Israel Police will recommend indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in two corruption investigations."
The two cases are the so-called Case 1000 – in which Netanyahu is suspected of accepting lavish gifts from wealthy benefactors in return for advancing their interests – and Case 2000, which alleges that Netanyahu tried to strike a deal that would have provided him with positive coverage in Israel's second largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, in exchange for hurting its free rival, Israel Hayom." Haaretz
What would Jabotinsky have thought of Natanyahu's administration of the Israeli haven for the oppressed among the world's Jews?
He probably would have liked the ruthless disregard of the welfare of neighboring peoples. He probably would have liked the ruthless manipulation of the good will of Americans of all tribes to gain mastery of US policy.
I think he would not have liked the evident willingness to sell one's office for the goods of this world.
Champagne? Luxury foods.? Use of government employees and contractors to repair one's personal property?
For shame! pl
Nah, he acts just like a typical politician. LBJ built his ranch on government dime.
The crimes speak to a very small-minded and parochial man. I’ve never understood someone with such public power and prestige being a criminal over such small matters that he could easily have paid for. I guess it is a power thing…”just because I can.” Sadly, politicians seem to be no better than the rest of us when seeking “a deal.”
“Netanyahu is suspected of accepting lavish gifts from wealthy benefactors in return for advancing their interests”
Isn’t that the very definition of a politician? 🙂
Gotta hand it to Israel – they actually try to prosecute their corrupt officials. In the US, we allow them to retire and give advice on CNN.
I suspect there is an ulterior motive here, like the fact that Bibi has resisted another incursion into Lebanon (or more fireworks in Syria) which is what the loonies want…
I bet a friend that Bibi would not start another war because wars tend to be the death-knell for political careers.
It looks like I might win that bet.
Bibi is an old fashioned, oily politico who loves power and money but avoids unpredictable conflicts. He talks the talk, but he doesn’t walk the walk…which is why he has survived as long as he has.
Lock him up!
do you have anyone in mind? pl
I was going to write “they didn’t actually put Moshe Katsav on trial until after he left office”. But, his wikipedia page indicates that he resigned as part of a plea deal so I guess my memory of those events is incorrect. Maybe Bibi does have reason to be worried.
Don’t get your hopes up too high. The attorney general must decide to proceed with the charges. Despite his religious convictions he is apparently not without ambition: If he brings the charges against a sitting prime minister & the prime minister is acquitted, the attorney general can kiss his chances of being named chief justice, goodbye.
On the other hand, these are the first two of four corruption charges. Among the next two charges is the big one; huge money paid over the order for two more submarines from Thyysen Krupp. One could hope that the attorney general can find the courage of Sampson!
He is definitely shrewd.
jony kanuck
“neither fear nor hope,” pl
“Character must under-grid talent or talent will cave in.”
He did it all backwards. First, you do all the favors, then cash in after you’re out of office.
I doubt Jabotinsky would have made much of it. As long as Israel’s security was not compromised.
He grew up in a very similar corruption culture.
But Spaniards are cut from the same cloth; how many worked or are working in the informal sector while receiving government benefits?
My view on these matters is that the correct question is not “*how* was he caught?” or “what did he do?”, but “*why* was he caught?”
When politicians are busted for this sort of thing, it typically signals a change – or an effort to change – the political power structure.
A one HRC comes to mind.
“He probably would have liked the ruthless manipulation of the good will of Americans of all tribes to gain mastery of US policy.”
After 9/11 the Americans are no longer master, but servants in their own house.
Yes, ruthless manipulation; but one can’t complain if one gets fleas sleeping with dogs.
IMO…The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir by Lenni Brenner is the best history of the origins of racist Zionism. Benjamin Netanyahu is the heir of racist Zionism.
IMO…Netanyahu should be on trial in the Hague for crimes against humanity, rather than stealing a few shekels.
