Masks of Eternity ……. by Fred


One mask to rule them all. 

One mask to find them.

One mask to bring them all

and in the darkness bind them.

One mask to find them.

Surfing safari

One mask to bring them all


and in the darkness bind them.

we label you, we negate you.

Non-Essential by order of the State


Campaign offices declared ‘non-essential’ by Health Dept. — candidates hurriedly abandon them

Some immigrants remember what masks are for

Tonton Macoutes not Antifa

Submit, and prove your virtue

DD June 5 2020

Kneel in submission

One Mask to Rule Them All. Some exemptions apply.

Fauci the Fraud

No comment.


posted by Fred


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11 Responses to Masks of Eternity ……. by Fred

  1. Diana Croissant says:

    I’ve already put in my request to our building management that when this insanity is finally over, we can all gather outside and have a bonfire of the masks.
    I agree that this requirement to wear masks has become a means to control others more than a means to “prevent the spread” of the virus.
    I am also convinced that many people who prefer to live every minute of their lives following the rules set by someone else are people who wee never made to think for themselves or people who were never allowed to think for themselves.
    There is a large amount of brain matter shrivelling from lack of being used. We will end up a country of automatons.

  2. Artemesia says:

    Thanks, Fred, for reminding SST of The Power of Joseph Campbell.
    His “Myths to Live By” has been to me what Dante was to Machiavelli — an indispensable guide.

    Diana Croissant —

    “I am also convinced that many people who prefer to live every minute of their lives following the rules set by someone else are people who wee never made to think for themselves or people who were never allowed to think for themselves.”

    A significant insight.
    Another insight: a recent transaction brought home to me that many of our young people (i.e. <45) have never been told No. Even more interesting is that upon being told No, firmly and with reason as a back-up, they dissolve like the Wicked Witch under a shower.
    Perhaps the Elders have failed the young by refusing to take seriously themselves, their acquired wisdom, and their responsibility to the future.
    Old age and cunning trumps youth and vigor.

  3. Fred says:

    I stumbled upon “The Hero’s Adventure” segment online, which brought the idea to mind. He was an interesting man and PBS did some very good television back then.

  4. Fred says:

    I think you should go to the source and do your own math:

  5. Jack says:

    Rules for you but not for me.
    Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates – I didn’t know that I was signing a fraudulent FISA application even though my signature was under penalty of perjury.
    Now, Nancy Pelosi. I didn’t know I did anything wrong.
    Average American gets no opportunity to claim dumb when breaking the “law”.

  6. TV says:

    “Shut up and wear a mask.”

  7. F. Brown says:

    Play along. The COVID-1984 plandemic will end November 4th.

  8. Diana Croissant says:

    Since our lefty governor is requiring mask wearing, I’ve seen many more people wearing masks. That is because it’s easy now to purchase a mask that clearly pronounce in all capital letters: “NY GOVERNOR IS AN IDIOT.”

  9. turcopolier says:

    Diana Croissant
    We need these for the governor of East California.

  10. Fred says:

    I don’t think the local authoritarians will yield the power of their new religion just because they lose an election.

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