A man is arrested regarding a rifle at the golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida where Trump was playing

Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.

By Robert Willmann

As has been widely reported by the press and television networks, a man with a rifle was around the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump was playing golf today, 15 September. Reports say that gunshots were fired. Exactly who fired a weapon is not yet fully established. The person arrested is Ryan Routh, who allegedly was spotted by an individual in the area who took a photo of his vehicle, and possibly of him as well. The vehicle was seen later and Routh was stopped and arrested. Some reports further claim that Routh is from Hawaii.

We will see what information is made available. In the attempted assassination of Trump on 13 July, the only evidence as a primary source is the video and audio recorded live at the event by organizations such as the C-Span television network. Authentication of cellular phone videos and photos at that event is not entirely clear.

Attempting to kill a “major Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate” was made a federal crime by amending in 1986 a law originally created in 1971 as “Congressional, Cabinet, and Supreme Court assassination, kidnapping, and assault; penalties” [1]. Who qualifies as a major candidate is set out in a different statute, Title 18, U.S. Code, section 3056(a)(7)—

“(7) Major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates and, within 120 days of the general Presidential election, the spouses of such candidates. As used in this paragraph, the term ‘major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates’ means those individuals identified as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with an advisory committee consisting of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, and one additional member selected by the other members of the committee. The Committee shall not be subject to chapter 10 of title 5.” [2]

As I have noted before, the murder of a president was not made a federal crime until 1965, and so the assassination of President John Kennedy in November 1963 was a Texas state homicide case [3]. The illegal and coercive removal of Kennedy’s body from the Parkland Hospital in Dallas, preventing the autopsy from being conducted there as required, is one of the obvious reasons that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill Kennedy. No legitimate rationale existed to transport the body far out of state, which resulted in the associated problems surrounding the autopsy in Bethesda, Maryland in that case.

[1] Title 18, U.S. code, section 351. Congressional, Cabinet, and Supreme Court assassination, kidnapping, and assault; penalties


[2] Title 18, U.S. Code, section 3056. Powers, authorities, and duties of United States Secret Service


[3] Title 18, U.S. Code, section 1751. Presidential and Presidential staff assassination, kidnapping, and assault; penalties


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92 Responses to A man is arrested regarding a rifle at the golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida where Trump was playing

  1. Condottiere says:

    Oswald did not act alone. He got off two shots: one hit the pavement and fragments peppered the president and one went through the president and struck the governor. The kill shot on the other hand did not act ballistically like a slow heavy round from an old Russian rifle. It was smaller faster round that yaws. It also struck at a flatter angle at street level. The kill shot was an accidental discharge from an Armalite rifle in the chase car behind the president. The USSS was up until 5am drinking koolaid and moonshine at an underground bar in Ft Worth. They had to swap agents around to put the sober ones in charge. The countersniper in the chase vehicle was not in his normal position and accidentally killed the president when he was attempting to return fire to Oswald. The USSS did everything they could after that to cover up their mistake and avoid embarrassment.


  2. Tidewater says:

    Robert Willman,
    “One of the obvious reasons” –Question 1: Did Oswald try to kill General Walker? Or not.
    Question 2: Was there a black witness eating lunch on the same floor of the depository who heard and then actually saw Oswald firing?
    Question 3: What about the forensics of the rifle and its evidentiary history?

    OK- What really happened?

    Don’t you owe us a little something here?

    • Tidewater says:

      Tidewater to Tidewater,
      I have read that there was a witness on the sixth floor who witnessed the shooting from inside. But there was some problem with getting him to testify or get involved. But then there is the Howard Brennan testimony, which I find remarkable. From outside, below.
      I don’t have any doubt on this at all. Oswald was the shooter. Easy shot, easy conviction.

    • Eric Newhill says:

      Also, Oswald photographed with the rifle. Oswald witnessed gunning down Tibits. And on and on.

      JFK conspiracy theories elude me entirely. Why one former Marine with an antisocial personality disorder, a penchant for socialism and a scoped rifle couldn’t make those easy shots can only be obfuscated by lies by people like Oliver Stone (see, for example, silly magic bullet meme which ignore the seating positions angles in the limo).

      The conspiracy theories were invented by the left, who didn’t want one of their kindred spirits being a despised assassin while they attempted to promote their doomed philosophy.

      • Laura Wilson says:

        Conspiracy theories are invented by folks who dimply have not read enough history and do not understand that “s–t happens” and life events can be pretty random and physics! These people are neither right nor left — just credulous.

        • Eric Newhill says:

          Of course there are both right and left conspiracy theories. I was saying the JFK conspiracy theories were specifically started by the left because Oswald was a lefty. 9/11 conspiracy theories tend to originate on both the right and left for different reasons – right wing fantasies based on mistrust of the government and left wing because the left wants to defend islam.

          That said, there are real conspiracies with ample and convincing real evidence to support them. There are even laws concerning conspiracies and plenty of successful prosecutions of them. Conspiracies really do happen. Theories are part of the scientific method.