Jabotinsky exceeds Netanyahu immeasurably in terms of character. He has a very hard-ass reputation these days which is not really deserved. It’s more a residue of the belief that Jews are supposed to behave like good little children to be slaughtered whenever the great white massahs say slaughter. Says far more about the people judging him than anything else. He also suffers from the phenomenon of hindsight. That the behaviour of Israel in the incarnation of people such as Netanyahu – who is, believe it or not, rather mild within the context of the present day eminences of Israeli politics – yes, that that behaviour has been so atrociously bad – well, having seen this behaviour and arrogance, it’s hard for people who haven’t had the time to separate Jabotinsky from recent decades. He’s lumped in and damned with all the rest. Not fair in the context of the times he lived through, watching his people slaughtered by the millions. But such is human nature.
As for the corruption stuff – – that”s something that has been always kept in hand so as to put those crazies back in the box when necessary. An oldie but a goodie.
I care one hell of a lot less about Bibi and his wife, Israeli grifters, than I do about the Clintons, America’s grifters.. This pair took the formula of giving back 10% of you steal to heights of greed perhaps unknown in the world history of grifterdom. Government service is where the money is, as Willie Sutton said. Oh no, that’s not what he said..
Nevertheless, to avert the damage these bastards have inflicted with their government service, knowing what we know now, I’d have gladly paid the ransom.
The acorn didn’t fall far from the tree. Imagine this occurring in the US…
“Netanyahu’s son brags about prostitutes, $20 billion deal for friend’s dad in strip club rant”
one of the two people who are involved with these two charges of bribing Bibi was the Holywood producer Milchan. IIRC – he was involved with the theft of nuclear triggers or ‘initiators’ from the US to benefit Israel. is my recollection correct?
I wonder how much of this has to do with Bibi accepting gratuities from Jamie Packer, who is not Jewish.
Some backscratching within one’s own tribe may be one thing, but accepting gifts from a goyim who then rather effortlessly obtains permanent residency and a nice holiday home in The Promised Land?
Maybe Bibi just went a wee bit too far there…..
The Israelis have a PM-gate, and we here in the U.S. have our very own Intel-gate that makes Water-gate look like a walk in the park by comparison.
CIA, FBI, appears crooked to the bone.
Whatever people think and say about Israel this one is a sign of a real democracy. Where else would be an acting minister president, or a state president charged AND sent to jail! Re Moshe Kacav.
I cant help but think his brother was the talented one.
Arnon Milchan is a Mossad man. He is thought of as possibly Israel’s biggest arms dealer and is intimately tied up in nuclear weapons smuggling. Intriguingly he was executive producer of JFK.
Israel currently has a huge problem from the influx of unsavoury types from the FSU, I am not sure how they will deal with it as it is endemic and has corrupted Israeli institutions.
Yes Arnon Milchan Israeli arms dealer and Mossad man, produced a conspiratorial movie about JFK that made no mention of how JFK was going after the Israeli nuclear program. Imagine my lack of shock
Richardstevenhack: I don’t give them credit. They only prosecute their politician because their political culture is so vicious–and another politician wants Bibi’s job.
Look at how our politics is beginning to descend into a pattern of constant investigations. This is just an extension of politics by other means.
FourthAndLong: Jabotinsky died in 1940. The Final Solution began after.
I agree. But if he is dethroned there are some crazies jockeying for his position who might be worse. Which might be good…they will mouth off at Trump for not doing enough for Israel and that might cool him toward Israel enough to overcome his militant pro Israel advisors.
Milchan, recent summary:
“Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring” against America:
341 (out of 810 U.S.) krytrons were “destroyed in testing” and never returned to America, thus Israel likely has 341 nuclear warheads, including H-bombs and neutron bombs. The Swedish SIPRI estimate one hears all the time of “80 warheads” is fatally flawed–in the fine print, for some reason the researchers explicitly ruled out counting warheads for submarine cruise missiles, or artillery shells, and decided that any larger number would be impractical and therefore inconceivable…
Not really. I’m more or less thinking about George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, who admittedly aren’t CNN advisers.
