly wing.

  4. Karl Kolchak says:

    Let’s not forget CNN and MSDNC’s role in helping to get Trump elected because hyping him up back in 2015 before he had the poll numbers to be considered a serious candidate was both good for ratings and what the Clinton campaign wanted them to do.

  5. Cvillereader says:

    BTW, both of the CNN commentators have significant ties to Miami.
    Navarro was raised and lives there.
    Wallace married into a well-known, and highly connected family there.
    And Wallace is quite close to the Bush family.

  6. TV says:

    The media has been a biased and dishonest collection of Democrat activists since at least the Vietnam war.
    The better ones (Cronkite comes to mind) were somewhat able to disguise their biases, but those days are long gone.
    Now, they’re flat out partisan, hating Trump and his “yahoo” supporters “out there” and providing cover to Democrats (Wasserman-Schultz for one) while hiding inside the First Amendment.
    Any day that a news media outlet downsizes or goes out and puts a bunch of “journalists” out of work is a good day.

  7. Fred says:

    I am shocked to discover that the man I voted for twice, Barack Obama, betrayed his oath to defend the Republic by leaving these statues up for eight years. If only he had ordered Jeh Johnson to take them down there would not have been 4,767 shootings in Chicago in 2016. I hope that jurors throughput the land will accept a “the statue made me do it” defense. It’s not like adults have free will or individual responsibility after 8 years of hope and change.

  8. Cvillereader says:

    I am having a hard time digesting events due to the speed at which they are occurring.
    There was a local piece published about the Alt-right bona rides of Jason Kessler, who organized the Unite The Right march in Charlottesville. He was a Clinton supporter until November 2016.
    I have my own theory of what Kessler was up to. The vice-mayor of Charlottesville was an embarrassment to the progressive City Council, and it would be in their interest to see him publicly excoriated. Kessler came in handy that way.

  9. mikee says:

    Reply to #6 TV:
    There is no comparison between the two, During the 60’s most mainstream reporters did a much better job holding the government to account. Particularly in regards to the war. I’m not saying they were perfect On balance, I believe they were just as tough on Johnson as they were Nixon.

  10. mikee says:

    In reply to @6
    We are seeing Soviet Union class disinformation against an elected leader.

  11. bks says:

    Contrariwise, no administration official was willing to go on any of the Sunday talk shows to express their take on the matter. Not even on Trump’s safe space, Fox News:

  12. mikee says:

    As a 1st impression, Kessler strikes me as an opportunist with no loyalty or principal

  13. VietnamVet says:

    In the deregulated unfair media, there is one overriding purpose; make the six owners richer and more powerful. Contempt, derision and craziness are subplots. Getting rid of sovereign nation states and taxes plus transforming the middle class into debt-serfs is the final frontier.
    Donald Trump is a target. He is not one of the global elite Jet-Set. He is a NYC connected reality TV personality that they found out, too late, they cannot fire.

  14. plantman says:

    Wasn’t Bannon actually correct in saying that “The media is the enemy of the American people”??
    Or is that putting it too strongly?
    It works for me.

  15. Fellow Traveler says:

    Since no one is appearing on TV to grease the skids for a new surge tomorrow, I think our War President has decided he doesn’t have enough enemies and will go with Erik Prince.
    The Economic Determinists will finally be right.

  16. Lars says:

    Here I thought the conspiracy bucket was filled. Maybe all the Trump apologists need to consider that their hero is indeed unfit for the office? The reality is that about 65% of the population disapprove of him, and that has been growing now for 7 months.
    The question now is: How do we fix this with the least amount of damage to the nation? The reality is that the Trumptanic has encountered a lot of damage and is sinking fast. Many are trying to leave, but they are running out of lifeboats. Now there is hope resting with 3 generals and that historically is not a good solution either.

  17. John Rowan says:

    Peter Beinart, CNN contributor and former New Republic editor and NYT writer:
    “Yesterday my 9 year old saw some footage from Charlottesville. Then she asked me if there would be a second Holocaust.”

  18. Ingolf Eide says:

    A bit of incisive light relief in the midst of this ridiculous drama: (h/t Grieved @ MoA)

  19. Oilman2 says:

    OT, …BUT…
    How in the hell does the navy crash two ships within 90 days? They have more radar and sonar than a man can shake a stick at – yet they cannot avoid collisions with slow moving VLCC’s and ore carriers??
    A) The navy has promoted idiots into positions of authority?
    B) They allow video gaming on the bridge?
    C) The Russian subs can hugga-bugga their electronics from beneath?
    D) Overflights by Russian aircraft or invisible drones are doing hugga-bugga on electronics?
    I’m searching for another reason…???