          Each event must be investigated as unique and anything that smells like a conspiracy must dug into thoroughly; that is the investigators’ duty. You don’t get to just hand wave away suggestions of a conspiracy because, well, it’s just another conspiracy theory.

          You also don’t get to decide that an event was a conspiracy because you don’t like the outcome of the investigation that says it wasn’t, and you don’t understand how some aspect of the event occurred because you lack the expertise and/or have been fed misinfo by someone else – or you’re just challenged to think well.

  3. mcohen says:

    Taylor swift says Don is a bad man.

    • David Kissinger says:

      So do the majority of Americans.

      • Muralidhar Rao says:

        Mr. Kissinger and Mr. Mcohen, I have a question about bad people The question is “Majority of Americans thought Ben Ladin was a bad man so we assasinated him, same goes for Saddam and then Qaddafi, then since majority of Americans think that the orange dude is a bad man then it is ok to take him out?” At the same time we go around preaching the rest of the world about the rule of law so on and so forth. You guys really think that Americans are that dumb not to see the hypocrisy of such thinking? Thanks

      • mcohen says:


        How bad can a man be who has had several wives of varying attractiveness and pedigree.

        • Laura Wilson says:

          Actually, the answer to that is “very.” The man to admire has had one wife and has a long-standing relationship of love and caring. Serial relationships with continuously younger women doesn’t signify anything at all good about a man — at least not to most women!

    • F&L says:

      She might be right about that mcohen. Problem is the present “Washington Gang” of Clinton, Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Kirby, Harris etc is completely out of touch with reality. “Washington Gang” is Emmanuel Todd’s term for “the blob” or “deep state” which he prefers to either of those because it’s specific and not vague. There are actual real flesh and blood creeps making the decisions of the last three decades, and to think otherwise would be as foolish as writing the history of the third Reich without mentioning Hitler. So he discourages use of terms like “bureaucracy”, “deep state,” “blob” etc. Emmanuel Todd also disagrees with Professor John Mearsheimer’s theories of “Realism” regarding international affairs and great power competition. Because it assumes that the relevant leaders make their policy decisions based on rational calculations of benefit versus loss to their respective countries. That is egregiously not the case. Here’s something, btw, that might surprise you.

      The Case for a Ukraine Nuclear Deterrent. 1993 Foreign Affairs.

      That’s right, Mearsheimer in 1993 thought Ukraine should keep its very numerous nukes. That not only strikes me (and obviously many others) as a terrible idea, it almost borders on absurdity. This guy is one of the foremost experts of our day?

      Back to Todd’s point. Leaders obviously don’t make their fateful policy decisions only based on rational calculations of benefit vs loss. Numerous personal factors intervene and in fact dominate. And by the nature of things they are sequestered off into their own reinforcing hive — the Washington Gang. To his everlasting merit Colonel Lang came exceedingly close to nailing this down with his concept of “The Borg,” because it was SPECIFIC regarding actors — if you recall he repeatedly and strenuously disparaged the term “deep state.”

      Another fascinating observation of Todd’s is his insight into the subconscious motivations of individual members of the Washington Gang such as Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland who are both Jews with family origins in Ukraine. Ukraine is where Babi Yar is located and Ukrainian depredations against the Jews are well known and extensively documented. The policies of those two individuals are literally DESTROYING Ukraine (by pushing them over the course of many years into the much more massive, heavily armed and wealthy Russia). It’s blatant revenge — obvious, right out in the open. Note that Germany’s economy has nearly been zeroed – more revenge. In actuality they despise the country Ukraine because of what happened to their ancestors. (How conscious they are of this I don’t know).

      It may take you awhile to adjust yourselves.to this man’s Australian accent but it will be well worth the effort.

      The Washington Gang, NATO, and the Defeat of the West according to Emmanuel Todd.
      Emmanuel Todd’s Defeat of the West – the Washington Gang. Who are the small group of people who lead American foreign policy and geopolitics? Are they globalists, the deep state, the Blob or are they the Washington Gang?

      Postscript to TTG: You may want to look this over when time allows. Reference.

      Russian Military Reconstitution: 2030 Pathways and Prospects.
      As the Kremlin’s antagonism toward Ukraine and the West sharpens, it will be critically important for policymakers and warfighters to anticipate, monitor, and respond to Russia’s military reconstitution progress in the years ahead.


    • F&L says:

      PS to mcohen.
      1) Consider that Zelensky, also a Jew, has nearly identical revenge motivations as do Blinken and Nuland. He is, through his superficially “heroic” actions (according to Washington Gang members of the media it’s heroic but certainly not to everyone including over a million Ukrainian men who fled the country) actually destroying Ukraine and its people.

      2) I have rescued you from obscurity Emcee O’Hen. Because I have uncovered one of your esteemed ancestors, namely Genghis Khan.
      It’s obviously George Cohen.