Very clever of Col. Lang to make reference to The Other Vlad: Benzion Netanyahu was Jabotinsky’s right-hand man in New York City, then took over running Revisionist Zionism in USA after Jabotinsky died in 1940. Jews had long had a tight relationship with the Democratic party; It was Benzion’s innovation to impel the Republican party to install a plank in their platform that supported the “a homeland for Jews in Palestine,” thus establishing the “bipartisan” support for Israel. Ever since, those planks have been part of both parties’ non-negotiables.
Bibi is living proof that the seed does not fall far from the tree. Or that the sins of the father are visited upon the son.
As to the corruption? Benzion the Jabotinskyite would likely have been more careful than son Bibi, not having had a generation of ease to rest on. Bibi slid into the role too easily, is too long accustomed to getting what he wants.
I’ve never watched the entire Godfather series; no doubt someone can name the second-generation characters who were sloppy and entitled, and did not have the same sense of disciplined mayhem vs corruption as the Dons who scratched and clawed to get to the Top Dog position.
Think about the ancient Hebrew stories relative to first-born vs. second son;
then carefully poke and probe the hyperbolized version of Yonathan and his “martyr-death” at Entebbe, an event that ‘broke his father’s heart’ and brought about a dramatic change in Bibi’s life’s trajectory, i.e. from student of architecture then graduate student and furniture salesman to co-host of the Conference at which the blueprint Global War on Terror was unveiled (Jerusalem Conference July 1979);
then examine more carefully the entrails of the relationship between Benzion and Yonathan pre-Entebbe: during his early years, Yonathan’s needs and education were put on the back-burner on numerous occasions while his father, Benzion, chased one after another of his own academic or professional visions, whipsawing young Yoni from one continent to another and back again, resulting in a young man who struggled academically, lacked a stable sense of identity, and came up short in the quest to gain the respect of his scholar/father.
The hagiography surrounding Yonathan is a smokescreen — or a false beard.
“…watching his people slaughtered by the millions.”
Were not the leading Bolsheviks ethnic Jews? Or it was OK to genocide Russians — the best and brightest among them? And yet the most vicious Russophobes today are Jewish. “Bolshevism and Zionism Are Ideologically Indistinguishable”
This is a detour from your post: What other cultures, but Jewish, celebrate the slaughter of a host nation by the guests? See Purim.
¡No Pasarán!! or whatever. Sounds like the Spaniards should be complaining about the EU letting in all the competition for jobs. Or would that be they should follow the example of refuges and head to Germany where the German taxpayers can take care of them? Perhaps Barack could start another color revolution; well, at least when he gets done with the one he’s leading here.
Ah, but you are looking at Iran and Spain in the time that they are no longer powerful countries.
But when they were powerful, they were dishing it out as much as they were receiving it.
There are a lot of historical analogies between Iran and Spain – even the the topological layout of Tehran and Madrid are quite similar – with the Paseo des Castellanas and the Vali Asr running North-South in each city.
I agree with you about Exceptionalism etc.; there is no path forward for anyone to partake of that; Spain at least provided a path forward for the conquered people to become Catholic and Spanish when she was a world power.
By the way, Mashhad is the bastion of the doctrinaire Shias in Iran – against any whiff of Rationalism and for Faith.
“Israel currently has a huge problem from the influx of unsavory types from the FSU…”
Bush the lesser has been in awe of certain fanatical supremacist Scharansky; the war criminal even awarded Scharansky the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Along with the thuggish Avigdor Lieberman, Israel also enjoys the presence of progeny of the former leading Bolsheviks/communists, such as a founder of GULAG (a network of death camps) Naftaly Frenkel.
Admittedly, I do not personally know people who commit such frauds, but I have heard of them through hearsay.
That is consistent with the generic observation in regards to corruption between Northern Europe and Southern Europe – even in Italy, between the North (of Rome) and South (of Rome).
In regards to Iran, I should think that your worst generalizations to be on the mark – Iranians are what they are – torn between Islam, Iran, and Modernity – while such issues are largely settled in Europe.
