No shoes allowed!

Simg_t_t7260238985296179djpg110 An Iraqi "journalist" threw both his shoes at President Bush at a new conference in Baghdad.

The man is very lucky to have survived the incident.  Hadley, the National Security adviser had been busy telling reporters on the trip how well things are now going in Iraq in comparison to events in ’05 and ’06.  Sometimes you just can’t win for losing.

Bush showed considerable aplomb under "fire."  He sounded a little punch drunk or maybe jet lagged?  I wonder if he is going on to Afghanistan and maybe Pakistan from Baghdad.

Like all the world, I just want him to go away.  No "Peace and Justice Commission."  Just go away — and take Hadley, Rice, Addington, etc. with you.  pl

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38 Responses to No shoes allowed!

  1. jon says:

    Shoe throwing is a supreme insult to the person, his position, and to the US. It reflects our continued poor standing in much of the world. Bush’s response does not restore any face to us.
    He was looking for one last victory lap, so he could change the discussion from the disaster of his wars of opportunity, and deflect attention from his presiding over the greatest economic deterioration in the past seventy years.
    As the former head of a professional baseball team, the least I would have hoped for was that he would have fielded that shoe.

  2. dog's eye view says:

    It was an insult to dogs everywhere.
    This guy and his administration cannot blow town too early for me.

  3. linda says:

    many seem to be impressed by bush’s quick reaction. there was speculation that he’s very practiced from dodging projectiles flung at him by laura…

  4. lina says:

    I must say, I was impressed with his reflexes.

  5. Nancy K says:

    Dodging the shoe was the most impressive thing he has done in his 8 years in office.
    I agree with you Col Lang, I just want him gone also.

  6. srv says:

    What if we just all mailed a pair of shoes to the White House?

  7. ads says:

    From now on everyone who enters the POTUS’ presence will have to take their shoes off like at the airport.

  8. mlaw230 says:

    No “Peace and Justice Commission.” Just go away — and take Hadley, Rice, Addington, etc. with you.P.L.
    Although I share the feeling, that would be a disaster.
    Those who led us to our present fine mess, are of the same camp that has done so before. The neo cons, the “unitary executive” fans, the PNAC crowd, all hail from the same ideological background, an ideological thread that permits the systematic deception of the American public and the befuddlement of its institutions.
    The truth here is that even Desert Storm was sold through a series of similar lies foisted by the same folks (remember the babies in incubators story, or the troops massed on the Saudi border?)
    Similarly, I recall the Russian bomber “scare” that turned out to be so much propaganda during the Reagan and early Bush 41 term and the el Salvadore gun boats etc..
    In short, there is an enormous moral hazard of letting these things go. Most obviously, the Addington crowd will re surface the stab in the back theory, and we will , for the next 30 years, be beating back theories positing that “if only” the next administration had the courage to follow through, all would be fine.
    Some type of truth and reconciliation commission is a necessity. We should put a stake in the heart of the idea that our government can do what it wants because it “knows better.” This should not be difficult, the propositions are simple; We do not lie our people into war, we do not torture our captives, and we do not surviel our people without some type of review by the judicial branch- come what may.

  9. RJH says:

    I must say, I was impressed with his reflexes. – lina
    He didn’t miss because of W’s reflexes, but lack of hand-eye coordination. The journalist grew up on soccer. If he’d played a little baseball, or kicked the shoe at him …

  10. pbrownlee says:

    In regard to this particularly lamentable work of the Creator (the throwee, not the thrower), the niggling thought that it is “real” drunk has been there at least since the extraordinary Bush/Merkel neck massage and “have a beer” conference encounters.
    Ex-President Bush II may have yet further marvels to present to an incredulous world.
    It is hard-wired into black sheep.

  11. Jesus Reymundo de la Cruz says:

    Ducking and dodging like a little girl. A real Texan would have caught the shoe and spit on it. Pull your dress down, George. It is against the law to mail shoes to the White House?

  12. confusedponderer says:

    The lessons learned report will undoubted suggest that, in order to prevent such an incident from ever repeating itself, the press henceforth shall come bare footed to see the president.

  13. GSD says:

    Baghdad Bob predicted this would happen way back in March of 2003.
    “We will greet the Americans with bullets and shoes.”
    After 5 years of bullets, we finally get the shoes

  14. jonst says:

    Well, he’s been ducking things his entire life. To me, the shoe thrower looked like an idiot. A futile gesture. Full of melodrama and signifying little.
    But I can’t agree with the Col here. Tempting as it is to tell ‘them’ to ‘just go away’, the law, of the US, hopefully, the ICC, if necessary, should be brought to bear on them.