      • mcohen says:

        From what I understand the Washington gangs are African Americans involved in criminal activities and all that other nasty shit.
        Ukrainians are a great people and heroic warriors who will fight the russian invaders to the last man.
        Polly crackers are a fine condiment for the discerning woman of substance abuse.
        Taylor sniffed swiftly
        Bibi says Don should Not rely on luck.
        Who is Isaac Seidel
        Bring back the big Mac with 30 round mags
        Genghis Kahn was actually called Genni Kahan not George Cohen
        The leader of the free underworld is a despicable twat.
        Taylor swift was lucky to have exited Austria alive.No Honey no money
        Cologne smells
        Golf rhymes with Adolf

        Bit off poetry

        Ashes and oranges
        Bright coloured leaves
        Knots and inside spaces
        In all this I believed
        Then one late night
        A storm blew out
        The sabbath candles
        Only the ashes remained
        The peels lie discarded
        Fire ants bite my legs
        In defiance of all advice
        I still walk this path to you.

    • Eric Newhill says:

      Taylor Swift sings songs about making bad decisions in her life.

  4. Fred says:

    The “threat to democracy ” rhetoric from the left are incitements to violence. This is the result. Hakeem Jeffries is even clearer:

    • F&L says:

      Fred you may want to look this over. The Times of London is making this freely available so it’s likely full of misdirection.

      Britain ‘won’t go it alone’ over long-range missiles for Ukraine.
      The UK will not approve the use of the weapons against targets in Russia without the agreement of the United States, as Zelensky pleads for ‘decisiveness’


      • Fred says:


        Of course they won’t, they’ve already done enough damage with storm shadows, drones, and other actions. They also don’t have a navy or air force to speak of. They also have a native population being suppressed by a prime minister elected to parliament with less than 19,000 votes. That’s his “landslide”.

        • English Outsider says:

          Fred – British and US Intel are joined at the hip. There was a CIA/MI6 publicity stunt in London recently. The head of MI6, Sir Richard Moore, said on that occasion that UK and US decide between them who should carry out certain operations using a “best athlete model” (whoever is best for the job).

          The Storm Shadow operations you mention show this. SS can’t be used without the Americans doing the targeting and routing. (Also needs French consent, seems). The Ukrainians do little more than press the button, if that. Same with the naval drones.

          The notion that it’s the plucky Ukrainians doing all the missile and drone stuff off their own bat, the Western powers knowing nothing about it, is put out strictly for PR purposes. Both the Russians and the Americans are fully aware that NATO’s in the driving seat.

          Same with the Kursk incursion. The notion that that was the Ukrainians flying solo is again only PR for the Western publics. Planned by NATO and couldn’t have been done without NATO foreknowledge. UK and Ukrainian statements confirming that and Macgregor’s picked up rumours it might have been planned by Cavoli.

          Wouldn’t be surprised. Sort of amateur night Hail Mary NATO planners are famous for, the Kursk incursion. But on the missiles attacks into Russia, they’ve been NATO directed from well back, like the NPP attacks, and all know it.

          Starmer was elected fair and square. No doubt about it. We were dumb enough to elect him because it didn’t seem he could be any worse than the other lot. As far as foreign policy goes that might have been a mistake. He’s even worse! Quite an achievement.

          On the division of labour between the US and the UK, everything we’ve seen so far confirms the Colonel’s judgement way back. We’re the Americans’ maid of all work. We do the scrubby stuff – atrocity theatre and the like – that even the CIA won’t touch.

        • Fred says:


          You mean your military sucks even worse than was known, but boy do you convince the gullible with organizations like the Council on Foreign relations and all those offshore money laundering/tax avoidance members of the commonwealth. Blame America and the CIA. It has worked for the foolish so far.

          “Starmer was elected fair and square.”
          Yes, 18,000 votes in a 12 candidate race for parliament. The ‘national popular vote’? Well you don’t have those there either. The members of parliament decided to burn your Constitution down by putting him in power. Enjoy the decline. It was a good run. I mean you haven’t had a civil war since the first Charles only this third one doesn’t seem to mind watching the House of Lords get erased faster than Cromwell was ever able to do.

    • Stefan says:

      In that same vein, so is calling the Democrats Marxists and Communists. It is an open call to violence given the US’ relationship to Marxism and Communism in the past. So if the left stops calling Trump a “threat to democracy” will the right stop describing its political opponents as Marxists and Communists?

      • Fred says:


        The US hasn’t had a history of killing marxists in the streets. We do have a history of making them college professors. DARVO is a standard practice of the left. You’re victims!

      • Eric Newhill says:

        A lot of them are marxists and commies and openly admit it themselves.

        • Stefan says:

          Yes, and many Trump supporters are far right white nationalists and openly admit it themselves. They want to make the US into an authoritarian racial state. Kind of like you Eric, although you are not white. Stockholm Syndrome I guess.

