"President Trump and Kim Jong Un signed a document after a historic day of meetings in Singapore on Tuesday and while the contents weren't immediately disclosed, it was clear that the two men had clicked. "We had a terrific day and we learned a lot about each other and our countries," Trump said, per the Guardian, describing the North Korean leader as a "very talented man" who "loves his country very much." Trump said he and "Chairman Kim" had both been "very honored" to sign a "very important" and "pretty comprehensive" agreement, the BBC reports. Trump shook the North Korean leader's hand and predicted: "We'll meet many times." Kim said that they had "decided to leave the past behind" and thanked Trump for "making this meeting happen."
Asked whether he would invite Kim to the White House, Trump said, "Absolutely, I will." He said details of the agreement they had signed would be disclosed later on. After they spoke to the press, the two leaders departed in separate motorcades. Kim is expected to leave Singapore within hours, while Trump is expected to speak to the press again. Trump spoke privately with Kim for around 40 minutes Tuesday before a meeting that included aides and a working lunch that included beef short ribs, sweet and sour crispy pork, and braised codfish, the AP reports. They were joined at the lunch by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House chief of staff John Kelly, and national security adviser John Bolton, among others." Newser
Bolton must be "turning and burning." Good! Will Kim survive this at home? We will see. Will the North Koreans actually follow through on this? We will see. Will the US follow through on this? We will see. Who will be the poor bastard who will be the first McDonald's manager in Pyongyang? Will he end his days in the Gulag? What will Nancy Pelosi say about this? Where was Kim's dishy sister during the Singapore expedition? She is the head of propaganda in NOKO. pl