  20. LeeG says:

    I don’t understand the distress over infotainment media providing value laden commentary. Trump has done a bang up job elevating the industry to center stage with him for a spectacularly cheesy battle where he can bully individuals and networks then whine in tweets and to captive crowds how unfair it all is, it’s so unfair. It’s not like Trump is going to bring out the best in institutions that he has declared an enemy.
    Here’s a simple article about a real issue that doesn’t trash the POTUS.

  21. Bill H says:

    Both destroyers had damage on the port side, indicating that in both cases they were the “privileged vessel,” meaning that they had the right of way. That vessel is required to hold their course and speed so as not to confuse the other, “burdened” vessel as they maneuver to keep clear.
    That being said, once things deteriorate, even the privileged vessel must maneuver to avoid collision. That means that initially things are easier for the privileged bridge crew, but once the situation deteriorates the bridge crew must be alert, knowledgeable, and able to think clearly and rapidly to a higher degree than is the case on the burdened vessel.
    The difficulty on the privileged vessel once it is clear that the burdened vessel is not taking proper action is extreme and requires great skill. Ships, for instance, do not turn like a car does. There is a delay between the time the helm is put over and the ship’s course begins to change, and the bow does not move – the stern does, pushing the ship onto the new course rather than the case of a car where the front wheels are leading it to the new course. The ships are moving much faster than changes in course can occur.

  22. turcopolier says:

    Bill H
    Is it not clear that the bridge watch bears a heavy responsibility for this casualty to the McCain? pl

  23. turcopolier says:

    “Google, which by the way was created by the CIA -” Any basis for that or does the idea just make you feel good? pl

  24. Fred says:

    Did he tell her Ivanka was going to be the first Jew in the gas chamber or that she was getting Sophie’s choice?

  25. Lars says:

    I am afraid you remember wrong. HRC never polled that high. Her polling essentially reflected her national vote and it was pretty accurate. These poll numbers are reflecting current views and are based on the same questions asked over a very long time. The main change is that the number of people identifying as Republicans have shrunk and that is somewhat skewing the internal data. Overall, it is rather reliable.

  26. Old Gun Pilot says:

    U.S. surface warships in addition to the GPS and radar and the officer of the deck on the bridge, have human lookouts on both the port and starboard as well as a man overboard watch on the stern. All surface war ships will have standing orders that if any ship approaches within a certain distance, usually 3 to 5 miles the captain is to be notified. The captains quarters are always adjacent to the bridge so that he can immediately make his appearance.
    No matter what else happens or is discovered about this accident the captain will be relieved and his career over. The Navy has a no excuses policy when the ship goes aground or is in a collision.
    The question is, now that we have had two such incidents in short order will Admiral heads roll also.

  27. eakens says:

    They are going after Trump first, and then they are coming for the first amendment. Their goal is to make it a crime for which you will be thrown in prison to deny or discount the holocaust, like has been accomplished in many western European countries.
    The flip side is that the neocons and the left are generating more antisemitic sentiment in this country as a result of their actions.

  28. bks says:

    Here’s a little background on WAIS and X.500 which were the foundations of search engines like Google:
    If you have the proper gauge tinfoil, I guess you could say that the funding that Thinking Machines, Inc. got from DARPA is “CIA”, but I’m fresh out of tinfoil.

  29. Clueless Joe says:

    Well, it’s women’s opinion of Trump which has been in a freefall and is abysmally low, while Men’s opinion is bad but not really worse than what we’ve seen before, with still 43% support and barely 32% of men who wants him impeached:
    And that’s NPR, so definitely not a Trump-loving group – odds are the numbers aren’t as bad.
    That’s the key factor anti-Trumpers should take into consideration: as long as Trump’s support among men is significant, it’s way too dangerous to want to evict him. If they have any sense, they won’t antagonize tens of millions of people who might see this as an actual coup and could react violently; they’ll have to have serious arguments to back it up and shift the opinion even more. Of course, the key part here is “if they have any sense”.