          Trump has talked about making himself dictator. If you want to stop people thinking he is a threat to democracy you might want to pull Cheetoman aside and tell him to stop talking about destroying American democracy.

          So what I get from you and Fred is that incitements to violence are okay, depending on who is doing it. Duly noted.

          • Eric Newhill says:

            The authoritarian state is a paranoid fantasy and/or propaganda point. Look at the Supremes he got appointed. It’s all government hands off philosophy, which is a lot more than I can say about democrats, who want a nanny state.

            Far right whites? Another paranoid fantasy that anyone not lost in Alinsky tactics can plainly see, including the large numbers of blacks switching to Trump, especially black males + the large numbers of Hispanics.

            You need to concoct better BS. Your weak crap ain’t cutting it. And try to stop being so obsessed with race and ethnicity. It’s kind of retarded, to be honest. You sound like MSM. No one cares.

            btw – race/ethnicity does not equal religion, ideology or character, like you’re always trying to conflate to.

          • Fred says:


            Rather quick with the race baiting. Not a good look or persuasive. Please contact the FBI with the direct reference to incitement to violence made by myself here or anywhere.

            TTG, Please provide a contact for Stefan so he can report what he claims is an incitement to violence. Make sure to report yourself for spreading it here on the blog you administer.

  5. Lars says:

    Donald Trump attracts nut cases and some of them want to kill him. That is reality. The Secret Service has the work cut out for them. After the first attempt, I wondered if there will be copycats and now we know. I am reasonably sure this guy won’t be the only one. The only policy at work here is about guns and who should be able to use them. But the current situation will not change until the Republicans give up on human sacrifice.

    • Fred says:


      What does “existential threat to democracy” mean to you? Joe Biden’s been calling him that for months. How about democratic Congressman Dan Goldman: “President Trump “is destructive to our democracy . . . and he has to be, he has to be eliminated.””
      What does ‘has to be eliminated’ mean Lars?
      Here’s a few more you might have missed:

      ” But the current situation will not change until the Republicans give up on human sacrifice.”

      Lars why are you making a false and hateful comment? Where has any of that happened in the US by anyone?

      TTG don’t you even bother to read the trolls here?

      • TTG says:


        I happen to agree with Lars on a possible second Trump presidency being a threat to democracy. Trumps years of violent language has stoked much of the divisiveness in our society. From “lock her up” to “enemy of the people” to “destroying America” to “stolen election” and finally even to “they’re eating the cats” has fueled this divisiveness. It inspired January 6, the Tucson mass shooting, and a number of other mass shootings and now bomb threats to schools in Springfield.

        On the other hand, there’s the Congressional baseball shooting and two attempts on Trump’s life so far. I fear there will be another. These things inspire others. That Congressman’s “has to be eliminated” is just as wrong. Has to be defeated would have been much more appropriate. Referring to Trump as the actual devil doesn’t help either. Although that belief got one potential juror out of jury duty.

        • Fred says:


          DARVO meets TDS. I
          Trump was inaugurated in 2016. He did not “Lock her up” for criminal conduct, which is certainly lawful to do and happens all the time in the US. Then we have trials. Did you miss all that over the years?

          Biden has been demonizing his political opponent as an “existential threat”. What do you do to existential threats col.? That is the direct cause of both of these assassins attempting to kill Trump.

          They are eating the cats, eating the dogs, too as the story goes:
          20,000 people in a city of 60,000. How did they get there, why? Remember your explanation of removing 50 off Martha’s Vineyard? That’s what “eating the cats” and all the memes did.
          Rip the camouflage of what the Government-NGO complex has been doing to the Republic for years. They aren’t in Maui, Fredericksburg, La Jolla, or Coco Beach. People are asking why they are here at all.

          “a number of other mass shootings”
          HeyJackass.com has a nice listing of mass shootings and just the run of the mill ones in Chicago. Zero caused by Trump. Just like the strawwoman argument you threw out there. Trump didn’t cause or make bomb threats, Governor Dewine came out today and said they were both anonymous and mostly from outside the US. Your party’s political opponent isn’t the cause.

          Feel free to make a logical explanation of what threat Trump poses to “democracy” that would convince me not to vote for him. Ending the war in Ukraine, deporting people who came here ILLEGALLY, lowering energy costs are all things I support. Explain why I shouldn’t.

          • TTG says:


            DARVO. You mean replacement theory and the immigrants are poisoning the blood of our nation. Victimhood is a hallmark of Trumpism.

            Trump also demonizes his political enemies by saying they are destroying America. That level of demonization is a common part of modern politics since Trump arrived on the scene. I gather it was at least as bad in our far past. Did Trump directly perpetrate or direct bombings and mass shootings? Of course not, but his ideas have been cited in the manifestos who did carry out those crimes.

            NGOs didn’t send those Haitians to Springfield. A small number first went there and found jobs and housing. They told their friends and families and they ended up with thousands. Biden’s extension of temporary protected status ensures that this won’t end for several more years. They ended up revitalizing Springfield, but drove up housing prices, caused traffic accidents and strained support services.

