Category Archives: Russia

“US cruise missiles to return to Germany, angering Moscow”

WASHINGTON — Come 2026, the US Army can begin deploying some of its new, longer-range munitions to Germany under a new agreement the two nations inked ahead of the NATO summit. “The United States will begin episodic deployments of the long-range … Continue reading

Posted in Germany, Russia, The Military Art, TTG, weapons | 59 Comments

Trent Telenko on Western Intel T3R Incompetence

This post [by Tuomo Rusila] was a very good answer to a Wash Post hit piece on Ukraine for it’s ratio of combat to logistical troops, or “tooth to tail” ratio (T3R).  “Zelensky’s office announced that of the 1 M … Continue reading

Posted in Russia, The Military Art, TTG, Ukraine Crisis | 83 Comments

Putins Speech

The English text of President Putins speech of 14 June is now available at the link below. This long document explains, from the Russian point of view, how we got to where we are today. It also explains Russias position … Continue reading

Posted in Russia, Ukraine Crisis, Walrus | 108 Comments

500 Years of Western Dominance: Is it Coming to an End and What Comes Next?

The lesson from the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) was that no one power could restore order based on hegemony and universal values, as the other states in Europe would preserve their own sovereignty and distinctiveness by collectively balancing the most … Continue reading

Posted in Europe, Interviews and Lectures, Politics, Russia, TTG | 55 Comments

“Vladimir Putin removes Sergei Shoigu from Russian defence ministry”

BBC – Russian President Vladimir Putin is to remove his long-standing ally Sergei Shoigu as defence minister, the Kremlin has announced. The 68-year-old had been in the role since 2012 and will be replaced by Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, … Continue reading

Posted in Russia, TTG, Ukraine Crisis | 29 Comments

Russia can lose this war by Timothy Snyder

On Thursday Russia will celebrate Victory Day, its commemoration of the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. Domestically, this is nostalgia. In the 1970s, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev created a cult of victory. Russia under Putin has continued the tradition. Abroad, this is … Continue reading

Posted in Russia, TTG, Ukraine Crisis | 72 Comments

ISW on the developing Ukrainian defense industrial base and Russias strikes on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure

Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged that Russia’s ongoing strike campaign against Ukrainian energy facilities aims in part to devastate the Ukrainian defense industry, confirming ISW’s ongoing assessment that Russian strikes against Ukrainian energy facilities aim to degrade Ukrainian defense industrial … Continue reading

Posted in Russia, The Military Art, TTG, Ukraine Crisis | 17 Comments

Al Jazeera Explainer: Why is ISIS-K targeting Russia?

Defence and security analysts say the group has targeted its propaganda at Russian President Vladimir Putin in recent years over the alleged oppression of Muslims by Russia. “Russian foreign policy has been one big red flag for ISIS [ISIL],” Michael … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia, TTG | 104 Comments

More provocation. An attack on a Moscow concert hall and mall by several persons has produced many casualties.

By Robert Willmann As if indiscriminate violence has not been enough starting at the Mediterranean Sea and going through Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and then up into Ukraine. Now an attack on a civilian entertainment and mall area in … Continue reading

Posted in Current Affairs, Europe, Middle East, Policy, Politics, Russia, Ukraine Crisis | Tagged | 163 Comments

Lithuanian Intelligence 2024 National Threat Assessment

Lithuanian intelligence assessed that Russia has the capability to continue sustaining the current tempo of its war in Ukraine and will likely have the capability to gradually expand its military capabilities in the near term. Lithuanian intelligence published its 2024 national … Continue reading

Posted in Baltics, Intelligence, Russia, TTG, Ukraine Crisis | 35 Comments