  30. Oilman2 says:

    @ Bill H & pl…
    I have my merchant license and have moved semi-submersible drilling rigs in very crowded Gulf of Mexico seaways and other spots in the world. I get what you are saying, and have been in both positions. Even if the burdened vessel is ignoring rules, in both cases a USN vessel should have a performance envelope capable of avoidance – combat tactics anyone?
    I was taught that simply changing speed is enough in most cases, as it changes everything in avoidance equations. These commercial ships are very big, and their maneuvering is ponderous at best. USN ships are supposed to be capable of better handling than tankers and ore carriers, yet it seems as if they rely on RoW rules instead of tactical awareness, from what little we get in the way of facts.
    I am wondering if it isn’t a reliance on RoW rules compounded with the “freedom of navigation” mindset of the officers? Or maybe over-reliance on computers? Thumbhumping smartphones while on bridge duty?
    I’m not familiar with these ship designs, but I do know what bow and stern thrusters can do for maneuvering, and it is as impressive as vectored thrust on an aircraft. Whatever the case may be, for this to happen indicates a complete lack of situational awareness IMO. And it is costing lives of innocent sailors.
    My gut says that a sailing vessel with a man in the crows nest could have avoided a tanker, whether burdened or privileged – so what really happened? Do they still have a human watch topside? Or is the watch strictly on computer screens?
    A tanker is just a dot on the screen in a digital bridge – not the same as seeing these behemoths on the ocean.

  31. Oilman2 says:

    Yes – the watch officer bears responsibility, at least in commercial instances. Ultimately it is the Captain, yet I have no idea how a watch officer is selected in the Navy. If it is a popularity contest, then that is problematic at best.
    In my business, it is guys who know their stuff, no matter their personal habits or preferences. Experience is important, which is why we have a junior watch officer – to get that experience.

  32. Oilman2 says:

    I just found this:
    Perhaps it explains the mindset of the USN better than I can…

  33. smoke says:

    I have been trying to imagine how it is done for months – this seemingly coordinated media onslaught.
    Pieces of my puzzle keep pointing toward missing pieces.
    Any story, like Cville, with superficial, repetitive reporting, seems to flag a narrative that is already set and that what is important are photos and videos, sensational as possible, out of context irrelevant. Do we even know when photography has been technically enhanced?
    Why is coverage so one-dimensional? Why don’t reporters ask questions that readily occur to any thinking reader/ listener? (Even simple factual questions: e.g. Cville – What was the official “plan” that the police chief referred to? Where was the Guv on Saturday? etc.) Have they forgotten how revealing details can be? Do they lack curiosity or imagination these days? Has the source of most U.S. reporting – the Northeast – become such an echo chamber that reporters cannot “think outside the box”? Not enough reporters starting on the local police beat instead of in journalism finishing school?
    How is it that all major media are on the same version of the same major story each day? And that so many of the dominant stories revolve around issues and events that are more symbolic than substantive?
    Does anyone do serious investigative follow up these days on the substance behind the symbols? (Like real oppressions that burden black and white communities, at the ground level. Or examples of problems solved, racism diminished?) – If anyone is investigating in meaningful ways, how is the press so quiet about it. Can profits, shortened consumer attention spans, and least common denominator explain it all away? Do fear and labels really sell better than detailed, 3-D explorations and news of positive changes?
    And the big question, how does every reporter know to spend half the report pinning bad news on Trump, or ridiculing any statement he makes. Does the editor say, “Go back. You forgot to mention Trump,” until every reporter knows without being told.
    The anti-Trump memes were well established early: Putin, white racism, misogyny. Last meme dropped out early. After months, Putin-Trump has lost feasibility and interest, at least for now. Racism is on the front burner. Do owners and publishers agree on those points, and then the reporting takes over by itself, with the aid of strategic leaks and the discovery of compliant events? Does one, designated press outlet signal to others, when the lede story is shifting?
    One sad fact seems clear. The multiplicity of voices in the press have gone silent. Only to be found sometimes in the depths of the internet. The fake news meme is starting to work away at those voices now.
    It is, indeed, a dismaying puzzle.

  34. Cortes says:

    The “statue made me do it defence ” seems very plausible. In his Foreword to the Faber paperback edition of American scholar E.P. Evans’s classic “The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals”, Nicholas Humphrey mentions the practice in Ancient Greece of trying and then banishment of statues which had toppled and injured people. Banishment was symbolic death.