Yes, the Western people have created an image of Iran that does not correspond to the reality of that country, and then, like the Russian case, came to believe it.
Now there you go again, calling me ” Iranian renegade, most probably at the service of Western intelligence…” etc.
I must admit that it is rather amusing.
But I stand about my comments about Spain.
Here is another gem for you: the foremost young Spanish physicist in EU could not find a permanent job in Spain because those jobs are all spoken for, not even in a local university could he find a position – less qualified candidates but better connected have got such positions.
Now, back to you – the Proletariat is awaiting your Revelations
I do not think this woman will indict Bibi.
I was struck by how bright, new and shining everything was; I have been in a lot of ancient, sacred places over the years and I expected it to be more worn and well used. It turns out that this is the result of a comprehensive urban renewal plan for the city center of Mashad designed and overseen to completion by the great Iranian architect Dariush Borbor. In 1968! He is very interesting. So a lot of the exterior of things there in that video is new! Thank you for that. I learned something.
By the way, Was there ever anyone in your background, perhaps a great aunt, say, from the Ibarruri family? An old Basque name isn’t it? Perhaps, Dolores Ibarruri?
You’re probably right. But then, if Bibi is guilty, he should be prosecuted even if it’s really for political purposes.
Just like here, it’s up to the electorate to wake up and see who they’ve got ruling them.
Which, of course, almost never happens until the politicians get the electorate in really hot water.
Col. Lang, et al,
A little more information on how Arnon Milchan fits into charges recommended against Netanyahu found in a post by Steve Sailer over at the Unz Review. Link to the full article from which he quotes is available at the head of his post. Comments are fun; I liked the one from The Jester, currently showing as #34.
That Shrine could never plead poverty.
Many urban dwellers live on lands deeded to the Shrine centuries ago and now – due to urban sprawl – covered with houses.
Recently the Shrine deeded some land back to the squatters – as they were –
out of the goodness of its heart.
At the end of each day, the custodians open the inner sanctum and literally use snow plows to pick up currency dropped by the pilgrims.
What is your opinion regarding the Trump family. Ate they not also grifters?
Other than TDS what is the basis for you calling the president a “grifter?” I doubt that you would have the courage to call him that to his face. Have you ever started or run a business, met a payroll, dealt with contract execution? No? What surprise! Someone always paid you a salary, right? Well that someone lived in Trump’s world whether it was in a hospital or not. pl
omg ! You are right, she wont charge him (unless she plans to take his place). She is a ultra crazy Zionist.
Her Facebook page:
“They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”
“They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists,” This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.”
Some Israelis accused her of incitement because the day after a Palestinian teenager was kidnapped and burned alive allegedly by six Israelis.
With all due respect: Israel does not even have a written constitution. After all this time they have been unwilling to put their democratic ideals into writing. It is the Jewish state. How can you have a Jewish state with a constitution like the United States Constitution? Some are more equal than others in the Jewish state. And the Jewish state is a direct threat to the United States Constitution. In an endless low intensity war with Islam, the United States Constitution is going to have to shut down.
Nancy might be thinking of the fact that DJT was infamous for not paying his contractors:
I do not want to sound impolitic or intrusive, but what was that green item that a few people were waving. I mean the thing that looked like it was some sort of huge genetically modified fluffy cat-tail grown perhaps along the muddy fern and lichen rich edge of an ancient Japanese koi pond, say, at Katsura, and turned such a wonderful emerald green by pumping in an excess of nitrogen over generations. It seemed to be quite flexible too. Something very beneficent about it swaying and bowing over the heads of everybody.
What does it do?
I want one. It would drive my cats crazy.
Actual business is an endless dispute about the terms, payment (normally by slices)and execution of contracts. Do you have any experience of this? pl
They suffer from the same problem that afflicts the world of Islam, the only resolution of which had been the Platonic Republic in Iran. Really, they ought to study the thoughts of Ayatollah Khomeini as well as the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and adopt it to Orthodox Judaism. They do not have to start from zero, there is Maimonides but they need to go further and study Iran’s constitutional structure. The Rabbinate is just not going to do it.