          • leith says:

            Fred –

            After he was elected, Trump demanded that the DOJ investigate Hillary. His own appointed Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, refused to do so. After that he fired Sessions. Barr as AG investigated the Clinton Foundation but couldn’t find any dirt.

            Your DARVO is Trump’s stock in trade. He denies he did or said anything wrong, then doubles down on threats and verbal attacks, all the while claiming he was being persecuted. Trump does love playing the victim, he is a first class whiner.

            I have to admire your attempt at projection though. Well done.

          • Fred says:


            Thank you for verifying Trump did NOT lock her up. Did he destroy democracy the same way? How about being Hitler, or did you forget those slurs? Maybe recusing himself because a corrupt federal employee lied to him was not something Sessions should have done.

            “Ahead of the 2016 election, FBI agents from four field offices had opened preliminary inquiries into whether there had been any impropriety in the Clinton Foundation’s dealings with donors.”
            per CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/24/politics/durham-investigation-clinton-foundation/index.html

            Is that the investigation you are referring too?

            “He denies he did or said anything wrong, then doubles down on threats and verbal attacks, all the while claiming he was being persecuted. ”

            How about the Russia Collusion? Did you miss all of that? Do you have any of the evidence from the wiped phones of the Mueller team? Maybe Adam Schiff’s evidence too? Over to you sir.

          • leith says:

            Fred –

            That investigation was opened and kept open for years due to the book and film by Steve Bannon’s buddy Peter Schweitzer who used speculation, factual errors, and conclusions not supported by the so-called evidence it contained. The Clinton Foundation is still doing charity work today. Unlike the Trump Foundation that got shut down by court order and had to pay $2-million dollars in restitution because Donny was using funds meant to go to charity for his own business and political purposes.

            Russia Collusion? You must have missed it. LtGen Flynn, Roger Stone and George Papadopolous all connived with the Russians and were convicted. Plus 13 Russkii citizens were indicted for election interference. Trump Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort, pled guilty to conspiracy and obstruction of justice; and his Deputy, Rick Gates, pled guilty to conspiracy against the United States for making false statements in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

            Meanwhile Trump’s good friend, Sean ‘P-Diddy’ Combs, has been indicted by the Feds for sex trafficking and racketeering.

            Back when I was a young rascal Grampa Clarence always used to tell me “A man is known by the company he keeps”.

          • Fred says:


            “The Clinton Foundation is still doing charity work today. ”

            I am second to none in my praise for the Clinton Foundation’s work in Haiti. Or was that some other NGO?

            What did Kamala know about Diddy and when did she know it? Being a career prosecutor and AG of California? Please note I do not think here guilty by association with Diddy or anyone else, unlike many on the intertroll network.

            Could you point to the Russia Collusion conviction of General Flynn? Why hasn’t Biden recalled him to duty and stripped him of his rank yet and sent him to Leavenworth?
            “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”
            That’s our FBI in action. A verbal statement as recored by the agent after the conversation does not match word for word with the testimony at a later date:

            Is accusation guilt or only for Ruskii citizens? When was their trial? How about that company that did show up and got their case dismissed because ….. you tell me. Could you also point to “conniving” in the federal code, I’m not familiar with that one.

            I also point out this group:
            Prosecutors do something wrong? Or is that just a fraud on the courts?

        • Eric Newhill says:

          Bitter clingers? Deplorables? White privilege? All of the race baiting by the left and MSM?

          Come on man. Don’t play all innocent with people who pay attention. The left is way more divisive. Agree with castrating children and filling them with gender hormones or we’ll unperson you, unemploy you and generally spit hate at you. That’s just one example. There are plenty more.

          • Stefan says:

            I find it a bit rich for you to talk about race baiting Eric. Although not white yourself, you have made it clear you are a racist. You admit it and glory in the use of racist terminology at every turn.

            Hint, you cant race bait an admitted racist like yourself. That ship has sailed.

    • Eric Newhill says:

      But strangely no nut cases going after Biden or Harris.

      Especially given what they say about us conservatives. A true mystery.

      • Stefan says:

        No, Trump supporters just shoot up mosques and synagogues and do other mass shootings.

        • Eric Newhill says:

          Looks to me like the left is bashing on Jews these days.

          What Trump supporter mosque shooting has occurred?

          • TTG says:

            Eric Newhill,

            The Quebec City attack of 2017, The 2018 Kansas City plot to bomb mosques and homes of Somali immigrants, and the New Zealand mosque attack of 2019 were all inspired by Trump’s rhetoric. ABC News filed this story in 2020:

            The 54 cases identified by ABC News are remarkable in that a link to the president is captured in court documents and police statements, under the penalty of perjury or contempt. These links are not speculative – they are documented in official records. And in the majority of cases identified by ABC News, it was perpetrators themselves who invoked the president in connection with their case, not anyone else.