  35. LeaNder says:

    Well yes. Neumayr. Pope Francis is highly suspicious too, considering to the what extend the Jesuit counter-revolutionaries always were? Pars pro toto? Weren’t they among the earliest recorded conspirators or among the earliest of conspiracies in history after all?
    George Neumayr: From the first moment I saw him, I knew that he was going to be a Modernist wrecking ball, and he struck me from the beginning as the prototypical “progressive” Jesuit. I knew it was an extremely bad sign that the Church would name the first Jesuit pope at the very moment the Jesuit Order was in its most corrupt and heterodox condition. I knew it was going to be a distressingly historic pontificate, and from the first moment of Francis’ papacy I began thinking that his pontificate would be a good subject for a book. As it unfolded, it became clearer and clearer that someone need to chronicle this consequentially chaotic pontificate.

  36. steve g says:

    Bill H @ 22
    Don’t you mean damage on starboard side.
    Video shows damage on the right side of
    both ships. Port is left isn’t it?

  37. jld says:

    Google wasn’t created but (partially) funded as well as many others by the CIA tech investments branch In-Q-Tel.
    Basically they pour money into any tech startup which may have relevance to intelligence gathering or analysis, so nothing out of the ordinary here.

  38. Oilman2,
    Thanks for that audio clip of the US Navy demanding that a Spanish lighthouse alter its course. I agree that this attitude is probably at the core of these avoidable tragedies at sea. I don’t know if it’s an official law of navigation or not, but the concept of the bigger vessel having the right of way makes eminent common sense to me. I would think a naval destroyer would revel in its speed and agility. Apparently not.
    I would also think that all Naval line officers are qualified as watch officers and periodically assume this duty when their name comes up on the duty roster. That how staff duty officer, field officer of the day and officer of the day duty is done in the Army.

  39. jld says:

    I am wondering if it isn’t a reliance on RoW rules compounded with the “freedom of navigation” mindset of the officers?

    The “mindset” of navy officers can be strange at times…

  40. Fred says:

    The forward to a law book mentions Ancient Greece so That’s a legal precedence? The statues didn’t kill anybody though they are being “banished” as symbolic death of traditional culture. Perhaps we should raise some new statues to honor the new culture: “The Policeman meets Justice” Michael Brown with his foot on officer Wilson’s neck, fist raised in the Black Power salute. In fitting with 21st technology we can have a video monitor in his chest showing Beyonce’s “Formation” i.e. the “Cop Killer Movement” in celebration of America’s new culture. It’s bound to be an attention – and vote – getter.

  41. TV says:

    Sort of supports the idea of very complex systems in the hands of dimwits.

  42. steve g says:

    steve g to steve g
    my mistake on McCain

  43. Adrestia says:

    Funny, but I was reading the comments and its fake. It is an old joke – which when typing this – I recall having hard a long time ago back in the days when the Soviet Union was our archenemy.

  44. Walrus says:

    The McCain and the other collision obviously suggests to the Navy that they need to rule out a systematic issue with the training of Naval Officers.
    To me, an amateur yachtsman since age Nine, it is hard to understand how such collisions could occur outside of hostilities or training exercises.
    The International rules for Prevention of collision at sea (Colregs) are quite clear; keep a good lookout, analyse the risk, take early and obvious avoiding action and leave plenty of room.
    It is inconceivable to me how a light, nimble destroyer ends up under the bow of a 100,000 ton tanker or bulker. Those ships are no more manoeuvrable than a dead whale.
    There is every electronic gizmo know to man on that destroyer and the merchant ships are pumping out their own position, course and speed by AIS for anyone to read, even my own yacht nav. system tells me closest approach, time to go and collision risk for all AIS targets automatically. To borrow Col. Langs words; “it’s a puzzlement” how this could happen to alleged professionals.

  45. Oilman2 says:

    If it is a fake, then apologies – I simply put in search terms and that returned. If fake, then there is likely a core of truth regarding the USN attitude heard in the dialog.
    My questions remain, and my opinion that a sailing vessel could have avoided the tanker stand. This is either some serious incompetence or else someone has begun spoofing the USN navigation systems. It will be said incompetence, as the other would imperil our ‘superiority’. In either case, incompetence or spoofing, someone will walk the proverbial plank for this, because sailors died for..well, for what exactly?