I read that article the last time out. “…in 1990 show that at least 253 subcontractors weren’t paid in full or on time, ”
Subcontractors. Did they do the work – correctly and on time? How was their quality? Any warranty related charge backs per the contract? Lots of details left out of that article. Too bad for that cabinet company that in 44 years never had someone stiff them on a bill. GM, along with plenty of other big companies, didn’t pay a ton of thier bills either and that was long before they went got bailout protection.
Those are feather dusters for guiding the traffic of the pilgrims. Among the pilgrims could be an occasional Armenian or Zoroastrian who is relying on the intercession of “Agha” to resolve a complication in their lives (from personal testimony).
“Actual business is an endless dispute about the terms, payment (normally by slices)and execution of contracts. Do you have any experience of this? pl”
No sir. I don’t have any experience in owning or operating business.
I’m quoting the article:
“Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will “protect your job.” But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them.”
More than 3,500 lawsuits” and “large number involve ordinary Amaricans”. And at least 4 bankrupcies. Judging the man on his public record, I’m glad I’ve never have the pleasure to meet DJT.
Anna. All the best. Yes, and the Old Testament celebrated bloodshed by the ocean full. Guess what. I watched a Russian TV series – “The Method” about a genius somewhat warped detective starring the same actor as in the eight part Trotsky TV series of last Nov & Dec. Same guy in Admiral and Day Watch. And those shows depicted graphic violence. And they were made in Russia. And I mostly enjoyed those shows, tho haven’t seen the !ev Davidovitch yet. But my Moscow friend tells me his wife couldnt watch parts because it was so bloody. Yet I look forward to it. Hopefully. So, I am obviously a no good Jew who dreams of slaughtering evil Rooskies by the millions, right? Yep. You nailed it. And those evil Stalinist black hundred Rooskies are depicting graphic violence?? Ha ha!! I knew it! Well, no wonder I want to see that TV series, right? The better to study up on how to better, but but only, Только, Самый лучший и блестящие Ничего другого. Или если? Я не знаю. Доброй ноч
I pull a blank on Maimonides, just to start with. And I had no idea that the Republic in Iran was the ‘Platonic’ Republic. Actually I am not good, even on my own form of government, though after years of having been involved in some capital murder cases I have gotten to be very interested in how our common law works. And if you get the court transcript, of course, the lawyers, however much they are in disagreement, will lay it out for you.
By 1976, I had gotten to know an Israeli who had emigrated from Israel. He was still quite patriotic but often full of doubts. He got me reading some of the books on Israel of that era. Amos Oz. Amos Elon? I don’t think now that they hold up well.
Then I dug a little deeper in the Thomas Cooper library and came to the suspicion that Israelis had the mens rea. How could they possibly put in place a constitution will a Bill of Rights in it that would bring the grandsons of people their government had ethnically cleansed into the armed forces?
In other words, there’s no solution and there is no way out. What Israel is is something the United States, if very fortunate, will have to carry with it into the real climate change. I mean abrupt climate change. This will come when mentle methane starts exploding up through earthquake fissures created by isostatic rebound that is even now occurring along the fault lines north of Svalbard, and in other locations beneath the arctic ocean. Then there is the methane soon to be in the atmosphere from the East Siberian Arctic Ice Shelf.
This has been my thinking for ten years.
It is the question of the ABRUPTNESS of it that is the question.
But are we not talking about Israel and Islam? Yes, of course. I think a one degree temperature rise, I assume Fahrenheit, will change everything in many places, such as central America, where I have read that certain insects (perhaps) like fruit flies with short life cycles that they can be studied, have already begun to alter their DNA for such a temperature change. True? Whether or not that is true, that temperature rise is on the way. And a one degree temperature rise means that a significant part of the Andes region food supply such as certain types of very important beans will be finished. And that will mean the move north.
