Russian FM Lavrov speaks on the Skripal Posioning Issue. Samples examined by Swiss Spiez Labs. — by J


From the lips of the man who doesn't bullshit, Russian FM Lavrov briefing on the Skripal incident that was carried by Russia 24 TV: 

Russian FM Lavrov: 

Quote:  "'According to the results of the conducted tests, traces of the toxic chemical known as BZ along with its precursors were found in the samples, which belong to the second category of chemical weapons as specified by the Chemical Weapons Convention.  BZ is an incapacitating agent that temporarily renders individuals incapable of concerted effort.  The psycho toxic effect is achieved in 30 – 60 minutes after application and lasts up to 96 hours.  This chemical was in the arsenals of the armed forces of the USA, Britain, and other NATO countries.  —- In the Soviet Union and Russia, there was no development and storage of such a chemical.  Moreover there were traces of the A-234 nerve agent were also found in the samples.  It was at its base state and in significantly high concentrations.  We also found the byproducts of its degradation. "  End Quote . 

Quote:  "The experts concluded that the significantly high concentrations A-234 were found would have undoubtedly lead to a fatal outcome.  And taking into account its high voltality, the fact that the experts at the Spiez Laboratory detected this chemical agent in its base state, and moreover , in its pure form and in such high concentrations, appears to be very suspicious because the period between the poisoning and sampling was quite long, more than two weeks as I recall.  And taking into account the fact that Yulia Skripal and the policeman have been released from the hospital, and as far as Sergey Skripal goes, as the British tell us, while denying us access to Yulia and Sergey, is getting well.  Therefore the clinical picture is corresponding more with BZ poisoning.  None of these factors, or anything about BZ is mentioned in the final report, that was submitted by experts from the OPCW and presented to its Executive Council."  End Quote 


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