  46. Oilman2 says:

    To me, I fall back to the 1960’s and 70’s – where we had ‘world news’ and it took 30 minutes to cover most everything of import that occurred during that day.
    Now, we have CNN, FOX MSNBC, BBC, CBS, ABC, AlJazeera, etc and ad infinitum. There is only so much news. In addition, these corporations are about profits. It isn’t about scooping the story, it’s about getting eyeballs on the TV and the webpages. Hence you have pundits screeching at each other, because nobody can look away from a train wreck.
    These same “news corps” have all but eliminated their overseas reporters to reduce cost and “maximize shareholder value”. So what you get is Rueters, Lexusnexus and maybe AP stories regurgitated and then spun by the talking heads to get eyeballs on the screen. Everything is a “crisis” or “amazing” or “shocking” – bit it really isn’t.Every story is run like an old radio serial, with the cliffhanger right before the commercials for impotence, incontinence, etc.
    It’s a complex world, but there isn’t enough real news for all the cable channels to do much with – there never has been. Thus we get lots of fluff, opinion pieces, gossip, and the never-ending talking heads bleating much ado about nothing. IMO, of course…

  47. Cortes says:

    I honestly don’t need to get into a controversy with you about my reply to your original comment.
    My reply was intended to be helpful.
    Try looking for the text which I referred to. The reference is good.

  48. Tyler says:

    Some notes out of Cville.
    1) Kessler was an Occupy Member / Hillary supporter until last November. Somehow he wormed his way into leadership of this, mainly cause he lived in Cville, and it was a shit show. Some more AR drama: his Twitter feed had some stuff about him being a saboteur, which he blamed on taking “Ambien, Xanax, and alcohol”. Either way he is not a stable personality.
    2) Swastika Flag Guy, aka the ONLY guy there with his fresh out of the package Nazi flag, is a total enigma. He hasn’t popped up on any of the usual boards with Reichtard associations or even AR associations. No one knows who the guy is. There’s no interest on the Left in doxxing him, but they can pull SSNs from blurry pictures by torchlight. He’s probably a fed plant.
    3) Richard Spencer is, imho, a likely fed asset as well. He’s a scion of wealth (his family is huge in agribusiness in the South), but yet there’s no effort to go after his family’s wealth like there is going after the 2nd shift cook at Applebees. Why is that? There’s also the deplatforming of various AR luminaries tangentially or not at all connected to the Cville stuff, including Laura Southern, VDare, and JihadWatch, yet Rich Spencer with his blue checkmark (taken away at the samr time Milo’s was, but then given back) tweets away unhindered.
    I know people who know Spencer, and we have crossed paths before. I won’t front at secret agent man here, but I know a little bit of tradecraft and Spencer is an ideal candidate to be a controlled asset. He’s psychologically needy, in search of validation and a “cause”. Before this took off the “AR” wad a bunch of philosophy students jerking off each other quoting obscure dead Germans.
    He’s separated from his wife, and now he’s a celebrity surrounded by admirers and up to his ears in tradthot gash. For every Auburn there’s two or three incidents like CVille or him throwing gladiator salutes at Inaugaration Day. Wherever the media is. There he is giving quotes.
    The deplatforming thing really has everyone in a tizzy, but if the Fed decides the internet is a public commodity, they got no one but themselves to blame for it.

  49. Peter AU says:

    Washington Post Jan 7
    “The DNC’s new communications and research operation, to be staffed by former aides to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, will be one of several efforts from across the Democratic firmament to take on Trump, including the office of Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), the Center for American Progress and American Bridge.”
    Putin Jan 17 (Based on Russian inteligence info, or just Putin’s take on the situation?)
    “You know, there is a category of people who leave without saying goodbye, out of respect for the situation that has evolved, so as not to upset anything. And then there are people who keep saying goodbye but don’t leave. I believe the outgoing administration belongs to the second category.”
    Daily mail March 2
    “‘He’s coming. And he’s ready to roll.’ former Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday about the former president’s reentry into the political scene”
    “Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation’s capital – just two miles away from the White House – into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.”
    And this? July 29