          • Eric Newhill says:

            Trump inspired people across the globe to attack Muslims? Amazing! Your proof is what? Some vague ABC assertion?

            What inspires the Muslims to attack non-Muslims?

            Getting back to Jew bashing and assassination attempts, no way the leftist media and Washington DC Borg had anything to do with it. Only Trump has the power of Svengali, right?

          • TTG says:

            Eric Newhill,

            This was in the short excerpt I printed:

            “These links are not speculative – they are documented in official records. And in the majority of cases identified by ABC News, it was perpetrators themselves who invoked the president in connection with their case, not anyone else.”

            Here’s the full article if you’re interested.


            Trump has nothing to do with inspiring Muslims to kill non-Muslims except for Iranians wanting to kill Trump.

            I agree that Israeli bashing too easily morphs into Jew bashing and the left is most responsible for that.

          • Fred says:


            Surprisingly AP left that Trump part out of their NZ story:

            Look, the DOJ left out Trump’s rhetoric from both the press release and the trial:

            What is a False Flag TTG? Do they occur in politics. Or lies.

          • TTG says:


            In Tarant’s manifesto, he praises Donald Trump as a “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose”

            Published statements by the Kansas city clowns mirrored far right talking points and some of trump’s talking points. They referenced Obama not being a citizen and the fear that muslim immigrants were seeking to establish sharia law in the US. They also referred to Trump’s claim that Pershing executed muslims with bullets dipped in pigs blood.

          • Fred says:


            Putin endorsed Kamala too. Is she responsible for that? Of course she is! Wonderful logic. People have no agency. The devil made me do it! If you believe that is true then why wasn’t he arrested yet? Talking point is going to be good enough to actually sway votes?

          • TTG says:


            Trump didn’t MAKE any of those nut jobs commit their crimes, his hateful talk was just an inspiration to them.

          • Fred says:


            A couple billion people on Earth didn’t find his comments hateful. Grow a thicker skin.

    • F&L says:

      It’s their religion.

      • Eric Newhill says:

        Castration and infanticide?

        More like a symptom of their religion, which they think is not a religion, but is. Please to meet you. Won’t you guess my name. What’s confusing you is the nature of my game. Should be democrats theme song.

        Tulsi Gabbard just did an interview on the Shawn Ryan Show (today). She say the democrats fundamental issue is that they hate God because they want to put themselves – as rulers – in God’s place. I think she is correct. Maybe someone will take a shot at Tulsi now. The media and dems have already thrown a lot hate her way.

        • F&L says:

          Eric — I forgot to address that comment to Lars and the thread became overly nested so it’s hard to see that. What I meant to say was that human sacrifice is the Republican’s religion.
          Regarding Tulsi I think she got on the establishment’s S-list for two reasons primarily. First — she was associated with a cult run in part by her father in Hawaii which gained an unsavory reputation for being opposed to the gay and LGBTQ rights agenda. Second and more importantly she had a meeting with President Assad of Syria back in the bloody days of the Syrian war and she spoke out in favor of holding negotiations (with him presumably) to end that conflict.
          Obviously that’s been compounded by her much more recent support for Trump.

  6. Muralidhar Rao says:

    I am really amazed at the lack of discussion about this shooter Mr. Ryan Wesley Ruth in spite of the fact that this guy gave interviews to NY Times, Newsweek etc. He is a true believer in the support for cause of Ukranian war. It is said that he was in Ukraine itself. The question arises are we as a nation so polarized and traumatized by the lack of progress by the Ukrainians that we are willing to take out different perspectives on how to end the war? What ever happened to our democratic ways of allowing the opposition its voice in the town square? I am very sad for our country. Thanks

    • Eric Newhill says:

      Don’t take Routh seriously; meaning at his word. He is not what he says he is. Ukraine fighter, etc…that’s all fantasy; a defective, broken ego looking for some glue. He is a clinical jerk of large proportions, building up to the point where he can subject the whole world to his narcissism and psychopathy. Same personality type as Oswald and very similar to school shooters. The democrats gave him the excuse he was looking for. They aimed him at Trump – and there are no doubt many more just like him now seeking a way to claim the prize. If the democrats and media don’t understand that, they have wasted a lot of money on their fancy educations because they are too stupid – or have their heads too firmly lodged in their asses – to learn anything in college and were, instead, merely indoctrinated into progressive ideology. Love live Alinsky!

      An aside, it is amusing how many adherents of Alinsky think that we don’t see them for what they are.

    • Yeah, Right says:

      Indeed. He is described by the reporter as a “former construction worker” but was deemed important enough to warrant an interview by the New York Times.


      Goodness knows how many ex-brickies approach the NYT with the claim to have something interesting to tell them about geopolitics. Probably a lot.

      But why would the NYT’s respond with anything other than “nah, we talk to important people, and you’re not”.

      I imagine there are people already plotting his unfortunate self-inflicted demise in the only prison cell where the security cameras are malfunctioning.

      • Eric Newhill says:

        I agree. His days are numbered.