But what about Israel? I think the eastern Mediterranean will be one of the places that is hard hit by drought and by heat. I’ve seen the mud of the Sahara on the windshields of vehicles in the marketplace of Heraklion at five in the morning after a rain. The Sahara sends a red rain over the Spanish Costa Blanca. There will be famine and an increase in diseases we associate with Africa. There will be a desperate and ongoing mass migration out of Africa. And I think there will migration out of Israel. And it will grow, because the United States is going to become an armed very unfriendly bastion, a very different place from anything that we can imagine now, and if privileged Israelis don’t get out while they can, exit might be far more difficult later.
I don’t think that there is going to be the same concern about Israel v Islam in the near future that there is now. There is going to be a strong northing instinct and a great deal that used to matter once upon a time is not going to matter at all.
A minor nit, perhaps, but the office that determines if Bibi should be indicted is that of the Attorney General, which is a post currently held by Avichai Mandelblit.
Ayelet Shaked is the Justice Minister, which is a different post altogether.
Still, nothing in Mandelblit’s career would suggest that he has the moral fortitude to take on someone like Netanyahu….
You are correct in saying I have never run a business, as a nurse I received a salary. I am referring to Trumps reputation of lawsuits, bankruptcies and failure to pay contractors. Not all businessmen are unethical.
the british monarchy is a well functioning democracy even without any form of “constitution”. It is not a piece of paper what makes a living and thriving democratical state. And while I am not for the izzies (or against for that matter) I’d rather be an arab in Israel than a redneck, or someone living in the rustbelt in the US.
Israel threatens a number of things, especially in the Middle-East, but not the US Constitution. If you would want me to name a direct threat to your democracy tan it is the monopoly of Microsoft, Google, and Facebook seperate or combined. Now THAT is a CLEAR and PRESENT danger.
“lawsuits, bankruptcies and failure to pay contractors.” these are normal hazards of doing business. Disputes over the quality and timing of work and bankruptcy as a tactic are not at all unusual. This has nothing to do with being unethical. You don’t know what you are talking about. If there is someone here who ran a stationary store in Iowa without that kind of hazard, I can only say, so what! pl
Yeah, right
what is the difference between the two functions in cases other than in indictments. pl
Free advice. Stay out of the business world. Stay in academia, the clergy or government. you are not shark material. pl
Microsoft, which has brought computing to the masses all over this planet, is a threat to US? That is laughable.
In regards to UK, only the English can operate that constituional system – it is rooted in the soil of England.
Thank you. That’s interesting.
I do not share your concerns about Global Warming.
I think termites produce as much – if not more – green house gases than the entire human population. But the Eco NAZIs do not advocate the extermination of termite populations; rather, they prefer to see the demise of the internal combustion engine, nuclear energy, and the lowering of standard of living to a pre-industrial area – when a short fever would be all that stood between life and death.
There is only so much methane or CO_2 that could be dissolved in the atmosphere – there is only so much salt that you can dissolve in a glass of water.
The rise in the average surface temperature will evaporate more water and cause the planet to become more moist and greener. Already, the wine-making season in British Columbia has become longer. NASA satellites indicate that Sahara is getting more green.
What afflicts Africa or the Near East is man-made not climate-made.
From the S. Finster humor archive.
Real estate developers are notoriously for litigation with their lenders, contractors, partners, etc..
Keep in mind that a development loan agreement is extremely detailed, many hundreds of pages of detail, but all of it can be subject to change, and it frequently is. These changes are invariably at the cost of the lender. The lender may get a higher interest rate, a bigger chunk of the equity tranche, etc., but that’s only in exchange for forbearance if the project is going south. It never happens that a project is going well, so the lender gets more money for being so great to work with.
As a result, I’ve seen the situation many times where a developer threatens suit against a lender to a project that goes sour, the lender has a loan default and an ironclad guarantee from the project company’s principal, the principal alleges fraud on some laughable basis but keeps a straight face while doing so (even though he neither read nor understood the loan documents), the contractors are suing and/or getting sued, liens are being filed, the developer and lender are making lurid public accusations at each other, the lawyers have started proceedings.