  15. par4 says:

    If by go away you mean prison I whole heartedly agree.

  16. Jose says:

    Mr Bush tried to brush off the incident. “All I can report is it is a size 10,” he said. He also called the incident a sign of democracy in the country, saying, “that’s what people do in a free society, draw attention to themselves”, as Zaidi’s screaming was heard outside. – from AFP, NEW YORK TIMES
    This guy does not have clue about what the world is really like.
    “Drawing attention to themselves” could also be things like extremism, resistance or even terrorism.
    Poor choice of words, does anybody know how this translates into Arabic or Persian?

  17. Is there a special “Cachet” in the Islamic World to shoe throwing? We know foot washing has unusal significance. Also indicative that security was poor, very poor. President’s should always be behind protective glass. Whenever, and whereever! I want to see Bush grow old and follow to its logical conclusion his “Contributions.”

  18. Detlef says:

    Like all the world, I just want him to go away. No “Peace and Justice Commission.” Just go away — and take Hadley, Rice, Addington, etc. with you.
    Doesn´t that mean – just go away – that everything he did was lawful?
    If you don´t investigate or prosecute what he or his administration did, aren´t you saying everything he did was lawful?
    And a future President could point to it and say “I´m just repeating what a former President did. He wasn´t impeached, he wasn´t prosecuted. So everything he did was lawful?”
    So kidnapping foreign citizens, torturing them and even murdering them is suddenly lawful under US law?
    (Dilawar in Bagram as an example.)
    Starting a war of aggression is suddenly lawful under US law?
    Maybe a hundred thousand deaths. Probably more. 2 million displaced persons inside Iraq, 2 million Iraqi refugees outside Iraq according to the UN.
    And you´re saying “just go away”?
    No responsibility?
    None the “buck stops here”?

  19. ked says:

    W continues to display better eye-hand coordination than brain-mouth.
    gotta agree with you… the sooner he is consigned to the dustbin, the better. if we could only be so lucky with his Young Guard.

  20. Watcher says:

    I guess it has to be quoted from Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery…
    Austin Powers: That really hurt! I’m gonna have a lump there, you idiot! Who throws a shoe? Honestly! You fight like a woman!

  21. Kevin says:

    You idiots, half of you dumbasses never had nor ever will have the balls step foot in Iraq. Had this been during Saddams regime or in one the neighboring countries, the assailant would have been decapitated on the spot, but the guy was allowed by the secret service to throw both shoes, Bush was allowed to finish his speach, and shoe thrower was still in obversance. As a symbolic gesture to Iraqi independance, I would not be suprised if it were staged.

  22. parvati_roma says:

    It is being reported on and the Iraqi TV station Al Sharqiya that al-Zaidi has been severely tortured by the Iraqi security police and is in a bad way: he has several crushed ribs and a broken arm, other signs of torture on his thighs and elsewhere. Please intervene in any way you can to save him, have him pardoned by the Whitehouse and urgently released – if something is not done soon, the political repercussions will be devastating.

  23. It is not fair to call him a “journalist” in quotes, nor to say he was looking for attention – a real journalist, he gets plenty of attention, and now, although not killed on the spot, he has been beaten severely enough to break his bones.
    I also disagree with your sentiment that the Bush Gang should “just go away” – I think they should have fair trials, as previous posters have argued.

  24. fnord says:

    My first thought was: Have the SS already dropped him? If they are supposed to be able to dodge a bullet, what about shoes. Even two?
    And agreed with parvati Roma: If al-Zaidi somehow mysteriously commits suicide in prison with a drill, it will be a horrible pr. score for the US.

  25. euclidcreek says:

    Mr. Stress, from his crib in Cleveland, writes: With thanks and respect to Robert Johnson
    “Woke up this morning, looked around for my shoes
    Want to throw them at Bush and Dick Cheney too

  26. Bobo says:

    Shoe Tossing!! Whatever you think it was insult to the President of the United States thus an insult to our country. Since Bush brushed it off with aplomb so will I and yes he can go his merry in January but no sooner. Not happy with the guy but he is our President and is due our respect of the position.
    Now the big error was by our Secret Service. If one of em could jump on a car before the second shot in Dallas 46 years ago why couldn’t one of em get there before the second shoe??