        Where did he get the gun? More important, how did he know where Trump would be that Sunday. The acting secret service guy said the golf game was unscheduled and somewhat last minute (which means decided within 24 hours in security talk).

        Yep, an unfortunate demise is in his future – however, just maybe not as DeSantis says that he won’t turn him over to the feds. So maybe he lives long enough to talk.

        • TTG says:

          Eric Newhill,

          “How did he know where Trump would be that Sunday”
          My guess is that no one could get a T time for Sunday so something big was going to happen like Trump playing.

          • Eric Newhill says:

            Ha ha sure. So which disappointed would be golfer(s) passed the word Routh?

            Not getting a T-time?!?!? That’s plenty of reason to have a lunatic take out Trump. Who does he think he is ruining a perfectly good Sunday golf outing. Caddie! Hand me the SKS, if you would.

        • Fred says:


          Surveillance. A motorcade moving from airport to Mar-a-Lago won’t be hard to spot. Nor is the pattern of playing golf on weekends. The many, many Biden-Harrisville shanty-towns of homeless scattered across the non-Maui/Martha’s Vineyard landscape also mean backpacks handing on fences with a guy laying in the bushes don’t draw much attention from passers by any more. Vagrancy laws, why look at the streets of CA cities (except when President Xi comes to visit).

          “DeSantis says that he won’t turn him over to the feds”
          That’s not what the governor said. The assailant is in the custody of the US Marshalls Service in Miami.

          • Eric Newhill says:

            The secret service interim boss with the angry affect says that the golf outing was unscheduled and not on the books. Routh lurked in the shrubs for 12 hours prior to being shot at. So Routh didn’t respond to a motorcade. Unscheduled means decided within 24 hours.

            But sure. Routh just got lucky and guessed right, just like Crooks did with that rooftop that was supposed to be covered – and was until a few minutes before Crooks took to the roof. That’s two lucky bad guys. How many more before you begin to consider that it might be more than luck?

          • Fred says:


            Trump’s flying back to FL is not that hard to discover. Hanging out in the bushes for a day? All he loses is a day if the target doesn’t come by. Nobody pays attention to him because of all the Build Back Better homelessness.

  7. F&L says:

    A pity that this fellow wasn’t better educated. He does seem to understand that Trump is a malevolent fool but not that Trump is a symptom of something more extensive and profoundly disturbing — the destruction of a meritocratic society with Protestant roots and shared values. America has no values whatsoever remaining. It’s led by a gangster coterie who are driven to commit violence. He embodies it.


    Suspect’s Self-Published Book Assails Trump, Hinting at Approval of His Killing.
    The book, “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War,” calls the former president a “buffoon” and vents anger over Iran, but saves its most vitriolic language for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

    The man arrested after apparently plotting to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump at his Florida golf course on Sunday was listed as the author of a rambling, self-aggrandizing, self-published 2023 book in which he appears to tell readers — and perhaps Iran — that they were “free to assassinate Trump.”
    The book credited to the suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh — “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War” — aligns closely with Mr. Routh’s social media posts and public statements reflecting his desire to fight and possibly die for Ukraine, and his searing hatred for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
    Many of the book’s 291 pages contain graphic and bloody images of soldiers and civilians from conflicts around the world. The prose is written by someone who seems to fashion himself an expert on world events, and not as a peripatetic pro-Ukraine activist and building contractor with a criminal record.
    Mr. Routh, 58, took a particularly dim view of Mr. Trump, referring to him as a “fool,” an “idiot” and a “buffoon,” while comparing him unfavorably to a generation of despotic world leaders that included Mr. Putin and Jair Bolsonaro, the former president of Brazil.
    (More at link)
    The article is a perfect illustration of the NY Times talent at instrumentalizing almost anything for its own purposes — to wit, demonizing Putin and anyone supporting Trump. They basically rewrite his crazy manifesto for him, correcting his grammar and punctuation, free of charge.

  8. Lesly says:

    The shooter is all over the political map. May be a head case.

    Some Springfield bomb threats are coming from overseas.

  9. Lars says:

    If you want to blame anyone for both attempts, it is the GOP. They have refused to agree to reasonable controls on who can own a gun and what the responsibilities should be. There are no reasons for regular people to own guns made for war. If you claim that you need it for hunting, you should probably train yourself to use one bullet to succeed. For personal defense, my 9 mm pistol is quite adequate for the task. If you don’t think that is enough, you may want to get a Keltech sub cqb. It will be easier on your ears. In the meantime, more kids will be shot at schools and public figures targets.

    • TTG says:


      No existing or proposed gun laws would have stopped Rouse. First, the rifle used by him was an SKS with an after market nylon stock and an after market extended magazine. All perfectly legal and not, by any stretch of the imagination, an assault-type rifle. The extended magazine is totally unnecessary. An SKS holds ten rounds. It’s a terrible weapon for sniping. The best you can do is hand-sized grouping at 200 meters. Beyond that, I doubt he obtained the SKS legally. The serial number apparently was obliterated. There are also knives and axes (or a motor vehicle for that matter) so a determined killer can also go that route

      However, various red line laws may help keep firearms out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, permanently or temporarily. Local law enforcement and mental health professionals could make that determination.