And then the developer and lender sit down, eat a very fancy dinner and decide to do three more deals together, that is, deals with the same people they accused of being pirates and criminals, except bigger deals this time.
You were not there, evidently, when the weather is hot and women are obliged, at the penalty of arrest and personal humiliation, to walk around in their tents while men are wearing short-sleeve shirts.
And then why force Christians to don the attire of ultra-conservative traditional Muslim women of Iran? The Quranic injunction that is invoked exhorts the Believer Women and not un-clean infidels such as Christians.
And the, who the hell are these men who are to be the judge of female attire, have they received their credentials from the Prophet?
Years ago this Major in US Air force explained to me how things worked in US Air force in case one thought that the particular female did not conform to the US Air force dress code:
One would go and find a female officer of equal rank, ask her what she thought of so-and-so ‘s conformance to rules, and if she agreed, she would go and speak to that specific person.
In 1920s, in rural Castile, the attire of women was not very different than what you saw in Iran – but the full force of the state was not behind its enforcement – the Civil Guard was not out there to harass women and then drag them into the police station etc.
Well, from what I understand the job of Justice Minister is far more wide-ranging. Basically, making sure that the courts run effectively, that the drafting of legislation is done efficiently, etc.
The role of Attorney General is much narrower. Mainly, it exists to put a thin veneer of respectability over government graft and corruption or, more charitably, to warn the government when it contemplates stepping over the line into the blatantly illegal.
Or, put another way:
Bibi is a pig, and Mandelblit is holding the lipstick.
Shaked is…. well…. description fails me, because the analogy would end with “and the judicial system is her whorehouse”.
Anna at 41,
The question why many Jewish people are so ‘viciously Russophobe’ is quite interesting; one can postulate the psychological source (the love/hate relationship – similar as with the German people or Polish people – the unrequitted love turns into hate?) or one can look for more down-to-earth reasons – literally, to earth – meaning the loss of a possibility to establish a Jewish autonomous region in the European part of Russia, or in former Soviet Union. There is more about this in the book by Pavel Sudoplatov (1994) Special Tasks – The Memoirs of an unwanted Witness – a Soviet Spymaster. He describes in the chapter The Jews: California in the Crimea – how in 1944 quote begins… Stalin’s strategic motivation was using the Jewish issue as a bargaining chip to bring international Jewish capital to rebuild the war-torn Soviet Union…Stalin planned to use Jewish aspirations for homeland to attract Western credits. End quote.
The desire to have a different homeland would be desirable as nice plan B so to speak – if the fledgling empire in the ME should not last forever – and here, there is the fierce resistance of Russia to give up Crimea.
Honest, I have never seen anything like that. And if I had I would have bought a couple. You’re right that I don’t have much interest in dusting. Every so often I clear a few cobwebs etc. ‘Duster’? I have always thought that that English word ‘dustbin’ is a little bit imprecise given the kind of waste product that my cats and I send out of here, as for example the horse bed pellets from their litter boxes. It is actually quite heavy and moist.
I don’t want to sound precious but if you play around with what these green items might symbolize apropos of the Human Condition there are fuzzy caterpillar larvae such as found in Saturniidae which go through the change from horned devil to Royal Moth (Citheronia regalis). My friend, the Cossack, once informed me that she was going to make sure some larvae got through the winter so she could see exactly what the Royal moth looked like. It took a lot of patience and a little care over months. A few survived and they were very beautiful, very large and of spectacular design; and then off she sent them. I thought that the horned devil stage was even more interesting–they are really quite startling and strange–and they are said to be the origin of the Chinese dragon. Probably many types of dragons. I was looking at videos on YouTube of the Moros y Cristianos festivals at Alcoy, which happens about now, up in the mountains above where I lived on the coast. One of the crews, a group of girls, came down the street as Dragons, and it surprised me to see that their head gear was remarkably like the hickory horned devil of the Royal moth larvae.