  27. ads says:

    After the captive Serbian knight Milos Obilic assassinated the Sultan Murad I with a hidden dagger following the battle of Kosovo Pole (1389), all Westerners approaching the Sublime Porte did so with a Jannissary gripping each arm. (That’s if you believe Robert E. Howard in The Shadow of the Vulture.) According to wiki, he may have been killed during the battle by one of a group of 12 Serb nobles who fought their way to the Sultan’s tent.

  28. Barry says:

    “Like all the world, I just want him to go away. No “Peace and Justice Commission.” Just go away — and take Hadley, Rice, Addington, etc. with you. pl”
    Adding on to Mlaw’s statement, Pat –
    Rice, Hadley, Addington, Yoo and all of the second-level sh*ts will be back in the next GOP administration, with presstitute-whitewashed and polished public histories.
    Anything that we can do to f*ck them back on the way out would be a good thing.
    Sometimes, I think that the Republic died the day that Nixon was allowed to walk without penalty, and to rehability himself, demonstrating that the president is much closer to being above the law than even cynics think.

  29. Buzz Meeks says:

    I disagree on letting Bush “just go away”. The man and his criminal cabal have corrupted everything thing they have come near.
    I know I sound like a broken record but RICO the bastard. I want him and his pack of curs in a federal penitentiary for the rest of their sorry existence. Time to go buy my winning Lottery ticket.
    Buzz Meeks

  30. optimax says:

    They will not “go away.” As they did after Vietnam and Nixon’s fall, they will be back in power stronger than ever. They would rather shut down this country than give up power because they are “smart, mean, and cruel.” (the movie “Watch Ver the Rhine.”) Ideologues do not quit and see defeat as a tactical setback. They, as you can see with Bush, are incapable of admitting they were wrong.

  31. Don’t spend money on postage for a shoe protest. Give the $ to a food bank or something. But if you’re in DC on December 17 at Noon, Code Pink will be dumping shoes in front of the White House. Now that makes sense. I want to see the pictures of heaps of shoes at the White House gate.

  32. jonst says:

    Kevin, just out of curiosity, how did you reach your figure of 50%? Why not 40%? Or 64%? What was your methodology? That you know so much, precisely, about people you don’t know, is something the intel community would be interested in.
    Anyway, I will tell you what I not ‘dumbass’
    enough to EVER do…sacrifice a single person in our armed forces to Iraq for, what you call, “Iraqi independence”. Nor would I be dumbass enough to spend well nigh 900 billion dollars to achieve what you call “Iraqi independence”. And dolt I may be, but I would be smart enough to know I am not going to achieve Jeffersonian Dem on the among the tribes of Iraq.

  33. mark gaughan says:

    Throw the book as well as the shoes at Bush, et al. George W. is a clown prince. The w stands for ‘what an asshole’.

  34. Jim V says:

    I thought the thrower showed a pretty good arm. The first one looked to me like it would have hit except it happened to rotate so as to present its narrowest cross-section area just as it reached Bush’s head, so that a very slight duck by Bush was enough to let it brush by. Ninety more or less degrees rotation and it would have given him a nasty whack. The second one had no chance, since Bush was ready for it.
    One lesson to be learned from this is the old, familiar, “aim for the chest, not for the head.” Personally, I think that the classic rotten tomato would have been a better choice of weapon, since “it’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye,” also applies.

  35. adam says:

    An odd chain of thoughts about the Bagdhad Clogger:
    My first thought was where was Richard Reid when you needed him?
    My second was that this is the nadir of Chimpy’s career; circus dunk-clown.
    My third was that the poor guy throwing the shoes is going to be tortured, because that’s what happens in American Iraq. Since then he’s failed to appear in court, because his injuries following torture are too great for him to appear in public. Quite a number of protests in Iraq are demanding the poor mans release – mostly on the grounds that throwing shoes at Chimpy surely isn’t a crime, its just the natural magnetic attraction between dog shit and a mans shoe.
    My fourth was that the law protecting Bush from ‘disrespect to a president’ was the same as the one protecting Saddam.
    Still, who says Americans don’t do irony? They live it, they just don’t recognise it, like a fish with water.

  36. crf says:

    Bush’s reflexes are great. And he handled the incident afterwards so well, even expressing some patronizing symphathy.
    This is the kind of trite situation Bush excels at handling. I almost believe he’d have paid someone to throw a shoe at him.
    He isn’t worth one shoe, let alone a pair.

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