      • Fred says:


        “hand-sized grouping at 200 meters”
        When I was a child and not feeling well I remember my mom putting her had on my forehead to check my temperature. Is that the size of the hand-sized group of bullets you are talking about? Ten bullets to the head would do quite a bit of damage to a man don’t you think?

        Are the brave Ukrainians on the Defensive Lines using rifles, defensive-type rifles, or just assault-type ones? Only curious to see if the adjective used makes the projectile accelerator any different or does the use the human (or robot) put it to do that?

        “I doubt he obtained the SKS legally”
        I’m shocked. “various red line laws may help keep firearms out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them”
        The law(s) forbidding this man from obtaining one did not stop him from doing so. How will new words on a piece of paper do it?
        “Local law enforcement and mental health professionals could make that determination.”
        Where in the Constitution whose amendments strictly forbid the government from infringing ownership will that power come from? Is there a special “mental health professional” article somewhere?

      • F&L says:

        TTG you aren’t serious about that gun law statement are you?

        ➡️No existing or proposed gun laws would have stopped Rouse.⬅️

        How about “The families including all descendants of anyone found possessing a gun or belonging to a gun club will be publicly executed.” (?)

        As you can see I’m not a lawyer. How about we take a cue from the demons who pulled this stunt below and make every gun in the USA explode at exactly Midnight on a given date? More seriously I meant to ask if in your days in the field you ever encountered a scheme like the one described at the abcnews link below.

        At least 3 dead after wireless devices explode across Lebanon, Hezbollah says.

    • Eric Newhill says:

      Thanks for sharing your opinion on guns based on your obvious extensive knowledge and expertise.

      My stupid uninformed opinion – uh I can’t even remember which end of the things the bullet comes out of – is that if you’re shooting at a distance and possibly encountering body armor of some kind, a high power bolt action rifle with a good scope – you know, the readily available type people use to hunt moose, bear, elk – is the far better choice; significantly more accurate and significantly more powerful. You have to work the bolt after each shot before you can pull the trigger and they usually only hold five rounds. But what do I know? Please feel to save the candidates with your gun bans. Kamala says she’s not for them – is she lying?

      • Lars says:

        I am more interested in saving the lives of school kids than politicians. Most threats are rather close and I would hate to see someone with a high powered rifle try to determine threats from a distance, unless you are a professional.

      • Stefan says:

        We will agree here Eric. A standard hunting rifle would have been much more preferable over an SKS, which is a piece of junk. A .300 Win Mag any day of the week over an SKS. At 200-300 meters a good shot should have been able to hold a half dollar sized grouping, or tighter.

        • Eric Newhill says:

          Yes, Stefan.

          If you look at the layout of the golf course, Trump would have passed within a hundred yards or less of Routh at a subsequent hole. So the SKS, while junk by US standards, would have been more than adequate.

          That said, these school shooters, would be assassins et al use a high capacity military style rifle merely because it is part of the retarded twisted fantasy.

    • Fred says:


      The assassin had NO AGENCY; the words made him buy a gun illegally. Bring it to FL. Sit in the bushes waiting to take a shot. Words must have rang in his ears like the echo of the gunshot from the police officer, who certainly had agency, that made him run to his car and drive off. No agency. Politicians made him do it. Will no one pass a law on guns like NYC, Chicago (did I mention heyjackass.com yet?) and all the crime free, GUN crime free, ’cause the criminals keep right on committing crimes, cities?

      No one needs a pool and spa. Just consider your carbon footprint as you sit in one with a cold drink in your hand as you surf the internet. Climate change! Then consider the private ownership of firearms including artillery (land and ship based) of our ancestors who created this country. (ok not yours as they didn’t, mine did) The government of the day came to take them away to keep people from creating a new government due to all the horrendous conduct of the then current one in London (read all about it in the Declaration of Independence). That’s when all those guns really became important.

  10. F&L says:

    Not for the weak of heart. If you have Telegram here is a very brief video of some of the injuries caused by the Israeli (or was it British or America?) attack on Lebanon via exploding pagers. (Might also work in a browser if without App).

    Israeli terrorists used pagers used by Lebanese to carry out a mass terrorist attack. Pagers began to explode en masse. Thousands of people were injured.

  11. Lars says:

    If you have to do maintenance work outside in the FL summer, having a pool is nice and during a nice winter day, it is very pleasant to use the spa. Besides, my 5 yr old granddaughter just loves to swim in it and it is very important that she is comfortable in the water and I am comfortable with her water skills. Another benefit is that it is not inducing paranoia.

  12. mcohen says:

    Read this on substack.interested to know what the committee thinks.let me know if link works


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