Today I looked on Amazon and what was offered under turkey feather dusters did not in the least bit resemble what might or might not be considered the struggle against evil, the transitions that must be gone through, the culmination in rebirth, the eternal life that comes like spring after winter. Well, barring the clathrate gun signal of the Apocalypse, I guess. Of course, you don’t seem to see it like that. How do you know what that little tap really was about?
Anyway, I checked and discovered that Microfiber Flexible Static Duster is for sale at a working class place called Home Depot, over the mountain at a tacky little town called Waynesboro. It’s similar. That same wonderful green. Then I compared it to the Mashad symbols and it is quite interesting, at least to me, that they are simply not the same. No, not at all.I shall go back to reading Oblomov.
In Hungary an alleged fraud by an ex MS sales dirctor niw in govt position nearly brought local public adminstration to a screeching halt as MS threatened to revoke ALL govt licenses.
Whaddaya think?
Develop your own products.
Are you tellimg me that the iranian govt uses its own operating system?
The United Kingdom has some very important written constitutional statutes which an unidentified blogger who does ‘jottings on the British Constitution’ in his The Cake of Custom blog thinks must surely include, though these would by no means be all:
Magna Carta
Bill of Rights 1689
Act of Settlement 1700
Act of Union 1707
European Communities Act of 1972
Human Rights Act 1998
Government of Wales Acts 1998 and 2006
Scotland Act 1998
He also mentions that which you can read for yourself at the very beginning of Blackstone’s Commentaries. (You can Google it.) In the section on “the absolute rights of every Englishman” which gets to the point directly, Blackstone mentions the thirty-two corroborating statutes of the common law which reinforce Magna Carta, as reckoned by Sir Edward Coke.
It seems to me that there is an issue in Britain now about guaranteed formal constitutional rights of individuals which is (or was) made more complicated by the question of powers surrendered by Parliament to the European Community. What happens when British laws, which are Parliament’s prerogative to make and unmake, clash with European Union laws? If there is such a conflict, would not the British law be invalidated in an ‘implied repeal?’
A case called Thoburn v Sunderland City Council involves metrics v imperial measures. When Britain moved to metrics there was an effort to phase out the pound in favor of the kilogram. Did that mean that a Chinese Tryad’s heroin weighing apparatus, brought in from Tibet, would be illegal if it weighed in Imperial Measures, having been constructed in 1908, and actually a great work of art, but one seriously off in relation to modern metric weights and measures…
Just kidding. Actually, it was a greengrocer and a fishmonger scales at Camelford market in Cornwall, where they stick to the old ways et. Besides, I can’t figure out the metric system, myself, so I guess the defendants thought it was too late, as I did, and just gave up.
Now the point here is that whatever they decided–and this kind of thing in my view led to Brexit– Lord Justice Laws in his decision upon appeal decided that there exists a class of statutes which are “constitutional statutes” which are not subject to repeal by other Acts of Parliament.
Lord Justice Laws has continued to speak and write on this view that there are written statutes in British constitutional law that –I am speculating here–have a good deal of equivalence with the American Bill of Rights. Brexit could change things on this, I guess.
Also, the parliamentary Joint Committee on the draft Civil Contingencies Bill noted in November 2003 that British constitutional law was included in some 21 statutes they listed. I will spare you the list.
There are numbers I carry around with me in my head, such as 1066, and 1492, and 1619, which was the ‘red letter year'(I think) in Virginia history. At a time when textbooks were monochrome, my textbook on Virginia History in the lower school had a little bright red number. I thought it was cool. That being the year that the first black Africans were brought to Virginia, I agree with the text, though I suppose it’s racist or something. Whatever. But I have come to think that the year 1660 is far more important than I ever realized, and one way it is important is that in order to return to England as King, Charles II had to surrender on point after point to Parliamentary rule and the common law.
The British also have got it in writing.