  50. Bill H says:

    Sorry, Colonel, I was trying to avoid wordiness and stopped before I made my point clear.
    Yes, of course the bridge watch bears heavy responsibility. That is an elegant way to phrase it. I was responding to Oilman2’s depiction of them as some kind of comic book characters.
    I have spent many hours as the helmsman of a US Navy ship at sea, and after rated as an electrician, standing watch on a switchboard on the bridge. The issue is not as clear cut as it might seem.
    As the privileged vessel I have a responsibility to maintain course and speed, to allow the burdened vessel to maneuver to avoid me. If I violate that responsibility then it is I who have created the hazard, because I have interfered with his ability to predict what I will do.
    Once it is clear that he is not going to maneuver to avoid, then it becomes my responsibility to do so, but by then the situation has already become highly dangerous. The ships are already close and I now know that the other ship is unpredictable. I must maneuver to avoid, but since the other ship is already violating standard practice it is far from clear what the correct avoiding maneuver might be. Making things worse is the delay between a command to maneuver and the time that the maneuver actually starts to happen.
    All of that requires a bridge watch which is highly trained and capable of thinking and analyzing quickly. In the case of the Fitzgerald the investigators concluded that the bridge watch was not adequately trained, leading to the CO, XO and senior noncom being relieved of their posts.
    That will likely turn out to be the case with McCain as well, and it saddens me to see so many examples of a Navy gone to seed. Like an engineering department failing to refill the main propulsion reducing gearbox with lubricating oil, and then running the drive train until the gears seized up.
    But there is a difference between a bridge watch that is simply insufficiently trained and “The navy has promoted idiots into positions of authority?” or “They allow video gaming on the bridge?”

  51. Bill H says:

    Not all Navy officers are qualified to stand watch as Officer of the Deck. They must serve for some time assisting the OOD to learn the role before receiving qualification. Officers in engineering roles may or may not ever go through that process, but are still in the line of command.

  52. Tel says:

    Judging from the latest news you got that one wrong.
    Among other things…

  53. Morongobill says:

    Same. I spent lots of time as the helmsman, lookout etc while serving aboard the USS Richard E Byrd DDG-23, during the early 70’s. The only thing I would differ on is that I was told to mind my helm, in other words, keep my eyes on the helm and ears open to the command of the officer running things.

  54. Eric Newhill says:

    It could be decided that the internet is a public commodity, or it could be decided that there is a legitimate reason to go through with anti-trust actions. When groups of people cannot do business w/ Paypal,can’t advertise on social media and via google hits, etc because of de-platforming, either course of action becomes more likely, especially under a POTUS Trump.
    I’m thinking of going short on Amazon if things keep progressing as they are.

  55. LeaNder says:

    So Neumayr has graduated from Obama, Pelosi and Pope Francis to No True Scotsman.
    to “no true Scotsman”? I love riddles. Thus would like to know what’s on your mind here.
    Fellow Traveler,
    having watched the US for a while I am not sure if Bannon needs to give Neumayr a microphone. But yes, what puzzled me beyond my no doubt “nitwit” capacities, was when one of the members of the SST community seemed seriously surprised that Bannon could well be an pro-Israel hawk.
    That said, I wouldn’t mind to share a couple of beers with Bannon, if a former Goldman Sachs employee doesn’t prefer whine. We are close in age after all. Only from different continents trying to make sense of present times.

  56. Bill H says:

    No argument, but I was able to mind my helm, keep my mouth shut, and still observe and learn from what was happening around me. Often, after a tricky situation, I would get together with the Chief Quartermaster after the watch and pick his brain. Chiefs love to explain things if one is asking for the right reason.

  57. Anna says:

    MSM is seemingly not interested in the greatest breach in the US national scyberecurity, which has been unraveling thanks to the alternative media. Perhaps MSM is interested because no Russians are involved in that case und thus the case is not sexy.
    And where were the pompous warriors of Morell-Mueller kind when the Imran Awan et al. made a raid on the US Congress? Nobody made a peep. Looks like a special sensitivity for the ethnicity of Mrs. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Meanwhile, her brother is in charge of the investigation of both the Awan affair AND the murder of the Seth Rich, a DNC staffer involved with Wikileaks. http://theduran.com/exposed-democrat-party-lawmakers-quietly-write-off-120000-linked-to-awan-family/

  58. Bobo says:

    The USS McCain incident is another of the continuous Fubars that seems to be occurring in the US Navy over recent years. They certainly have gone through a number of CO’s and XO’s also in the past five years for various infractions. Thus with due respect to all those who have served honorably in the US Navy it’s time for a radical change as the U.S. Taxpayer cannot accept their monies being given to a service that is incurring these mishaps never mind the families entrusting their young…….
    1st-The investigations of these incidents belongs under the leadership of the NTSB, USCG and Transportation professionals.
    2nd-Only seasoned Officers and Warrants should command the 2400 to 0800 watches aboard seagoing vesels for the next year.
    3rd-A reduction in manpower on the bridge needs to occur rapidly so communications are direct and fully understood.
    The above is a start and the Navy should learn from their stand-down and other items already tossed out to the public as remidiation courses of action.
    The McCain was transmitting a very-very busy shipping lane that morning without utilizing its AIS (transponder) while the other twelve vessels that passed it within 30 minutes prior to the incident had theirs operating. As to the cause of the incident what is out their is pure speculation but the purported hacking or spoofing is garbage, those kids on the bow, bridge wings and stern have eyes. CNN is reporting a steering failure occurred just prior to the incident but steering was regained just after the incident. That is a common excuse in similar incidents but could be the cause. I will wait till the investigation is over and all should before placing responsibility on the Captain, XO and Bridgestanders. This is a top down problem not a bottom up one.

  59. Anna says:

    There are some powerful persons above the US government that have been protecting the Awans family: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-22/former-us-attorney-awan-indictment-there-something-very-strange-going-here
    “… here is the peculiar thing about the Justice Department’s indictment of Imran Awan and Hina Alvi, the alleged fraudster couple who doubled as IT wizzes for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and many other congressional Democrats: There’s not a word in it about flight to Pakistan. There is no press release about the indictment on the office’s website, though U.S. attorneys’ offices routinely issue press releases and make charging documents available in cases of far less national prominence. … Then there is the case of Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi. Why did the FBI allow Alvi to flee? Before she boarded her March 5 flight to Qatar (en route to Pakistan), agents briefly detained her. U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents had already searched her baggage and found $12,400 in cash. By the time Alvi fled, the Awans had been under investigation by various federal agencies for at least three months. The FBI was sufficiently attuned to the Awans’ criminality that its agents went to the trouble of chasing Alvi to the airport.”
    This is more than just incompetence.
    “The current Director of the FBI is Christopher A. Wray, who assumed the role on August 2, 2017 after being confirmed by the U.S. Senate, taking over from acting Director Andrew McCabe after the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey”

  60. Anna says:

    Nazi, neo-Nazi, geopolitics, and the Pentagon brass: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-22/pentagon-denounces-american-nazis-while-arming-ukrainian-nazis
    “Modern-day regiments under the control of the Kiev regime, such as the Azov Battalion, publicly self-identify with Nazi-collaborating descendants and former pro-Nazi Ukrainian leaders like Stefan Bandera. This Neo-Nazi ideology of the Kiev-run military is a central impetus in why these forces have waged a three-year war on the ethnic Russian population of the breakaway Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine. The latter refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the Kiev regime which seized power in February 2014 in a coup d’état against an elected government.
    The American military support for the Kiev regime and its Neo-Nazi death squads attacking the people of Donbas is a monumental contradiction to what the US Joint Chiefs of Staff were declaring last week about extremists on American soil. All five of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and National Guard – issued public condemnations of the violence perpetrated by assorted white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in the state of Virginia.”

  61. ked says:

    At what point will the media pass into being passe (along with convoluted conspiracy plots) regarding the hazing of the prez, and his wounds (hazed & otherwise) be considered self-inflicted?

  62. Fred says:

    ” those kids on the bow, bridge wings and stern have eyes”
    The USN does not employee children. The prior CIC made sure all the officers knew what was important was that the crew be up to date on their diversity training. On a bright note CICPAC canned the 7th Fleet CO. Guess the new 50 star guy didn’t think much of the 3 star guy.

  63. LeaNder says:

    Don’t remind me of poor Dan Rather. That was interesting though.

  64. optimax says:

    What we are seeing is the ravaging of American civilization by Cultural Marxists. CM is a revolutionary ideology which began in the Frankfurt School and has spread to all levels of society, where it is most obvious in the propagandizing of the MSM and childish displays of anarchy in our colleges. CM’s ultimate goal is to replace capitalism with a Marxist utopia.
    Here is a short essay on the growth of CM and potential remedy.

  65. turcopolier says:

    “poor Dan Rather?” He told me in a TV interview that he refused to believe that Bush 43’s team had fabricated the argument for invasion of Iraq. pl

  66. turcopolier says:

    He cancelled the show because he would have had to admit error. I asked his producer why he did that and that is what she said. pl

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